| Abbreviations, Symbols, etc. - FHWA MUTCD | A | A01 | | |
| Access Control - Right-of-Way Disposal - Access for Freeways and Interstate Facilities | A | A02 | | |
| Adopt - A - Highway | A | A03 | | |
| Adopt - A - Highway - Memorials Adoptions | A | A04 | | |
| Advance Route Turn Assembly - Conventional Roads | A | A05 | | |
| Advertising Signs Within or Near - Right-of-Way | A | A06 | | |
| Agricultural Tourism Signing | A | A07 | | |
| Airport Signing | A | A08 | | |
| All America City Signs | A | A09 | | |
| Alternative Fuel Service Signing | A | A11 | | |
| Amusement Park Signing | A | A12 | | |
| Animal Shelter Signing | A | A13 | | |
| Arena / Coliseum - Signing | A | A14 | | |
| Arrows for Interchange Guide Signing | A | A15 | | |
| Auditorium Signing | A | A16 | | |
| Autistic Child Area Signs | A | A18 | | |
| Auxiliary Lane - Turn lanes | A | A19 | | |
| Attractions Signing | A | A20 | | |
| Access Management | A | A21 | | |
| Adopt-A-Stream / Stream Watch Programs | A | A22 | | |
| Access - Driveway Access In Highway Right-Of-Way | A | A23 | | |
| Alternative Intersections and Interchanges - Superstreet Intersection | A | A24 | | |
| Alternative Intersections and Interchanges - Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) | A | A25 | | |
| Barrier - Guidelines for Placement of Median Barrier / Guardrail | B | B01 | | |
| Beach Access - Regional Public | B | B02 | | |
| Beautification Logo Signs / Keep NC Clean & Green Signing | B | B03 | | |
| Bicycle Facilities / Signing | B | B04 | | |
| Bicycle Routes - Urban / Alternate Signing | B | B05 | | |
| Bicycle Trail & Pedestrian Construction, Signing, etc. | B | B06 | | |
| Bicyclist Hazard, Hazardous Tracks Signing | B | B07 | | |
| Bicycle Acts, Laws, etc. | B | B08 | | |
| Bird Sanctuary Signing | B | B09 | | |
| Blind Child Area Signing | B | B10 | | |
| Blinding - Deceptive Or Distracting Lights Unlawful | B | B11 | | |
| Blood Centers / American Red Cross Signing | B | B12 | | |
| Blue Star Memorial Highway Signing | B | B13 | | |
| Blue Star Memorial Highway - American Ex-Prisoners of War Signing | B | B14 | | |
| Breakaway Highway Sign Supports | B | B15 | | |
| Bridge - Bridge Ices Before Road Signing | B | B16 | | |
| Bridge - End Delineators Placement | B | B17 | | |
| Bridge - Load Limit Signing | B | B18 | | |
| Bridge - No Fishing from Signing | B | B19 | | |
| Bridge - No Jumping And / Or Diving From Bridge Signing | B | B20 | | |
| Bridge - Signing And Pavement Markings One Lane And Narrow Bridges | B | B21 | | |
| Bridge - Tunnels & Bridges - Special Clearance Signing | B | B22 | | |
| Bridge - Weight Limit Signing | B | B23 | | |
| Bus Station / Amtrak Station Signing | B | B24 | | |
| Business District Signing | B | B25 | | |
| Business Watch Signing | B | B26 | | |
| Banners - Department's Decisions on When Allowed and Removal of Illegal Banners / Signs | B | B27 | | |
| Buford Smith Award | B | B28 | | |
| Unmuffled Engine Compression Brakes Signing | B | B29 | | |
| Camping - Signing | C | C01 | | |
| Cattle Crossing Signing | C | C02 | | |
| Chambers Of Commerce Signing | C | C03 | | |
| Changeable Message Policy | C | C04 | | |
| Children At Play Signing | C | C05 | | |
| Children's Homes and Orphanage Signing | C | C06 | | |
| Cities / Towns - Incorporated - Signs For Specific Sections Or Areas | C | C07 | | |
| Citizens - A County Of Involved Citizens - Volunteer Signing | C | C08 | | |
| Clear Zone - Guidelines For Tree, Shrub Planting On Right-of-Way | C | C09 | | |
| Clear Zone - Roadway | C | C10 | | |
| Closing Of Roads For Special Events (Temporary) | C | C11 | | |
| Closing of NCDOT Routes for Impassible Road Conditions / Intermittent Flooding | C | C12 | | |
| College Signing | C | C13 | | |
| Collision / Accident System Strip And Intersection Report Code Index | C | C14 | | |
| Collision / Fatal Slips And Crash Report Codes | C | C15 | | |
| Communities (Unincorporated) - Directional Signs | C | C16 | | |
| Community Award Winners (Regional) | C | C18 | | |
| Community Watch Signing | C | C19 | | |
| Community Watch Signs - Alternate | C | C20 | | |
| Community Well / Water Supply Area Signing | C | C21 | | |
| Composition Of Signs (No Misleading Business Signs) | C | C22 | | |
| Concealed Weapons Policy | C | C23 | | |
| City Limit Signs | C | C24 | | |
| Construction & Maintenance Activities Within Municipalities | C | C25 | | |
