| | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION FORWARD | SM-00-000 | This publication has been prepared to provide a compilation of standard requirements used by the North Carolina Department of Transportation for construction contracts. When this publication, entitled
Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, dated January 2012, is incorporated by reference into the Department's construction bid proposals or contracts; it is made a part of that document and shall be known as the
Standard Specifications. The requirements stated herein may be revised or amended from time to time by Supplemental Specifications, by Standard Special Provisions which are unique to a select group of projects or by Project Special Provisions which are unique to the specific bid proposal or contract. Working titles have a masculine gender, such as workman, workmen and foreman. Pronouns such as he, his, and him are used in the
Standard Specifications for the sake of brevity and are intended to refer to persons of either sex and corporate entities. Reference by title and date will be made to the governing provisions on plans and contract documents.
GENERAL INFORMATION For general questions about this publication, please contact the Contract Standards and Development Unit at specs@ncdot.gov or (919) 707-6900.
ORDERING INFORMATION Copies of the Standard Specifications and the Roadway Standard Drawings may be purchased through the Contract Standards and Development Unit:
North Carolina Department of Transportation Contract Standards and Development Unit – Manual Distribution 1591 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1591 Telephone: (919) 707-6944 Website:
The order form is available at
http://www.ncdot.gov/business/order/puborder.html. Electronic copies of the
Standard Specifications and the
Roadway Standard Drawings are available for download on the Contract Standards and Development Unit's website at
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 101 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS | SM-01-101 |
GENERALWhenever the terms defined in this section are used in the contract, in any of the contract documents, or in the plans, the intended meaning of such terms shall be as defined in this section.
ABBREVIATIONSAASHTO______ American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ABC_________ Aggregate Base Course ACI__________ American Concrete Institute AFAD________ Automated Flagger Assistance Device AISC_________ American Institute of Steel Construction ANSI_________ American National Standards Institute, Inc. APL__________ Approved Products List ASC__________ Approved Supplier Certification ASB__________ Aggregate Shoulder Borrow ASTM________ American Society for Testing and Materials AWG_________ American Wire Gauge AWS_________ American Welding Society AWWA_______ American Water Works Association AWPA________ American Wood-Preservers' Association CAPWAP______ CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program CFR__________ Code of Federal Regulations CIE__________ International Commission on Illumination CRSI_________ Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute C.S.__________ Corrugated Steel CSI__________ Cumulative Straightedge Index CSL__________ Crosshole Sonic Logging EIA/TIA______ Electronics Industries Alliance/Telecommunications Industry Association ESAL_________ Equivalent Single Axis Load FHWA________ Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation HDPE________ High Density Polyethylene HMA_________ Hot Mix Asphalt ID___________ Identification IES__________ Illuminating Engineering Society IRI___________ International Roughness Index IMSA_________ International Municipal Signal Association JMF__________ Job Mix Formula LED__________ Light Emitting Diode LL___________ Liquid Limit LLC__________ Limited Liability Company LRFD_________ Load and Resistance Factor Design MIL__________ Military Standard MRAS________ Manufactured Waste Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles MRI__________ Mean Roughness Index MSDS________ Material Safety Data Sheet MTV_________ Material Transfer Vehicle MUTCD_______ Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the North Carolina Supplement thereto NCAC________ North Carolina Administrative Code NCDENR______ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NCDOT_______ North Carolina Department of Transportation NCGS________ North Carolina General Statutes NEC__________ National Electrical Code NEMA________ National Electrical Manufacturers Association NESC_________ National Electrical Safety Code NTPEP________ National Transportation Product Evaluation Program OGAFC_______ Open-Graded Asphalt Friction Course OSHA________ Occupational Safety and Health Administration OTDR________ Optical Time Domain Reflectometer PADC________ Permeable Asphalt Drainage Course PDA__________ Pile Driver Analyzer PDF__________ Portable Document Format PI____________ Plasticity Index (Material), Public Information Plan (Traffic Management) PIT__________ Pile Integrity Testing POC__________ Purchase Order Contract PMEM________ Polymer-Modified Emulsion Membrane PRAS_________ Post Consumer Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles PVC__________ Polyvinyl Chloride PVCO________ Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride QA___________ Quality Assurance QC___________ Quality Control QMS_________ Quality Management System RAP__________ Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement RAS__________ Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles RUS__________ Rural Utilities Service SCTE_________ Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers SMFO________ Single Mode Fiber Optic (Cable or Connector) SSPC_________ Society of Protective Coatings SWG_________ Steel Wire Guage TIP__________ Transportation Improvement Plan TMP_________ Traffic Management Plan TO___________ Transportation Operations Plan TSR__________ Tensile Strength Ratio TTC__________ Temporary Traffic Control Plan TTF__________ Temperature-Time Factor UBWC________ Ultra-thin Bonded Wearing Course UL___________ Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. UST__________ Underground Storage Tank UV___________ Ultraviolet VEP__________ Value Engineering Proposal VMA_________ Voids in Mineral Aggregate VTM_________ Voids in Total Mix WBS_________ Work Balance Sheet WTAT________ Wet Track Abrasion Test WMA_________ Warm Mix Asphalt
Symbol |
Unit Name |
Symbol |
Unit Name | " | Inch, Inches | kbps | Kilobit per Second | % | Percent | lb | Pound, Pounds | ± | Plus or Minus | lbf | Pound(s) Force | ° | Degree, Degrees | nm | Nanometer(s) | > | Greater Than | mcd/lux/m2 | Millicandellas per Lux per Square Meter | ≥ | Greater Than or Equal to | mg-cm | Milligram-Centimeter | < | Less Than | mm | Millimeter, Millimeters | ≤ | Less Than or Equal to | mph | Mile(s) per Hour | µ | Micro | oz | Ounce, Ounces | A, amp | Ampere, Amperes | ppm | Parts per Million | cf | Cubic Foot, Cubic Feet | psi | Pounds per Square Inch | cu.in. | Cubic Inch, Cubic Inches | qt | Quart, Quarts | cy | Cubic Yard, Cubic Yards | rpm | Rotations per Minute | dB | Decibel, Decibels | sec | Second, Seconds | F | Fahrenheit | sf | Square Foot, Square Feet | ft | Foot, Feet | SFS | Saybolt Furol Seconds | ft-lb | Foot-Pounds | sq.in. | Square Inch, Square Inches | gal | Gallon, Gallons | sy | Square Yard, Square Yards | gpm | Gallon(s) per Minute | tsf | Tons per Square Foot | Gmm@Nini | Maximum Specific Gravity at Initial Number of Gyrations | V, VAC | Voltage, Voltage of Alternating Current | hr | Hour, Hours | vpm | Vibrations per Minute | Hz | Hertz | W | Watt, Watts | J | Joule, Joules | Yd | Yard, Yards |
ACT OF GOD: Events in nature so extraordinary that the history of climate variations and other conditions in the particular locality affords no reasonable warning of them.
ADDITIONAL WORK: Additional work is that which results from a change or alteration to the contract and for which there are existing contract unit prices.
ADMINISTRATOR: The State Highway Administrator.
ADVERTISEMENT: The public advertisement inviting bids for the construction of specific projects.
AMOUNT BID: The amount bid for a particular item of work in a proposal.
ARTICLE: A primary numbered subdivision of a section of the
Standard Specifications.
AWARD: The decision of the Department of Transportation to accept the bid of the lowest responsible responsive bidder for work that is subject to the furnishing of payment and performance bonds and such other conditions as may be otherwise provided by law, the proposal and these specifications.
BASE COURSE: That portion of the pavement structure of planned thickness placed immediately below the pavement or surface course.
Paper Bid: The offer of a bidder on the proposal furnished by the Department to perform the work and to furnish the labor and materials at the prices quoted.
Electronic Bid: The electronic offer of a bidder via Bid Express® to the Department to perform the work and to furnish the labor and materials at the prices quoted.
BID BOND OR BID DEPOSIT: The security furnished by the bidder with his bid as guaranty that he will furnish the required bonds and execute such documents as may be required if his bid is accepted.
BIDDER: An individual, partnership, firm, corporation, LLC or joint venture formally submitting a bid for the work contemplated.
BOARD OR BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION: The Board created by the provisions of NCGS § 143B-350 for formulating policies for the Department of Transportation and awarding all transportation construction contracts.
BRIDGE: A structure including supports, erected over a depression or an obstruction such as water, highway or railway, and having a track or passage way for carrying traffic or other moving loads and having a length measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 ft between undercopings of end supports, spring lines of arches or between extreme ends of openings for multiple reinforced concrete box structures.
BRIDGE LENGTH: The length of a bridge structure is the overall length measured along the line of survey stationing back to back of backwalls of abutments, if present, otherwise end to end of the bridge floor.
BRIDGE WIDTH: The clear width measured at right angles to the longitudinal centerline of the bridge between the bottom of curbs, guard timbers or face of parapets, or in the case of multiple heights of curbs, between the bottoms of the lower risers.
CALENDAR DAY: A day shown on the calendar beginning and ending at midnight.
CHIEF ENGINEER: The Chief Engineer, Operations, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation acting directly or through his duly authorized representatives.
COMPLETION DATE: That date established as set forth in the contract or as revised by authorized extensions, by which it is required that the work set forth in the contract be satisfactorily completed. When observation periods are required by the Specifications, they are not a part of the work to be completed by the completion date or intermediate contract times stated in the contract unless otherwise noted.
CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT: A right owned by the Department of Transportation in a parcel of land owned by a third party outside the highway right of way for containing construction that exceeds the right of way.
CONTRACT: The executed agreement between the Department and the successful bidder, covering the performance of and compensation for the work. The term contract is all inclusive with reference to all written and electronic agreements affecting a contractual relationship and all documents referred to therein. The contract shall include, but not be limited to, the proposal, the printed contract form and attachments, contract bonds, plans, standard specifications and supplemental specifications, standard special provisions and project special provisions contained in the proposal and all executed supplemental agreements. All references to contracts shall include electronic agreements and printed paper agreements. These may include, but not be limited to, the electronic bid bond, Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification, Gift Ban Certification and award limits. The contract shall constitute one instrument.
CONTRACT ITEM: A specifically described unit of work for which a unit or lump sum price is provided in the contract. Synonymous with Pay Item.
CONTRACT LUMP SUM PRICE: The amount bid for a lump sum item that has been submitted by the Contractor in his proposal.
CONTRACT PAYMENT BOND: A bond furnished by the Contractor and his corporate surety securing the payment of those furnishing labor, materials and supplies for the construction of the project.
CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND: A bond furnished by the Contractor and his corporate surety guaranteeing the performance of the contract.
CONTRACT TIME: The number of calendar days inclusive between the date of availability and the completion date, said dates being established as set forth in the special provisions, including authorized extensions to the completion date.
CONTRACT UNIT PRICE: The unit bid price for a unit item that has been submitted by the Contractor in his proposal.
CONTRACTOR: The successful bidder to whom the contract has been awarded, and who has executed the contract and furnished acceptable contract bonds.
CULVERT: Any structure not classified as a bridge that provides an opening under the roadway.
CURRENT CONTROLLING OPERATION OR OPERATIONS: Any operation or operations, as determined by the Engineer, that if delayed would delay the completion of the project.
DATE OF AVAILABILITY: That date, established as set forth in the special provisions, by which it is anticipated that sufficient work sites within the project limits will be available for the Contractor to begin his controlling operations that are not otherwise limited by moratoriums, listed third party conflicts, or by weather conditions.
DEPARTMENT or DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: A principal department of the Executive Branch that performs the functions of planning, design, construction and maintenance of an integrated statewide transportation system.
DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS: The division of the Department of Transportation that, under the direction of the Secretary of Transportation, carries out state highway planning, design, construction and maintenance functions assigned to the Department of Transportation.
DRAINAGE EASEMENT: A right, owned by the Department of Transportation, in a parcel of land owned by a third party outside the highway right of way, to construct and maintain ditches, channels, or structures for directing the course and flow of water outside the highway right of way.
EASEMENT: A property right to use or control real property of another.
ENGINEER: The State Highway Administrator of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative, such representative acting within the scope of particular assigned duties or authority.
EQUIPMENT: All machinery and equipment, together with the necessary supplies, tools and apparatus for upkeep and maintenance, all of which are necessary for the proper construction and acceptable completion of the work.
EXTRA WORK: Work found necessary or desirable to fully complete the work as contemplated in the contract for which payment is not provided for by the contract unit or lump sum prices in the original contract. Extra work shall not be work that in the terms of the contract is incidental to work for which there is a contract price or work that payment is included in some other contract unit or lump sum price.
FINAL ACCEPTANCE DATE: That date on which all work set forth in the contract and work modified by the Engineer is satisfactorily completed excluding any observation periods not specifically made a part of the work by the specifications or special provisions.
FINAL ESTIMATE: The document that contains a final statement of all quantities and total dollar amount for each item of work performed during the life of the contract including any adjustments to those amounts made under the terms of the contract. The final statement will be titled The Final Estimate and will be the document used to document final payment to the Contractor. Receipt of this document by the Contractor will begin the time frame for filing of a verified claim with the Department as provided for in NCGS § 136-29.
FINAL ESTIMATE ASSEMBLY: As constructed plans and other project records that establish the final statement of quantities to be paid and document work performed on the project.
FORCE ACCOUNT NOTICE: A written notice to the Contractor that extra work ordered by the Engineer will be paid as force account work.
FORCE ACCOUNT WORK: Work that is paid in accordance with Article
109-3 or on the basis of the force account formula provided in the contract.
HIGHWAY: A general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right of way. Synonymous with Road and Street.
HOUR: One of the 24 equal parts of a day.
INSPECTOR: The authorized representative of the Engineer assigned to make a detailed inspection of any or all portions of the work and materials.
INTERMEDIATE COMPLETION DATE: That date established as set forth in the special provisions or as revised by authorized extensions, by which date it is required that the portion of work set forth in the contract be satisfactorily completed.
INTERMEDIATE COMPLETION TIME: The time established as set forth in the special provisions or as revised by authorized extensions, by which it is required that the portion of work set forth in the contract be satisfactorily completed.
INTERMEDIATE CONTRACT TIME (DAYS): The number of calendar days inclusive between the date of availability and the completion date, said days being established as set forth in the special provisions, or as revised by authorized extensions, by which it is required that a portion of that work set forth in the contract be satisfactorily completed.
INTERMEDIATE CONTRACT TIME (HOURS): The number of hours inclusive between the time of availability and the intermediate completion time, said times being established as set forth in the special provisions, including authorized extensions to the intermediate completion time.
INVERT: The lowest point in the internal cross section of a pipe or other culvert.
INVITATION TO BID: The notification that bids will be received for the construction of specific projects.
LABORATORY: The testing laboratory of the Department of Transportation or any other testing laboratory that may be designated or approved by the Engineer.
LOCAL TRAFFIC: Traffic that must use the facility under construction to reach its destination.
MAJOR AND MINOR CONTRACT ITEMS: Major contract items are listed as such in the project special provisions. All other original contract items and extra work shall be considered as minor items.
MATERIALS: Any substances that may be incorporated into the construction of the project.
MEDIAN: The center section of a divided highway that separates the traffic lanes in one direction from the traffic lanes in the opposite direction.
MOBILIZATION: The work described in Article
PAVEMENT STRUCTURE: The combination of base and surface courses placed on a subgrade to support the traffic load and distribute it to the roadbed.
PAY ITEM: Synonymous with Contract Item.
PLANS: The approved plans, profiles, typical roadway sections, appropriate standard drawings, supplemental plans and working drawings, or exact reproductions thereof, that show the location, dimensions and details of the work to be done and that are a part of the contract.
PREBID CONFERENCE: A conference held before bids are accepted on a project at which representatives of the Department will provide information and accept and answer questions from interested parties.
PROJECT: The work specified under the contract.
PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Special provisions peculiar to the project and not otherwise thoroughly or appropriately set forth in the standard specifications or plans.
PROPOSAL: The electronic or paper document provided by the Department that the bidder uses to develop his electronic or paper offer to perform the work at designated bid prices.
RIGHT OF WAY: The land area shown in the plans as right of way to be furnished by the Department of Transportation within which the project is to be constructed.
ROAD: Synonymous with Highway and Street.
ROADBED: The graded portion of a highway usually considered as the area between the intersections of top and side slopes, upon which the base course, surface course, shoulders and medians are constructed.
ROADSIDE: A general term denoting the area within the limits of the right of way adjoining the outer edge of the roadway. Extensive areas between the roadways of a divided highway may be considered roadside.
ROADWAY: The portion of a highway within limits of construction.
SECTION: A numbered chapter of the standard specifications.
SHOULDER: The portion of the roadway adjacent to the traveled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use and for lateral support of base and surface courses.
SIDEWALK: That portion of the roadway primarily constructed for pedestrian traffic.
SKEW ANGLE: The angle between the centerline of the project and the centerline of a pipe, culvert, bridge pier, bent, abutment, or other drainage feature, measured to the right of the project centerline facing in the direction of progressing stations.
SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Project special provisions and standard special provisions taken together as one body of special provisions.
SPECIFICATIONS: The general term comprising all the directions, provisions and requirements contained or referred to in the
Standard Specifications, including the Supplemental Specifications, together with such additional directions, provisions and requirements that may be added or adopted as special provisions.
STANDARD DRAWINGS: The general term comprising all the directions, provisions and requirements contained or referred to in the book entitled
Roadway Standard Drawings and in any subsequent revisions or additions to such book that are issued as Detail Drawings.
STANDARD SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Special directions or requirements not otherwise thoroughly or appropriately set forth in the standard specifications and that are peculiar to a selected group of projects.
STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: The general term comprising all the directions, provisions and requirements contained or referred to in this book entitled
Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures and in any subsequent revisions or additions to such book that are issued as Supplemental Specifications.
STATE: The State of North Carolina.
STATION: A station, when used as a term of measurement, will be 100 linear feet measured horizontally. When used as a location, it will be a designated point on the project.
STREET: Synonymous with Highway and Road.
SUBCONTRACTOR: An individual, partnership, firm, joint venture, LLC or corporation to whom the Contractor, with the written consent of the Engineer, sublets any part of the contract.
SUBGRADE: That portion of the roadbed prepared as a foundation for the pavement structure including curb and gutter. On portions of projects that do not include the construction of a base course or pavement, the presence of the subgrade will not be recognized during the life of such contract.
SUBSTRUCTURE: All of that part of the structure below the bearings of simple and continuous spans, spans, skew back of arches and tops of footings of rigid frames, together with the backwalls and wingwalls.
SUCCESSFUL BIDDER: The bidder awarded a contract.
SUPERINTENDENT: The representative of the Contractor authorized to supervise and direct the construction for the Contractor and to receive and fulfill directions from the Engineer.
SUPERSTRUCTURE: All of the part of the structure exclusive of the substructure.
SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT: A written agreement between the Contractor and the Department of Transportation covering amendments to the contract.
SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS: Specifications, regulations, standards, manuals or codes referenced in the contract or general revisions or additions to this book of standard specifications that are issued under the title of Supplemental Specifications. Supplemental Specifications shall be considered part of the
Standard Specifications.
SURETY: A corporate bonding company furnishing the bid bond or furnishing the contract payment and performance bonds.
TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT: A temporary right, owned by the Department of Transportation, in a parcel of land owned by a third party outside the highway right of way, for the use of the Department of Transportation during the construction and that reverts to the third party on completion of construction.
THROUGH TRAFFIC: Traffic that can reach its destination by a route or routes other than the facility under construction.
TIME OF AVAILABILITY: That time established as set forth in the special provisions, by which it is anticipated that sufficient work sites within the project limits will be available for the Contractor to begin his controlling operations.
TOTAL AMOUNT BID: Same as total price bid. The total amount bid will be considered to be the correct sum total obtained by adding together the amounts bid for every item in the proposal other than items that are authorized alternates to those items for which an amount bid has been established.
UNBALANCED BID: A bid that includes any unbalanced bid price.
UNBALANCED BID PRICE: A unit or lump sum bid price that does not reflect reasonable actual costs that the bidder anticipates for the performance of the item in question along with a reasonable proportionate share of the bidder's anticipated profit, overhead costs and other indirect costs.
WORK: Work shall mean the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary or convenient to the successful completion of the project, or any part, portion or phase thereof, and the carrying out of all duties and obligations imposed by the contract.
WORKING DRAWINGS: Stress sheets, shop drawings, erection drawings, falsework drawings, cofferdam drawings, catalog cuts, or any other supplementary drawings or similar data that the Contractor is required to submit to the Engineer for review or approval.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 102 BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS | SM-01-102 |
INVITATION TO BIDAfter the advertisement has been made, an Invitation to Bid will be made available on the Department's website to interested parties, informing them that bids will be received for the construction of specific projects. Such invitations will indicate the contract identification number, length, locations and descriptions; a general summary of the items and approximate quantities of work to be performed; and the time and place for the public opening and reading of the bids received. Information concerning the cost and availability of plans and proposals will be indicated in the Invitation to Bid. All projects will be advertised in daily newspapers throughout the state before the bid opening.
CONTRACTOR PREQUALIFICATIONContractors desiring to perform work on Department projects shall prequalify with the Department. Upon prequalification, contractors will be placed on the Department's Prequalified Contractors' List. The requirements for prequalification are as follows: -
Bidder Prequalification
- Applicant shall submit a completed Bidder Experience Questionnaire, along with any additional supporting information requested by the Department, as noted in the experience questionnaire package. Additional requirements for prequalification may be set forth in the bid proposal.
- Applicant shall demonstrate that he has sufficient ability and experience in related transportation construction projects to perform the work specified in the Department's contracts, including the type and dollar value of previous contracts.
- Applicant shall demonstrate a history of successful performance and completion of projects in a timely manner, subject to contract time adjustments.
- Applicant shall demonstrate the financial ability to furnish bonds as specified in NCGS § 44A-26 and any other relevant statutes.
- Applicant shall demonstrate sufficient and readily available equipment to perform transportation construction contracts in a timely manner.
- Applicant shall demonstrate sufficient available experienced personnel to perform transportation construction contracts. The identities and qualifications of both management and labor work force shall be provided.
- Applicant shall provide names and addresses of persons for whom the firm has performed related work. Responses from the references shall be on Department forms and shall be received by the Department before evaluating the request for prequalification.
- Applicant shall provide any information requested concerning the corporate and operational management structure of the company, the identity of persons or entities owning stock or other equity interest in the company, and the relationship between the applicant and any other company prequalified or applying for prequalification with the Department.
- Applicant shall demonstrate, at the time of application for prequalification, the financial capacity to successfully complete projects containing the work types they so designate.
- Applicant shall provide further information as may be required to determine that the firm is a responsible bidder.
- Applicant shall submit an original completed Pre-Bid Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification in accordance with Article 102-9. These forms can be found on the Department's website.
- Applicant shall submit a completed Safety Index Rating Form with the Questionnaire and annually thereafter in accordance with Subarticle 102-2(D).
Bidders shall renew annually and shall requalify every 3 years in accordance with Subarticle 102-2(E).
The Bidder Experience Questionnaire shall be completed in its entirety and signed by an officer of the firm. The officer's signature shall be notarized. In addition to submitting the Bidder Experience Questionnaire, the prospective bidder shall submit supporting information in a format of his choosing to address the requirements listed above.
It is recommended that the prospective bidder file all required statements and documents with the State Contractual Services Engineer no less than 4 weeks before a given letting. A bid shall not be opened unless all prequalification requirements have been met by the bidder and have been found acceptable by the Engineer.
Purchase Order Contractor Prequalification
Contractors who have been approved to be placed on the Prequalified Bidders' List as noted above may perform work for the Department as a Purchase Order Contractor and need not apply further. However, Purchase Order Contractors will not be placed on the Prequalified Bidders' List unless they submit through the prequalification process described above. - Applicant shall submit a completed Department Purchase Order Contractor Application along with any additional supporting information requested by the Department, as noted in the application. Additional requirements for prequalification may be in the bid proposal.
- Applicant shall demonstrate that it has sufficient ability and experience in related transportation construction projects to perform the work specified in Department contracts, including the type and dollar value of previous contracts.
- Applicant shall demonstrate a history of successful performance and completion of projects in a timely manner, subject to contract time adjustments.
- Applicant shall demonstrate the financial ability to furnish bonds as specified in NCGS § 44A-26 if the applicant intends to pursue contracts exceeding $500,000.
- Applicant shall demonstrate sufficient and readily available equipment to perform transportation construction contracts in a timely manner.
- Applicant shall provide further information as may be required to determine that the firm is a responsible contractor.
- Applicant shall submit an original completed Pre-Bid Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification. These forms can be found on the Department's website.
- Applicant shall submit a completed Safety Index Rating Form with the application and annually thereafter in accordance with Subarticle 102-2(D).
Contractors shall renew annually and requalify every 3 years in accordance with Subarticle 102-2(E).
The application shall be completed in its entirety and signed by an officer of the firm. The officer's signature shall be notarized. In addition to submitting the application, the firm shall submit supporting information in a format of his choosing to address the requirements listed above.
It is recommended that the applicant file all required statements and documents with the State Contractual Services Engineer no less than 4 weeks before a given bid opening for their bid to be considered. A bid shall not be opened unless all prequalification requirements have been met by the applicant and have been found acceptable by the Engineer.
Subcontractor Prequalification
Contractors who have been approved to be placed on the Prequalified Bidders' List or the POC Prime Contractors' List as noted above may perform work for the Department as a subcontractor and need not apply further. However, subcontractors will not be placed on the Prequalified Bidders' List unless they submit through the prequalification process described above. - Applicant shall submit a completed Subcontractor Application along with any additional supporting information requested by the Department. Additional requirements for prequalification may be in the bid proposal.
- Applicant shall demonstrate sufficient ability and experience in related transportation construction projects to perform the work specified in Department contracts, including the type of previous contracts.
- Applicant shall demonstrate sufficient and readily available equipment to perform transportation construction contracts in a timely manner.
- Applicant shall submit a completed Safety Index Rating Form with the Subcontractor Application and annually thereafter in accordance with Subarticle 102-2(D).
- Applicant shall provide further information as may be required.
Subcontractors shall renew annually and shall requalify every 3 years in accordance with Subarticle 102-2(E).
The Subcontractor Application shall be completed in its entirety. In addition to submitting the Subcontractor Application, the prospective subcontractor shall submit supporting information in a format of their choosing to address the requirements listed above.
The subcontractor shall file all required statements and documents with the State Contractual Services Engineer no less than 4 weeks before beginning work. A subcontractor will not be allowed to begin work until all prequalification requirements have been met by the subcontractor and have been found acceptable by the Engineer.
Safety Index
The Department will conduct a review of each firm's safety index. To be prequalified, each firm shall maintain a satisfactory safety index. An overall safety index of at least 60 is considered satisfactory. An index between 60 and 69 may be considered marginal and may result in an in-depth safety audit of a firm's safety practices. An overall safety index equal to or less than 59 is considered unsatisfactory and will prohibit prequalification of new firms.
A score of 59 or less for renewing or requalifying firms will result in disciplinary action pursuant to Subarticles 102-2(D)(1) through 102-2(D)(4). The Engineer may require the Contractor to state in writing the reason for the unsatisfactory rating and produce such supporting data as may be necessary to evaluate the circumstances surrounding the rating. When the Contractor cannot provide justification to raise the unsatisfactory safety index, the Engineer may invoke one or more of the following sanctions: - Removal of the firm from the Prequalified Contractors' List,
- Placement of the firm on probation for up to 2 years,
- Auditing of the firm's safety practices and
- Giving a written warning to correct any safety deficiencies.
Firms not approved or disqualified to bid or perform subcontract work due to an unsatisfactory safety index will not be approved or reinstated to bid or perform subcontract work until they can provide adequate evidence that all safety deficiencies have been corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Renewal and Requalification
Renewal of firms shall occur annually on or before the firm's anniversary date. Renewal shall consist of submitting an updated application. Bids of firms who fail to submit these documents by their anniversary date will not be considered until such time as these documents are received and approved by the Engineer. The Engineer may review performance related issues when considering firms for renewal. Subcontractors who fail to submit these documents by their anniversary date will not be allowed to begin work on any new contracts until these documents are received and approved by the Engineer.
Requalifying of firms shall occur every 3 years. Requalifying shall consist of submitting an updated application. Bids of firms who fail to submit these documents by their anniversary date will not be considered until such time as these documents are received and approved by the Engineer. The Engineer may review performance related issues when considering firms for requalification. Subcontractors who fail to submit these documents by their anniversary date will not be allowed to begin work on any new contracts until these documents are received and approved by the Engineer.
It is recommended that the renewing or requalifying firm file all required statements and documents with the State Contractual Services Engineer no less than 4 weeks before a given letting for their bid to be considered. Following the anniversary date, a bid will not be opened unless all renewal or requalification requirements have been met by the bidder and have been found acceptable by the Engineer. Following the anniversary date, a subcontractor may not begin any new work unless all renewal or requalification requirements have been met by the firm and have been found acceptable by the Engineer.
PROPOSALS AND PLAN HOLDER LISTSOn Department projects advertised through the Raleigh Central Office, the bidder shall purchase a proposal for each project for which he intends to submit a bid. The prospective bidder will be required to pay the Department the sum stated in the Invitation to Bid for each copy of the proposal and set of plans purchased. This proposal will state the location of the contemplated construction and show a schedule of contract items with the approximate quantity of each of these items for which bid prices are invited. It will set forth the date and time for the opening of bids. The proposal will include any special provisions or requirements that vary from, or are not contained in, the plans or
Standard Specifications. The plans,
Standard Specifications and other documents designated in the proposal shall be considered a part of the proposal whether or not attached. The names and identity of corporations, firms, partnerships, individuals, LLCs or joint ventures who have requested plans or proposals for the purposes of bidding shall be made public, except that a potential bidder who obtains a set of plans/proposals may, at the time of ordering, request that his name remain confidential. -
Paper Bids
The proposal will include the printed contract forms and signature sheets for execution by both parties to the contract. In the event the bidder is awarded the contract, execution of the bid by the bidder is considered the same as execution of the contract.
All papers bound with the proposal are necessary parts thereof and shall not be detached, taken apart or altered. -
Electronic Bids
The bidder shall bid in accordance with Subarticle 102-8(B).
COMBINATION BIDSIf the Department so elects, proposals may be issued for projects in combination or separately, so that bids may be submitted either on the combination or on separate units of the combination. The right is reserved to make awards on combination bids or separate bids to the best advantage of the Department. No combination bids, other than those specified by the Department in the proposal will be considered.
INTERPRETATION OF QUANTITIES IN PROPOSALThe quantities appearing in the proposal are approximations only and are to be used soley for the comparison of bids. Payment to the Contractor will be made in accordance with the contract. When revisions in the plans are made by the Engineer that affect the quantities shown for lump sum items, adjustment in compensation may be made under the provisions of Articles 104-3 or 104-7.
EXAMINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACT AND SITE OF WORKThe bidder shall examine carefully the site of the work contemplated, the plans and specifications, and the proposals and contracts therefor. The submission of a bid shall be conclusive evidence that the bidder has investigated and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered; the character, quality and scope of work to be performed; the quantities of materials to be furnished; and the conditions and requirements of the proposal, plans and contract under which his bid is offered. A bidder or contractor is cautioned to make such independent investigation and examination as he deems necessary to satisfy himself as to conditions to be encountered in the performance of the work and with respect to possible local material sources, the quality and quantity of material available from such property, and the type and extent of processing that may be required to produce material conforming to the contract.
SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION REPORTIf a subsurface investigation report is available on a project, a copy may be obtained by the plan holders upon request. The subsurface report and the subsurface investigation on which it is based was made for study, planning and design and not for construction or pay purposes. The various field boring logs, rock cores and soil test data available may be reviewed or inspected in Raleigh at the office of the Geotechnical Engineering Unit. Neither the subsurface investigation report nor the field boring logs, rock cores, or soil test data is part of the contract. General soil and rock strata descriptions and indicated boundaries are based on a geotechnical interpretation of all available subsurface data and may not necessarily reflect the actual subsurface conditions between borings or between sampled strata within the borehole. The laboratory sample data and the in-place test data can be relied on only to the degree of reliability inherent in the standard test method. The observed water levels or soil moisture conditions indicated in the subsurface investigations are as recorded at the time of the investigation. These water levels or soil moisture conditions may vary considerably with time according to climatic conditions including temperature, precipitation and wind, as well as other nonclimatic factors. The bidder or contractor is cautioned that details shown in the subsurface investigation report are preliminary only; the final design details may be different. For bidding and construction purposes, refer to the contract for final design information on this project. The Department does not warrant or guarantee the sufficiency or accuracy of the investigation made, nor the interpretations made or opinions of the Department as to the type of materials and conditions that may be encountered. The bidder or contractor is cautioned to make independent subsurface investigations, as he deems necessary, to satisfy himself as to conditions to be encountered on this project. The Contractor shall have no claim for additional compensation or for an extension of time for any reason resulting from the actual conditions encountered at the site differing from those indicated in the subsurface investigation.
PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF BIDSThe bidder shall submit a unit or lump sum price for every item in the proposal other than items that are authorized alternates to those items for which a bid price has been submitted. An amount bid shall be entered in the proposal for every item on which a unit price has been submitted. As an exception to the above, when the proposal permits a bidder to submit a bid on only a portion of the work covered by the entire proposal, the bidder shall then submit a unit or lump sum price for every item constituting that portion of the work on which the bidder has elected to place a bid other than items that are authorized alternates to those items for which a bid price has been submitted. In the case of lump sum items, the price shall be written in figures in the Amount Bid column in the proposal. The bid shall not contain any unauthorized additions, deletions or conditional bids. The bidder shall not add any provision reserving the right to accept or reject an award or to enter into a contract pursuant to an award. The bid shall not be an unbalanced bid. -
Paper Bids
- The proposal provided by the Department shall be used and shall not be taken apart or altered. The bid shall be submitted on the same proposal that has been furnished to the bidder by the Department.
The bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond on the form furnished by the Department or by a bid deposit. The bid bond shall be completely and properly executed in accordance with Article 102-10. The bid deposit shall be a certified check or cashier's check in accordance with Article 102-10. - All entries including signatures shall be written in ink.
- The unit prices shall be rounded off by the bidder to contain no more than 4 decimal places.
- An amount bid shall be entered in the proposal for every item on which a unit price has been submitted. The amount bid for each item other than lump sum items shall be determined by multiplying each unit bid price by the quantity for that item and shall be written in figures in the Amount Bid column in the proposal.
- In the case of lump sum items, the price shall be written in figures in the Amount Bid column in the proposal.
- The total amount bid shall be written in figures in the proper place in the proposal. The total amount bid shall be determined by adding the amounts bid for each item.
- Changes in any entry shall be made by marking through the entry in ink and making the correct entry adjacent thereto in ink. A representative of the bidder shall initial the change in ink.
- The bid shall be properly executed. To constitute proper execution, the bid shall be executed in strict compliance with the following:
- If a bid is by an individual, it shall show the name of the individual and shall be signed by the individual with the word
Individually appearing under the signature. If the individual operates under a firm name, the bid shall be signed in the name of the individual doing business under the firm name.
- If the bid is by a corporation, the President, Vice President, or Assistant Vice President shall execute it in the name of the corporation. The Secretary or Assistant Secretary shall attest it. The seal of the corporation shall be affixed. If the bid is executed on behalf of a corporation in any other manner than as above, a certified copy of the minutes of the Board of Directors of said corporation authorizing the manner and style of execution and the authority of the person executing shall be attached to the bid or shall be on file with the Department.
- If the bid is made by a partnership, it shall be executed in the name of the partnership by one of the general partners.
- If the bid is made by a limited liability company, it shall be signed by the manager, member or authorized agent and notarized.
- If the bid is a joint venture, it shall be executed by each member of the joint venturers in the appropriate manner set out above. In addition, the execution by the joint venturers shall appear below their names.
- The bid execution shall be notarized by a notary public whose commission is in effect on the date of execution. Such notarization shall be applicable both to the bid and to the Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification that is part of the signature sheets.
- The bid shall be placed in a sealed envelope and shall have been delivered to and received by the Department before the time specified in the Invitation to Bid.
Electronic Bids
The Department will not be responsible if a bidder cannot submit his bid to Bid Express®. Claims will not be accepted for such failure. - Obtain an account and valid Digital Signature from Bid Express® to bid electronically.
- Subarticle 103-2(B) will apply to Electronic Bidding.
- The bid shall be accompanied by an electronic bid bond or by a bid deposit. The bid bond shall be completely and properly executed in accordance with Article 102-10. The bid deposit shall be a certified check or cashier check in accordance with Article 102-10.
- The bidder shall provide a Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification in accordance with Articles 102-2 and 102-9.
- All addenda and attachments will be considered part of the bid.
- All bids shall be submitted with an electronically affixed digital signature. Affixing a digital ID to the bid shall be the equivalent of signing before a notary public.
- By submitting an electronic bid, the bidder certifies that he has read, understands, accepts, acknowledges and agrees to comply with all statements, conditions and specifications in the electronic bid submittal.
- Bids will be decrypted, opened, printed to paper and read publicly in accordance with Article 102-13.
- The Contractor shall submit a fully executed Execution of Contract, signature sheet and payment and performance bonds within 14 calendar days of receipt of award letter in accordance with Article 102-9.
Prime Contractors and lower tier participants in each transaction involving public funds shall execute a Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification. Transactions that require certifications from lower tier participants are: - Transactions between a Prime Contractor and a person, other than for a procurement contract, for goods or services, regardless of type.
- Procurement contracts for goods and services, between a prime contractor and a person, regardless of type, expected to equal or exceed the Federal small purchase threshold fixed at 10 U.S.C. 2304(g) as revised [currently $100,000] under a prime contract.
- Procurement contracts for goods or services between a prime contractor and a person, regardless of the amount, under which that person will have a critical influence on or substantive control over the transaction. Such persons include, but are not limited to, bid estimators and contract managers.
