• Powell Bill Program (State Aid for Municipalities)

    2025 Powell Bill (PB) Program 

    In preparation for the upcoming 2025 Powell Bill Program, we suggest that you take a moment to go to the Enterprise Business Services website (https://www.ebs.nc.gov) to ensure that your able log on without any issues.  It is possible that your NCID account became inactive if you have not updated your password when prompted by NCID emails.  

    If you're not able to log onto the EBS website:

    1. Log onto NCID and reset your password: https://myncid.nc.gov/​
    • If your account is disabled, contact the NCID Coordinator for your municipality and request to have your account reestablished.

    • Once your account is reestablished, you should attempt to log onto NCID again.

    NCID account issues will need to be addressed with NCID directly. EBS Support cannot assist them.

    1. If you successfully log onto NCID and have reset your password, you should try logging on to EBS again. (https://www.ebs.nc.gov)  If you're still not able to log on, you should contact the DOT-IT SAP (EBS) Support Services staff at EBSSupport@ncdot.gov (include a phone number for them to contact you).

    Once you log in, keep in mind you won't be able to do anything until the 2025 Powell Bill Program is opened by July 1st

    If you have staff changes, please have the new staff members follow the instructions mentioned above to obtain a NCID/EBS/PBRS log in. Please email the PB unit at NCDOT_PowellBill@ncdot.gov for any staff members who will need their access to your municipality removed.

    Important Dates to Remember ​      ​
    All of the required information for the Powell Bill program can be submitted in the PBRS on July 1 of every year.  Municipalities do not have to wait until the deadlines to submit the required information.

    Certified Statement, street listing (Word or Excel format), and if applicable a certified, digital Powell Bill map, and add/delete sheet are due between July 1st and July 21st of each year.

    Powell Bill Expenditures Report is statutorily due by August 1st of each year.

    Municipal Street Fiscal Data Report is due by December 1st of each year.

    ​For any additional questions concerning the Powell Bill Program, please send us a direct email to: NCDOT_PowellBill@ncdot.gov

    NCID account support

    Your NCID password will need to be updated every 90 days or your NCID account will become disabled. If your account becomes disabled your municipal NCID account person will need to reach out to the NCID support directly. 

    NCDIT phone: 919-754-6000


    Enterprise Business Services (EBS)/Powell Bill Reporting System (PBRS) support

    For technical assistance with the PBRS email Enterprise Business Services (EBS) Support Services at EBSSupport@ncdot.gov. Please include the best phone number to reach you on in the email to them.

    Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 4:30 pm

    Updates to NC Statutes for the Powell Bill Program

    ​Senate Bill 259 Session Law 2023-134: 

    Highway Fund                       FY 2023-2024             FY 2024-2025
    Aid to Municipalities
    Powell Bill                             $170,375,000              $185,875,000

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