expand Title : Integrated Mobility Division Training Hub ‎(1)
  • IMD's Strategic Training Program

    Coming Soon

    ​Drug & Alcohol Program Management (DAPM) (Virtual) – 3/4/25 – 3/6/25

    Drug & Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion (Virtual) – 3/7/25


    Conflict De-escalation (Virtual) – 3/11/25


    Boot Camp – In-Person (Raleigh) 3/13-3/14


    PASS Trainer – In-Person 
    •3/25-3/26 Conover Station, Conover (Catawba County near Hickory)    
    •3/27-3/28 JCATS Facility, Selma (Johnston County)
    •Each person attending MUST register with a unique email address (can be a personal address) that can be accessed by a mobile device or laptop at training (required to take test to receive certification)​

    Facilities Maintenance – 4/8/25


    Certified Community Transit Supervisor – 4/28/-4/29 – NCPTA Conference Intensive
    •Link to full Program Description on CTAA’s website: https://ctaa.org/ccts/
    •A training and certification program for front-line transit managers and supervisors
    •The front-line supervisor has a pivotal role in the transit organization. He or she is accountable for most of the day-to-day success of its operations. Many supervisors are promoted from within the ranks of the operating staff, while others come from a variety of backgrounds and must learn to effectively supervise. In their supervisory role, these individuals must also understand the overall objectives and mission of the transit organization, and they must be able to convey its practices, principles, and priorities to the operating staff. (Click link above for full description, including course outline.)
    •Registration Fee: $300 through March 14, $350 beginning March 15 (includes all Conference meals and participation in Wednesday 4/30 agenda items)
    •Attendee will be required to complete a web-based course (4-hours) prior to arriving at class


    ProcurementPRO Training - (Virtual) (May-June) TBD


    2025 Transit Academy 101 (TA101)

    •Classes begin in May
    •Locations - TBD
    •Module 1 – May 20-21
    •Module 2 – June 17-18
    •Module 3 – August 5-6
    •Module 4 – September 16-17
    •Module 5 – October 21-22
    •Registration Information will be available soon



    ELDT Programs in NC Transit  (02/21/25)
    Join this meeting to discuss ELDT programs in NC public transit. Participation is encouraged from all systems (rural and urban) that have an ELDT Program in place AND systems that need to implement an ELDT program for their CDL drivers. Agenda items will include:  Creating a complete list of NC Systems with an ELDT Program & Contact Information, Steps Taken to Develop an ELDT Program – Compilation of Information previously received from Systems, Resources for creating and/or maintaining an ongoing ELDT Program (i.e. Websites, Trainers, etc.), and discussion on next steps to create a resource. 

    Procurement Compliance – In-Person
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm (all locations)

    2/18/25 - Goodwill Buncombe County Workforce Development Center, Asheville 
    2/19/25 – Chatham Transit Network – Pittsboro
    2/20/25 – Craven Community College – New Bern

    This full-day training will provide an overview focused on FTA procurement regulations and subrecipients' procurement processes. Upon completion of this course, the attendee will have an understanding of when FTA procurement processes must be followed in local purchases, how to avoid common issues in procurements , and understand when and how to incorporate required federal clauses in procurements. Information will be provided so that subrecipients who are part of a larger organization (i.e. County government, Non-profit organizations) can identify and address organization-wide procurements that may require following federal procurement requirements and clauses.

    Dealing With Difficult People (Virtual)
    February 13, 2025 
    Providing excellent service can be challenging when employees are confronted with difficult situations. This webinar will discuss characteristics of challenging personalities that transit staff may encounter each day, strategies to assist transit staff with various challenges they may encounter each day, tips to assist transit staff in handling challenging passengers respectfully and professionally, and communication techniques to assist transit staff to change the outcomes, not the behaviors.

