•  Study Details
    • NameCumberland County and FAMPO CTP
    • TypeMPO
    • StatusCompleted
    • Last Updated 
  • Cumberland County and FAMPO CTP

    FAMPO MTP is currently under study, and more information will be posted here as it becomes available. \n The Cumberland County/ Fayetteville Urbanized Area MPO (FAMPO) Comprehensive Transportation Plan is a multimodal transportation plan, which identifies transportation deficiencies and provides recommendations to be implemented within a 25-30 year timeframe. This study is a joint effort between the Fayetteville Area MPO (FAMPO), the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), the Mid-Carolina Rural Planning Organization (MCRPO), Cumberland County, and its municipalities. It was last mutually adopted by the North Carolina Board of Transportation on July 2023

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