Please use the directory below to contact the topic owner with any concerns regarding the information contained in this topic.

  • Bicycle

Alternate Sign Approval.pdfAlternate Sign Approval
N.C. Crowe, Jr., P.E. (Alternate Sign Approval)
B06NCDOT State Traffic Engineer's Office1989
Alternate Sign.pdfAlternate Sign
N.L. Graf, P.E. Alternate Sign
B06FHWA Directives & Policy Memos1990
Bicycle and Pedestrian Laws & Policies
B06NCDOT Division of Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety2020
Traffic Control for Bicycle Facilities.aspxTraffic Control for Bicycle Facilities
Part 9 - Traffic Control for Bicycle Facilities
Bicyclist Hazard.pdfBicyclist Hazard
J. MacKay, PE (Bicycle Hazard Signing)
B06NCDOT Division of Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety1991
Warning Plaques.pdfWarning Plaques
Warning Plaques / Bicycle Hazard Signs
B06NCDOT Signing Section2004
National Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Data.aspxNational Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Data
Bicycle Safety & Access
B06Ped Bike Data2020
G.S. 136-(71.6-71.13) Bicycle Act of 1974
B06NC General Statute1977
19A 2E.0427.aspx19A 2E.0427
19A NCAC 2E.0427 Bicycle Trails
B06NC Administrative Code2019
Greenway Accommodation Guidelines
B06NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Division2015
Greenway Accommodation Guidelines Q&A
B06NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Division2015
Greenway Accommodation Guidelines Training
B06NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Division2015
Greenway Accommodation Guidelines Video
B06NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Division2015
IA-18 - Interim Bicycle Box Memo.pdfIA-18 - Interim Bicycle Box Memo
Interim Approval for Intersection Bicycle Boxes
B06FHWA Interim Approvals2016
Route Changes for Designated Bicycle Routes
B06J.K. Lacy, P.E., State Traffic Engineer2018
AASHTO Bicycle Guide.aspxAASHTO Bicycle Guide
AASHTO - Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities
B06AASHTO Bicycle Guide2012
  • TEPPL Disclaimer

    Traffic Engineering Policies, Practices,and Legal Authority Disclaimer The Topics on the TEPPL web site are subject to change without notice. The intent of the TEPPL web site is to have the latest information for your use. The Engineer should verify any information before use. If you have more up-to-date information please contact us so this information can be added.
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