The certifications for both the Prime Contractor and the lower tier participants shall be on a form furnished by the Department to comply with Federal Highway Administration requirements, as published in 49 CFR Part 29. The Prime Contractor is responsible for obtaining the certifications from the lower tier participants and is responsible for keeping them as part of the contract records.
Non-Collusion Affidavit
In compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, each and every bidder shall furnish the Department with an affidavit certifying that the bidder has not entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with his bid on the project. The affidavit shall conclusively indicate that the bidder intends to do the work with its own bona fide employees or subcontractors and is not bidding for the benefit of another contractor. -
Debarment Certification
In compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, each and every bidder shall furnish the Department with a debarment certification, stating that he is not debarred, or if he is debarred, an explanation shall be included. The explanation will not necessarily result in denial of participation in a contract. Failure to furnish a certification or an explanation will be grounds for rejection of a bid. If the prequalified bidder's status changes, he shall immediately submit a new fully executed debarment certification with an explanation of the change.
Failure to have a fully executed Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification on file in the Contractual Services Office before submitting bids will cause those bids to be non-responsive. - Paper Bid
Execution of Bid, Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification forms will be included in the proposal as part of the signature sheets. Execution of the signature sheets will constitute Execution of the Bid,
Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification. The signature sheets shall be notarized. - Electronic Bids
The prequalified bidder shall have a fully executed Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification on file in the Contractual Services Office before submitting his bid. Forms may be downloaded from the Department's website.
The bidder shall provide a Debarment Certification in the electronic bid submittal. If a bidder cannot provide the Debarment Certification required, he shall provide an explanation in the Bid Express® miscellaneous folder within the .ebs file.
Within 14 calendar days after notice of award is received by him, the successful bidder shall submit a fully executed Execution of Contract, Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification and Gift Ban Certification signature sheet.
BID BOND OR BID DEPOSITEach bid shall be accompanied by a corporate bid bond or a bid deposit of a certified or cashier's check in the amount of at least 5% of the total amount bid for the contract. When a bid is secured by a bid deposit, the execution of a bid bond will not be required. If the bidder has failed to meet all conditions of the bid bond and the Department has not received the amount due under the bid bond, the bidder may be disqualified from further bidding as provided in Article 102-15. No bid will be considered or accepted unless accompanied by one of the foregoing securities. The bid bond shall be executed by a corporate surety licensed to do business in North Carolina. The certified check or cashier's check shall be drawn on a bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Both shall be made payable to the Department of Transportation in an amount of at least 5% of the total amount bid for the contract. The condition of the bid bond or bid deposit is: the Principal shall not withdraw its bid within 60 days after the opening of same and, if the Department shall award a contract to the Principal, the Principal shall, within 14 calendar days after the notice of award is received by him, give payment and performance bonds with good and sufficient surety as required for the faithful performance of the contract and for the protection of all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work. In the event of the failure of the Principal to give such payment and performance bonds as required, then the amount of the bid bond shall be immediately paid to the Department as liquidated damages, or, in the case of a bid deposit, the deposit shall be forfeited to the Department. Withdrawal of a bid due to a mistake made in the preparation of the bid, where permitted by Article 103-3, shall not constitute withdrawal of a bid as cause for payment of the bid bond or forfeiture of the bid deposit. When a bid is secured by a bid bond, the bid bond shall be on the form furnished by the Department. The bid bond shall be executed by both the bidder and a corporate surety licensed under the laws of North Carolina to write such bonds. The execution by the bidder shall be in the same manner as required by Article 102-8 for the proper execution of the bid. The execution by the corporate surety shall be the same as is provided for by
Subarticle 102-8(A)(8)(b), for the execution of the bid by a corporation. The seal of the corporate surety shall be affixed to the bid bond. The bid bond form furnished is for execution of the corporate surety by a General Agent or Attorney in Fact. A certified copy of the Power of Attorney shall be attached if the bid bond is executed by a General Agent or Attorney in Fact. The Power of Attorney shall contain a certification that the Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect as of the date of the execution of the bid bond by the General Agent or Attorney in Fact. If the bid bond is executed by the corporate surety, the President, Vice President or Assistant Vice President, and attested to by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, then the bid bond form furnished shall be modified for such execution, instead of execution by the Attorney in Fact or the General Agent. An electronic corporate surety bid bond for at least 5% of the total amount bid shall accompany each electronic bid, or the Contractor may submit a certified check or cashier's check instead of an electronic bid bond. The certified check or cashier's check shall be for at least 5% of the total amount bid, shall be received by 5:00 p.m. the last business day before the bid letting and shall be delivered to the Contract Officer at the address shown in the Invitation to Bid. Contact either or both of the following bond management companies to acquire the necessary service to submit an electronic bid bond: -
Surety 2000
100 Terminal Dr., Plainview, NY 11803, 1-800-660-3263 -
Surepath (InSure Vision Technologies, LLC)
5170 Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 200, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, 1-818-783-3460
DELIVERY OF BIDSPaper Bids shall be delivered before the time and place specified in the contract. Bids received after such time will not be accepted and will be returned to the bidder unopened. Electronic Bids shall be submitted via approved Department electronic bidding software in accordance with Article 102-8.
Paper Bid
A bidder may, without prejudice to himself, withdraw a paper bid after it has been delivered to the Department, provided the request for such withdrawal is made, in writing, to the Contract Officer before the date and time set for the opening of bids. The bidder may then submit a revised bid provided it is received before the time set for opening of bids.
Only those persons authorized to sign bids under the provisions of Subarticle
102-8(A)(8) shall be recognized as being qualified to withdraw a bid. -
Electronic Bid
An electronic bid may be changed and resubmitted as many times as desired before the advertised bid opening time specified in the Invitation to Bid. The latest time stamped electronically submitted bid before the advertised bid opening time will constitute the bid.
Withdrawal of a bid after the date and time set for the opening of bids will be permitted only in accordance with Article 103-3.
RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDSA bid will be received and opened from any bidder who: - Is prequalified in accordance with the provisions of Article 102-2 and
- Has delivered the bid to the place indicated in the contract before the time indicated in the Invitation to Bid.
- Paper Bids will be opened and read publicly at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid.
- Electronic Bids will be decrypted, opened, printed to paper and read publicly at the time and place specified in the Invitation to Bid.
Bidders, their authorized agents and other interested parties are invited to be present.
A bid received from a bidder who has not complied with the above requirements will be returned to the Bidder unopened and under no circumstances will be considered for award.
In the event of technical difficulties or adverse weather conditions, the Department reserves the right to postpone the reading of bids past the advertised bid opening time and date.
REJECTION OF BIDSAny bid submitted that fails to comply with any of the requirements of Articles 102-8,
102-9 and
102-10 shall be considered irregular and may be rejected. Irregularities due to apparent clerical errors and omissions may be waived in accordance with Article 103-2. Any bid including any unit or lump sum bid price that is unbalanced to the potential detriment of the Department will be considered irregular and may be rejected. In the event the Board determines it is in the best public interest to accept such irregular bid, it may award the contract based on such bid subject to Subarticle 109-4(C). All bidders shall comply with all applicable laws regulating the practice of general contracting as contained in Chapter 87 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, except where waived by the Department by project special provision for certain specialty work. Bidders shall comply with all other applicable laws regulating the practices of electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning and refrigeration contracting as contained in Chapter 87 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. -
State Funded Projects
The bidder shall be licensed by the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors where the bid is $30,000 or more. Bids received from bidders not meeting this requirement will be considered non-responsive and will not be considered for award. -
Federal Aid Projects
The bidder is not required to be licensed by the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors to place a bid of $30,000 or more. However, a project may not be awarded until the bidder provides evidence that the appropriate General Contractor license has been obtained. The license shall be obtained within 60 days of bid opening or the project may be awarded to another bidder or all bids rejected. No contract time extension will be considered for delays associated with obtaining a license.
The right to reject any and all bids shall be reserved to the Department.
DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERSAny one of the following causes may be justification for disqualifying a Contractor from further bidding until he has applied for and has been requalified in accordance with Article 102-2: - Unsatisfactory progress in accordance with Article 108-8.
- Being declared in default in accordance with Article 108-9.
- Uncompleted contracts which, in the judgment of the Engineer, might hinder or prevent the timely completion of additional work if awarded.
- Failure to comply with prequalification requirements.
- The submission of more than one bid for the same contract by individuals, partnerships, joint ventures, LLCs or corporations whom the Department determines are under sufficient common ownership and management control to warrant the firms be considered a single entity.
- Evidence of collusion among bidders. Each participant in such collusion will be disqualified.
- Failure to furnish a Non-Collusion Affidavit, Debarment Certification or Gift Ban Certification upon request.
- Failure to comply with Article 108-6.
- Failure to comply with a written order of the Engineer as provided in Article 105-1, if in the judgment of the Engineer, such failure is of sufficient magnitude to warrant disqualification.
- Failure to satisfy the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirements of the project special provisions.
- The Department has not received the amount due under a forfeited bid bond or under the terms of a performance bond.
- Failure to submit the documents required by Article 109-10 within 60 days after request by the Engineer.
- Failure to return overpayments as directed by the Engineer.
- Failure to maintain a satisfactory safety index as required by Article 102-2.
- Recruitment of Department employees for employment as prohibited by Article 108-5.
- False information submitted on any application, statement, certification, reports, records or reproduction.
- Conviction of any employee of the company, of any applicable state or federal law, may be fully imputed to the business firm with which he is or was associated or by whom he was employed or with the knowledge or approval of the business firm or there after ratified by it.
- Being debarred from performing work with other Federal, State and city agencies.
- Failure to perform guaranty work within the terms of the contract.
- Failure to make prompt payment in accordance with Article
Upon a determination that a contractor should be disqualified for one or more of the reasons listed above, the Department may, at its discretion, remove all entities which are considered as a single entity as described in Subarticle 102-15(E).
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 103 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT | SM-01-103 |
CONSIDERATION OF BIDSAfter the bids are opened and read, they will be compared on the basis of the summation of the products of the quantities shown in the bid schedule by the unit bid prices. The results of such comparisons will be immediately available to the public. In the event of errors, omissions, or discrepancies in the bid prices, corrections to the bid prices will be made in accordance with Article 103-2. Such corrected bid prices will be used for the comparison and consideration of bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to waive technicalities, to request the low bidder to submit an up-to-date financial and operating statement, to advertise for new bids or to proceed to do the work otherwise, if in the judgment of the Department, the best interests of the State will be promoted thereby.
CORRECTION OF BID ERRORSThe provisions of this article shall apply in waiving irregularities and correcting apparent clerical errors and omissions in the unit bid price and the amount bid for bid items. -
Paper Bid
- Omitted Unit Bid Price--Amount Bid Completed--Quantity Bid on is One Unit
In the case of a bid item for which the amount bid is completed, but the unit bid price is omitted and the quantity shown in the proposal for the bid item is only one unit, the unit bid price shall be deemed to be the same as the amount bid for that bid item and shall constitute the contract unit price for that bid item. - Omitted Unit Bid Price--Amount Bid Completed--Quantity Bid on is More Than One Unit
In the case of a bid item for which the amount bid is completed (extension of the unit bid price by the quantity) but the unit bid price is omitted and the quantity shown in the proposal for the bid item is more than one unit, the unit bid price shall be deemed to be the amount derived by dividing the amount bid for that item by the quantity shown in the proposal for that bid item and shall constitute the contract unit price for that bid item. - Discrepancy in the Unit Bid Price and the Amount Bid
In the case of a bid item in which there is a discrepancy between the unit bid price and the extension for the bid item (amount bid), the unit bid price shall govern.
As an exception to the above, on bids for contracts not funded with any federal funds, the extension for the bid item (amount bid) shall govern when the discrepancy consists of an obvious clerical mistake in the unit bid price consisting of the misplacement of a decimal point. The correction to the unit bid price will be made only when the following two conditions are met: - The corrected unit bid price multiplied by the quantity equals the amount bid for the bid item.
- The corrected unit bid price is closer to the average of the engineer's estimate and the individual bids for the contract item than the uncorrected unit bid price.
- Omitted Unit Bid Price and Omitted Amount Bid--Deemed Zero Bid
- State Funded Projects
In the case of omission of the unit bid price and the omission of the amount bid for any one item except Mobilization and, in the case of the omission of the amount bid where a lump sum price is called for, the amount bid and the unit bid price shall be deemed to be zero where the value of the omitted amount bid is 1% or less of the total amount bid for the entire project (excluding the omitted item). The value of the omitted amount bid will be derived by determining the average of the engineer's estimate and the individual bids for that contract item.
Where the unit bid price is deemed to be zero as provided in this subarticle, such zero unit bid price shall constitute the contract unit price for the affected bid item.
Where the amount bid for a lump sum bid item is deemed to be zero except Mobilization, as provided in this subarticle, such zero amount bid shall constitute the contract lump sum price for that bid item.
In the case of omission of the amount bid for Mobilization, the bid shall be deemed irregular and may be rejected. - Federally Funded Projects
In the case of omission of the unit bid price and the omission of the amount bid for any one item and, in the case of the omission of the amount bid where a lump sum price is called for, the bid will be considered nonresponsive and will not be considered for award.
- Unit Bid Prices Containing More Than Four Decimal Places
In the case of a Bid Item for which the amount bid contains more than 4 decimal places for the Unit Bid Price, only the whole number and the first 4 decimal places shall constitute the Contract Unit Price for that Bid Item.
Electronic Bids
- Enter a unit price in schedule of items. Totals will be generated automatically.
- Data incorrectly entered may not be recognized, and the bid item may remain blank until entered correctly.
- Enter no more than 4 decimal places for unit price.
- Do not enter zero (0) in any unit price field unless zero is the intended bid for that item. Zero will be considered a valid bid. However, where zeros are entered for items that are authorized alternates to those items for which a non-zero bid price has been submitted, zeros will be deemed invalid.
- When the proposal allows alternate bids, the bidder shall submit a unit or lump sum price for every item in the proposal other than items that are authorized alternates to those items for which a bid price has been submitted. Where the bidder submits a unit price other than zero for all items of an authorized alternate, the Department will determine the lowest total price based on the alternate bid.
Criteria for Withdrawal of Bid
The Department of Transportation may allow a bidder submitting a bid pursuant to NCGS § 136-28.1 for construction or repair work to withdraw his bid after the scheduled time of bid opening upon a determination that: - A mistake was in fact made in the preparation of the bid.
- The mistake in the bid is of a clerical or mathematical nature and not one of bad judgment, carelessness in inspecting the work site or in reading the contract.
- The mistake is found to be made in good faith and was not deliberate or by reason of gross negligence.
- The amount of the error or mistake is equal to or greater than 3% of the total amount bid.
- The notice of mistake and request for withdrawal of the bid by reason of the mistake is communicated to the Engineer within 48 hours after the scheduled time of bid opening. Upon proper notification of a mistake and request for withdrawal of bid, the bidder shall submit within 48 hours written notice of mistake accompanied by copies of bid preparation information to the Engineer. The notification of a mistake, request for withdrawal of bid and copies of bid preparation information shall be submitted to the State Contract Officer or Engineer.
- The Department will not be prejudiced or damaged except for the loss of the bid.
Hearing by the Engineer
If a bidder files a notice of mistake along with a request to withdraw his bid, the Engineer will promptly hold a hearing thereon. The Engineer will give to the requesting bidder reasonable notice of the time and place of any such hearing. The bidder may appear at the hearing and present the original working papers, documents or materials used in the preparation of the bid sought to be withdrawn, together with other facts and arguments in support of his request to withdraw his bid. The bidder shall be required to present a written affidavit that the documents presented are the original, unaltered documents used in the preparation of the bid. -
Action by
State Highway Administrator
A determination may be made by the Administrator that the bidder meets the criteria for withdrawal of the bid as set forth in Subarticle 103-3(A) upon presentation of clear and convincing evidence by the bidder. The Engineer will present his findings to the State Highway Administrator for action on the bidder's request. The Engineer will advise the bidder of the Administrator's decision before the Department's consideration of award. -
Bid Bond
If a bid mistake is made and a request to withdraw the bid is made, the bid bond shall continue in full force and effect until there is a determination by the Administrator that the conditions in Subarticle 103-3(A) have been met. The effect of the refusal of the Contractor to give payment and performance bonds within 14 calendar days after the notice of award is received by him, if award has been made by the Department after consideration and denial of the Contractor's request to withdraw his bid, shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the bid bond.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252) and the Regulations of the Department of Transportation (49 CFR, Part 21), issued pursuant to such act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that contracts entered in pursuant to advertisements, if awarded, will be made by the Department to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on the grounds of race, color or national origin. The lowest responsible bidder will be notified by letter that his bid has been accepted and that he has been awarded the contract. This letter shall constitute the notice of award. Where award is to be made, the notice of award will be issued within 60 days after the opening of bids; except with the consent of the lowest responsible bidder, the decision to award the contract to such bidder may be delayed for as long a time as may be agreed upon by the Department and such bidder. In the absence of such agreement, the lowest responsible bidder may withdraw his bid at the expiration of the 60 days without penalty if no notice of award has been issued.
Award of a contract involving any unbalanced bid price may be made in accordance with Article 102-14. -
Award Limits
A bidder who desires to bid on more than one project on which bids are to be opened on the same date and who desires to avoid receiving an award of more projects than he is equipped to handle, may bid on any number of projects but may limit the total amount of work awarded to him on selected projects by completing the form Award Limits on Multiple Projects for each project subject to the award limit. In the event that a bidder is the lowest responsible bidder on projects subject to the award limit and the value of such projects is more than the award limit established by such bidder, the Department will not award such bidder projects from among those subject to the award limit which have a total value exceeding the award limit. The projects to be awarded to the bidder will be those projects on which award will result in the lowest total cost to the Department.
In determining the lowest total cost to the Department, the options of rejecting a bid or readvertising for new bids may be considered.
All bids submitted without the properly executed form Award Limits on Multiple Projects will not be subject to the award limit. In the event that there is a discrepancy between the completed award limit forms submitted by the same bidder for the different projects in a letting, the Department reserves the right to declare all such award limit forms invalid or to make such interpretation of the discrepancy as may be in the best interests of the Department. However, the presence of such discrepancy shall not be reason for declaring any bid irregular nor shall it invalidate the conditions of his bid bond or bid deposit.
Where a prequalified Contractor bids individually (as opposed to a Joint Venture) on one or more projects and bids on one of more projects as part of a Joint Venture, such individual bidder and such Joint Venture will be considered separate bidders in applying the provisions of this article. - Paper Bids
This form will be bound within each proposal. This form will not be effective unless the amount is filled in and the form is properly signed. - Electronic Bids
This form is located in the .ebs miscellaneous data file of Expedite. The bidder shall click on yes or no to indicate whether or not the bidder desires to limit the award.
CANCELLATION OF AWARDThe Department reserves the right to rescind the award of any contract at any time before the receipt of the properly executed contract bonds from the successful bidder.
