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State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Revisions
Air Quality & Transportation Conformity
CMAQ Project Website
Project Level Traffic Forecasting
Model Research and Development
Strategic Transportation Corridors (STC)
Integration Project
Functional Classification of Highways
Transportation Planning Program and Services
Comprehensive Transportation Plans
State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Division Maps
CTP - Comprehensive Transportation Planning Manual
Miscellaneous Transportation Planning Manuals and Procedures
Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations
Strategic Prioritization
Mobility Fund
Traffic Forecasting Manual
NC Moves 2050 Plan
Statewide Freight Plan
Roadway Design
Work Zone
Public Engagement
Bike & Pedestrian
Project Management
Value Management
Bike & Ped
Project Management & Delivery
Digital Delivery
Integrated Project Delivery
Office of Strategic Initiatives and Program Support
Resources for planning your transportation improvement project.
Connect NCDOT
State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
State Transportation Improvement Program
A 10 year State and Federal-mandated plan that identifies the construction funding for and scheduling of transportation projects throughout the state.
Project Scoping
Project Scoping
Increase accessibility and awareness of the Express Design/Project Scoping (ED/PSR) deliverables.
Feasibility Studies
Feasibility Study Documents
Feasibility Studies for Candidate State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Projects.
Logistics Planning
Logistics Planning
Information about the State Logistics Plan, the Logistics Committee and the Maritime Study.
Statewide Freight Planning
Statewide Freight Plan
Information about the Statewide Freight Plan, currently under development.
NC Moves 2050
NC Moves 2050 Plan
Infomation about the NC Moves 2050, technical documents.
The Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) Law allows NCDOT to maximize North Carolina’s existing transportation funding to enhance the state’s infrastructure and support economic growth, job creation and high quality of life.
To learn more about STI and the developemnt of the State Transportation Improvement Program, visit the
Strategic Transportation Investments
To learn more about project prioritization and STI projects, visit the
Prioritization Resources
Long Range Planning
Air Quality & Transportation Conformity
Works with local governments, NC Division of Air Quality, FHWA , FTA and other NCDOT Business Units to ensure that projects, plans and programs comply with the current air quality standards.
CMAQ Project Website
Works with local governments, MPOs, RPOs, FHWA and other NCDOT Business Units to oversee the CMAQ program.
Comprehensive Transportation Plans
Long term, long range transportation plans for municipalities, counties and large metropolitan areas (MPOs).
Integration Project
Linking Long Range Transportation Planning and Project Development
Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations
Information about Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations in North Carolina
Model Research and Development
Provide transportation modeling expertise to the Metropolitan Planning Organizations and municipalities within North Carolina.
Project Level Traffic Forecasting
Develops project level long range traffic forecasts for projects in the Program and Resource Plan
Strategic Transportation Corridors (STC)
The Strategic Transportation Corridors identify a network of critical multimodal transportation corridors considered the backbone of North Carolina’s transportation system.
Tolling Pre-Submittal Assessment (PSA)
PSA is a performance-based, local sponsor driven process to evaluate and assess future toll candidates under North Carolina’s new toll policy.
Traffic Volume Maps and Traffic Statistics
NCDOT Long-Range Projects and Studies
Traffic Survey Group
NCDOT Crash Data and Maps
NCDOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation
Maps from NCDOT.gov
Environmental Justice / Transportation Disadvantage Index Tool
Statewide Planning Resources
National Highway System - NC
STI Project Viewer - P4.0
2040 Plan
Title VI and Discrimination Complaint Process
Title VI Contractual Obligations
Transportation Corridor Official Map Act
Economic Development
NCDOT works closely with the North Carolina Department of Commerce to provide transportation improvements and infrastructure that expedites industrial/commercial growth and provides new jobs or job retention.
Functional Classification of Highways
Functional Classification is the process of grouping streets and highways into classes according to the character of service they are intended to provide.
Planning Manuals
CTP - Comprehensive Transportation Planning Manual
Miscellaneous Transportation Planning Manuals and Procedures
Modeling, Air Quality, Contract Administration, Functional Classification, Miscellaneous, and Scoping Assistance Procedures
MPO and RPO Administration Manuals
Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organization Administration Manuals
Traffic Forecasting Manual
Transportation Planning Traffic Forecasting Manual
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