    Strategic Training Program R-STEP Session (Virtual)
    February 5, 2025 9am-11am

    NCDOT-IMD's Strategic Training Program is seeking input from Transit Systems regarding training and resource needs. This R-STEP Session will focus on what resources are needed and how the Strategic Training Program can provide them to Transit Systems.


    Compliance Review Preparedness (Virtual)
    January 29, 2025 10am-12pm

    States are required to ensure that their sub-recipients comply with all the federal requirements that apply to the FTA grant. NCDOT-IMD is responsible for oversight of sub-recipients receiving funds under Sections 5307, 5311, 5310, and 5339. Compliance Reviews are conducted by multiple consulting firms contracted by NCDOT-IMD. Sub-recipients are scheduled to be reviewed every three years; however, a review may be conducted sooner depending on various factors as determined by NCDOT-IMD. This 2-hour webinar is designed to assist sub-recipients in preparing for an upcoming compliance review. Transit staff who are responsible for ensuring compliance are encouraged to participate in this informational webinar. Topics covered in this webinar will include:
    • Overview of Compliance
    • Common Findings and Issues
    • Review Process
    • Open Question and Answer


    Policies and Procedures - 2025 Series - Part 1 (Virtual)​
    January 23, 2025 10am-12pm

    This course is the first in a 4-part Series. Standardized policies and procedures are not only beneficial to a transit system but are also crucial to ensuring that service is provided consistently. Policies and procedures should also ensure that employees and customers are treated fairly. Whether the participant is new to policy development or is experienced, this two-hour course will provide information that can be used in creating new policies or updating existing ones. Topics of discussion will include: Whether the participant is new to policy development or is experienced, this two-hour course will provide information that can be used in creating new policies or updating existing ones. Topics of discussion will include: 1. Why policies and procedures are necessary.
    2. The difference between a policy and a procedure.
    3. Determining when written policies and procedures are needed.
    4. Steps to take to develop and update a written policy.
    5. The importance of communicating new and updated policies and procedures. Participants will receive examples of best practice formats for standardizing policy and procedure documents. Additional courses in this series will be presented through CY2025. Plan to attend all 4 sessions to learn essential elements to include in your policies and procedures. Sessions 2 and 3 will focus on Compliance and Administrative Policies, Session 4 will provide information on Operations Policies and Procedures. Additional sessions may be added if needed.​


    Diversity and Sensitivity for Operations Personnel (Virtual)
    January 16, 2025 10am-12pm

    This 2-hour webinar on Diversity and Sensitivity in Transit is designed to assist transit employees in maintaining effective customer service relationships by recognizing and responding to the diverse needs of individuals and groups they serve.


    Advanced Mobility Device Securement (AMDS) – NTI Training (In Person)
    September 17-18 & 19-20, 2024 

    ​This workshop specifically addresses the special challenges of oversized and powered wheelchairs and scooters.  The goal of this workshop is to present, demonstrate, and practice problem-solving skills for securing powered mobility devices. Registration will be required (coming soon).

    •September 17-18 – Western Location: 
    Foot Hills Higher Education Center, 
    2128 S. Sterling St, Morganton (Burke County)

    •September 19-20 – Eastern Location: 
    Charles W. Pittman Operations Center, 
    1800 Herring Avenue, Wilson (Wilson County)

    Americans with Disabilities Act (In Person)
    October-November 2024 - 4 sessions in separate locations

    This course reviews the operating elements required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in providing fully accessible fixed route bus and demand-responsive services (*ADA Paratransit, Dial-A-Ride, Deviated Fixed Route, Human Service Transportation, etc.) to people with disabilities.  Content includes Non-Discrimination Requirements, Assisting Riders with Disabilities (including riders using wheelchairs, walkers, hidden disabilities, etc.), Service Animals, Direct Threat/Denial of Service, Reasonable Modification, and ADA Paratransit requirements.

