• 5307 Transition to Subrecipients

    ​Announced in July 2021, the Integrated Mobility Division (IMD) is taking steps  to transition the administration of the Urban Formula Program under 49 U.S.C. § 5307 to the respective urbanized areas.  This transition of administrative responsibility from NCDOT to its recipients will ensure direct access to funding, as direct recipient of FTA, and overall greater autonomy of their access to this program.  Working in close partnership with the impacted systems and respective MPOs, IMD has complete confidence in the abilities of local planners and transit professionals to provide appropriate transit solutions to meet the growing demands of North Carolina's urban communities.  This action will enable NCDOT to enhance that transportation network across the state by allowing more autonomy, quicker access to funding and more funding overall.

    To the greatest extent possible, various sources, training and FAQs will be updated regularly and provided on our website. IMD, in cooperation with RLS, will provide direct technical assistance and supportive Direct Recipient training and FTA onboarding throughout this process. If you have unanswered questions, please click on the “Frequently Asked Questions 5307 Transition" PDF to the right.  To submit a question not in the FAQS, please click on the “Submit a Question' link below that to ask your question.​

    IMD has provided below an anticipated timetable of milestones or activities to support this transition Lastly, links to important resources will also assist. 

  • Timeline

    ​July 20, 2021
    ​Announced transition of shifting administrative responsibilities back to 5307 GA Subrecipients
    ​October 19, 2021
    ​Progress update meeting on Transition with Urban/Small Urban Group and MPO Partners
    ​October 29, 2021
    ​Official Letters sent out to affected 5307 GA Subrecipients & FAQS, Resources released on IMD Webpage
    ​January 2022​
    ​Target technical assistance begins with each GA 5307 Subrecipient
    -​estimated completion June-September 2022
    ​January 2022
    ​Subrecipients Begin New Direct Recipient Process with the FTA
    ​July 1, 2022
    ​Estimated date for FTA Direct Recipient status for 5307 GA Subrecipients to FFY22 5307 Funds in TrAMS​


General Resources

  • Contacts

    ​Kenetta Spence
    Interim Grant Administration Manager
    Integrated Mobility Division
    North Carolina Department of Transportation
    ​(919) 707-4673 (Office)

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