| Control Cities For Use In Guide Signs On Interstate Highways | C | C26 | | |
| Convention Halls - Signing | C | C27 | | |
| Clearance - Low Clearance Signing | C | C28 | | |
| County Line Signing | C | C29 | | |
| County Of Involved Citizens Signing | C | C30 | | |
| County Street / Road Name Signing | C | C31 | | |
| County Road Paddle Signing | C | C32 | | |
| Crash - Intersection and Strip Reports Code Index | C | C33 | | |
| Crash - Report Form DMV-349 | C | C34 | | |
| Crossroad Identification Signs | C | C35 | | |
| Crosswalks / Mid-Block Signing & Pavement Markings | C | C36 | | |
| Congestion Management Review | C | C37 | | |
| Cultural & Recreational Interest Signing | C | C38 | | |
| Correspondence Guidelines - Secretary of Transportation | C | C39 | | |
| Culvert End walls - Object Markers Placement | C | C40 | | |
| Correctional Institutions - Signing | C | C41 | | |
| Children - Deaf Child Area Signs | C | C42 | | |
| Children - Blind Child Area Signs | C | C43 | | |
| Children - Autistic Child Area Signs | C | C44 | | |
| Community - Multi-Use Signs | C | C46 | | |
| Crash - Standardized Crash Cost | C | C47 | | |
| Crash - Statewide Crash Rates | C | C48 | | |
| Crash - Statewide Crash Profiles | C | C49 | | |
| Crash - Road Departure Safety | C | C50 | | |
| Communications Routing Plans - Design | C | C51 | | |
| Civil War Trail Sign Guidance | C | C52 | | |
| Curb Ramps | C | C53 | | |
| Dead End / No Outlet Signing | D | D01 | | |
| Deaf Child Area Signing | D | D02 | | |
| Dedication / Memorial Signing | D | D03 | | |
| Deer Warning System / Signing | D | D04 | | |
| Definitions: Words and Phrases (MUTCD) | D | D05 | | |
| Dense Smoke Signing | D | D06 | | |
| Design Exceptions And Pavement Slope | D | D07 | | |
| Disabilities, Americans With (ADA) Act | D | D12 | | |
| Division Design Construct Project Procedures | D | D13 | | |
| Downgrade - Long Steep Downgrade Signing | D | D14 | | |
| Downtown / Business District Signing | D | D15 | | |
| Driver's License - Types / Graduated Commercial, etc | D | D16 | | |
| Driveway Access In Highway Right-of-Way - General | D | D17 | | |
| Drug / Gun-Free School Zone Signing | D | D18 | | |
| Drug Awareness - Controlled Substances Abuse & Alcohol Misuse Policy | D | D19 | | |
| DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles - Signing | D | D20 | | |
| Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) | D | D21 | | |
| Distracted Driving | D | D22 | | |
| E-Mail / Internet Policy | E | E01 | | |
| Eastern Continental Divide | E | E03 | | |
| Eisenhower Interstate System Signing | E | E04 | | |
| Elementary School Signing (K - 5th Grade) | E | E05 | | |
| Emergency Management Signing (Hurricane Route, Evacuation Route) | E | E06 | | |
| Emergency Vehicle Initiated Preemption | E | E07 | | |
| Emergency Vehicles Only Signing | E | E08 | | |
| Ethics Policy | E | E09 | | |
| Exit Numbering / Signing Policy - North Carolina | E | E10 | | |
| Emergency Vehicles Stopped - Move Over or Reduce Speed Signing | E | E11 | | |
| Electrical Programming Details - Design | E | E12 | | |
| Escort Vehicles | E | E13 | | |
| Fairgrounds - Signing | F | F01 | | |
| Farmers Market Signing | F | F02 | | |
| Fatal Accident Investigation Guidelines | F | F03 | | |
| Ferry Operations / Signing | F | F04 | | |
| Firearms On Highway Right-of-Way / Job | F | F05 | | |
| Fire Department Water Point Location Signing | F | F06 | | |
| Fire District Signing | F | F07 | | |
| Fire Hydrant - Blue Reflective Pavement Markers | F | F08 | | |
| Fire Station - Warning Signs | F | F09 | | |
| Fire Station / Rescue - Driveway Entrance Guidelines | F | F10 | | |
| Fishing from Bridges - Prohibition Signing | F | F11 | | |
| Fog - Signing / Treatment | F | F12 | | |
| Foreign Trade Zones And World Trade Center Signing | F | F13 | | |
| Four-Lane Divided / Five-Lane Research Project | F | F15 | | |
| Freeway Interchange Exit Number Signing At Spur And Loop Connections | F | F17 | | |
| Funding - Access and Public Service Roads | F | F18 | | |
| Funding - Contingency Projects | F | F19 | | |
| Funding - Planned Projects Affecting Municipalities and/or Counties | F | F20 | | |
| Funding - Small Urban Projects | F | F21 | | |
| Funding - Spot Safety Projects | F | F22 | | |
| Funding - Highway, Trust Bond and Federal Funds | F | F23 | | |
| Free Flow Right Turn Lane | F | F24 | | |
| Funding - State Wide Discretionary | F | F25 | | |
