• TEAAS – Traffic Engineering Accident Analysis System

    TEAAS crash data is now available through January 2025


    The Traffic Engineering Accident Analysis System (TEAAS) is a crash analysis software system downloadable from the internet and available free of charge to state government personnel, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, planning organizations, and research entities. TEAAS contains information on all reportable traffic crashes occurring in North Carolina since 1990. It also contains all ordinance information for all state-maintained roads and highways.


    Download the latest version ​of TEAAS

    Download the latest troubleshooting guide​​​​​

    Download the reference material for the latest version

    Download the State Seal for the ordinance Certificate of Rulemaking​

    Download the UAT version of TEAAS (for software testing only)

    Training Dates Times and Locations

    TEAAS training has two parts. The first part consists of online self-paced modules that provide an overview of crash data, routes and features, road codes, mileposting, traffic volumes, severity, and ordinances. The second part is an instructor led class covering intersection studies, strip studies, and crash analysis techniques. The online self-paced modules must be completed prior to being accepted to the instructor led class, and both parts must be completed prior to receiving a permanent TEAAS account. A basic understanding of Excel (opening text files, sorting data, inserting cells, deleting rows, etc.) is desirable, but not required, for this training. The instructor led class is being provided remotely with three days of virtual instruction running from 10 am - 12 pm EST. This is typically offered several times a year. The dates for the next scheduled trainings are listed below.  An additional, optional Q&A session will be held on another day following the training.

    • August 27, 28 and 29, 2024
    TEAAS training is now provided through the Road Safety Academy (RSA) of UNC’s Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC). To register for an upcoming training, please contact Dan Gelinne at Gelinne@hsrc.unc.edu or 919-962-8703. Classes are limited to the first 20 registrants.  Once approved, registrants will receive a confirmation email followed by an invoice (if appropriate). Please contact Dan Gelinne at 919-962-8703 with any questions​.


    Instructions for Adding the Completed TEAAS Training as External Training to Your LMS Transcript (NCDOT Employees Only)

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