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11733122 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterDead Animal and Trash Removal for Beaufort Co.BeaufortLet10/18/2017 3:15 PM11733122SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/18/2017 3:13 PMWainwright, Claudia F
11733122 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBeaufortLet10/18/2017 3:15 PM11733122SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/18/2017 3:13 PMWainwright, Claudia F
11733122 Invitation.doc.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidDead Animal and Trash Removal for Beaufort Co.BeaufortLet9/13/2017 8:05 AM11733122SBEMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:56 AMMary V. Moore
11733122 PRE BID MEETING NOTES Signed.pdf
SBEContract InformationDead Animal and Trash Removal for Beaufort Co.BeaufortLet9/29/2017 1:26 PM11733122SBEMary V. Moore9/29/2017 1:20 PMMary V. Moore
11733122 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsDead Animal and Trash Removal for Beaufort Co.BeaufortLet9/13/2017 8:05 AM11733122SBEMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:56 AMMary V. Moore
11733123 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterDead Animal and Trash Removal for Greene CountyGreeneLet10/18/2017 3:11 PM11733123SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/18/2017 3:08 PMWainwright, Claudia F
11733123 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBid ResultsGreeneLet10/18/2017 3:11 PM11733123SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/18/2017 3:08 PMWainwright, Claudia F
11733123 Invitation.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidDead Animal and Trash Removal for Greene Co.GreeneLet9/13/2017 7:55 AM11733123SBEMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:52 AMMary V. Moore
SBEContract InformationDead Animal and Trash Removal for Greene Co.GreeneLet9/29/2017 1:26 PM11733123SBEMary V. Moore9/29/2017 1:22 PMMary V. Moore
11733123 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsDead Animal and Trash Removal for Greene Co.GreeneLet9/13/2017 7:55 AM11733123SBEMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:53 AMMary V. Moore
11733124 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterDead Animal and Trash Removal for Jones CountyJonesLet10/18/2017 2:59 PM11733124SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/18/2017 2:55 PMWainwright, Claudia F
11733124 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBid ResultsJonesLet10/18/2017 2:59 PM11733124SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/18/2017 2:55 PMWainwright, Claudia F
11733124 Invitation.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidDead Animal and Trash Removal for Jones Co.JonesLet9/13/2017 7:52 AM11733124SBEMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:49 AMMary V. Moore
SBEContract InformationDead Animal and Trash Removal for Jones Co.JonesLet9/29/2017 1:26 PM11733124SBEMary V. Moore9/29/2017 1:22 PMMary V. Moore
11733124 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsDead Animal and Trash Removal for Jones Co.JonesLet9/13/2017 7:52 AM11733124SBEMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:49 AMMary V. Moore
11741468 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterDead Animal and Trash Removal for Pitt CountyPittLet10/18/2017 2:45 PM11741468SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/18/2017 2:43 PMWainwright, Claudia F
11741468 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBid ResultsPittLet10/18/2017 2:52 PM11741468SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/18/2017 2:43 PMWainwright, Claudia F
11741468 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsDead Animal and Trash Removal for Pitt Co.PittLet9/27/2017 11:02 AM11741468SBEMary V. Moore9/27/2017 11:01 AMMary V. Moore
11741469 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterDead Animal and Trash Removal for Lenoir Co.LenoirLet10/12/2017 9:28 AM11741469SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/12/2017 9:25 AMWainwright, Claudia F
11741469 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBid ResultsLenoirLet10/12/2017 9:31 AM11741469SBEWainwright, Claudia F10/12/2017 9:30 AMWainwright, Claudia F
11741469 Invitation.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidDead Animal and Trash Removal for Lenoir Co.LenoirLet9/29/2017 1:56 PM11741469SBEMary V. Moore9/29/2017 1:51 PMMary V. Moore
11741469 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsDead Animal and Trash Removal for Lenoir Co.LenoirLet9/27/2017 11:05 AM11741469SBEMary V. Moore9/27/2017 11:03 AMMary V. Moore
As Read Bids.pdf
POCLet10/11/2017 3:00 PMWainwright, Claudia F10/11/2017 2:59 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00378 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterAsphalt Resurfacing on Various SRs in Carteret, Craven and Pamlico CountiesCarteret; Craven; PamlicoLet10/12/2017 11:25 AM2018CPT.02.13.20161, 2018CPT.02.14.20251 2018CPT.02.15.20691POCWainwright, Claudia F10/12/2017 11:19 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00378 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsCarteret; Craven; PamlicoLet10/12/2017 11:27 AM2018CPT.02.13.20161, 2018CPT.02.14.20251 2018CPT.02.15.20691POCWainwright, Claudia F10/12/2017 11:19 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00378 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryCarteret; Craven; PamlicoLet10/12/2017 11:27 AM2018CPT.02.13.20161, 2018CPT.02.14.20251 2018CPT.02.15.20691POCWainwright, Claudia F10/12/2017 11:19 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00378 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidAsphalt Resurfacing on Various SRs in Carteret, Craven and Pamlico CountiesCarteret; Craven; PamlicoLet9/13/2017 8:02 AM2018CPT.02.13.20161, 2018CPT.02.14.20251 2018CPT.02.15.20691POCMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:58 AMMary V. Moore
DB00378 Plans.pdf
POCPlansAsphalt Resurfacing on Various SRs in Carteret, Craven and Pamlico CountiesCarteret; Craven; PamlicoLet9/13/2017 8:02 AM2018CPT.02.13.20161, 2018CPT.02.14.20251 2018CPT.02.15.20691POCMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:58 AMMary V. Moore
DB00378 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsAsphalt Resurfacing on Various SRs in Carteret, Craven and Pamlico CountiesCarteret; Craven; PamlicoLet9/13/2017 8:02 AM2018CPT.02.13.20161, 2018CPT.02.14.20251 2018CPT.02.15.20691POCMary V. Moore9/13/2017 7:58 AMMary V. Moore
POCEBS FileAsphalt Resurfacing on Various SRs in Carteret, Craven and Pamlico CountiesCarteret; Craven; PamlicoLet9/13/2017 8:02 AM2018CPT.02.13.20161, 2018CPT.02.14.20251 2018CPT.02.15.20691POCMary V. Moore9/13/2017 8:01 AMMary V. Moore
POCDBE FileLet9/13/2017 8:03 AMDBE FileMary V. Moore9/13/2017 8:02 AMMary V. Moore