| Funding - High Hazard Elimination | F | F26 | | |
| Funding - TIP Funding Information / Schedules | F | F27 | | |
| Farm Equipment Authorization | F | F28 | | |
| General Services Signs | G | G01 | | |
| Guardrail End Treatment | G | G03 | | |
| Global Transpark / Business Park | G | G04 | | |
| Golf Cart Model Ordinance | G | G05 | | |
| Gateway Signing | G | G06 | | |
| Greenfield Facility | G | G07 | | |
| Handicapped Parking Signing | H | H01 | | |
| Historic - Architecture Review for Secondary Roads | H | H02 | | |
| Hazardous Cargo Signing | H | H03 | | |
| Headlights - Motorcycles / Windshield Wipers | H | H04 | | |
| High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes | H | H05 | | |
| High Schools Signing (9th - 12th Grade) | H | H06 | | |
| Highway - Advisory Radio Signing | H | H07 | | |
| Highway - Obstructions - Headwalls, Mailboxes, Etc | H | H08 | | |
| Highway - Patrol Aircraft Policy | H | H09 | | |
| Highway - Traffic Ordinances | H | H11 | | |
| Highway - United States Numbering Policy - Special Routes - Definitions, etc | H | H12 | | |
| Historic Landmark / Site Signing | H | H13 | | |
| Historic District / Area Signing | H | H14 | | |
| Historic - Marker Program Authorizing Legislation | H | H15 | | |
| Highway Facility Types - Definitions | H | H16 | | |
| Historic - Markers In Right-of-Way / Procedure for Correction and Relocation of ">Historical Markers | H | H17 | | |
| Historic - National Register of Historic Places - Fact Sheets | H | H18 | | |
| Historic - Preservation And Historic Properties - Definition / Data | H | H19 | | |
| Historic - Preservation Commission | H | H20 | | |
| Historic - NC & National Historic Landmark Program | H | H21 | | |
| Historic - NC State Historic Sites & Attractions Listings | H | H22 | | |
| Horse Drawn Vehicle | H | H24 | | |
| Hospital / Trauma Center Signing | H | H25 | | |
| Horse and Rider Signing | H | H26 | | |
| Highway - Railroad-Crossing Guidelines | H | H27 | | |
| Historic - Historic Trail Signing (State / National) | H | H31 | | |
| Hydroplaning / Hydrodynamic Drag | H | H32 | | |
| Hydroplaning Awareness, Pavement Drainage & Design Exceptions | H | H33 | | |
| Hyphen Usage (Winston - Salem) | H | H35 | | |
| Hospital - Urgent Care Signing | H | H36 | | |
| Historic Markers Program | H | H38 | | |
| Historic Signing | H | H39 | | |
| Illegal Signs On NCDOT Right-of-Way | I | I01 | | |
| Industrial Parks Signing | I | I02 | | |
| Intersection and Strip Reports Code Index | I | I03 | | |
| Incident Management Assistance/Patrol/Signing | I | I04 | | |
| Interstate & Defense - United States Highway Marking & Numbering System / Policy | I | I05 | | |
| Interstate And Defense Route Criteria | I | I06 | | |
| Investigative Index - Formula/ Explanation (Railroad Grade Crossing Signal Program) | I | I07 | | |
| ISTEA - Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act | I | I08 | | |
| IVHS - Intelligent Vehicle Highway System | I | I09 | | |
| ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems | I | I10 | | |
| Internet & E-Mail Policy | I | I11 | | |
| Keep Right - Slower Traffic Signing | K | K01 | | |
| Korean War / 50th Anniversary Signing | K | K02 | | |
| Left-Over Only Cross - Over Design | L | L03 | | |
| Legislative Authority to Require Improvements by Others | L | L05 | | |
| Levels Of Service - Desirable / Policy | L | L06 | | |
| License Plate Agency Signing | L | L07 | | |
| Lighting Of Rigidly Mounted Overhead Signs - Guidelines | L | L08 | | |
| Lighting Policy - Streets | L | L09 | | |
| Litter Prohibition / NC Mean About Clean Signing | L | L10 | | |
| Load Limits For Bridges; Penalty For Violations | L | L11 | | |
| Logo - Specific Service Signing Program | L | L12 | | |
| Low / Soft Shoulders Signs | L | L13 | | |
| Low Vehicles May Drag - Railroad Grade Crossing Signing | L | L14 | | |
| Low Water Stream Crossing Signing | L | L15 | | |
| Learning Center | L | L16 | | |
| Limited Service Contracts (LSC) | L | L17 | | |
| Mailbox Installation Guidelines | M | M01 | | |
| Maintenance / Construction Within Municipalities - By NCDOT | M | M02 | | |
| Major Traffic Generators Signing | M | M03 | | |
| Mason / Freemason Signing | M | M04 | | |
| Median Crossover - Official Use Only Signing | M | M06 | | |
| Median Crossover - Positive Off-Set Left Turn Lanes | M | M07 | | |
| Median Crossover - Right-of-Way Involving Closures | M | M08 | | |