    •10/29 – Macon County Transit – 36 Pannell Ln, Franklin
    •10/30 – Iredell County – Goodwill 124 4th Crescent Pl, Statesville
    •10/31 – Duplin County Public Transportation – 144 Duplin Commons Dr. Kenansville
    •11/01 – Tar River Transit 101 Coastline St. Rocky Mount

    Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964  (Virtual)
    July 24, 2024

    Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., was enacted as part of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. This 3-hour virtual course covers the Title VI historical overview, requirements under Title VI, and the Components of a Title VI Program. Staff from the NC Department of Civil Rights will be available to answer questions about demographic data and NC-specific requirements.

    OpStats for 5310/5311 Subrecipients - Rural (Virtual)
    July 16 & 18, 2024

    This training is to help you understand the reporting process for operating data.  Opstats information is reported to the National Transit Database (NTD) and is used when by US Congress when considering funding allocations public transportation.  
    OpStats for 5307 Recipients - Urban (Virtual)
    July 16 & 18, 2024

    This training is to help you understand the reporting process for operating data.  Opstats information is reported to the National Transit Database (NTD) and is used when by US Congress when considering funding allocations public transportation.

    Census Bureau Data Collection Training Sessions (Virtual)
    Session 1 - 04/17/24
    Session 2 - 05/16/24
    Session 3 - 06/21/24

    NCDOT's Title VI Team presents Census Bureau Data Collection Training - 
    Kelly Karres, Data Dissemination Specialist for the U.S. Census Bureau, will provide Census data training on how to access the data needed for updating your Title VI plans using the Census Bureau's main data tool, data.census.gov.
    Contact: Vashon N. Canty, Title VI Officer - vncanty@ncdot.gov ​

    Customer Service/Disability Awareness (Virtual)
    March 13, 2024 10:00am-12:00pm

    Drug & Alcohol Program Manager (DAPM) (Virtual)
    ​March 25, 26, & 27 9:00am-12:00pm each day
    Unified Grant Application (UGA) (Virtual)
    March 28, 2024
    ​Part 1 10:00am-11:00am 
    Part 2 2:00pm-3:00pm
    ​Plan to attend both Parts of this training. Part 1 is detail information and Part 2 is a demonstration on using the UGA

    Conflict De-escalation
    02/28/2024 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
    Reasonable Suspicion
    02/15/2024 - 9:00am - 12:00pm
    PASS Trainer​
    02/08/2024-02/09/2024 - 9:00am - 4:00pm

    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Training  
    01/24/2024-01/25/2024 - 9:00am - 12:00pm
    Financial Management Training  
    Procurement Requirements Training  
    01/04/2024 - 8:30am - 12:30pm

  • HOPE Grant Project – Mountains to Sea: Electrifying North Carolina’s Transit Fleets Webinar

    ​Under the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)'s Helping Obtain Prosperity for Everyone (HOPE) Grant, NCDOT IMD partnered with the Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) to assess and develop transition plans for the deployment of zero-emission transit vehicles in two distinct geographic areas of North Carolina.  CTE developed transition plans for AppalCART in Boone, NC and for Hoke Area Transit Service (HATS) in Hoke County, NC.  The plans include service, fleet, fuel, maintenance, and facility assessments that culminate into a total cost of ownership assessment over the life of the transition to zero-emission transit vehicles.



  • Claims Submittals 101 (Janaury 12, 2023)

    This training session will provide step-by-step instructions for claim submittals, including a review of the documentation needed, a walk-through of the Consolidated Claim Form, as well as common questions or issues associated with claims. 

  • FY23 ROAP Training (October 26, 2022)

    ​Webinar will review the ROAP program and its structure, eligible uses of funds, and IMD’s processes.​

  • New Consolidated Claim Form (September 29, 2022)

  • New Director’s Training Workshop (May-June 2022)

    The Integreated Mobility Division will hold New Director's Training at the following sessions.  If you are a new Director at a transit system in North Carolina, you can Register Here
    Session #1 (May 24th, 2022 at 8:30am to 12:00pm)

    ​Transit and IMD Overview
    ​Ryan Brumfield, IMD, Director
    ​Learn about the recent IMD merger, doing business with IMD, IMD's structure and an overview of programs.


