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  • Crosswalks - Mid-Block Signing & Pavement Markings

Varnedoe P.E./ Lacy, P.E.
C36NCDOT State Traffic Eng/Chief Engr2004
Crosswalks - Mid-Block (Unsignalized)
C36Traffic Engineering and Safety Systems Branch2008
Lesson 11_Pedestrian Design.aspxLesson 11_Pedestrian Design
Lesson 11: Pedestrian Design at Intersections
C36FHWA Directives & Policy Memos2006
Lesson 12_Mid-Block.aspxLesson 12_Mid-Block
Lesson 12: Mid-Block Crossings
C36FHWA Directives & Policy Memos2006
Crosswalk Brochure
C36Watch For Me NC Coalition
DOJ-DOT Curb Ramps and Resurfacing.aspxDOJ-DOT Curb Ramps and Resurfacing
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements to Provide Curb Ramps when Streets, Roads, or Highways are Altered through Resurfacing
C36DOJ / DOT2013
ADA Curb Ramps for Resurfacing and DDC Projs.aspxADA Curb Ramps for Resurfacing and DDC Projs
Memo for ADA Curb Ramps for Resurfacing and Other Design Projects
C36Terry Gibson, PE, Chief Engineer2013
Special Report Accessible Public Rights of Way.aspxSpecial Report Accessible Public Rights of Way
Accessible Public Rights-of-Way Planning and Designing for Alterations Guide
C36United States Access Board2007
Alternate Curb Ramp Designs.aspxAlternate Curb Ramp Designs
Alternate Curb Ramp Designs
C36NCDOT Contract Standards and Development2012
Letter 2(09)-86 (I).aspxLetter 2(09)-86 (I)
Yield Here To (Stop Here For) Pedestrians Signs (R1-5 Series) - Utah DOT
C36FHWA Interpretations2014
NCDOT RSD 1205.07.aspxNCDOT RSD 1205.07
NCDOT Roadway Standard Drawing 1205.07
C36NCDOT Roadway Standard Drawing2024
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    Traffic Engineering Policies, Practices,and Legal Authority Disclaimer The Topics on the TEPPL web site are subject to change without notice. The intent of the TEPPL web site is to have the latest information for your use. The Engineer should verify any information before use. If you have more up-to-date information please contact us so this information can be added.
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