| Median Crossover - Safety Signing & Pavement ">Markings, ETC | M | M09 | | |
| Median Crossover - Spacing Guidelines | M | M10 | | |
| Median Widths On Divided Highways | M | M11 | | |
| Metal Poles - Selection At Signalized Intersections | M | M12 | | |
| Median Crossover - Left-over Only Crossover - Typical / Design | M | M14 | | |
| Mid-Block Fire Station Preemption | M | M15 | | |
| Middle School Signing (6th - 8th Grade) | M | M16 | | |
| Mile Posting - Reference Location Signs | M | M17 | | |
| Mile Posting - Exit Number Procedures | M | M18 | | |
| Mile Posting - For Non-Freeways | M | M19 | | |
| Mile Posting - Interchange Numbering For Mainline And Circumferential Routes | M | M20 | | |
| Military Bases | M | M21 | | |
| Minimum Speed Limit Signing | M | M22 | | |
| Misleading Signs Prohibited | M | M23 | | |
| Misuse Of State Equipment | M | M24 | | |
| Monuments - Signing | M | M25 | | |
| Motorist Assistance Patrol Signs | M | M26 | | |
| Motorist Call Boxes | M | M27 | | |
| Motorists Must Burn Headlights When Using Windshield Wipers | M | M28 | | |
| Mowing Operations - Traffic Control | M | M29 | | |
| Mowing Operations / Median Guardrail - Traffic Control | M | M30 | | |
| Municipal Signing - Specific Sections Or Areas of Incorporated Cities or Towns | M | M31 | | |
| Municipal Zoning And Planning Limit Signing | M | M32 | | |
| Municipality Signing - Special | M | M34 | | |
| Museum - Signing | M | M35 | | |
| Museum - AAM Accredited Museums List - USA List, World Wide List, and North Carolina - International Council of Museums List | M | M36 | | |
| Multi-Use Community Signing | M | M37 | | |
| Move Over or Slow Down - for Stopped Emergency Vehicles Signing | M | M38 | | |
| Memorial Adoptions for Planting on R.O.W. | M | M39 | | |
| Motor Sports Facilities Signing | M | M40 | | |
| Median Barriers - Effect of Continuous Median Barriers on Highway Speeds | M | M41 | | |
| Marketing | M | M42 | | |
| Honorary Naming - Roads, Bridges, and Ferries (A) | N | N01 | | |
| Regular Naming / Numbering - County Roads | N | N02 | | |
| Honorary Naming - Roads / Bridges, and Ferries (B) | N | N03 | | |
| Numbering Routes - Interstate, US, NC, and Secondary Roads | N | N04 | | |
| Narrow Road / Bridge / One Lane Bridge Signing | N | N05 | | |
| NC License Plate Agency Sign Policy | N | N07 | | |
| NC Route Designation Guidelines / History | N | N08 | | |
| No Fishing From Bridge Signing | N | N09 | | |
| No Jumping Or Diving From Bridge Signing | N | N10 | | |
| No Outlet / Dead End Signing | N | N11 | | |
| No Passing And Passing Zones - Method Of Determining | N | N12 | | |
| NC Highway Safety Improvement Program | N | N13 | | |
| Object Markers to Protect Guardrail End | O | O01 | | |
| Office Complexes Signing | O | O02 | | |
| Official Use Only - Median Crossover Signing | O | O03 | | |
| One ( 1 ) - 800 - By -Train Policy / Signing | O | O04 | | |
| One - Way Standard Drawings At Median Crossovers | O | O05 | | |
| Other Than Official Signs Prohibited | O | O06 | | |
| Outdoor Advertising On Interstate And Federal-Aid Highways | O | O07 | | |
| Outdoor Dramas - Signing | O | O08 | | |
| Overhead Signs - Foundations | O | O09 | | |
| Overhead Signs - Number Of Signs, Legends, Arrows, Etc | O | O10 | | |
| Overpass / Underpass Signing | O | O12 | | |
| Parks - State Park Signing | P | P01 | | |
| Pedestrians - Reasonable Access Requests from Pedestrians with Qualifying Disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act | P | P02 | | |
| Parking - No Parking - State/Municipal System Streets | P | P03 | | |
| Parking - No Parking, No Standing, etc on Controlled Access Highways | P | P04 | | |
| Parking - Relocation Of Vehicles On Freeways | P | P05 | | |
| Passing - Methods of Determining No Passing and Passing Zones | P | P06 | | |
| Passing Zones - School Buses, Emergency Vehicles | P | P08 | | |
| Paved Shoulders - Sensory Warning Treatment - Rumble Strips | P | P09 | | |
| Pedestrian - Mid-Block Crosswalks Signing and Paving Markings | P | P10 | | |
| Pedestrian - Policy Guidelines | P | P11 | | |
| Photo Enforcement Signing / Guidelines | P | P12 | | |
| Piedmont Triad Signs | P | P13 | | |
| Planning / Zoning Limit Signing | P | P14 | | |
| Pole Offset Guidelines | P | P15 | | |
| Powell Bill Funds-Expenditure Guidelines | P | P17 | | |
| Private Vehicles For State Business | P | P18 | | |
