• 3.1 Introduction

  • ​Signing and delineation projects vary greatly - based on the project type, size and complexity.  Generally, project types fall into one of the following categories:

    • Freeway/expressway TIP projects
    • Conventional road TIP projects
    • Special projects
    • Maintenance projects

    The managing office or agency may vary as follows:

    • NCDOT central (SDU, Structures, Design-Build, PMU)
    • NCDOT division
    • NCTA
    • Municipality

    The designer/engineer of record may be as follows:

    • NCDOT central
    • NCDOT division
    • PEF
    • Municipality

    The procurement type also varies as follows:

    • Design – Bid – Build
    • Design – Build & P3

    There are a significant number of combinations of project types, managing offices, designers, and procurement types utilized to deliver signing and delineation projects in North Carolina.  Regardless of the means and methods utilized to deliver projects, signing and delineation projects should offer a consistent experience to the public.  The purpose of this chapter is to provide standard project delivery requirements for all projects to achieve a consistent product for all projects across the state.

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