\n Add interested parties/authorized bidders directly using\n Add firm. Use checkboxes and column headers to filter and sort\n the view as desired.\n
\n\n Important! Generate a BIDX file for each\n upcoming letting and upload it into BIDX to enable authorized bidders to\n upload their bids. Do this at least weekly for each upcoming letting &\n the morning of each letting day for that specific letting.\n
\n\n | \n | \n | \n | \n \n {{ obj.title }}\n \n \n \n \n \n | \n
\n \n | \n\n \n | \n\n \n | \n\n \n | \n\n \n {{\n row[obj.key] != \"0\" ? row[obj.key] : \"false\"\n }}\n \n\n {{ row[obj.key].toString().split(\" \")[0] }}\n \n | \n
\n Enter a portion of your firm’s name without punctuation in the search\n box below then scroll until you find your firm, ensuring the correct\n HiCAMS# is shown. Click on the business name to select it from the\n Vendor Directory dropdown. If your firm is not in the Vendor Directory,\n choose Business Not Found to enter it manually.
\n NOTE: In order to be authorized to bid on the selected\n contract(s), your firm MUST be selected from the Vendor Directory\n dropdown.\n Manually entered firm names will not be authorized to bid.\n If you have problems finding your firm in the dropdown, email\n InterestedPartiesHelp@ncdot.gov\n for assistance.\n
HiCAMS #:{{ state.selectedBusiness.id }}
\n\n Address:{{ state.selectedBusiness.street }}\n {{ state.selectedBusiness.city }}\n
\n\n {{ state.selectedBusiness.state }}, {{ state.selectedBusiness.zip }}\n {{ state.selectedBusiness.country }}\n
\n\n Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima esse nemo\n nesciunt illo et corporis maiores mollitia! Id necessitatibus molestias,\n assumenda veritatis corporis quo ducimus illum laborum quam exercitationem\n atque. Eos minima quaerat, necessitatibus adipisci saepe, quas architecto\n pariatur voluptatibus laboriosam iste vero sint autem nam dicta, minus\n laudantium. Omnis.\n
\n\n Note that the contact information entered below will be displayed on the\n public web site. To register with NCDOT as a bidder or as an interested\n party for one or more upcoming contracts, provide your contact information\n below, then press Next.\n
\n \n\n\n Use the list of upcoming lettings to select the contracts you are\n interested in.\n
\n\n Please note: the cutoff date to sign up for any contract is one business\n day before the let date.\n
\n\n {{ value.description }}\n
\n\n Public\n
\n\n Non-Public\n
\n\n (✅ Already Signed Up)\n
\n\n Confirm the information below or go back through the form and edit the\n infomation as necessary.\n
\n\n\n {{ state.selectedBusiness.name }}\n
\n\n HiCAMS id: {{ state.selectedBusiness.id }}\n
\n\nPoint of contact: {{ state.name }}
\nEmail: {{ state.email }}
\n2\">\n CC: {{ state.cc }}\n
\n\n Phone number: {{ state.phone }}\n
\n\n Contract: {{ value.Contract }} Letting: {{ value.Letting }}\n Authorized bidder true\n
\n \n\n You and your firm have been registered as an Interested Party for the\n selected upcoming contracts. You have been sent a confirmation email\n indicating for which upcoming contracts you are now listed as an\n Interested party and if applicable, as an Authorized bidder. Note that you\n must be listed as an authorized bidder for a contract in order to submit a\n bid.\n
\n\n If any information changes with regards to these lettings, such as addenda\n being issued for them, you will be contacted at the email address you\n provided.\n
\n\n If you do not receive the confirmation email or if you feel the\n information it contains is incorrect, you may email\n InterestedPartiesHelp@ncdot.gov\n for assistance.\n
\n\n All submissions will be reviewed by NCDOT before posting to the Letting\n web pages.\n