RETURN OF BID BOND OR BID DEPOSITChecks that have been furnished as a bid deposit by all bidders, other than the 3 lowest responsible bidders, will be retained not more than 10 calendar days after the date of opening of bids. After the expiration of such period, the checks that were furnished as a bid deposit will be returned to all bidders other than the 3 lowest responsible bidders. Checks that have been furnished as a bid deposit by the 3 lowest responsible bidders will be retained until after the contract bonds have been furnished by the successful bidder at which time the checks that were furnished as a bid deposit will be returned to the 3 lowest responsible bidders. Paper bid bonds will be retained by the Department until the contract bonds are furnished by the successful bidder after which all such bid bonds will be destroyed unless the individual bid bond form contains a note requesting that it be returned to the bidder or the Surety.
CONTRACT BONDSThe successful bidder, within 14 calendar days after the notice of award is received by him, shall provide the Department with a contract payment bond and a contract performance bond each in an amount equal to 100% of the amount of the contract. All bonds shall be in conformance with NCGS § 44A-33. The corporate surety furnishing the bonds shall be authorized to do business in the State.
EXECUTION OF CONTRACTAs soon as possible following receipt of the properly executed contract bonds, the Department will complete the execution of the contract, retain the original contract and return one certified copy of the contract to the Contractor.
FAILURE TO FURNISH CONTRACT BONDSThe successful bidder's failure to file acceptable bonds within 14 calendar days after the notice of award is received by him shall be just cause for the forfeiture of the bid bond or bid deposit and rescinding the award of the contract. Award may then be made to the next lowest responsible bidder or the work may be readvertised and constructed under contract or otherwise, as the Department may decide.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 104 SCOPE OF WORK | SM-01-104 |
104-1 INTENT OF CONTRACTThe intent of the contract is to prescribe the work or improvements that the Contractor undertakes to perform, in full compliance with the contract documents. In case the method of construction or character of any part of the work is not covered by the plans, these specifications shall apply. The Contractor shall perform all work in accordance with the lines, grades, typical sections, dimensions and other data shown in the plans, or that may be modified by written orders and shall do such special, additional, extra and incidental work as may be considered necessary to complete the work to the full intent of the plans and specifications. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the Contractor shall furnish all implements, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, supplies, transportation and labor necessary for the prosecution and completion of the work.
104-2 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTSWhenever it is necessary to make amendments to the contract to satisfactorily complete the proposed construction or to provide authorized time extensions, the Engineer shall have the authority to enter into a supplemental agreement covering such amendments. Supplemental agreements shall become a part of the contract when executed by the Engineer and an authorized representative of the Contractor. The Contractor shall file with the Engineer a copy of the name or names of his representatives who are authorized to sign supplemental agreements.
104-3 ALTERATIONS OF PLANS OR DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTIONThe Engineer reserves the right to make, at any time during the progress of the work, such alterations in the plans or in the details of construction as may be found necessary or desirable. Under no circumstances will an alteration involve work beyond the termini of the proposed construction except as may be necessary to satisfactorily complete the project. Such alterations shall not invalidate the contract nor release the Surety, and the Contractor agrees to perform the work as altered at his contract unit or lump sum prices the same as if it had been a part of the original contract except as otherwise herein provided. An adjustment in the affected contract unit or lump sum prices due to alterations in the plans or details of construction that materially change the character of the work and the cost of performing the work will be made by the Engineer only as provided in this article. If the Engineer makes an alteration in the plans or details of construction, which he determines will materially change the character of the work and the cost of performing the work, an adjustment will be made and the contract modified in writing accordingly. The Contractor will be paid for performing the affected work in accordance with
Subarticle 104-8(A). When the Contractor is required to perform work that is, in his opinion, an alteration in the plans or details of construction that materially changes the character of the work and the cost of performing the work, he shall notify the Engineer in writing before performing such work. The Engineer will investigate and, based upon his determination, one of the following will occur: - If the Engineer determines that the affected work is an alteration of the plans or details of construction that materially changes the character of the work and the cost of performing the work, the Contractor will be notified in writing by the Engineer and compensation will be made in accordance with Subarticle 104-8(A).
- If the Engineer determines that the work is not such an alteration in the plans or details of construction that materially changes the character of the work and the cost of performing the work, he will notify the Contractor in writing of his determination. If the Contractor, upon receipt of the Engineer's written determination, still intends to file a claim for additional compensation by reason of such alteration, he shall notify the Engineer in writing of such intent before beginning any of the alleged altered work, and the provisions of Subarticle 104-8(B) shall be strictly adhered to.
No contract adjustment will be allowed under this article for any effects caused on unaltered work.
If the Contractor elects to file a written claim or requests an extension of contract time, it shall be submitted on the Contractor Claim Submittal Form available through the Construction Unit.
Suspensions of the Work Ordered by the Engineer
When the Engineer suspends in writing the performance of all or any portion of the work for a period of time not originally anticipated, customary or inherent to the construction industry and the Contractor believes that additional compensation for idle equipment or labor is justifiably due as a result of such suspension, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of his intent to file a claim for additional compensation within 7 calendar days after the Engineer suspends the performance of the work and the provisions of Subarticle 104-8(C) shall be strictly adhered to.
Within 14 calendar days of receipt by the Contractor of the notice to resume work, the Contractor shall submit his claim to the Engineer in writing on the Contractor Claim Submittal Form available through the Construction Unit. Such claim shall set forth the reasons and support for such adjustment in compensation including cost records and any other supporting justification in accordance with Subarticle 104-8(C). -
Alleged Suspension
If the Contractor contends he has been prevented from performing all or any portion of the work for a period of time not originally anticipated, customary or inherent to the construction industry because of conditions beyond the control of and not the fault of the Contractor, its suppliers or subcontractors at any tier and not caused by weather, but the Engineer has not suspended the work in writing, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a written notice of intent to file a claim for additional compensation by reason of such alleged suspension. No adjustment in compensation will be allowed for idle equipment or labor before the time of the submission of the written notice of intent to file a claim for additional compensation by reason of such alleged suspension. Upon receipt, the Engineer will evaluate the Contractor's notice of intent to file a claim for additional compensation. If the Engineer agrees with the Contractor's contention, the Engineer will suspend in writing the performance of all or any portion of the work, and
Subarticle 104-8(C) shall be strictly adhered to.
If the Engineer does not agree with the Contractor's contention as described above and determines that no portion of the work should be suspended, he will notify the Contractor in writing of his determination. If the Contractor does not agree with the Engineer's determination, Subarticle 104-8(C) shall be strictly adhered to. Within 14 calendar days after the last day of the alleged suspension, the Contractor shall submit his claim to the Engineer in writing on the Contractor Claim Submittal Form available through the Construction Unit. Such claim shall set forth the reasons and support for such adjustment in compensation, including cost records and any other supporting justification in accordance with Subarticle 104-8(C). -
No adjustment in compensation will be allowed under Subarticles 104-4(A)and 104-4(B) for any reason whatsoever for each occurrence of idle equipment or idle labor that has a duration of 24 hours or less.
No adjustment in compensation will be allowed under Subarticles 104-4(A)and 104-4(B) to the extent that performance would have been suspended by any other cause or for that an adjustment is provided for or excluded under any other term or condition of the contract.
No adjustment in compensation will be allowed under Subarticles 104-4(A)and 104-4(B) for any effects caused on unchanged work. No adjustment in compensation will be allowed under Subarticles 104-4(A) and 104-4(B) except for idle equipment or idle labor resulting solely from the suspension of work in writing by the Engineer.
No adjustment in compensation will be allowed under Subarticles 104-4(A)and 104-4(B) where temporary suspensions of the work have been ordered by the Engineer in accordance with Article 108-7 and the temporary suspensions are a result of the fault or negligence of the Contractor.
The Engineer reserves the right to make at any time during the work such changes in quantities as are necessary to satisfactorily complete the project. Such changes in quantities shall not invalidate the contract, nor release the Surety, and the Contractor agrees to perform the work as changed. The Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of the significant changes in the quantities.
The Contractor will be entitled to an adjustment in contract unit prices for increased costs incurred over the original bid prices in performing contract items that overrun or underrun the estimated contract quantities only as provided for in this article. -
Overruns - Increase in Unit Price
If the actual quantity of any major contract item overruns the original bid quantity by more than 15% of such original bid quantity, or the actual quantity of any minor contract item overruns the original bid quantity by more than 100% of such original bid quantity, an increase to the contract unit price, excluding loss of anticipated profits, may be authorized by the Engineer. Revised contract unit prices pertaining to overruns will be applicable only to that portion of the overrun that is in excess of the percentages stated above. - Whenever it is anticipated that an overrun in a major or minor contract item in excess of that described above will occur, the Contractor may make written request for a revision to contract unit prices. It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to justify the request for a revision to contract unit prices. After reviewing the Contractor's request, the Engineer will notify the Contractor of his determination as follows:
- If the Engineer determines a revision to the contract unit price is justified and the Engineer and the Contractor are in agreement as to the revision to be made to the contract unit price, a supplemental agreement covering the revised contract unit price will be consummated before performing work on that quantity in excess of the percentage set forth above.
If the Engineer determines a revision to the contract unit price is justified and the Engineer and the Contractor are not in agreement as to the revision to be made to the contract unit price, the Engineer will issue a force account notice before performing work on that quantity in excess of the percentage set forth above. - If the Engineer determines a revision to the contract unit price is not justified he will notify the Contractor of his determination in writing and payments will be made for the work at the contract unit price. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor may request an adjustment to the contract unit price as provided below.
- Whenever an overrun in a contract item in excess of the percentages previously set forth has occurred and a supplemental agreement establishing an increase to the contract unit price has not been executed or the Engineer has not issued a force account notice, the Contractor may make written request for a revision in the original contract unit price. Any adjustment to the contract unit prices due to overruns will be made by the Engineer based upon his evaluation and comparison of the Contractor's documented cost records of the contract unit prices for those contract items. The Contractor's documented cost records for the work performed on those quantities beyond the percentages stated above shall be kept in accordance with Article 109-3. The Contractor's cost records and supporting data shall be complete in every respect and in such form that they can be checked. It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to satisfy the Engineer of the validity of any request presented by the Contractor for an adjustment to the contract unit price. After reviewing the Contractor's request, the Engineer can make such adjustment as he deems warranted based upon his engineering judgment and the payment to the Contractor will be made accordingly.
Underruns - Increase in Unit Price
If the actual quantity of any major contract item underruns the original bid quantity by more than 15% of such original bid quantity, an increase to the contract unit price, excluding loss of anticipated profit, may be authorized by the Engineer. Revised contract unit prices pertaining to underruns of major contract items will be applicable to the entire quantity of the contract item that underruns. No revision will be made to the contract unit price for any minor contract item that underruns the original bid quantities. - Whenever it is anticipated that an underrun in a major contract item in excess of that described above will occur, the Contractor may make written request for a revision to the contract unit price. If the Engineer and the Contractor are in agreement as to the revision to be made to the contract unit price, then a supplemental agreement covering the revised unit price will be entered into. If the Engineer and the Contractor are not in agreement, then after performance of the work, a revised unit price may be determined as described below.
- Whenever an underrun in a major contract item in excess of the percentage previously set forth has occurred and a supplemental agreement establishing an increase to the contract unit price has not been executed, the Contractor may make written request for a revision to the original contract unit price. The Contractor shall submit sufficient documentation and analysis of his costs to satisfy the Engineer of any non-recovered costs included in the item that underran. Any adjustment to the contract unit prices due to underruns will be made by the Engineer based upon his evaluation of the Contractor's documentation and an analysis showing how changes in contract item cost are attributable to the underrun. An analysis of costs shall be supplemented with the Contractor's documented cost records for work performed on the total quantity of the affected item where the Contractor's request for compensation includes compensation for costs other than recovered fixed costs. The Contractor's cost records shall be complete in every respect and in such form that the Engineer can check them. It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to satisfy the Engineer of the validity of any request presented by the Contractor for adjustment to the contract unit price. After reviewing the Contractor's request, the Engineer may make such adjustment as he deems warranted, based upon his engineering judgment and payment will be made on the final estimate. The total payment, including any additional compensation granted by the Engineer due to an underrun in a major contract item, shall not exceed the payment that would have been made for the performance of 100% of the original contract quantity at the original contract unit price.
Where non-stock fabricated materials are involved in minor items that underrun or in major items that underrun by less than 15%, and where fabrication of such material has begun or been completed before the Contractor is advised of the reduction in the quantity of the pay item, the Department will reimburse the Contractor for the verified fabrication cost, including the cost of material less salvage value, or it may instruct the Contractor to have the fabricated material delivered to a site designated by the Engineer and make payment for such material in accordance with
Article 109-6.
Overruns and Underruns - Reduction In Unit Price
Whenever it is anticipated that an overrun or underrun in a major contract item in excess of 15% or an overrun in a minor contract item in excess of 100% will occur, the Engineer may make written request for a reduction to the contract unit price. If the Engineer and the Contractor are in agreement as to the decrease to be made to the contract unit price, a supplemental agreement covering the revised unit price will be consummated before beginning work on that quantity in excess of the allowable percentages. If the Engineer and the Contractor are not in agreement as to the decrease to be made, the Contractor will be directed to perform the affected work on a force account basis. Payment for the affected work will be made based upon force account records kept in accordance with Article 109-3 but shall not exceed that payment that would have been made at the original contract unit price.
104-6 ELIMINATED CONTRACT ITEMSThe Engineer may eliminate any item from the contract, and such action will in no way invalidate the contract. In the event the item of work involves pre-fabricated materials that are not considered to be stock items and fabrication of such material is begun or completed before the Contractor is advised of the elimination of the contract item, the Department may reimburse the Contractor for the verified fabrication cost including the cost of materials less salvage value or may instruct the Contractor to have the fabricated material delivered to a site designated by the Engineer and make payment for such material in accordance with Article 109-6. If the Contractor has partially completed a contract item before notification of the elimination of such item, the Department will reimburse the Contractor for the verified actual cost of the partially completed work not to exceed the payment that would have been made at the contract unit or lump sum price for the completed work. No payment will be made for loss of anticipated profits, and no other allowance will be made for eliminated items except as listed above.
104-7 EXTRA WORKThe Contractor shall perform extra work whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable to complete fully the work as contemplated. Extra work shall be performed in accordance with the contract and as directed. No extra work shall be commenced before specific authorization for the performance of such extra work being given by the Engineer. Extra work that is specifically authorized by the Engineer will be paid in accordance with Subarticle 104-8(A). When the Contractor is required to perform work that is, in his opinion, extra work, he shall notify the Engineer in writing before performing such work. The Engineer will investigate and, based upon his determination, one of the following will occur. - If the Engineer determines that the affected work is extra work, the Contractor will be notified in writing by the Engineer and compensation will be made in accordance with Subarticle 104-8(A).
- If the Engineer determines that the work is not extra work, he will notify the Contractor in writing of his determination. If the Contractor upon receipt of the Engineer's written determination intends to file a claim for additional compensation by reason of such work, he shall notify the Engineer in writing of such intent before beginning any of the alleged extra work and in conformance with Subarticle 104-8(B).
Work performed without prior written consent of the Engineer will be considered incidental to the work of the contract.
If the Contractor elects to file a written claim or requests an extension of contract time, it shall be submitted on the Contractor Claim Submittal Form available through the Construction Unit.
Compensation for Articles 104-3 or 104-7
When the Engineer and Contractor agree that compensation is due under
Articles 104-3 or 104-7, payment will be made in accordance with one of the following: - When the Engineer and the Contractor agree to the prices to be paid, the agreement will be set forth in a supplemental agreement. If the estimated total cost of the affected work is equal to or less than $25,000 and the prices for performing the work have been mutually agreed to, the Contractor may begin work before executing the supplemental agreement. If the estimated total cost of the affected work is more than $25,000, the Contractor shall not begin the affected work until the supplemental agreement is executed.
- When the Engineer and the Contractor cannot agree to the prices to be paid for the affected work, the Engineer will issue a force account notice before the Contractor beginning work. In this instance the affected work shall be performed as directed by the Engineer and paid in accordance with Article 109-3.
Claim for Additional Compensation
The Contractor's notice of intent to file a claim for additional compensation under Articles 104-3 and 104-7 shall be given to the Engineer in writing. The Contractor shall keep accurate and detailed cost records in accordance with Article 109-3. The Contractor's cost records and supporting data shall be complete in every respect and in such form that they may be checked by the Engineer. The Contractor's cost records and supporting data shall clearly indicate the cost of performing the work in dispute and shall separate the cost of any work for which payment has been made. The Contractor's cost records shall be kept up to date and the Engineer shall be given the opportunity to review the methods by which the records are being maintained. The cost records shall be prepared weekly for each occurrence for which notice of intent to file a claim has been given and submitted to the Engineer within 7 calendar days after the end of a given weekly period.
If the Contractor chooses to pursue the claim after the disputed work is complete, he shall submit a written claim to the Engineer for an adjustment in compensation based upon his cost records within 120 calendar days after completion of the disputed work. This claim shall summarize previously submitted cost records and clearly describe the Contractor's justification for an adjustment in compensation under the terms of the contract. The claim shall be accompanied by a certification from an officer of the company or person authorized to execute supplemental agreements, stating that the claim is truthful and accurate.
Upon receipt, the Engineer will review the Contractor's request and supporting documentation and notify the Contractor if the request is complete with all necessary supporting documentation and cost records.
If the Engineer determines that the work covered by the claim is in fact compensable under the terms of the contract, an adjustment in compensation will be made based upon the documentation presented and his engineering judgment. The adjustment will be made on the next partial pay estimate and reflected on the final estimate. The compensation allowed shall be limited to the amount that would be paid if the work was performed in accordance with Article 109-3.
If the Engineer determines that the work covered by the claim is not compensable under the terms of the contract, the claim will be denied. The Engineer will notify the Contractor of his determination whether or not an adjustment of the contract is warranted within 120 calendar days after receipt of the complete request, all necessary supporting justification and cost records.
The failure on the part of the Contractor to perform any of the following shall be a bar to recovery under Articles 104-3 or 104-7: - The failure to notify the Engineer in writing before performing the work in dispute that he intends to file a claim.
- The failure of the Contractor to keep records in accordance with Article 109-3.
- The failure of the Contractor to give the Engineer the opportunity to monitor the methods by which records are being maintained.
- The failure of the Contractor to submit additional documentation requested by the Engineer provided documentation requested is available within the Contractor's records.
- The failure of the Contractor to submit cost records weekly.
- The failure of the Contractor to submit the written request for an adjustment in compensation with cost records and supporting information within 120 calendar days of completion of the affected work.
Compensation for Article 104-4
The Contractor's notice of intent to file a claim for additional compensation under Subarticle 104-4(A) shall be given to the Engineer in writing within 7 calendar days after the Engineer suspends the performance of the work. For an alleged suspension, the Contractor's notice of intent to file a claim for additional compensation under Subarticle 104-4(B) shall be given to the Engineer in writing. The Contractor shall keep accurate and detailed records of the alleged idle equipment and alleged idle labor. The Contractor's cost records, supporting data and supporting information shall be complete in every respect and in such form that they may be checked by the Engineer. The Contractor's cost records, supporting data and supporting information for equipment idled due to the suspension or alleged suspension shall specifically identify each individual piece of equipment, its involvement in the work, its location on the project, the requested rental rate and justification as to why the equipment cannot be absorbed into unaffected work on the project during the period of suspension or alleged suspension. The Contractor's cost records, supporting data and supporting information for idle labor shall include the specific employees, classification, dates and hours idled, hourly rate of pay, their involvement in the project and justification as to why they cannot be absorbed into the unaffected work on the project or other projects during the period of suspension or alleged suspension. The Contractor's cost records, supporting data and supporting information shall be kept up to date and the Engineer shall be given the opportunity to review the methods by which the records, data and information are being maintained. The cost records, supporting data and supporting information shall be prepared weekly for each occurrence for which notice of intent to file a claim has been given and submitted to the Engineer within 7 calendar days after the end of a given weekly period.