| Project Boundary ID Signs / Begin & End Signs | P | P21 | | |
| Public Power Community Signing | P | P22 | | |
| Public Records - Access To DOT Records | P | P23 | | |
| Public Records - Open Government - AG's Office | P | P24 | | |
| Public Vehicle Areas (PVA) Signing | P | P25 | | |
| Pull - Off Area -Marking and Signing | P | P26 | | |
| Punctuation Usage - Signing | P | P27 | | |
| Purple Heart Overview / Signing | P | P28 | | |
| PE -Sealing Work Prepared by a Licensed PE | P | P29 | | |
| Post Office Signing | P | P30 | | |
| Pavement Markings, Markers & Roadside Delineation - Placement Guidelines | P | P31 | | |
| Pavement - "Stamped" Pavement Patterns / Cobblestone / Pavement Treatment - Markings | P | P33 | | |
| Pavement Markings - Colored Pavements used as Traffic Control Devices | P | P34 | | |
| Pavement Markings - Dual U-Turn Pavement Markings | P | P35 | | |
| Pavement Marking Life Cycle Cost Analysis | P | P36 | | |
| North Carolina Pedestrian Crossing Guidance | P | P37 | | |
| Quick Clearance - Fender Bender Signing | Q | Q01 | | |
| Quadrant Left | Q | Q02 | | |
| Railroad - Public Recreational Use Leasing - NCDOT Railroad Right-Of-Way for Trails etc | R | R01 | | |
| Radios / Highway Advisory (HA">R) Signing | R | R02 | | |
| Railroad - Highway At Grade Crossing - Definitions | R | R03 | | |
| Railroad Crossing - Cross-Bucks / Number of Tracks Signing | R | R04 | | |
| Railroad Crossing - Signs, Signals And Gates | R | R05 | | |
| Railroad Crossing - Grade Separation Guidelines | R | R06 | | |
| Railroad Crossing - Investigative Index | R | R07 | | |
| Railroad - Amtrak Signing | R | R08 | | |
| Railroad Crossing - Stop Or Yield Sign Installation At R/R Crossings | R | R09 | | |
| Railroad Name Signs on Overpasses | R | R10 | | |
| Ramp Signing For Trucks | R | R11 | | |
| Railroad Crossing - Guidelines for Median Separation at Highway/Railway At-Grade Crossing | R | R12 | | |
| Recreation & Cultural Interest Area Signing | R | R13 | | |
| Recycling Center - Signing | R | R14 | | |
| Red Light Photo Enforcement - Interfacing Equipment | R | R15 | | |
| Reduced Speed Ahead Signing | R | R16 | | |
| Reflective Pavement Markers Policy | R | R17 | | |
| Regional Centers (Global TransPark) Signing | R | R18 | | |
| Regulatory Red Series Signs, High Intensity Sheeting | R | R19 | | |
| Removal of Vehicles from a Public Highway | R | R20 | | |
| Research Park Signing | R | R21 | | |
| Rest areas - Guidelines | R | R22 | | |
| Rest Area - Typical Signing / Control | R | R23 | | |
| Review & Approval Process For Municipal And/ Or Private Developments | R | R24 | | |
| Right-of-Way - Utility Pole/Fixed Object Placement Guidelines | R | R25 | | |
| Right-of-Way - Disposal and Control of Access Committee Operating Procedures | R | R26 | | |
| Right-of-Way - No Deer Hunting on Highway R.O.W. Signing | R | R27 | | |
| Right-of-Way - No Fishing from Highway R.O.W. | R | R29 | | |
| Right-of-Way - No Hunting on Highway R.O.W. | R | R30 | | |
| Right-of-Way - Selling and Soliciting from R.O.W. | R | R31 | | |
| Right-of-Way - Interstate - Unofficial Signs (Billboards) - On an Interstate Highway by a State | R | R32 | | |
| River Basin Signing | R | R33 | | |
| River Or Stream Signing | R | R34 | | |
| Road Name Signing - for Secondary Roads | R | R35 | | |
| Road Naming Signing - For Streets (Municipalities, Property Owners, Developers) | R | R36 | | |
| Roadside Memorial (Crosses, Wreaths, Etc) Guidelines | R | R37 | | |
| Roundabouts | R | R38 | | |
| Rumble Strip Design / Guidelines | R | R39 | | |
| Runaway Truck Ramp Signing | R | R40 | | |
| Rural Sanitary Landfills - Typical Signing | R | R41 | | |
| Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) | R | R42 | | |
| Railroad Crossing - Passive Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Signing | R | R43 | | |
| Standard Practice - Rumble Strips/Bicycles | R | R44 | | |
| Thermoplastic Rumble Strips | R | R45 | | |
| Records Retention and Disposition | R | R46 | | |
| S Dimensions And Slopes For Signs | S | S01 | | |
| Sanitary District Signing | S | S02 | | |
| Sanitary Landfill Signing | S | S03 | | |
| Scenic Byways Signing | S | S04 | | |
| Schools - Elementary (K-5th Grade), Middle (6th-8th Grade), and High (9th-12th Grade) | S | S05 | | |
| School - Colleges / Universities Signing | S | S06 | | |
| School Bus Entering Signs | S | S07 | | |