    ​Grants Overview​
    ​Carolyn Freitag, IMD, Grants Administrator II
    ​Learn about the various grant programs IMD supports, along with insight on general procedures you will need follow.

    ​Fully Allocated Cost Model
    ​Jeremy Scott, ITRE, Research Associate
    ​Learn how to determine the full cost of a transit route or service, including all costs incurred by the transit agency - both variable and fixed.


    Rate Setting Model Demo 

    Rate Setting Model Blank
    ​Discretionary Grants and the new UGA
    ​Carolyn Freitag, IMD, Grants Administrator II
    ​Learn about FTA's Competitive Discretionary Grants and the new Unified Grant Application process, including new timelines and resources.​


    Session #2 (May 26th, 2022 at 9:00am to 10:00am)
    ​Chris Dodson, IMD, Procurement Officer
    ​Learn about Procurements large and small in this overview of what that means and what rules you have to follow.  Learn about what IMD can provide guidance on, learn about key requirements for each type and learn about state contracts and how to use them.  Additionally, you will learn about the Vehicle Procurement & Disposition process.


    Session #3 (June 7th, 2022 at 9:00am to 12:00pm)
    ​Compliance Overview
    ​Kevin Edwards, IMD, Safety, Education & Compliance Manager
    ​Learn about regulatory areas that IMD has oversight on including safety, PTASP, drug and alcohol testing, driver training, ADA, and more. We will also review EAM, Incident & Accident reporting and our updated Compliance Review process.​


    ​Compliance Reporting
    ​Kevin Edwards, IMD, Safety, Education & Compliance Manager

    Beth Gay, IMD, Compliance Officer

    Carolyn Freitag, IMD, Grants Administrator II

    Kai Monast, ITRE 

    Jonah Freedman, ITRE

    Mark Whisenant, Title VI Manager

    Ashley Council, ADA Specialist, J.D.

    Irene Diaz-Clark

    Tina Johnson, Title VI Officer​

    ​​Learn about the various reporting requirements IMD has oversight on including Title VI, public involvement, civil rights, equity (DBE), EEO, ROAP Reports, Charter Reports, Program Income, OPSTATS, National Transit Database (NTD), Transit Asset Management (TAM),  FTA Required surveys & Emergency reporting for the State's Emergency Management Department.

    Session #4 (June 9th, 2022 at 9:00am to 10:30am)
    ​John Vine-Hodge, IMD, Deputy Planning Director

    Bryan Lopez, IMD, Regional Planning Manager

    Joe Furstenberg, IMD, Statewide Planning & Programming Manager"

    ​​Understanding community transit needs, planning new services and multimodal considerations:  Regional Planning Organizations, Regional Transit Planning Studies, Locally Coordinated Plan, Municipal/County Planning Studies, Visioning Workshops, Transportation Demand Management, Complete Streets, Programming of Projects and Bicycle/Pedestrian Programs.


    Session #5 (June 16th, 2022 at 9:00am to 12:00pm)
    ​Finance Overview & ​EBS Procedures
    ​​Myra Freeman, IMD, Finance Manager
    ​​Learn about how to use EBS, Grant Agreements, the reimbursement process, POP extensions, and more in this session.

    ​​Data and Innovations
    ​​Sarah Searcy, IMD, Deputy Director of Innovations & Data
    ​​Learn about the Innovations & Data Branch's goals and projects including Mobility as a Service (MaaS), microtransit, Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) transition planning, the Connected Autonomous Shuttle Supporting Innovation (CASSI), and more.​


  • Fully Allocated Cost Model Training (May 16th, 2022)

  • ROAP Report Training (January 18, 2022)

    FY22 ROAP Report Training

  • Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans (PTASP) TRAINING (November 2020)

    FY20 PTASP Training
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