If the Contractor chooses to pursue the claim after the suspension or alleged suspension period has ended, he shall submit a written claim to the Engineer for an adjustment in compensation based upon his cost records due to idle equipment and/or idle labor within 14 calendar days of receipt of the notice to resume work or within 14 calendar days of expiration of the alleged suspension period. This request shall summarize previously submitted cost records and clearly describe the Contractor's justification for an adjustment in compensation under the terms of the contract.
Upon receipt, the Engineer will evaluate the Contractor's request. If the Engineer agrees that the cost of the work directly associated with the suspension or alleged suspension has increased as a result of such suspension or alleged suspension and the suspension or alleged suspension was caused by conditions beyond the control of and not the fault of the Contractor, his suppliers or subcontractors at any approved tier and not caused by weather, the Engineer will make an adjustment, excluding profit, and will modify the contract in writing accordingly. The Contractor will be paid the verified actual cost of the idle equipment and idle labor. The compensation allowed shall be limited to the equipment, labor, bond, insurance and tax costs, excluding profits, computed in accordance with Article 109-3.
If the Engineer determines that the suspensions of the work by the Engineer or alleged suspensions do not warrant an adjustment in compensation, he will notify the Contractor in writing of his determination.
The Engineer will notify the Contractor of his determination of whether or not an adjustment in compensation is warranted within 120 calendar days after receipt of the complete request, all necessary supporting justification and cost records.
The failure on the part of the Contractor to perform any of the following shall be a bar to recovery under Article 104-4: - The failure to notify the Engineer in writing within 7 calendar days after the Engineer suspends in writing the performance of all or any portion of the work.
- The failure to notify the Engineer in writing that he intends to file a claim by reason of alleged suspension.
- The failure of the Contractor to keep records in accordance with the details of Article 109-3.
- The failure of the Contractor to give the Engineer the opportunity to monitor the methods by which records are being maintained.
- The failure of the Contractor to submit additional documentation requested by the Engineer provided the documentation requested is available within the Contractor's records.
- The failure of the Contractor to submit cost records weekly.
- The failure of the Contractor to submit the written request for an adjustment in compensation with cost records, supporting data and supporting information within 14 calendar days of receipt of the notice to resume work.
- The failure of the Contractor to submit the written request for an adjustment in compensation with cost records, supporting data and supporting information within 14 calendar days after the last day of the period during which the Contractor contends he has been prevented from performing all or any portion of the work for an unreasonable period of time (not originally anticipated, customary, or inherent to the construction industry) because of conditions beyond the control of, and not the fault of, the Contractor, its suppliers or subcontractors at any approved tier and not caused by weather.
Notification of Determination
The failure on the part of the Engineer to notify the Contractor of his determination on the requested adjustment in compensation within 120 calendar days after receipt of the complete request, all supporting justification and cost records will result in payment of interest on any monies determined to be due from the requested adjustment in compensation. Interest, at the average rate earned by the State Treasurer on the investment within the State's Short Term Investment Fund during the month preceding the date interest becomes payable, will be paid to the Contractor on the next partial pay estimate and reflected on the final estimate for the period beginning on the 121st day after receipt of the complete request, all supporting justification and cost records, and extending to the date the Engineer makes his determination on the disputed work.
If the Contractor fails to receive such adjustment in compensation for the disputed work as he claims to be entitled to under the terms of the contract, the Contractor may resubmit the written request for an adjustment in compensation to the Engineer as a part of the final claim after the project is complete. The Contractor will only be allowed to submit the request for an adjustment in compensation one time during the construction of the project.
104-9 DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS PROPERTYAll property that is surplus to the needs of the project will remain or become the property of the Contractor, unless otherwise stated in the contract, with the following exceptions: - Materials that are the property of utility companies providing service to buildings that are to be demolished or removed in accordance with Sections 210 and 215,
- Materials resulting from the removal of existing pavement in accordance with Section 250 that are to be stockpiled for the use of the Department,
- Materials resulting from the removal of existing structures in accordance with Section 402 where the contract indicates that the material will remain the property of the Department,
- Aggregate base course where the contract requires that this material become the property of the Department,
- Left over materials for which the Department has reimbursed the Contractor as provided in Article 109-6 and
- Materials that have been furnished by the Department for use on the project.
Property shall include but not be limited to materials furnished by the Contractor or the Department for either temporary or permanent use on the project, salvaged materials that were part of the existing facility on the date of availability for the project, and all implements, machinery, equipment, tools, supplies, laboratories, field offices and watercraft that are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the project.
All property that is the property of the Contractor shall be removed from the project by the Contractor before final acceptance.
104-10 MAINTENANCE OF THE PROJECTThe Contractor shall maintain the project from the date of availability or the date of beginning work, whichever occurs first, until the project is finally accepted. On resurfacing projects the Contractor shall maintain each part of the project, as defined by map numbers, from the date of beginning work on that part until such part is finally accepted. This maintenance shall be continuous and effective and shall be prosecuted with adequate equipment and forces to the end that all work covered by the contract is kept in satisfactory and acceptable condition at all times. The Contractor shall maintain all existing drainage facilities, except where the work consists of resurfacing only, such that they are in the same condition upon acceptance of the project as they were when the project was made available to the Contractor. In the event that the Contractor's work is suspended for any reason, the Contractor shall maintain the work covered by the contract, as provided herein. When a portion of the project is accepted as provided in Article 105-17, immediately after such acceptance the Contractor will not be required to maintain the accepted portions. Should latent defects be discovered or become evident in an accepted portion of the project, such defective work shall be repaired or replaced at no cost to the Department. Where an observation period is required that extends beyond the final acceptance date, the Contractor shall perform any work required by the observation period until satisfactory completion of the observation period. The Contractor will not be directly compensated for any maintenance operations necessary, as this work will be incidental to the work covered by the various contract items.
104-11 FINAL CLEANING UPBefore acceptance of the project, the highway, borrow sources, waste areas and all ground occupied by the Contractor within the project limits in connection with the work shall be cleaned of all rubbish, excess materials, temporary structures and equipment. All parts of the work shall be left in an acceptable condition. The Contractor will not be directly compensated for the work of final cleaning up, as this work will be considered incidental to the work covered by the various contract items.
104-12 VALUE ENGINEERING PROPOSALThis value engineering specification is to provide an incentive to the Contractor to initiate, develop and present to the Department for consideration, any cost reduction proposals conceived by him involving changes to the contract. This specification does not apply unless the proposal submitted is specifically identified by the Contractor as being presented for consideration as a Value Engineering Proposal (VEP). Submittals that propose material substitutions of permanent features, such as, but not limited to, changes from rigid to flexible or flexible to rigid pavements, concrete to steel or steel to concrete bridges will not be considered acceptable VEPs. Depending on the complexity of evaluation and implementations, VEPs that provide for a total savings before distribution of less than $10,000 may not be considered. -
Types of Proposals
VEPs contemplated are those that would result in a net savings to the Department by providing a decrease in the total cost of construction or reduce the construction time without increasing the cost to construct the project. The effects the VEP may have on the following items, but not limited to these items, will be considered by the Department when evaluating the VEP: - Service life,
- Safety,
- Reliability,
- Economy of operation,
- Ease of maintenance,
- Desired aesthetics,
- Design,
- Standardized features, and
- Environmental impact.
Evaluation of Proposals
The Department reserves the right to reject the VEP or deduct from the savings identified in the VEP to compensate for any adverse effects to these items that may result from implementation of the VEP.
The Department reserves the right to reject, at its discretion, any VEP submitted that would require additional right of way. Substitution of another design alternate detailed in the contract plans for the one that the Contractor bid will not be allowed. Plan errors that are identified by the Contractor and that result in a cost reduction will not qualify for submittal as a VEP. Pending execution of a formal supplemental agreement implementing an approved VEP, the Contractor shall remain obligated to perform in accordance with the terms of the existing contract. No time extension will be granted due to the time required to review a VEP. -
The Contractor is encouraged to include this specification in contracts with subcontractors. The Contractor shall encourage submissions of VEPs from subcontractors; however, it is not mandatory that the Contractor accept or transmit to the Department, VEPs proposed by his subcontractors. The Contractor may choose any arrangement for the subcontractor value engineering payments, provided that these payments shall not reduce the Department's share of the savings resulting from the VEP. -
Preliminary Review
Should the Contractor desire a preliminary review of a possible VEP, before expending considerable time and expense in full development, a copy of the preliminary VEP shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer and the State Value Management Engineer in the Quality Enhancement Unit. The submittal shall state "Preliminary Value Engineering Proposal Review Request" and shall contain sufficient drawings, cost estimates and written information that can be clearly understood and interpreted. Include the identity of any Private Engineering Firms proposed by the Contractor to prepare designs or revisions to designs. The Department will review the preliminary submittal only to the extent necessary to determine if it has possible merit as a VEP. This review does not obligate the Department to approve the final VEP should a preliminary review indicate the VEP has possible merit. The Department is under no obligation to consider any VEP (Preliminary or Final) that is submitted. -
Final Proposal
A copy of the Final VEP shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Resident Engineer and the State Value Management Engineer in the Quality Enhancement Unit. The VEP shall contain, at a minimum, the following: - A statement that the request for the modification is being made as a VEP.
- A description of the difference between the existing contract requirements and the proposed modifications, with the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each.
- If applicable, a complete drawing of the details covering the proposed modifications and supporting design computations shall be included in the final submittal. The preparation of new designs or drawings shall be accomplished and sealed by an engineer licensed in the State of North Carolina. Further, the Department may require a review, and possibly the redesign, be accomplished by the project's original designer, or an approved equal. The Department may contract with private engineering firms, when needed, for reviews requested by the Department. The Contractor shall contract with the original project designer, or an approved equal, when required by the Department, for any design work needed to completely and accurately prepare contract drawings. The Department may waive the requirements to have the preparation of contract drawings accomplished by an engineer licensed in the State of North Carolina or the project's original design based on the extent, detail and complexity of the design needed to implement the proposal.
- An itemized list of the contract requirements that would be modified and a recommendation of how to make each modification.
- A detailed estimate of the cost of performing the work under the proposed modification.
- A statement of the time when approval of the proposal shall be issued by the Department to obtain the total estimate cost reduction during the remainder of the contract, noting any effect on the contract completion or delivery schedule.
To facilitate the preparation of revisions to contract drawings, the Contractor may purchase reproducible copies of drawings for his use through the Department's Value Engineering Office. The preparation of new design drawings by or for the Contractor shall be coordinated with appropriate Department Branch through the State Value Management Engineer in the Quality Enhancement Unit. The Contractor shall provide, at no charge to the Department, one set of reproducible drawings of the approved design needed to implement the VEP.
The Engineer will be the sole judge of the acceptability of a VEP requested in accordance with these requirements and of the estimated net savings resulting from the approval of all or any part of the VEP. The Contractor has the right to withdraw, in whole or in part, any VEP not accepted by the Department within the period to be specified in the VEP per Subarticle 104-12(E)(6).
If a VEP is approved, the necessary changes will be effected by supplemental agreement. Included as a part of the supplemental agreement will be requirements for price adjustment giving the Contractor 50% of the net savings to the project resulting from the modifications.
The Department reserves the right to include in the supplemental agreement any conditions it deems appropriate for consideration, approval and implementation of the VEP. Acceptance of the supplemental agreement by the Contractor shall constitute acceptance of such conditions.
The final net savings to be distributed will be the difference in cost between the existing contract cost for the involved unit bid items and actual final cost occurring as a result of the modification. Only those unit bid items directly affected by the supplemental agreement will be considered in making the final determination of net savings. In determining the estimated net savings, the Department reserves the right to disregard the contract prices if, in the judgment of the Department, such prices do not represent a fair measure of the value of the work to be performed or to be deleted. Subsequent change documents affecting the modified unit bid items, but not related to the VEP, will be excluded from such determination. The Department's review and administrative costs for VEPs will be borne by the Department. The Contractor's costs for designs and/or revisions to designs and the preparation of design drawings will be borne by the Contractor. The costs to either party will not be considered in determining the net savings obtained by implementing the VEP. The Contractor's portion of the net savings shall constitute full compensation to him for effecting all changes pursuant to the agreement. The net savings will be prorated, 50% to the Contractor and 50% to the Department, for all accepted VEPs.
Upon execution of the supplemental agreement, the Department will thereafter have the right to use, duplicate or disclose, in whole or in part, any data necessary for the use of the modification on other projects without obligation or compensation of any kind to the Contractor. Restrictions or conditions imposed by the Contractor for use of the VEP on other projects shall not be valid.
Except as may be otherwise precluded by this specification, the Contractor may submit a previously approved VEP on another project.
Unless and until a supplemental agreement is executed and issued by the Department, the Contractor shall remain obligated to perform the work in accordance with the terms of the existing contract.
Acceptance of the modification and its implementation will not modify the completion date of the contract unless specifically provided for in the supplemental agreement.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation under Section 104 for alterations in the plans or in the details of construction pursuant to the VEP.
The Department will not be liable to the Contractor for failure to accept or act upon any VEP nor for any delays to the work attributable to any such VEP.
The Department reserves the right to negotiate desired changes with the Contractor under the requirements of the contract even though the changes are the result of a VEP submitted on another contract. In this instance the savings will be prorated in accordance with the terms of the negotiated agreement.
104-13 RECYCLED PRODUCTS OR SOLID WASTE MATERIALSIt is the policy of the Department to aid in reduction of materials that become a part of our solid waste stream. To that extent the Department encourages contractors to initiate, develop and use products and construction methods that incorporate the use of recycled or solid waste products in the project. Recycled products or waste materials will be those products or materials that would otherwise become solid waste and are collected, separated, or processed and reused or returned to reuse in the form of raw materials or products that are incorporated into a beneficial reuse on the project. Targeted materials include, but are not limited to, the following: plastic, glass, paper, cardboard, shingles, tires, fly ash, bottom ash, sludge and construction and demolition debris. This Specification will not be applicable to reclaimed asphalt materials used in accordance with Section 610 and shall not be applicable to any recycled or solid waste materials that are specified for use by the Department on the project. To use recycled or solid waste materials, the Contractor shall submit to the Department of Transportation a Recycled Products or Solid Waste Materials Proposal for approval. This proposal shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer and the State Value Management Engineer in the Quality Enhancement Unit. The proposal shall contain, at a minimum, a statement that the request for the modification is being made as a Recycled Products or Solid Waste Materials proposal and the requirements in Subarticles
104-12(E)(2) through 104-12(E)(6). The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any and all permits that may be required for the hauling, storing, or handling of the targeted materials. If a Recycled Products or Solid Waste Materials proposal is approved, the necessary changes will be effected by supplemental agreement. Included as a part of the supplemental agreement will be requirements for price adjustment as follows: - If the proposal results in a net savings to the Department the savings and distribution of the savings shall be done in accordance with Article 104-12.
- If the proposal results in a net increase in the project cost but is judged to have a significant effect on the development of long term markets for the targeted materials, or results in significant beneficial usage of project generated debris that would have otherwise been disposed of in accordance with Section 802, the Department will bear the approved increased costs, if any. This includes recycled products that have been approved by the Department but were not originally included in this contract.
- If the proposal is new and innovative, never used in the Department projects before as approved by the Engineer and results in a net savings to the Department, the savings shall be distributed in accordance with Article 104-12. However, when this innovative proposal results in a net increase in project cost, Subarticle 104-13(B)(2) shall apply, and at least $500, but not more than $2,500, may be awarded to the Contractor.
The Contractor shall provide certification that verifies the source of the material and the percentage of targeted materials to be used.
The Contractor shall remain obligated to perform the work in accordance with the terms of the existing contract pending execution of the supplemental agreement that implements an approved Recycled Products or Solid Waste Materials proposal and will not be entitled to any additional compensation or additional contract time if a Recycled Products or Solid Waste Materials proposal is not accepted.
The Department reserves the right to reject, at its discretion, any Recycled Products or Solid Waste Materials proposal. The Engineer will be the sole judge of the acceptability, the value, the estimated net savings and any additional compensation to be paid to the Contractor for all or any part of the proposal.
Article 104-3 does not apply to a Recycled Products or Solid Waste Materials proposal.
Upon execution of the supplemental agreement, the Department will hereafter have the right to use, duplicate or disclose in whole or in part any data necessary for use of the modification on other projects without obligation or compensation of any kind to the Contractor. Restrictions of conditions imposed by the Contractor for use of the proposal by the Department on other projects shall not be valid.
The Department will not be liable to the Contractor for failure to accept or act upon any Recycled Products or Waste Materials proposal submitted pursuant to this Specification, nor for any delays to the work attributable to any third party claims, or fines that may be levied as a result of the Contractor's decision to use targeted materials.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK | SM-01-105 |
AUTHORITY OF THE ENGINEERThe Engineer will decide all questions that may arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials furnished, work performed, rate of progress of the work; interpretation of the contract; and fulfillment of the contract on the part of the Contractor. His decision shall be final, and he shall have executive authority to enforce and make effective such decisions and orders as the Contractor fails to carry out promptly. The Engineer shall have the authority to issue any written order to the Contractor which he considers necessary to the prosecution of the work and shall have executive authority to enforce such written orders the Contractor fails to carry out promptly. Failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any written order issued by the Engineer may be justification for disqualifying the Contractor from further bidding in accordance with Article 102-15.
PLANS AND WORKING DRAWINGSPlans will show details of all structures, lines, grades, typical cross sections of the roadway, location and design of all structures and a summary of items appearing in the proposal. The plans shall be supplemented by such approved working drawings as are necessary to adequately control the work. Working drawings furnished by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer shall consist of such detailed drawings as may be required to adequately control the work and are not included in the plans furnished by the Department. They may include stress sheets, shop drawings, erection drawings, falsework drawings, cofferdam drawings, bending diagrams for reinforcing steel, catalog cuts, or any other supplementary drawings or similar data required of the Contractor. When working drawings are approved by the Engineer, such approval shall not operate to relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibility under the contract for the successful completion of the work. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall allow 40 calendar days for review and approval, or acceptance, of working drawings from the date they are received until they are returned by the Engineer, unless otherwise stated. If revised drawings are required, appropriate additional time shall be allowed for review and approval, or acceptance, of the revised drawings. The Contractor shall have no claim for extension of completion dates or additional compensation due to this review period. Changes on shop drawings after approval or distribution shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and he shall be furnished a record of such changes. Payment at the contract prices will be full compensation for all costs of furnishing all working drawings.