| School Bus - Safety (Warning) Signing | S | S08 | | |
| School Bus - Stop Ahead Signing | S | S09 | | |
| School Bus - Stopped - No Passing Laws / Rules | S | S10 | | |
| School Zone - Flashers (State Municipal System) | S | S11 | | |
| Standard Layout for Signing & Marking School Areas | S | S12 | | |
| School Bus - Safety Handbook | S | S13 | | |
| School Zone - Speed Limit for Public, Private, or Parochial Schools | S | S14 | | |
| Secondary Roads - Numbering Procedures | S | S15 | | |
| Specific Services Signing | S | S16 | | |
| Shopping Center Signing | S | S17 | | |
| Sidewalk Policy | S | S18 | | |
| Special Events - Closing of Roads | S | S19 | | |
| Secondary Roads and Subdivision Streets-Policies | S | S20 | | |
| School - Municipal & School Transportation Assistance (MSTA) | S | S21 | | |
| Signs - Composition (No Misleading Signs) | S | S22 | | |
| Signs - Damaging or Removing Signs: Rewards | S | S23 | | |
| Sign Support Offset for Overhead Structures on Freeways | S | S24 | | |
| Slow Moving Vehicle Pull-Out Lane Signing | S | S27 | | |
| Slower Traffic Keep Right Signing | S | S28 | | |
| Smartlink Signing | S | S29 | | |
| Soil And Water Conservation District Signing | S | S30 | | |
| Special Event Signing (Temporary) | S | S31 | | |
| Special Signs In Municipalities | S | S32 | | |
| Speed Bumps - Traffic Calming | S | S33 | | |
| Speed Limit - 25 Mph In Subdivisions And Short Dead End Roads | S | S34 | | |
| Speed Limit - 35 Unless Otherwise Posted | S | S35 | | |
| Speed Limit - 70 Mph Procedures | S | S36 | | |
| Speed Limit - Advisory Ramp / Loop Speeds | S | S37 | | |
| Speed Limit - Advisory Safe Speed Plaques | S | S38 | | |
| Speed Limit - Curb And Gutter Facilities (Reasonable Speeds) | S | S39 | | |
| Speed Limit - Design / Posted / Reduction Guidelines | S | S40 | | |
| Speed Limit - Inside Municipalities | S | S41 | | |
| Speed Limit - Location of Reduced Speed Limit Signing | S | S42 | | |
| Speed Limit - Posting for 60Mph, 65Mph,& 70Mph Speed Limits FHWA Guidelines | S | S43 | | |
| Speed Limit - State Line Supplemental Speed Limit Plaques | S | S44 | | |
| Speed Limit - Restrictions-G">S 20-141 | S | S45 | | |
| Speed Limit - School (Public, Private-Year Round) | S | S46 | | |
| Speed Limit - Minimum Speed Limit Signing | S | S47 | | |
| Speeding - Work Zone Penalty [$250] | S | S49 | | |
| Splice Detail For U-Channel Post | S | S51 | | |
| STAA Dimensioned Vehicles - Access Routes Rules | S | S52 | | |
| Stadium Signing | S | S53 | | |
| Standard Size & Style of Letters For Highway Signs | S | S54 | | |
| State Line - Standard Signing At State Line | S | S56 | | |
| Stop Sign / Yield Sign - Control Signing | S | S58 | | |
| Street Access & Driveway Access To NCDOT Highways | S | S59 | | |
| Street Name Signs - Municipal / Rural | S | S60 | | |
| Street Name Signs - Overhead | S | S61 | | |
| Subdivision Name Marker | S | S62 | | |
| Subdivision Speed Limits | S | S63 | | |
| Supplemental Guide Signs - Freeways & Expressways | S | S64 | | |
| Symbols - for Signing | S | S66 | | |
| Senior Center Signing | S | S67 | | |
| Sign Sheeting - High Intensity (Type III) | S | S68 | | |
| Sign Sheeting - Regulatory Red | S | S69 | | |
| Speed Limit - Subdivision Wide Signing | S | S70 | | |
| Speed Limit - Photo Enforced Signing / Laws | S | S71 | | |
| Schools - Public Schools: Roads, Driveways and School Parking Lots | S | S72 | | |
| Streams - Crossings, Relocation, and Anadromous Fish Guidelines | S | S73 | | |
| Slippery When Wet Signing | S | S74 | | |
| Signs - In-street Pedestrian Crossing Signs | S | S75 | | |
| Signs - Guidelines for Wayfinding Signs along State Maintained Roadways | S | S76 | | |
| Special Events | S | S77 | | |
| Signs - Border and Corner Radius Dimensions | S | S78 | | |
| Signs - Future Interstate Route Signing | S | S79 | | |
| Spot Safety Program | S | S80 | | |
| Spot Mobility Program | S | S81 | | |
| Study of State Parks and Trail Signage | S | S82 | | |
| Telephone - Public Telephone Signing | T | T02 | | |
| Traveler Information Management System (TIMS) | T | T03 | | |
| Temporary Signs For Special Events | T | T04 | | |
| Telephone "Meet Me" Conference Calls | T | T05 | | |
| Tourist Information Center Signing | T | T06 | | |
| Tourist Information Centers - Sales Prohibited on Interstate R.O.W. | T | T07 | | |
| Tourist Oriented Directional Signs - TODS | T | T08 | | |
