collapse Title : 01 INTRODUCTION ‎(5)
collapse Title : 02 PRINCIPALS ‎(7)
collapse Title : 04 SIGNING PLANS ‎(20)
collapse Title : 06 REVISIONS ‎(5)

  • 5.13 Curb Ramps and Crosswalks

  • Curb Ramps

    If sidewalks or multi-use paths intersecting curbed roadway facilities are proposed as part of the roadway scope, a curb ramp investigation is required.  The curb ramp study is to determine the location and type of curb ramps to be used.  NCDOT Standard curb ramps shall be used unless the curb ramp study determines alternate curb ramp designs are required based on grade, utility strip width and direction of the crossing.

    All curb ramps are required to be shown graphically in the correct location and proper orientation.  For each curb ramp, provide a unique numerical callout.  Provide a list of all the curb ramp callouts on the plan sheet with the station and offset of the center of the curb ramp type listed in parenthesis.  To provide plan sheet clarity, a separate table format index sheet with all curb ramp callouts listed in numerical order with their corresponding design information can be in the Pavement Marking Plan Detail sheet series.

    Provide a list of all the different types of curb ramp types specified on the project to the Roadway team so the appropriate details can be added to the Roadway plan set.

    Curb ramps are not required where there are no pedestrian facilities (i.e. no sidewalk or no multi-use path).

    See the Curb Ramp Location Best Practices for additional guidance on the placement and specification of curb ramps.


    Crosswalks at signalized intersections shall only be installed for pedestrian movements with protected pedestrian phases.  The crosswalks shall be designed according to the RSD and the NCDOT Signal Design Manual Standard 9.0.  Crosswalks should not be installed at standard unsignalized intersections or driveways unless requested by the Division or local municipality.

    Coordinate with the Division and/or the local municipality for the style of crosswalks to be used on a project: parallel, hi-visibility, or another special cross walk type.  Roundabouts, diverging diamonds and mid-block crossings shall use hi-visibility crosswalks.

    Parallel crosswalk widths shall be at least 6' wide and at least as wide as the connecting sidewalk or multi-use path.  Hi-visibility crosswalks should be 10' wide unless otherwise requested by the Division or municipality; minimum is 6' wide.

    Coordinate the locations of all crosswalks with the Signal Design Section so that the stop bar locations can be set per the crosswalk location.

    Applicable Standards​

    848.06   CURB RAMP 


    Additional Resources

    Curb Ramp Best Practices (Under Development)

    Alternate Curb Ramp Designs (Link)

    Bike/PED Accommodations Guidance Information (Link)

    TEPPL C53 – Curb Ramps (Link)

    TEPPL C54 – Decorative Crosswalks (Link)

    TEPPL P34 Pavement Markings – Colored Pavements used as Traffic Control Devices (Link)

    TEPPL P37 – North Carolina Pedestrian Crossing Guidance (Link)
    ITS and Signals Unit Design Manual Part 1 - Signal Design – Std 9.0 Crosswalks (Link)

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