• Hurricane Sandy Storm Response Data

    Hurricane Sandy Imagery covering from Ocracoke Island to Kitty Hawk along North Carolina coast is available for download. Click here for metadata.

    The North Carolina Department of Transportation shall not be held liable for any errors in this data. This includes errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and the relative positional accuracy of the data. This data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of information contained in this data.

    Warning: Some of the files on this page are large and will consume a large amount of bandwidth and / or take a long time to download. When possible, we would appreciate downloading occur during our non-peak hours, weekdays before 8:00 and after 5:00 and weekends. Also, we recommend you have a high speed network access for the fastest and most reliable download.


Hurricane_Sandy_Duck_to_VVirginia border to Kitty Hawk (A)10/31/2012461 MB
Hurricane_Sandy_WhaleboKitty Hawk to Whalebone (B)10/31/2012430 MB
Hurricane_Sandy_RodanthOregon Inlet to Rodanthe (C)10/31/2012490 MB
Hurricane_Sandy_HatteraAvon to Hatteras Inlet (D)10/31/2012482 MB
Hurricane_Sandy_OcracokOcracoke Island (E)10/31/2012440 MB
NCDOT_HurricaneSandy_NC12.25foot_Resolution_Hotspot_Locations_121031Hotspots map for the following files
NCDOT_HurricaneSandy_NC12_Hotspot_PeaIsland_121031Focus on Pea Island area10/31/2012463 MB
NCDOT_HurricaneSandy_NC12_Hotspot_Rodanthe_121031Focus on Rodanthe area10/31/2012225 MB
NCDOT_HurricaneSandy_NC12_Hotspot_Buxton_121031Focus on Buxton area10/31/2012330 MB
NCDOT_HurricaneSandy_NC12_Hotspot_Hattaras_121031Focus on Hattaras area10/31/2012250 MB
NCDOT_HurricaneSandy_NC12_Hotspot_Ocracoke_121031Focus on Ocracoke area10/31/2012470 MB
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