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  • Hospital, Trauma Center, and Urgent Care Signing

Trauma Center Signing Approved / Specialty Medical Treatment Center Signing Not Approved
H25Traffic Engineering and Safety Systems Branch2007
J.M. Lynch, PE   (Hospital Signing)
H25NCDOT State Traffic Engineer2000
Hospital / Trauma Center Signs
H25NCDOT Signing Section2004
 Peoples, P.E. / Varnedoe, P.E.
H25NCDOT State Traffic Eng/Chief Eng2003
 Peoples, P.E. / Varnedoe, P.E.
H25NCDOT State Traffic Eng/Chief Eng2003
Trauma Center Designation.aspxTrauma Center Designation
Trauma Center Designation
H25NC EMS2020
Hospital - Licensed Facility List For N.C.aspxHospital - Licensed Facility List For N.C
 Hospital - Licensed Facility List For N.C. (Must be on list to be considered for hospital signing)
H25NC Division of Health Service Regulation2021
MUTCD Signs D9-13 and D9-13cP.aspxMUTCD Signs D9-13 and D9-13cP
24/7 emergency medical care facilities primarily offering outpatient care may be evaluated for general service signing as emergency medical care facilities.  The medical facility name is not permitted on sign.
N.C.G.S. 131E-76(3).aspxN.C.G.S. 131E-76(3)
General Statute Defining Hospitals
H25NC General Statute2020
  • TEPPL Disclaimer

    Traffic Engineering Policies, Practices,and Legal Authority Disclaimer The Topics on the TEPPL web site are subject to change without notice. The intent of the TEPPL web site is to have the latest information for your use. The Engineer should verify any information before use. If you have more up-to-date information please contact us so this information can be added.
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