• Assets

    Highway Assets

    • Pavements (flexible and rigid)
    • Bridges (superstructure, bridge deck, bridge supports, bridge railing, slope pavement, etc.)
    • Tunnels
    • Roadside features such as drainage, guardrail, signals, ITS devices, etc.
    • Pavement markings (e.g. stop bars, turn arrows, and hash marks) and pavement striping.
    • Rest areas, salt-sand storage areas, and weigh stations
    • Maintenance yards and other NCDOT facilities.

    Other Assets

    • Ferries
    • Airports
    • Rail
    • Ports


    • Over the past 15 years NCDOT’s major program areas (bridge, pavement, maintenance) have individually developed and applied asset management principles to their assets. The Department is now moving forward with a total transportation asset management approach as a way of doing business which links all program areas and all assets operating in a coordinated fashion. As the public demands greater accountability, the TAM program aims to demonstrate that NCDOT is delivering cost-effective performance of its assets.

    • NCDOT is in the process of developing a management structure to oversee this Department-wide asset management approach. This structure will be comprised of representatives from the various asset groups at NCDOT.


    • The Office of Asset Management’s core mission is to provide technical guidance, policy recommendations, leadership, and support in the maintenance, management and operations of the State Highway System with the Division of Highways using an asset management approach.


    • Provide traveling public with the best level of service for the resources available.
    • Make sound business decisions that are economically and engineering based.
    • Optimize the use of the transportation dollars.
    • Protect North Carolina's investment in the network.
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