CONFORMITY WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSAll work performed and all materials furnished shall be in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, cross sections, dimensions and material requirements, including tolerances, shown in the contract. In the event the Engineer finds the materials or the finished product in which the materials are used not within reasonably close conformity with the contract but that reasonably acceptable work has been produced, he will then make a determination if the work is to be accepted and remain in place. If the Engineer determines that the work is to be accepted, he will have the authority to make such adjustment in contract price as he deems warranted based upon his engineering judgment and the final estimate will be paid accordingly. In the event the Engineer finds the materials, or the finished product in which the materials are used, or the work performed, are not in reasonably close conformity with the contract and have resulted in an inferior or unsatisfactory product, the work or materials shall be removed and replaced or otherwise corrected by the Contractor at no cost to the Department.
Standard Specifications, the Supplemental Specifications, the Plans, the Special Provisions and all supplementary documents are essential parts of the contract, and a requirement occurring in one is as binding as though occurring in all. They are complimentary and provide and describe the complete contract. In case of discrepancy, the following will apply in ascending order: Calculated dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions; Supplemental Specifications shall govern over
Standard Specifications; Plans shall govern over Supplemental Specifications and
Standard Specifications; Standard Special Provisions shall govern over Plans, Supplemental Specifications and
Standard Specifications; and Project Special Provisions shall govern over Standard Special Provisions, Plans, Supplemental Specifications and
Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any apparent error or omission in the contract. In the event such errors or omissions are discovered the Engineer will make such corrections and interpretations as may be determined necessary for the fulfillment of the intent of the contract.
COOPERATION BY CONTRACTORThe Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer, his inspectors and other contractors in every way possible and shall give the work the constant attention necessary to facilitate the progress and satisfactory performance thereof. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing at least 7 calendar days before beginning work on the project. He shall notify the Engineer at least 1 calendar day in advance when work is to be suspended and at least 2 calendar days in advance when work is to be resumed. The Contractor shall keep available on the project site a copy of the entire contract at all times.
On Site Personnel
At all times that work is actually being performed, the Contractor shall have present on the project one competent individual who has been authorized to act in a supervisory capacity over all work on the project including work subcontracted. The individual who has been so authorized shall be experienced in the type of work being performed and is to be fully capable of managing, directing and coordinating the work, of reading and thoroughly understanding the contract and of receiving and carrying out directions from the Engineer or his authorized representatives. He shall be an employee of the Contractor unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. -
On Call Personnel
At all times during the life of the project the Contractor shall provide one permanent employee who shall have the authority and capability for the overall responsibility of the project and who shall be personally available at the site of work within 24 hours notice. Such employee shall be fully authorized to conduct all business with the subcontractors, to negotiate and execute all supplemental agreements and to execute the orders or directions of the Engineer. -
If the Contractor elects to have the employee described under Subarticle 105-6(B) constantly available in person on the project, then the presence of this employee will be considered as meeting Subarticle 105-6(A). However, whenever such employee is absent from the project then an authorized individual meeting Subarticle 105-6(A) shall be present on the project.
COOPERATION BETWEEN CONTRACTORSThe Department reserves the right at any time to contract for and perform other or additional work on or near the work covered by the contract. When separate or additional contracts are let within the limits of any one project, each Contractor shall conduct his work so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress or completion of the work being performed by other contractors. Contractors working within the limits of the same project shall cooperate with each other. Each Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid damaging any work being performed by others or that has been completed by others. When a project is let under more than one contract and the plans or special provisions include a construction schedule, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractors to complete the various phases of the project in accordance with the time limits specified such that the total contracts will be completed by the completion date. This construction schedule will remain in effect until such time as the Contractors, at their option submit to the Engineer a joint construction schedule meeting the approval of the Engineer. This joint construction schedule shall be signed by authorized representatives of each firm and upon the approval of the Engineer shall be binding on each firm. Subsequent modifications to the joint construction schedule may be made during the course of the work in the same manner. Failure of the Contractor to complete the various phases of work within the time limits set forth in the construction schedule or latest approved joint construction schedule shall be just cause for removing the Contractor from the Department's list of qualified bidders. A Contractor disqualified from bidding by reason of this provision will not be reinstated until such time as his progress is in accordance with the latest approved construction schedule or until the project is completed and accepted, whichever occurs first. The Department will under no circumstances be liable for any claim for additional compensation due to acts of one contractor holding up the work of another. The Department will under no circumstances be liable for any damages experienced by one Contractor as a result of the presence and operations of other contractors working within the limits of the same project.
COOPERATION WITH UTILITY OWNERSBefore the beginning of construction, the Department will notify all utility owners known to have facilities affected by the construction of the project and will make arrangements for the necessary adjustments of all affected public or private utility facilities. The utility adjustments may be made either before or after the beginning of construction of the project. The adjustments will be made by the utility owner or his representative or by the Contractor when such adjustments are part of the work covered by his contract. The Contractor shall use an independent utility locating service to locate utilities. The Contractor shall use special care working in, around and near all existing utilities that are encountered during construction, protecting them where necessary so that they will give uninterrupted service. The Contractor shall cooperate with the utility owner and/or the owner's representative in the adjustment or placement of utility facilities when such adjustment or placement is made necessary by the construction of the project or has been authorized by the Department. In the event that utility services are interrupted by the Contractor, the Contractor shall promptly notify the owners and shall cooperate with the owners and/or the owner's representative in the restoration of service in the shortest time possible. Existing fire hydrants shall be kept accessible to fire departments at all times. Before submitting his bid, the Contractor shall make his own determination as to the nature and extent of the utility facilities, including proposed adjustments, new facilities, or temporary work to be performed by the utility owner or his representative; and as to whether or not any utility work is planned by the owner in conjunction with the project construction. The Contractor shall consider in his bid all of the permanent and temporary utility facilities in their present or relocated positions, whether or not specifically shown in the plans or covered in the project special provisions. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to anticipate any additional costs to him resulting from such utility work and to reflect these costs in his bid for the various items in the contract. No additional compensation, except as provided for in Article 104-4, will be allowed for delays, inconvenience or damage sustained by the Contractor due to any interference from said utility facilities or the operation of moving them, and any such delay, inconvenience or damage, except as provided for in Article 104-4, shall not constitute a basis for a claim for additional compensation. Where changes to utility facilities are to be made solely for the convenience of the Contractor, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to arrange for such changes and the Contractor shall bear all costs of such changes.
CONSTRUCTION STAKES, LINES AND GRADESUnless otherwise required in the contract, the Engineer will set construction stakes establishing lines, slopes and continuous profile-grade in road work, centerline and bench marks for bridge work, culvert work, protective and accessory structures and appurtenances that require the use of an engineer's level and transit, and will furnish the Contractor with all necessary information relating to lines, slopes and grades. These stakes and marks shall constitute the field control by, and in accordance with which, the Contractor shall establish other necessary controls and perform the work. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the preservation of all stakes and marks, and if any of the construction stakes or marks have been carelessly or willfully destroyed or disturbed by the Contractor, the cost of replacing them will be charged against him and will be deducted from the payment for the work.
AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF THE INSPECTORInspectors employed by the Department are authorized to inspect all work performed and materials furnished. Such inspection may extend to all or any part of the work and to the preparation, fabrication, or manufacture of the materials to be used. The inspector is not authorized to alter or waive the requirements of the contract. The inspector is not authorized to issue instructions contrary to the contract, or to act as foreman for the Contractor; however, he has the authority to reject work or materials until any questions at issue can be referred to and decided by the Engineer. The inspector is not authorized to make any final acceptance of the work.
INSPECTION OF WORKAll materials and each part or detail of the work shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer. The Contractor shall allow and provide a reasonable access to all parts of the work to the Engineer or his authorized representative. The Contractor shall furnish such information and assistance as is required to make a complete and detailed inspection. Such access shall meet the approval of the Engineer. The presence of the Engineer or inspector at the work site shall in no way lessen the Contractor's responsibility for conformity with the contract. Should the Engineer or Inspector, before or during construction, fail to point out or reject materials or work that does not conform with the contract, whether from lack of discovery or for any other reason, it shall in no way prevent later rejection or corrections to the unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered. The Contractor shall have no claim for losses suffered due to any necessary removals or repairs resulting from the unsatisfactory work. If the Engineer requests it, the Contractor, at any time before acceptance of the work, shall remove or uncover such portions of the finished work as may be directed. After examination, the Contractor shall restore said portions of the work to the standard required by the specifications. The Contractor shall keep cost records of the work performed and if the uncovered work is found to be acceptable, the Department will pay the Contractor on a force account basis in accordance with Article 109-3 for the cost of uncovering, or removing and the replacing of the covering or making good of the parts removed; but should the work so exposed or examined prove unacceptable, the uncovering or removing and the replacing of the covering or making good of the parts removed, shall be at no cost to the Department. When any other unit of government or political subdivision is to pay a portion of the cost of the work covered by the contract, its respective representatives shall have the right to inspect the work. When work is to be performed on the right of way of any railroad corporation or in proximity to other public utilities, the representatives of the railroad corporation and/or the public utilities shall have the right to inspect the work. Such inspection shall in no sense make any unit of government or political subdivision or any railroad corporation or public utility a party to the contract and shall in no way interfere with the rights of either party thereunder.
UNAUTHORIZED WORKNo work shall be performed without established lines and grades except as otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Work performed contrary to the instructions of the Engineer or contrary to any approvals granted by the Engineer will be considered as unauthorized and may not be paid under the requirements of the contract. Work performed beyond the lines shown in the plans or as given, except as herein specified, or any extra work performed without authority will be considered as unauthorized and may not be paid under the requirements of the contract. Any of the above work so performed may be ordered removed, replaced, or repaired at no cost to the Department. Upon failure on the part of the Contractor to comply on time with any order of the Engineer made under the provisions of this article, the Engineer will have the authority to cause such unauthorized work to be removed or adjusted or both to conform to the contract and to deduct the cost of removal or adjustment, or both, from any monies due or to become due the Contractor.
LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONSAt any time when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor has obstructed, closed, or is conducting operations on a greater portion of the work than is necessary for the prosecution of the work so as to constitute a hazard to the general public or impair the function of the facility being constructed where traffic shall be maintained, the Engineer may require the Contractor to suspend such unnecessary operations or closures and to finish the portions on which work is in progress before starting work on additional portions of the work.
NIGHT WORKWhenever the Contractor's operations are being conducted at night, the Contractor shall provide such artificial lighting as may be necessary to provide for safe and proper construction and to provide for adequate inspection of the work as described in Section 1413.
RESTRICTION OF LOAD LIMITSThe Contractor shall comply with all legal load restrictions in hauling equipment and materials on roads under the jurisdiction of the Department. The Department has the right to place load limit restrictions on the load a Contractor may haul on any road or bridge in the vicinity of his contract. The Contractor, before bidding on a project, will be responsible for making his own investigations to determine the possibility of load limit restrictions being placed on any of the highways he plans to use for hauling purposes. The Contractor shall not be entitled to an extension of time or to compensation for any costs, inconvenience, delay, or any other adversity to the Contractor as the result of any reduction by the Department in load limit, or as the result of a refusal by the Department to raise load limits as hereinafter provided or under any other conditions and any such reduction in load limit or refusal to raise load limits shall not constitute a basis for a claim for additional compensation. Wherever load limit restrictions below the statutory legal load limit have been posted on any roads and bridges on the project or within the vicinity of the project, the Department may remove the load limit restrictions from such roads and bridges upon written request from the Contractor, and the Contractor thereafter will be allowed to haul up to the statutory legal limits over such roads and bridges, provided the Contractor enters into an agreement with the Department providing for: - Maintenance by the Contractor of such roads in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer during the haul period.
- Repair by the Contractor of all damages to such roads after haul is completed to place them in a condition as good as they were before removal of the load limits.
- Furnishing a bond by the Contractor in an amount determined by the Engineer for the roads. Furnishing a bond for the roads does not entitle the Contractor to exceed the posted load limits of any bridge.
- Assumption by the Contractor of all costs of strengthening any bridges that may be necessary to safely haul loads up to statutory legal limits. The Department will, upon request by the Contractor, make a determination as to the method and extent of strengthening required for the bridges and will advise the Contractor as to the amount of work to be done or an estimate of the charges for the work if performed by Department forces. When Department forces perform the work, the Contractor shall reimburse the Department in the amount of the actual charges for said work. When Contractor's forces perform the work, it shall be done in accordance with plans approved by the Engineer and under his inspection.
- Indemnification of the Department against any and all claims from third persons arising out of or resulting from the hauling operation or the maintenance, or lack of maintenance, of haul roads. Haul roads shall be maintained for the Contractor's hauling operations and for the use of the general public.
Equipment operated on proposed bridges shall comply with load restrictions in Table 105-1.
Property |
Maximum Load in Pounds | Axle load | 36,000 | Axle load on tandem axles | 30,000 | Gross load | 90,000 |
The Contractor shall keep the bridge floor clean to reduce impact forces and place approved temporary guides on the bridge floor to position the wheel loads as nearly as possible over the bridge girders. Only one earth-moving vehicle shall be on a bridge at any time. Upon completion of hauling over each bridge, the Contractor shall clean the bridge floor, curbs and rails. Regulations pertaining to size and weight will not apply to equipment used on the project provided the vehicles involved are not operated on pavement, completed base course, or structures.
FAILURE TO MAINTAIN THE PROJECT OR PERFORM EROSION CONTROL WORKFailure on the part of the Contractor to comply with Article 104-10 or to perform erosion control work as directed will result in the Engineer notifying the Contractor to comply with these Specifications. In the event that the Contractor fails to begin such remedial action or fails to begin erosion control work within 24 hours after receipt of such notice with adequate forces and equipment, the Engineer may proceed to have the work performed with other forces. No payment will be made to the Contractor for work performed by others. Any costs incurred by the Department for work performed by others as provided above in excess of the costs that would have been incurred had the work been performed by the Contractor will be deducted from monies due the Contractor on his contract.
INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCEUpon apparent completion of the entire project, the Engineer will inspect the project for final acceptance. If all construction provided for and contemplated by the contract is found to be satisfactorily completed, the project will be accepted. The acceptance of projects in their entirety will not be altered except as listed below: - When any continuous project is equal to or in excess of 5 miles in length, the Department will accept the project in 2 increments with the first increment equaling at least 50% of the total length of the project.
- Under resurfacing contracts, the Department will accept the project in parts as defined by map numbers representing at least 25% of the total length of project.
- When it is considered to be in the best interest of the Department, other increments or parts of projects may be considered for acceptance.
- When the contract contains an intermediate completion date requiring the completion of a portion of the work in its entirety, such portion of the work may be accepted if requested in writing by the Contractor.
- Bridge decks and rails that have been constructed or rehabilitated at such time as when they are open to public traffic.
- Permanent sign panels, including hardware and retroreflective sheeting, that are located where the roadway is open to public traffic and that are required to be installed before the final acceptance of the project.
Acceptance of any increment or part of a project shall not operate to waive the assessment of all or any portion of liquidated damages assessable under the terms of the contract.
When the inspection discloses any work, in whole or in part, as being unsatisfactory or incomplete, the Engineer will advise the Contractor of such unsatisfactory or incomplete work, and the Contractor shall immediately correct, repair or complete such work. The project will not be accepted and the Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of the project and maintenance of traffic until all of the recommendations made at the time of the inspection have been satisfactorily completed.
The Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing that the project has been accepted as soon as practicable after the completion of the project. When an observation period is required that extends beyond the final acceptance date, the satisfactory completion of the observation period shall be covered by the contract bonds.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 106 CONTROL OF MATERIAL | SM-01-106 |
The materials used in the work shall meet all requirements of the contract and shall be subject to inspection, test, or rejection by the Engineer at any time. Materials used in the work shall be new, recycled, or recovered as permitted by the contract.
It is the Department's intent to expand the use of recyclable and recovered materials in its construction programs. The Contractor is encouraged to find innovative and alternative ways for beneficial use of recyclable materials that are currently a part of the solid waste stream and that contribute to problems of declining space in landfills.
The Contractor shall make his own determination of the various kinds and quantities of materials that are necessary for the acceptable performance and timely completion of the work. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain materials that meet the requirements of the contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the acceptability of all materials used in the work and for the timely delivery of materials to the project so that adequate time will be available for the safe and proper performance of the work.
To facilitate testing by the Department, the Contractor shall furnish a complete statement of the origin of all materials to be used in the construction of the work, together with samples when required. The statement of origin shall be furnished to the Materials and Tests Unit sufficiently in advance of any shipment or fabrication of materials so that arrangements can be made for proper inspection.
The Contractor shall furnish a MSDS with all paints and hazardous chemicals proposed for use on the project. The MSDS shall be in accordance with the North Carolina Hazard Communication Standard, 13 NCAC 7CF.0101.(a)(99).
The Contractor shall provide access, means and assistance in the verification of all testing equipment, scales, measures and other devices operated by him in connection with the testing of the materials.
If the Contractor desires or is required to furnish materials from local deposits, other than those, if any, described in the contract, he shall assume full responsibility for the sampling of the sources and the acceptability of the material in accordance with these specifications. He shall furnish without charge such preliminary samples as may be required; except that, if requested in writing, the Engineer may allow Department forces to take samples as requested by the Contractor. In the latter case, the Contractor shall reimburse the Department for the total expense of the sampling as determined by the Engineer. Tests will be made and reports rendered, but it is understood that such tests shall in no way be construed as a guarantee of acceptance of any material that may be delivered later for incorporation in the work. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the production of uniform and satisfactory materials from such local deposits and shall indemnify and save harmless the Department from any and all claims for loss or damages resulting from the opening and operation thereof, or from the failure of the deposit after development to produce materials acceptable to the Engineer, in either quality or quantity. -
Domestic Steel
All steel and iron products that are permanently incorporated into this project shall be produced in the United States except minimal amounts of foreign steel and iron products may be used provided the combined project cost of the bid items involved does not exceed 0.1% of the total amount bid for the entire project or $2,500, whichever is greater. This minimal amount of foreign produced steel and iron products permitted for use is not applicable to fasteners. Domestically produced fasteners are required.
All steel and iron products furnished as domestic products shall be melted, cast, formed, shaped, drawn, extruded, forged, fabricated, produced, or otherwise processed and manufactured in the United States. Raw materials including pig iron and processed pelletized and reduced iron ore used in manufacturing domestic steel products may be imported; however, all manufacturing processes to produce the products, including coatings, shall occur in the United States.
Before each steel or iron product is incorporated into any project or included for partial payment on a monthly estimate, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a notarized certification certifying that the product conforms to the above. The Engineer will forward a copy of each certification to the Materials and Tests Unit.
Each purchase order issued by the Contractor or a subcontractor for steel and iron products to be permanently incorporated into any project shall contain in bold print a statement advising the supplier that all manufacturing processes to produce the steel or iron shall have occurred in the United States. The Contractor and all affected subcontractors shall maintain a separate file for steel products permanently incorporated into any project so that verification of the Contractor's efforts to purchase domestic steel and iron products can readily be verified by an authorized representative of the Department or the Federal Highway Administration.
