• Welcome

    ​Welcome to the Construction Contractors Landing page.  From this page Construction Contractors can learn about the online resources available to them and how to get access to each resource.

  • Resources Available to NCDOT Construction Contractors

    Construction Team Sites

    Construction project team sites are contract specific websites designed to foster collaboration and content sharing between NCDOT and Construction Contractors. Contractors and their selected employees can upload design submittals, download electronic plan sheets, submit certified payrolls, and more 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from an Internet browser. 


    OJT Program

    The On the Job Training (OJT) program is a civil rights program targeted toward minorities, women, and disadvantaged individuals who have been historically underrepresented in highway construction skilled crafts.


    DBE Payment Tracking

    Contractors performing work on contracts that receive Federal Highway funding are required by the Specifications to report payments they make to Subcontractors performing work on the project.


    Construction Project Support

    Additional help and online resources specifically related to the administration of NCDOT construction projects.

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