Release Updates2/17/2025
The NCDOT GIS Unit is pleased to announce release of the GIS Data layers on the GIS un​it webpage specified below for 2024 End of Year Publication. Quarterly releases for this year​ are tentatively scheduled for the following months:   February, May, August, and November of 2025.

1. The NCDOT Rail Division data for Crossings, Track and Facility locations have been updated.  ​
2. The Road Characteristics, Road Arcs and Road Routes layers are updated and includes both System and Non-System routes.  The HighwayExit point feature class is included in the Road Characteristics File Geodatabase.
​3. The NCDOT Structure Locations for Bridge data has been updated.​
4. The following Boundaries datasets have been updated:

District Boundaries
MPO/RPO Boundaries
Municipal Boundaries
Smoothed Urban Boundaries

​5. Route Data Updated this Quarter: 

This layer is a visual representation of public roads in North Carolina.  System roads (state maintained) are current through December 2024 for changes by NCDOT Petitions and Municipal Agreements process. 

All represented non-system roads are maintained by local governments and are reflective of the last uploaded datasets. Non-system roads specifically updated this quarter: Cabarrus, Camden, Carteret, Columbus, Davie, Halifax, Hartnett, Hoke, Iredell, Johnston, Mecklenburg, Orange, Rockingham, Sampson, and Wayne counties​. 

For more detailed ​information about available NCDOT data and possible known data issues, please see document  NCDOT GIS U​nit An​nouncements​.​

If you have any questions, please contact gishelp@ncdot​.g​ov.

New NCDOT GIS Data Publication Calendar Starting 202512/17/2024

Beginning in 2025, NCDOT will be officially changing the publication calendar.​

NCDOT GIS Data Publication Calendar 2025​

Statewide System & Non-System Road Arcs
An Arc Layer for visual representation of the state road system where each arc/record is split at each road intersection. This is a digital file of the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Linear Referencing System that represents the routes and attributes of the NCDOT state road system. The state road system is comprised of Interstate, US, NC, Secondary Routes, and Ramps and all non-state maintained and projected roads required for reporting purposes. Uncompressed GDB file size: ~391 ​MB

Release: 2024 End of Year Release
Road Characteristics Arcs
An Arc Layer for visual representation of a subset of road characteristics for the state road systems. Each arc/record is split where road characteristics change along a route. This is a digital file of the North Carolina Department of Transportation's road inventory database that represents a subset of road characteristic attributes of the NCDOT state road system. The state road system is comprised of Interstate, US, NC, Secondary Routes, and Ramps. This layer also includes all non-state maintained and projected roads that are required for reporting purposes. Uncompressed GDB file size: ~ 544 MB​

Review the following before downloading the Road Characteristics files:

Release: 2024 End of Year Release
Statewide System & Non-System Road Routes
A Route Layer for visual representation of attributes stored by County/Route/Milepost linear reference. This is a digital file of the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Linear Referencing System that represents the routes and attributes of the NCDOT state road system. The state road system is comprised of Interstate, US, NC, Secondary Routes, and Ramps and all non-state maintained and projected roads required for reporting purposes. Uncompressed GDB file size: ~ 229 MB

Release: 2024 End of Year Release
Municipal Boundaries
Polygon layer primarily consisting of municipalities that participate in the Powell Bill.​

Release: 2024 End of Year Release; Powell Bill Fiscal Year 2023-2024
County Boundaries with Shoreline
Polygon layer representing county boundaries for use in depicting the boundaries with a shoreline.​

Release: 2024 End of Year Release
NCDOT Division Boundaries
Polygon layer representing the NCDOT Division boundaries.​​

DOT Division Boundary​

Release: 2024 End of Year Release
County Boundaries

Polygon layer representing County Boundaries developed by North Carolina Geodetic Survey to facilitate planning, siting, and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina.

Release: 2024 End of Year Release
MPO/RPO Boundaries

Polygons depicting the various MPO and RPO boundaries, covering the entire state of North Carolina. These planning area boundaries, called Metropolitan Planning Areas (MPAs) for MPOs or planning area boundaries for RPOs, represent the geographic areas likely to become urbanized within 20 years. They are the areas that MPOs and RPOs are responsible for conducting long range transportation planning.​

Release: 2024 End of Year Release
Smoothed 2020 Census Urbanized Boundaries

Polygon layer representing the smoothed boundaries for the 2020 Census urban areas in North Carolina. The boundaries were originally generated by the US Census Bureau and have been adjusted (smoothed) by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, in cooperation with North Carolina’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Data has been republished as part of 2024 End of Year Quarter Publication to include updated 2023 population estimates.

Release: 2024 End of Year Release
NCDOT Bridges & Other Structures 2024 End of Year Release

The Structures layer contains all features previously found in the NCDOTBridgeLocations dataset, plus 3 types of signs currently maintained by the NCDOT Structures Management Unit.

NCDOT Rail Division Data2024 End of Year Release
Railroad layers from the NCDOT Rail Division including track, crossings and facility data.

The track dataset includes current in-service rail track as well as NCDOT-owned rail track. The crossings dataset includes public rail crossings , both at grade and grade separated.  The facility dataset includes Amtrak station, Amtrak bus stops, yards, intermodal facilities and transload locations.  The track, crossing and facilities layers can be downloaded individully as shapfiles or as a single geodatabase.

**For GIS data on the CATS Lynx Blueline Track and Stations, refer to the City of Charlotte's Open Data Portal:​

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