SAMPLES, TESTS AND CITED SPECIFICATIONSAll tests will be made in accordance with the most recent standard or interim methods of the AASHTO in force on the date of advertisement. Should no AASHTO method of test exist for a material, the most recent standard or tentative method of ASTM or other methods adopted by the Department will be used. All reference made to a specification published by AASHTO, ASTM or any other organization other than the Department, that does not indicate the date of publication, will be understood to mean the specification current on the date of advertisement for the project. When a more current specification is published during the life of the project, and when it is mutually agreed by the Contractor and the Engineer and such agreement is documented by a supplemental agreement, the Department may accept materials meeting the requirements of the latest publication.
CONTRACTOR FURNISHED CERTIFICATIONThe Contractor shall furnish the Department material certifications obtained from the producer, supplier or an approved independent testing laboratory for the following types of materials, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer: - Materials required to meet criteria documented by tests that are normally performed during the production process;
- Materials that are required to meet specifications other than those published by AASHTO, ASTM or the Department;
- Materials produced at locations that are not within routine travel distance for Department representatives;
- Materials required to meet criteria documented by tests involving special equipment not readily available to Department representatives; and
- Any other special material when so directed by the Engineer.
Material certifications of one of the following types shall be furnished for pre-tested materials. The specific type of material certification for each material shall be in accordance with the schedule maintained by the Materials and Tests Unit. Copies of this schedule may be obtained from the Materials and Tests Unit.
Type 1 - Certified Mill Test Report
A certified mill test report shall be a certified report of tests conducted by the manufacturer on samples taken from the same heat or lot number as the material actually shipped to the project. The report shall identify the heat or lot number.
Type 2 - Typical Certified Mill Test Report
A typical certified mill test report shall be a certified report of tests conducted by the manufacturer on samples taken from a lot that is typical of the material actually shipped to the project, but that may or may not be from the lot shipped.
Type 3 - Manufacturer's Certification
A manufacturer's certification shall be a certified statement that the material actually shipped to the project was manufactured by production processes that are periodically and routinely inspected to assure conformance to specification requirements.
Type 4 - Certified Test Reports
A certified test report shall be a certified report of test conducted by an approved independent testing laboratory on samples taken from the same heat or lot number as the material actually shipped to the project. The report shall identify the heat or lot number.
Type 5 - Typical Certified Test Reports
A certified test report shall be a certified report of tests conducted by an approved independent testing laboratory on samples taken from a lot that is typical of the material actually shipped to the project, but that may or may not be from the lot shipped.
Type 6 - Supplier's Certification
A supplier's certification is a signed statement by the supplier that the material described in the certification is of the specification grade required and that the supplier has on hand Type 1 or Type 2 material certifications to cover the material that is included in the Type 6 supplier's certification.
Type 7 - Contractor's Certification
Contractor's certification is a signed statement by a contractor that the used material described in the certification meets the current specifications to the best of the contractor's knowledge and that the contractor had in his possession at the time of purchase a Type 1
or Type 2 material certification to cover the material that is included in the Type 7 Contractor's certification.
DELIVERY AND HANDLING OF MATERIALSAll materials shall be handled carefully and in such manner as to preserve their quality and fitness for the work. Materials damaged during delivery or handling shall not be used without approval of the Engineer.
STORAGE OF MATERIALSMaterials shall be stored so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Stored materials that may have been approved before storage shall be subject to inspection at any time and shall meet the specifications at the time it is put into use. Stored materials shall be located to facilitate their inspection. Subject to the approval of the Engineer, that portion of the right of way not required for public travel may be used for storage purposes and for the Contractor's plant and equipment, but any additional space required therefor shall be provided by the Contractor at no expense to the Department. All storage sites located within the right of way shall be restored to their original condition by the Contractor at no expense to the Department, except where the materials stored are or are to become the property of the Department.
INSPECTION AT SOURCEThe Engineer may undertake the inspection of materials at the source of supply. This inspection will be performed by Department personnel or private organizations retained by the Department. Where approved by the Engineer, the results of tests performed by private laboratories, producers, or manufacturer's laboratories may be used in determining compliance of a material or product with the specifications. The Department assumes no obligation to inspect materials at the source of supply. Such inspection will be undertaken only upon condition that: - The cooperation and assistance of the Contractor and the producer with whom he has contracted for materials is assured.
- The representative of the Engineer will have full entry authority at all times to such parts of the plant as may concern the manufacture or production of the materials.
- Laboratory facilities shall be provided when required by the Engineer.
Where the Department agrees to inspect or test materials during their production or at the source of supply, the Contractor shall bear the cost of testing performed on materials ordered by him but not incorporated into the project.
The Department reserves the right to retest all materials that have been tested and accepted at the source of supply after the same have been delivered and to reject all materials that, when retested, do not meet the specifications.
SCALES AND PUBLIC WEIGHMASTERWhen material is to be paid on a per ton basis, the Contractor shall furnish platform scales or other weighing devices that have been certified by the N.C. Department of Agriculture. If the platform scales or other weighing devices are located outside of North Carolina, they shall have been certified by the Department of Agriculture within the particular state. The scales may be constructed and operated to provide automatic weighing, recording and printing of tickets for the load being weighed. The Department may deny or withhold any portion of payment for any load of materials weighed if in relation to such load of materials, the Contractor falsifies any weighing certification information or otherwise fails to comply with the requirements contained in this contract. All scales shall be operated by a public weighmaster licensed in accordance with NCGS § 81A. A certified weight certificate shall be issued by a North Carolina public weighmaster for each load. The certificate shall be in the form of a ticket furnished by the Contractor and shall contain the following information: - Department project contract number
- Date
- Time issued, if for bituminous plant mix or Portland cement stabilized base course mixed in a central plant
- Type of material
- Gross weight
- Tare weight
- Net weight of material
- Quarry or plant location
- Department's Job Mix Formula Number, if ticket is for asphalt plant mix
- Department's Asphalt Plant Certification Number, if ticket is for asphalt plant mix
- Truck number
- Contractor's name
- Public weighmaster's stamp or number
- Public weighmaster's signature or initials
When certified weighing devices other than platform scales are to be used, the gross weight and tare weight will not be required.
The Engineer may direct the Contractor to re-weigh the contents of any truck load that is to be delivered to the work on approved platform scales at no cost to the Department.
When tractor and trailer units are to be used in hauling material to be weighed, the platform scales shall be of sufficient length so as to accommodate the entire unit or the tractor shall be disconnected and the trailer and its contents weighed as a separate unit.
DEPARTMENT FURNISHED MATERIALThe Contractor shall furnish all materials necessary to complete the work, except those materials specified in the contract to be furnished by the Department. Payment at the contract price for the item that includes the use of Department furnished material will be full compensation for all costs of handling and placing such materials after they are delivered or made available to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all material furnished to him, and deductions will be made from any money due him to make good any shortage and deficiencies from any cause whatsoever and for any damage that may occur after Department furnished material has been made available.
DEFECTIVE MATERIALAll materials that are not in conformity to the contract shall be defective and such materials, whether in place or not, may be rejected and removed from the site of the work unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer in accordance with Article 105-3. No rejected material, the defects of which may have been substantially corrected, may be used until approval has been given by the Engineer.
DENSITY DETERMINATION BY NUCLEAR METHODSThe Engineer may, at his option, use nuclear methods as described in
Articles 520-9 and 610-10 to determine the density of selected pavement materials. The use of nuclear methods will include the establishment of the required density through the use of control strips constructed from materials actually being used on the project, and the determination of the density being obtained in test sections located throughout the project. | | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 107 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY | SM-01-107 |
LAWS TO BE OBSERVEDThe Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances and regulations, and all orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority which may in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work or which in any way affect the conduct of the work. He shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws, ordinances, regulations, orders and decrees; and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Board and the Department and their agents and employees from any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such law, ordinance, regulation, order, or decree, by the Contractor or by his agents and employees. If during the course of the contract any such laws, ordinances and regulations, and all orders and decrees may be changed, the Contractor shall comply fully with the same. It is unlawful for any vendor or contractor (i.e. architect, bidder, contractor, construction manager, design professional, engineer, landlord, offeror, seller, subcontractor, supplier or vendor), to make gifts or to give favors to any State employee of the Governor's Cabinet Agencies (i.e. Administration, Commerce, Correction, Crime Control and Public Safety, Cultural Resources, Environment and Natural Resources, Health and Human Services, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Revenue, Transportation and the Office of the Governor). This prohibition covers those vendors and contractors who: (1) Have a contract with a governmental agency; or (2) Have performed under such a contract within the past year; or (3) Anticipate bidding on such a contract in the future. Comply with all Federal, State and local regulations when performing building removal, asbestos removal and disposal, or underground storage tank removal and disposal. Any fines resulting from violations of any regulation are the sole responsibility of the Contractor and the Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department against any assessment of such fines.
ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS VOIDIn accordance with NCGS § 143B-426.40A, the Department will not recognize any assignment of claims by any Contractor against the Department.
PERMITS AND LICENSESThe Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses except as otherwise specified; pay all charges, fees and taxes; and give all notices necessary and incident to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. For asphalt plants and concrete batch plants located on the Department's rights of way, apply for and obtain all environmental permits and licenses, including stormwater permits, before placement within the project limits or elsewhere on the Department's rights of way. Use proven Best Management Practices and equip all plants with such pollution control equipment and devices as is necessary to meet all applicable Federal, State and local pollution requirements. Conduct compliance monitoring and report findings to each applicable environmental regulatory agency according to their required frequency.
PATENTED DEVICES, MATERIALS AND PROCESSESIf the Contractor employs any design, device, material, or process covered by letters of patent or copyright, he shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner. The Contractor and his Surety shall indemnify and save harmless the Department from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of such patented design, device, material, process, trademark or copyright and shall indemnify and save harmless the Department from any costs, expenses and damages which it may be obligated to pay at any time during the prosecution or after the completion of the work by reason of any alleged infringement.
ENCROACHMENT ON RIGHT OF WAYAny entity wishing to encroach on highway right of way shall secure a written permit from the Department. The Contractor is not authorized to allow any entity to perform any work within the limits of the project unless such work has been authorized in writing by the Engineer. When so directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall make any repairs necessary due to such encroachments and such work will be paid as extra work.
FEDERAL PARTICIPATIONWhen the United States Government pays all or any portion of the cost of the work, the Federal laws authorizing such participation and the rules and regulations made pursuant to such laws shall be observed by the Contractor. The work will be subject to the inspection of the representative of such Federal agencies as are created for the administration of these laws. The Contractor shall have no right to make the Federal Government a party to any court action solely by reason of its participation in the cost of the work or by reason of its inspection of the work.
SANITARY PROVISIONSThe Contractor shall provide and maintain in a neat, sanitary condition such accommodations for the use of employees as may be necessary to comply with the requirements of the State and local Boards of Health, or of other bodies or tribunals having jurisdiction. Control and manage disposal of sanitary waste such that no adverse impacts occur to water quality.
PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETYThe Contractor shall at all times conduct his work as to insure the least possible obstruction to traffic. The safety and convenience of the general public and the residents along the highway, and the protection of persons and property, shall be provided for by the Contractor as specified in Section 150.
COORDINATION WITH RAILWAYAll work to be performed by the Contractor on railway right of way shall be performed in accordance with the contract and in a manner satisfactory to the railway company and shall be performed at such times and in such manner as not to unnecessarily interfere with the movement of traffic upon the track of the railway company. The Contractor shall use all care and precautions to avoid accidents, damage, or unnecessary delays or interference with the railway company's traffic or other property. The Contractor shall carry such railroad protective insurance and public liability and property damage insurance as may be stipulated in the contract. The Department shall not be responsible for any damage or injury to the railway company's traffic or property caused by the Contractor. When the Contractor is required by the contract to transport materials or equipment across the tracks of any railway or to perform work on railway right of way, the Department will obtain any necessary written authority from the railway company for the establishment of a railway crossing or for the performance of work on railway right of way. The Contractor will not be required to bear the cost of any watchman service or flagging protection necessary due to such operations, as the railway company will be reimbursed directly by the Department for the cost of such work. In case the Contractor elects or finds it necessary to transport materials or equipment across the tracks of any railway at any point where a crossing is not required by the contract or at any point other than an existing public crossing, he shall obtain specific written authority from the railway company for the establishment of a private railway crossing and shall bear all costs in connection with such crossing, including installation, drainage, maintenance, any necessary insurance, watchman service, flagging protection and removal of such private railway crossing.
WORK IN, OVER OR ADJACENT TO NAVIGABLE WATERSAll work in or over navigable waters shall be in accordance with conditions contained in the permit obtained by the Department from the authority granting the permit. These conditions will be included in the contract. The work shall be performed in such manner so as not to interfere with navigation of the waterways unless approval therefor is obtained from the authority granting the permit. The Department shall not be responsible for any damage or injury to entities upon or adjacent to navigable waters caused by the Contractor. The Contractor shall prepare drawings necessary to obtain any addenda that may be required for his operations that are not included in the Department's permit. He shall coordinate their submission with the Engineer.
PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTYThe Contractor shall be responsible for the protection from his activities of all public and private property on and adjacent to the work and shall use every reasonable precaution necessary to prevent damage or injury thereto. He shall use suitable precautions to prevent damage to pipes, conduits and other underground structures and to poles, wires, cables and other overhead structures. The Contractor shall protect carefully from disturbance or damage all land monuments and property markers until the Engineer has witnessed or otherwise referenced their location and shall not remove them until directed. The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal, preservation and resetting of all mailboxes disturbed by the construction operations. The mailboxes and their supports, when reset, shall be left in as good a condition as they were before removal. The Contractor will not be required to furnish new material except as required to repair damage resulting from construction operations. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage or injury to property of any character resulting from any act, omission, negligence, or misconduct in the prosecution of the work. When any direct or indirect damage or injury is done to public or private property by or on account of any act, omission, negligence, or misconduct in the execution of the work, he shall either restore at his own expense such property to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done, or shall make good such damage or injury in a manner acceptable to the owner of the damaged property and to the Department. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore such property or make good such damage or injury, the Department may, at the Contractor's expense, repair, rebuild, or otherwise restore such property in such manner as the Engineer may consider necessary.
The Contractor shall take whatever measures are necessary to minimize soil erosion and siltation, water pollution and air pollution caused by his operations. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regulations of all legally constituted authorities relating to pollution prevention and control. The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all such regulations that in any way affect the conduct of the work and shall at all times observe and comply with all such regulations. In the event of conflict between such regulations and the specifications, the more restrictive requirements shall apply.
The Engineer will limit the area over which clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and embankment operations are performed whenever the Contractor's operations do not make effective use of construction practices and temporary measures which will minimize erosion, or whenever construction operations have not been coordinated to effectively minimize erosion, or whenever permanent erosion control features are not being completed as soon as permitted by construction operations.
Following completion of any construction phase or operation, on any graded slope or any area greater than one acre, the Contractor shall provide ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion within 21 calendar days or within a time period specified by the NCG 010000 Construction Permit. The ground cover shall be either temporary or permanent and the type specified in the contract. -
Erosion and Siltation Control
The Contractor shall exercise every reasonable precaution throughout the life of the project to prevent the eroding of soil and the silting of rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, other water impoundments, ground surfaces or other property.
Before suspension of operations on the project or any portion thereof, the Contractor shall take all necessary measures to protect the construction area, including, but not limited to, borrow sources, soil type base course sources and waste areas from erosion during the period of suspension.
Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, construction operations in rivers, streams and water impoundments shall be restricted to those areas where channel changes are shown in the plans and to those areas which must be entered for the construction or removal of temporary or permanent structures.
Excavated materials shall not be deposited, nor shall earth dikes or other temporary earth structures be constructed, in rivers, streams, or impoundments. As an exception to the above, confined earth materials will be permitted when approved in writing by the Engineer.
Frequent fording of live streams with construction equipment will not be permitted; therefore, temporary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever frequent stream crossings are necessary. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, mechanized equipment shall not be operated in live streams except as may be necessary to construct channel changes and to construct or remove temporary or permanent structures. -
Coordination of Erosion Control Operations
Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be provided as shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer. All permanent erosion control work shall be incorporated into the project at the earliest practicable time. Temporary erosion control measures shall be coordinated with permanent erosion control measures and all other work on the project to assure economical, effective and continuous erosion control throughout the construction and post construction period and to minimize siltation of rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, other water impoundments, ground surfaces, or other property.
Temporary erosion control measures shall include, but not be limited to, the use of temporary berms, dikes, dams, drainage ditches, silt basins, silt ditches, slope drains, structures, vegetation, mulches, mats, netting, gravel, or any other methods or devices that are necessary. Temporary erosion control measures may include work outside the right-of-way or construction limits where such work is necessary as a result of construction such as borrow operations, haul roads, plant sites, equipment storage sites and disposal of waste or debris. The Contractor shall be liable for all damages to public or private property caused by silting or slides originating in waste areas furnished by the Contractor.
Materials for temporary erosion control measures shall have been approved by the Engineer before being used or shall be as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall acceptably maintain erosion control measures installed. -
Water and Air Pollution
Exercise every reasonable precaution throughout the life of the project to prevent pollution of ground waters and surface waters, such as rivers, streams and water impoundments. Do not discharge onto the ground or surface waters any pollutants such as chemicals, raw sewage, fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids, bitumens and any other petroleum products. Operate and maintain equipment on site in a manner as to prevent the potential or actual pollution of surface or ground waters of the State. Dispose of spent fluids in accordance with applicable Federal and State disposal regulations. Immediately clean up any spilled fluids to the extent practicable and dispose of properly.
Manage, control and dispose of litter on site such that no adverse impacts to water quality occur. Comply with all Federal, State or local air pollution regulations throughout the life of the project. -
Dust Control
The Contractor shall control dust throughout the life of the project within the project area and at all other areas affected by the construction of the project, including, but not specifically limited to, unpaved secondary roads, haul roads, access roads, disposal sites, borrow and material sources and production sites. Dust control shall not be considered effective where the amount of dust creates a potential or actual unsafe condition, public nuisance, or condition endangering the value, utility, or appearance of any property.
The Contractor will not be directly compensated for any dust control measures necessary, as this work will be incidental to the work covered by the various contract items. -
Application of Specifications
Article 107-12 shall apply to all construction operations. Further references and detailed requirements concerning erosion, siltation and pollution prevention and control are given in other sections of the
Standard Specifications as supplements to the general requirements of this article. -
In the event that temporary erosion and pollution control measures become necessary due to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness, or failure to incorporate permanent erosion control measures into the project at the earliest practicable time, such measures shall be performed by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer at no cost to the Department. If the Contractor fails to perform such measures as directed, the Engineer may have the work performed in accordance with Article 105-16.
Failure of the Contractor to fulfill any of the requirements of this article may result in the Engineer ordering the stopping of construction operations in accordance with Article 108-7 until such failure has been corrected. Such suspension of operations will not justify an extension of contract time.
Failure on the part of the Contractor to perform the necessary measures to control erosion, siltation and pollution will result in the Engineer notifying the Contractor to take such measures. In the event that the Contractor fails to perform such measures within 24 hours after receipt of such notice with adequate forces and equipment, the Engineer may suspend the work as provided above, or may proceed to have such measures performed with other forces and equipment, or both. No payment will be made to the Contractor for the performance of this work and the cost of such work so performed will be deducted from monies due the Contractor on his contract.
