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Vegetation Management Program

Maintaining healthy vegetation within the right-of-way not only beautifies the landscape but also improve the quality of stormwater runoff from our highway.  The vegetation Management Program educates staff and contractors on the proper use of pesticides and fertilizers ans well as proper mowing techniques.  NCDOT works with the NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) and local universities to investigate the latest vegetation management techniques appropriate for the linear right-of-way.  Vegetation managers have also adopted an integrated pest management (IPM) program for roadside vegetation.  The IPM program includes the following components: plant selection and management, vegetation and pest monitoring, pest biology and ecology, and pesticide selection and usage.

Proper management of roadside vegetation is also crucial to highway safety.  NCDOT prioritizes hazard-free safety clear zones, low vegetation in the operational zones, and high visibility on the roadways.


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