| Tourist / Visitor - Radio Information | T | T09 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Countdown Pedestrian Signal Heads | T | T10 | | |
| Traffic Calming | T | T11 | | |
| Traffic Engineering Type Improvement Requests - Handling Procedures | T | T12 | | |
| Traffic Generators - Supplemental Guide Signs for Major Traffic Generators | T | T13 | | |
| Traffic Generators - Supplemental Guide Signs for Moderate Traffic Generators | T | T14 | | |
| Traffic Generators that Do Not Warrant Guide Signing On the State Highway System | T | T15 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Audible / Accessible Pedestrian Signals | T | T16 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Alternatives / Signalized vs Unsignalized Intersections | T | T17 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Emergency Vehicle Access | T | T18 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Controllers - Type 2070L Technology Conversion | T | T19 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Vehicle Initiated Preemption | T | T20 | | |
| Traffic Signal - File Information, Request for Copies | T | T21 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Beacons / Flashers | T | T22 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Moveable Bridges | T | T23 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Timing | T | T24 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Preemption and Priority Control | T | T25 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Emergency Vehicle / Railroad Pre-emption | T | T26 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Installation / Removal | T | T27 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Review And Approval Process For Private Developments | T | T28 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Right Turn On Red Signing | T | T29 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Signalization Guidelines For Driveways at ">Tee Intersections | T | T30 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Part Time Operation | T | T31 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Standard Practices For The Selection Of Metal Poles At Signalized Intersections | T | T32 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Utility Conflicts At Signalized Locations | T | T33 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Warrants / Definitions | T | T34 | | |
| Train Station / Bus Station Signing | T | T35 | | |
| Truck - Entering Highway - Logging - Signing | T | T36 | | |
| Truck - Establishing Truck Routes / Guidelines - North Carolina | T | T37 | | |
| Truck - Hill And / Or Escape Ramps | T | T38 | | |
| Truck - Lane Restrictions | T | T39 | | |
| Truck - No Trucks 3 - Axles Or More Signing | T | T40 | | |
| Truck - No Trucks - Within A Municipality Signing | T | T41 | | |
| Truck - Over Height Vehicle Detection Systems | T | T42 | | |
| Truck - Over Size / Over Weight - Permit Process | T | T43 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Dark / Dead Signals | T | T44 | | |
| Truck - Ramp Signing | T | T45 | | |
| Truck - Restricted To US And NC Numbered Routes | T | T46 | | |
| Truck - Rules For Reasonable Access | T | T48 | | |
| Truck - Runaway Truck Ramps | T | T49 | | |
| Truck - Trailers May Drag Signing | T | T50 | | |
| Truck - Turnout Lane Signing | T | T51 | | |
| Truck - Twin Trailer Route Designation Guidelines and Rules For Access Routes for STAA Dimensioned Vehicles | T | T52 | | |
| Traffic Control - Moving Operation Caravan - Spraying | T | T53 | | |
| Traffic Control - Mowing Operations | T | T54 | | |
| Traffic Control - Moving Operation Caravan - Placing Marking or Markers | T | T55 | | |
| Traffic Control - Pavement Management Operations | T | T56 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Red Light Photo Enforcement - Interfacing Equipment | T | T57 | | |
| Traffic Signals - Strobe Light | T | T58 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Flashing Operation | T | T59 | | |
| Traffic Signal - TIP Field Review Process (After Let Date) | T | T60 | | |
| Trees - Unlawful to Cut on Highway ROW | T | T61 | | |
| Traffic - Traffic Impact Study Guidelines / Evaluation | T | T62 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Emergency Vehicle Initiated Pre-emption Guidelines | T | T63 | | |
| Traffic Signal - Pole Offset (Clear Zone) | T | T64 | | |
| Traffic Control - Mowing Operations / Median Guardrail | T | T65 | | |
