• About the Program


    The Highway Stormwater Program (HSP) was established in 1998 as an NCDOT-wide initiative to protect and improve water quality while fulfilling NCDOT's mission of providing and supporting a safe and integrated transportation system that enhances the state. A joint effort of the Hydraulics Unit and Roadside Environmental Unit, the HSP has created and maintains tools and resources for business partners, educators and the general public.
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placeholder.png Post-Construction Stormwater Program Manual (PCSP)

The purpose of the PCSP is to regulate stormwater from new NCDOT impervious surfaces, direct implementation of the BMP Toolbox and preparation of Stormwater Management Plans.

placeholder.png BMP Toolbox Manual

The Best Management Practices Toolbox provides guidance on the design of post-construction BMPs for NCDOT projects.

placeholder.png Stormwater Management Plan Version 3.02 (SMP)

The Stormwater Management Plan is a comprehensive document that summarizes project information and post-construction source control and treatment measures.

placeholder.pngNC-SELDM Catalog

The NC-SELDM Catalog is a tool for helping determine stormwater treatment goals for project sections.    ​


placeholder.png State Nutrient Rule Compliance - Nutrient Accounting Tool

The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) has adopted Nutrient Rules for Jordan Lake and Falls Lake and NCDOT's GREEN Program guides the Department's compliance.

placeholder.png Educational Materials

HSP has created information for a variety of different audiences to promote awareness of stormwater management and of NCDOT’s activities to protect water quality.

placeholder.png Environmental Sensitivity Map (ESM)

The ESM is an online mapping system that allows planners, designers, and engineers to view proposed project locations and nearby environmental features as a tool to support the avoidance and minimization of impacts.

placeholder.png Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

The Roadside Environmental Unit maintains this manual that describes measures to be taken during road construction to minimize impacts on water quality.

Field Guide For Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs

NCDOT's Field Guide For Post-Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) provides construction guidance on key features and parts of BMPs. Each chapter describes a specific type of BMP.


placeholder.png Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program (IDDEP)

The goal of NCDOT's IDDEP is to dectect and eliminate illicit discharges, spills, and illegal dumping into the NCDOT storm sewer system, in cooperation with the NC Department of Environmental Quality.

placeholder.png Inspection and Maintenance Manual (I&M)

NCDOT's Stormwater Control Inspection and Maintenance Manual serves as guidance for the inspection of post-construction stormwater BMPs.

2016 Impaired Waters Map (Division of Water Resources)
NC 305(b) and 303(d) List (Division of Water Resources)
Surface Water Classifications (Division of Water Resources)
USGS National Water Informatiom System (NWIS)
Surface Water Classifications Map (Web GIS)
Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimates (MPE)
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