trends in the automobile market are challenging the long-term sustainability of
revenue streams—and possibly how the public perceives them. In response, NCDOT commissioned a survey to
better understand how the public perceives transportation taxes and fees. Using the knowledge gained from the literature
review, the research team designed and administered a 21-question survey to
37,000 randomly selected households in North Carolina. The final sample included over 2,200 responses
from across the state, with each of the NCDOT divisions represented. The survey responses were weighted by county
population and response rate, gender, age, and education to adjust the sample
for representativeness of North Carolina’s population.
In addition,
two versions of the survey were administered: one with no additional background
information for each transportation tax or fee and with this background
information provided.
results suggest several instances where providing background information does
have an impact. Preferences for
general-based transportation taxes and fees are 14 percent greater when given
the information-based survey than when compared to the baseline survey
response. Second, there appears to be
statistical differences by demographic group regarding support for increasing
transportation funding. Those living in
urban areas, males, those 50 years or older, those with a Bachelor’s degree or
higher, and self-identified Democrats tend to be more supportive of
transportation funding increases while those living in rural areas; females,
those less than 50 years old, those with less than a Bachelor’s degree, and
self-identified Republicans tend to be less supportive.
In addition, 26.8 percent of respondents correctly identified the
combined federal and state gas tax rate in North Carolina of 53.9 cents
(selected by ranges.) However, little
difference was observed between Survey B (with additional background on the
federal and state gas tax) and the Survey A version. The results also suggest that some respondents
thought they paid a fair amount for transportation. Finally, the findings suggest a relatively
little difference in responses between those that live in urban and rural
areas. Finally, the results suggest
statistical differences (but not many practical differences) in education,
political affiliation, and age.