| Traffic Signal Plans - Design | T | T66 | | |
| Traffic Signals - Compliance with Traffic Signal and Electrical/Programming Detail Plans | T | T67 | | |
| Traffic Signals -Provisions for Generator-powered Traffic Signals | T | T68 | | |
| Tapers - Length Criteria, Formulas, etc. | T | T01 | | |
| Traffic Signals and Ordinances | T | T69 | | |
| Traffic Data Collection | T | T70 | | |
| Traffic Signals – Flashing Yellow Arrows | T | T71 | | |
| Unincorporated Communities (Directional Signs) | U | U01 | | |
| United States Highway Numbering Policy | U | U02 | | |
| United States Interstate & Defense Highway Marking System | U | U03 | | |
| University Signing | U | U04 | | |
| Unlawful To Cut Plants or Trees on Highway Right-Of-Way | U | U05 | | |
| Unlawful To Damage, Remove, Climb, Cross Or Breach Any Fence Erected Within Right-of-Way | U | U06 | | |
| Unlawful To Pass Stopped School Bus | U | U07 | | |
| UPTOWN Signing | U | U08 | | |
| Utility Conflicts At Signalized Intersections | U | U09 | | |
| Van Accessible Signs | V | V01 | | |
| Variable Message Board Signs | V | V02 | | |
| Vehicle - Removal From Highway Right-of-Way | V | V03 | | |
| Vehicle - Removal From Private lots of Unauthorized ">Vehicles | V | V04 | | |
| Visitor / Tourist Information Signing | V | V05 | | |
| Video Log | V | V06 | | |
| W-Projects - Hazard Elimination Funds / FHWA Benefit Cost Analysis - Highway Safety Improvement For HES Projects | W | W01 | | |
| W-Projects - High Accident Location-Safety Project Reports / NCDOT Benefit Cost Analysis - Evaluation Guidelines | W | W02 | | |
| Warning Panels & Warning Flags Delineators | W | W03 | | |
| Warning Signs - Guidelines For Placement of Warning Signs | W | W04 | | |
| Warning Signs - Fluorescent Yellow Green Color | W | W05 | | |
| Warning Signs - Road Closed - Flooding / Impassable, etc | W | W06 | | |
| Watch For Children Playing Signing | W | W07 | | |
| Water Point Locations - Fire Department Signing | W | W08 | | |
| Water Supply / Water Shed Area Signing | W | W09 | | |
| Weather And Road Condition Radio Information Signing | W | W10 | | |
| Weight Limit - Signing Weight Restrictions for Highways and Structures | W | W11 | | |
| Weight Limit - Of Vehicles & Load | W | W12 | | |
| Weight Limit - On Non-System Streets | W | W13 | | |
| Weight Limit - Over Weight Vehicles | W | W14 | | |
| Weight Limit - Signing | W | W15 | | |
| Weight Stations - Signing | W | W16 | | |
| Welcome or Entrance Signing (Special) | W | W17 | | |
| Whitewater Rafting Signing | W | W18 | | |
| Wildlife Viewing Area Signing | W | W19 | | |
| Work Order - Authority / Spot Safety Projects | W | W20 | | |
| Work Zone - Guidelines for Speed Reduction Ordinances on Construction Projects | W | W21 | | |
| Wind Speeds, Zones, & Pressures for Metal Pole & Sign Designs | W | W22 | | |
| Work Zone - Advance Warning Signs for Location and Surveys Unit | W | W23 | | |
| Work Zone - Inactive Work Zone Guidelines | W | W24 | | |
| Work Zone - Speeding Penalty $250 | W | W25 | | |
| Warning Signs - Free Flow Right Turn Signing | W | W26 | | |
| Water Recreation Signing | W | W27 | | |
| Work Zone - Speed Limit Reductions | W | W28 | | |
| Welcome to North Carolina Signs | W | W29 | | |
| Work Zone - Temporary Accomodations for Pedestrians During Construction | W | W30 | | |
| Work Zone Service Signs | W | W31 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation-General | W | W32 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation-Incidents | W | W33 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation-Labor Laws and Policies | W | W34 | | |
| Work Management System | W | W35 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation-Severe Weather | W | W36 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation - Ergonomics | W | W37 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation - Fire Safety/Evacuations | W | W38 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation - Threats and Suspicious Activity/Mail | W | W39 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation - Audits | W | W40 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation – Hazard Communication | W | W41 | | |
| Workplace Safety, Security, and Sanitation – Security | W | W42 | | |
| Yield Sign / Stop Sign Control Signing | Y | Y01 | | |
| Zoning and Planning Limit Signing | Z | Z01 | | |
| Zoo Signing | Z | Z02 | | |