1. Basic Materials Properties
Corrugated aluminum pipe is fabricated from coils of flat aluminum sheet. Corrugated aluminum pipe should conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 196 and
Article 1032-2 (A). Corrugated aluminum pipe is specified based on its inside diameter, corrugation pattern, and the thickness of the aluminum sheet used. Also, the term gage may be used to describe the thickness of the aluminum. With gage, the larger the number, the thinner the metal.
Elongated Pipe: Some installations call for pipe that has been elongated in the vertical direction by 5%. This is done to take into account the deflection that will occur in the pipe once backfilling is complete and thus retaining a circular cross section for the culvert.
Pipe Arch: This is a specific type of corrugated aluminum pipe used when fill heights are restricted.
Spiral Rib Pipe: This type of metal pipe has a full circular crosssection with a single thickness of smooth sheet, fabricated with helical ribs formed by a continuous lock seam. Spiral rib pipe must meet the requirements of the Type IR classification of AASHTO M 196.
2. Specific Acceptance Requirements
Corrugated aluminum pipe material must come from an approved producer who is on the NCDOT Brand Registration Program for Metal Pipe. The current listing of approved metal pipe producers can be found on the Department’s Vendor System and web page at:
Each shipment of pipe must be accompanied by a matching Bill of Lading (BOL) listing all of the pipe contained within that shipment.
NCDOT personnel must determine if Quality Control (QC) stickers are on at least 25% of the pipe per shipment.
NCDOT personnel can reject any shipments that do not have QC stickers on at least 25% of the pipe. Please alert your local Section Materials Specialist if shipments show up at the job without the required amount of QC stickers.
When corrugated metal pipe arrives on a job site, it must be visually inspected by NCDOT personnel. The NCDOT personnel will insure that the pipe has not been damaged during shipment. NCDOT personnel can reject any material damaged in shipment. After delivery, but prior to installation, all corrugated metal pipe must be inspected by Materials and Tests technicians for coating thickness. NCDOT personnel should notify their local Materials and Tests technician for inspection when corrugated metal pipe is received on a job site or at the maintenance yard.
3. Coupling
Coupling Bands with projections may be used for circumferential pipe, helical pipe, or a combination of both. Use an approved sealer with this type of coupling band.
1. Basic Materials Properties
Welded steel pipe is produced by the forming and welding of steel plates into the size and shape of culvert specified. Welded steel pipe is mainly used by NCDOT for jacking and boring applications.
2. Specific Acceptance Requirements
Materials for welded steel pipe must meet the requirements of ASTM A 139 and
Article 1032-5.
Welded steel pipe material must come from an approved producer who is on the NCDOT Brand Registration Program for Metal Pipe.
When welded steel pipe arrives on a job site, it must be visually inspected by NCDOT personnel. The NCDOT personnel will insure that the pipe has not been damaged during shipment. NCDOT personnel can reject any material damaged in shipment.
3. Assembly
Couplings used for welded steel pipe must meet the requirements of ASTM A 139 or as indicated in the plans and Special Provisions.