• About the Program

    NCDOT Highway Floodplain Program Logo_small.png
    The NCDOT Highway Floodplain Program (HFP) has been established as a delegated authority through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with NCDPS Division of Emergency Management to facilitate the coordination​ and State Floodplain Compliance(SFC) approval for highway impacts within Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs). Impacts include the construction, improvement, and/or removal of any road or structure, including its members, inside of a regulated floodway or non-encroachment area.  State Floodplain Compliance (SFC) or CLOMR approval is required to comply with Federal and State laws, regulations, and guidelines relevant floodplains.​


Go to the NCDOT Hydraulics/FEMA Coordination Team Site in order to submit SFC, CLOMR, or LOMR packages.  Once you have access, the site can be found on Your Team Sites

Registration is required to access the coordination team site.

To register, please use the button below to e-mail your name and NCID or AD :

Once permission has been established you will be notified.
  • Navigating FEMA Regulated Streams

    The Navigating FEMA Regulated Streams slide deck provides an Overview and Project Management Resource describing FEMA's National Floodplain Insurance Program and how NCDOT manages and maintains compliance.

  • Request FEMA Flood Insurance Study Data

    ​Please use the Flood Insurance Study Data Request Form​ for requesting hydraulic models or other needed FIS data not available on the NC Floodplain Mapping Program's Flood Risk Information System website (FRIS)​.  This will help us to deliver the requested data more quickly and efficiently.​

  • As-Built Certification Guidance for Division Staff

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