PROTECTION OF PUBLIC LANDSIn the execution of any work within or adjacent to any National or State forest, park or other public lands, the Contractor shall comply with all regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over such forest, park or lands, governing the protection of public lands and the carrying out of work within public lands and shall observe all sanitary laws and regulations with respect to the performance of work in public lands. He shall keep the areas in an orderly condition, properly dispose of all refuse and obtain permits for the construction and maintenance of all construction camps, stores, warehouses, residences, latrines, cesspools, septic tanks and other structures in accordance with the regulations of the appropriate authorities. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precaution to prevent and suppress forest fires and shall require his employees and subcontractors, both independently and at the request of forest officials, to do all reasonable within their power to prevent and suppress and to assist in preventing and suppressing forest fires and to make every possible effort to notify a forest official at the earliest possible moment of the location and extent of any fire seen by them. The Contractor shall obtain any construction permits that may be required for his operations, which are not a part of the project, in accordance with the regulations of the appropriate authorities.
RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMSThe Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Board and its members and the Department, its officers, agents and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought for any injury or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property by reason of any act of the Contractor, subcontractor, its agents or employees, in the performance of the contract. The Contractor's liability to save harmless and indemnify shall include, but not by way of limitation, the following: - Damages or claims for the failure of the Contractor to safeguard the work;
- Damages or claims by reason of the failure of the Contractor to erect adequate barricades and post adequate warnings to the public of such barricades;
- Any damage or claims caused through the Contractor's use of defective materials or by the performance of defective work;
- Any claims by reason of the Contractor's infringement of patent, trademark, or copyright;
- Any amounts paid by the Department by reason of the Contractor's failure to comply with or for violations of laws, ordinances, orders, or decrees;
- Any damages or claims caused by blasting operations of the Contractor with or without proof of negligence on the part of the Contractor;
- Damages or claims caused by the failure of the Contractor to protect private or public property pursuant to Article
107-11, including damages to public and private property caused by silting and slides from waste areas furnished by the contractor, without proof of negligence; and
- Damages caused by the failure of the Contractor to control erosion in accordance with the contract.
In addition to any remedy authorized by law, the Department shall have a right to retain from monies due the Contractor, as the Department considers necessary until final disposition has been made of the following suits or claims: - For all claims against the Department involving claims or damages that are the Contractor's responsibility under Section 107. The Contractor and the Surety shall remain responsible until such suits or claims against the Department have been settled and until the Department has been indemnified and saved harmless.
- In case of claims by third parties against the Contractor involving tort liability for which the Department might be held liable for as a taking of property, or as a tort before the Industrial Commission. However, monies due the Contractor will not be retained provided the Contractor produces satisfactory evidence to the Department that he is adequately protected from such tort liability by public liability and property damage insurance. In all other cases involving claims or suits by third parties against the Contractor, amounts due the Contractor will not be withheld provided that the consent of the Surety is furnished and the Surety guarantees payment of any amounts for which the Contractor may be determined to be legally liable.
- In cases of damage to property of the Department, such amounts necessary to pay for such damage.
In cases where claims are made or suits filed against the Board or its members and the Department, its officers, agents and employees, the Department may retain from any monies due the Contractor, an amount sufficient to indemnify such member of the Board or officer, agent or employee of the Department for any amounts which they may be held liable for but for which the Contractor is responsible under Section 107. In the event that there is not sufficient monies available from the final estimate, the Department may collect from the Contractor or its Surety amounts sufficient to indemnify such employee, agent or officer of the Department or member of the Board for such damages incurred.
LIABILITY INSURANCEThe Contractor shall be liable for any losses resulting from a breach of the terms of this contract. The Contractor shall be liable for any losses due to the negligence or willful misconduct of its agents, assigns and employees including any sub-contractors which causes damage to others for which the Department is found liable under the Torts Claims Act, or in the General Courts of Justice, provided the Department provides prompt notice to the Contractor and that the Contractor has an opportunity to defend against such claims. The Contractor shall not be responsible for punitive damages. The Contractor shall at its sole cost and expense obtain and furnish to the Department an original standard Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development (ACORD) form certificate of insurance evidencing commercial general liability with a limit for bodily injury and property damage in the amount of $5,000,000 per occurrence and general aggregate, covering the Contractor from claims or damages for bodily injury, personal injury, or for property damages that may arise from operating under the contract by the employees and agents of the Contractor. The required limit of insurance may be obtained by a single general liability policy or the combination of a general liability and excess liability or umbrella policy. The State of North Carolina shall be named as an additional insured on this commercial general liability policy. The policy may contain the following language as relates to the State as an additional insured: "This insurance with respect to the additional insured applies only to the extent that the additional insured is held liable for your or your agent's acts or omissions arising out of and in the course of operations performed for the additional insured." The Contractor shall maintain all legally required insurance coverage, including without limitation, worker's compensation and vehicle liability, in the amounts required by law. Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the contractor and is of the essence of this contract. All such insurance shall meet all laws of the State of North Carolina. Such insurance coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage and that are authorized by the Commissioner of Insurance to do business in North Carolina. The Contractor shall at all times comply with the terms of such insurance policies. Upon execution of the contract, provide evidence of the above insurance requirements to the Engineer. When required by the contract, the Contractor shall carry insurance of the kinds and in the amounts specified therein in addition to any other forms of insurance or bonds required under the terms of the contract, or any other insurance carried by the Contractor.
OPENING SECTIONS OF PROJECT TO TRAFFICIf it is determined by the Engineer that the Contractor will not complete the work by the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time, the Engineer may notify the Contractor in writing that upon expiration of contract time or intermediate contract time the project, or any portion thereof, will be open to traffic. On such sections that are opened, the Contractor shall conduct the remainder of his operations so as to cause the least obstruction to traffic. The Contractor shall not be relieved of his liability or responsibility, shall not receive any additional compensation due to the added cost of the work, nor shall he receive any extension of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time, by reason of such openings.
CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORKUntil final acceptance of the work by the Engineer, as evidenced in writing, the Contractor shall have the charge and care thereof and shall take every precaution against injury or damage to any part thereof by the action of the elements, or from any other cause, whether arising from the execution or from the nonexecution of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore and make good all injuries or damages to any portion of the work occasioned by any of the above causes before final acceptance and shall bear the expense thereof, except as provided in other sections of the Specifications. The Department will reimburse the Contractor for the repair of the work due to actions of the elements of such exceptional nature as to be contractually classified as Acts of God. In case of suspension of work from any cause whatsoever, the Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and shall properly store them, if necessary, and shall provide suitable drainage of the roadway and erect necessary temporary structures at no cost to the Department.
FURNISHING RIGHT OF WAYThe Department will be responsible for the securing of all necessary rights of way.
PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICIALSThe Board and its members and the Department's officers, agents and employees shall not be held personally liable for any damages connected with the work, it being specifically understood in all such matters that they act solely as agents and representatives of the Board or the Department.
WAIVER OF LEGAL RIGHTS BY THE DEPARTMENTUpon completion of the work, the Department will expeditiously make an inspection and notify the Contractor of acceptance. Such final acceptance and processing of the final estimate, however, shall not preclude or estop the Department from correcting any measurement, estimate, or certificate made before or after completion of the work, nor shall the Department be precluded or estopped from recovering from the Contractor or his Surety, or both, such overpayment as it may sustain, or by failure on the part of the Contractor to fulfill his obligations under the contract. A waiver on the part of the Department of any breach of any part of the contract shall not be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. The Contractor, without prejudice to the terms of the contract, shall be liable to the Department for latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as may amount to fraud, or as regards the Department's rights under any warranty or guaranty.
SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PROTECTIONThe Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances and regulations governing safety, health and sanitation, and shall provide all safeguards, safety devices and protective equipment, and shall take any other needed actions, on his own responsibility, that are reasonably necessary to protect the life and health of employees on the job and the safety of the public, and to protect property in connection with the performance of the work covered by the contract. All Contractors' personnel, all subcontractors and their personnel, and any material suppliers and their personnel shall wear a reflective vest or outer garment conforming to MUTCD at all times while on the project.
WAGES AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENTThe Contractor's attention is directed to the provisions and requirements of any and all public statutes that regulate hours or conditions of employment on public work. Such provisions and requirements that are appropriate, in accordance with the intent of the particular law, act, or statute, will be applicable to all work performed by the Contractor with his own organization and with the assistance of workmen under his immediate superintendence and to all work performed by subcontract. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ascertain the appropriate application of such provisions and requirements to the work. In addition to the general requirements of the various regulations referred to above, certain additional regulations and restrictions may be imposed that are peculiar to the particular work under the contract. In such cases, these regulations and restrictions will be included in the contract for the particular project involved. For projects that are financed wholly or in part with Federal funds, the minimum wage rates to be paid to all mechanics and laborers employed on the project will be determined by the U.S. Secretary of Labor. A schedule of such wage rates will be included in the proposal for such projects. The Contractor shall provide at the job site at no cost to the Department a weatherproof bulletin board covered with glass or rigid transparent plastic and shall display thereon at all times the required federal aid posters with regard to employment and wages that will be furnished to him. The bulletin board shall be located in a conspicuous place easily accessible to all employees. In the event that changes should occur in any of the regulations referred to in this article, or in any application thereof to the work under contract, no additional compensation will be allowed the Contractor as a result of such changes.
LIABILITY TO THIRD PARTIESIt is not intended by any of the provisions of any part of these specifications to make the public or any member thereof a third party beneficiary hereunder, or to authorize anyone who is not a party to a contract entered into pursuant to these specifications to maintain a suit for personal injury or property damage otherwise than as authorized and provided by law.
RIGHT OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FILE VERIFIED CLAIMIf the Contractor fails to receive such settlement as he claims to be entitled to under the terms and provisions of the contract, the Contractor may submit a written and verified claim for such amounts he deems himself or his subcontractor entitled to under the terms and provisions of the contract provided he has complied with the applicable provisions of the contract including, but not limited to, giving written notice of intent to file a claim, keeping and submission of cost records and the initial submission of a written claim within the specified time period. The claim shall be submitted to the State Highway Administrator within 60 days from the time the Contractor receives the final estimate as defined by Section 101 and shall be submitted in accordance with NCGS § 136-29. Submission of records by the Contractor and physical acceptance by the Department, during the course of the project shall not be construed as an admission of liability by the Department and shall be accepted by the Department for record keeping purposes only and not as an acknowledgement of entitlement by the Contractor.
HAZARDOUS, CONTAMINATED AND TOXIC MATERIALWhen the Contractor's operations encounter or expose any abnormal condition that may indicate the presence of a hazardous, contaminated, or toxic material, such operations shall be discontinued in the vicinity of the abnormal condition and the Engineer shall be notified immediately. Upon notification by the Contractor, the Engineer will investigate the work, consult the GeoEnvironmental Section of the Geotechnical Engineering Unit and, if necessary, suspend the work in accordance with Article 108-7. The presence of storage drums or barrels; old or abandoned underground storage tanks; discolored earth, metal, wood, etc.; visible fumes; abnormal odors; excessively hot earth; smoke; or anything else that appears abnormal may be indicators of hazardous, contaminated or toxic materials and shall be treated with extraordinary caution as they are evidence of abnormal conditions. The Contractor's operations shall not resume until so directed by the Engineer. Disposition of the hazardous, contaminated, or toxic material will be made in accordance with Federal, State and local requirements and regulations. Where the Contractor performs work necessary to dispose of hazardous, contaminated, or toxic material, payment will be made at the unit prices for pay items included in the contract that are applicable to such work. Where the contract does not include such pay items, the Engineer may have the work performed by others or the Contractor may perform the work in accordance with Article 104-7 for extra work and the following paragraphs. The Contractor shall employ a fully experienced and prequalified geoenvironmental firm to oversee and document the disposal of contaminated material removed from within the project right of way. The Contractor shall furnish and deliver to the Department 3 Contaminant Removal Reports accompanied by all documents necessary to meet the laws, rules and regulations of the environmental regulatory agency(ies) having jurisdiction over each respective site from which contaminated materials are removed. Reports documenting the Contractor's work and laboratory analyses of collected samples shall be submitted to the Department within 30 calendar days after completion of the removal of the contaminated materials. If the Contractor removes any underground storage tanks (UST), a UST Closure Report shall be presented to the Department within 25 calendar days after receipt of laboratory data. The Contractor shall not submit any reports directly to the regulatory agencies. The Contractor shall provide to the Department a Certificate of Remediation from the disposing/treating facility within 60 days after removal of the materials from the project site unless alternate arrangements are approved in writing by the Department. Contaminated material removed during construction shall be transported to a waste treatment and disposal facility that is fully approved and permitted by all applicable environmental regulatory agencies to receive, treat and/or dispose of the material. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to locate such a facility. Departmental approval of the specific facility identified for use by the Contractor shall occur before removal of any materials from the project limits. Contaminated material shall only be removed to the extent necessary to complete a task or as directed by the Engineer. Remaining contamination shall be left in place and documented in reports provided to the Department. The Contractor shall provide the Department with all transportation manifests and certificates of acceptance from the receiving disposal facility weekly. The Department will be the regulatory generator of all waste excavated and removed from within its right of way. The Contractor, with the approval of the Engineer, is authorized to sign all waste transportation and disposal manifests on behalf of the Department. The Contractor shall maintain qualified personnel on-site at all times during removal of materials from within known areas of contamination for field screening and to monitor ambient air quality. The qualified personnel shall be knowledgeable with the use of an Organic Vapor Analyzer, Flame Ionization Detector, Photo Ionization Detector, or other appropriate monitoring equipment. In the event that there is a need to stockpile contaminated material, the Contractor shall stockpile all contaminated soil excavated from a parcel in a location within the property boundaries of the source parcel in accordance with the Standard Stockpile Containment Detail. If the volume of contaminated material exceeds available space on site, the Contractor shall obtain a permit from the NCDENR UST Section for off-site temporary storage. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for compliance with all OSHA, EPA, DOT, DENR and local rules and regulations pertaining to excavation, transportation and treatment/disposal of the contaminated material. Examples of such rules and regulations include, but are not limited to, 29 CFR 1910 and 1926, 40 CFR 260 - 265,
49 CFR 173 and 178, 15A NCAC 13A North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules, NCGS § 130A-310 Inactive Hazardous Sites, the Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). It must be noted that inclusion of this paragraph is meant to highlight the Contractor's responsibility for regulatory compliance in all phases of work on this project.
FINES AND LEVIES AGAINST THE DEPARTMENTIn the event there are fines or charges levied against the Department, actions taken by the Department, or remediation required by the Department due to the contractor's negligence, carelessness, or failure, due to violations charged to the Contractor, or due to the Contractor's failure to comply with the contract, monies will be deducted from monies to be paid to the Contractor on this project.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 108 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS | SM-01-108 |
GENERALIt is the intent of these Specifications that the Contractor shall commence work on the date of availability shown in the contract or as soon thereafter as practicable, except that when required by permits included in the proposal, that work in jurisdictional waters and wetlands shall not begin until a meeting is held between the Department, Regulatory Agencies and the Contractor. The Contractor shall not begin work before the date of availability without written approval of the Engineer. If such approval is given, the Department will assume no responsibility for any delays caused before the date of availability by any reason whatsoever, and such delays, if any, will not constitute a valid reason for extending the completion date. The Contractor shall pursue the work diligently with workmen in sufficient numbers, abilities and supervision, and with equipment, materials and methods of construction as may be required to complete the work described in the contract or as may be amended by the completion date.
PROGRESS SCHEDULEThe Contractor shall prepare and submit for review and approval a schedule of proposed working progress. This schedule shall be submitted on forms supplied by the Engineer or in a format that is approved by the Engineer. A detailed Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule shall not be submitted to replace the progress schedule details required below. The proposed progress schedule shall be submitted no later than 7 days before the date of the project preconstruction conference and shall be approved before any payments will be processed for the project. When the Engineer has extended the completion date or if the project overrun is anticipated to exceed 5%, the Contractor may submit a revised progress schedule to the Engineer for review and approval. If plan revisions are anticipated to change the sequence of operations in such a manner as will effect the progress but not the completion date, then the Contractor may submit a revised progress schedule for review and approval but the completion date shall remain unchanged. The proposed progress schedule shall contain the following items: - A time scale diagram with major work activities and milestone dates clearly labeled.
- For purposes of composing the progress schedule, major work activities are defined as components comprising more than 5% of the total project cost or occupying more than 10% of total contract time and shall include, if applicable, the following:
- Clearing and grubbing
- Grading
- Drainage
- Soil stabilization
- Aggregate base course
- Pavement
- Culverts
- Bridges (including removal)
- Signals, ITS and lighting
- Overhead signs
- For purposes of composing the progress schedule, major milestones are derived from the project construction phasing and shall include, if applicable, the following:
- Start of construction
- Intermediate completion dates or times
- Seasonal limitation/observation periods/moratoriums
- Traffic shifts
- Beginning and end of each traffic control phase or work area
- Road openings
- Completion date
- A cash curve corresponding to the milestones and work activities established in Subarticle 108-2(A) above.
- A written narrative that explains the sequence of work, the controlling operations, intermediate completion dates, milestones, project phasing, anticipated work schedule and estimated resources. In addition, explain how permit requirements, submittal tracking and coordination with subcontractors, utility companies and other entities will be performed.
PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCEImmediately after receipt of notice of award, the Division Engineer and the Contractor will establish a mutually agreeable date on which the preconstruction conference will be held. The Contractor's project superintendent and other individuals representing the Contractor who are knowledgeable of the Contractor's proposed progress schedule or who will be in charge of major items of the work shall attend the preconstruction conference.
CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCESAfter work on the project has begun, construction conferences will be held periodically. The construction conferences are to be scheduled at times that are mutually agreeable to both the project superintendent and the Resident Engineer. It shall be the superintendent's responsibility to attend the conferences.
CHARACTER OF WORKMEN, METHODS AND EQUIPMENTThe Contractor shall at all times employ sufficient labor and equipment for prosecuting the several classes of work to full completion in the manner and time required by the
Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall not recruit Department employees for employment. Additionally, Department employees who elect to become employed by a Contractor may not perform any function on a project with which they have been involved during employment with the Department without written consent of the State. Any person employed by the Contractor and assigned to a project who has previously been involved in the project as a Department employee shall be, at the written direction of the Engineer, removed from the project. An exception to these terms may be granted when recommended by the Secretary and approved by the Board. Failure of the Contractor to comply may be justification for disqualifying him from further bidding in accordance with Article 102-15 and shall be grounds for termination of this contract. No person shall be employed by the Contractor or by any subcontractor who has been determined by the Engineer to have engaged in fraudulent activities in connection with any work for the Department. Any person employed by the Contractor or by any subcontractor who, in the opinion of the Engineer, does not perform his work in a proper and skillful manner or is disrespectful, intemperate, or disorderly or who has been determined by the Engineer to have engaged in fraudulent activities in connection with any work for the Department shall, at the written request of the Engineer, be removed forthwith by the Contractor or subcontractor employing such person and shall not be employed again in any portion of the work without the approval of the Engineer. Should the Contractor fail to remove such persons as required above, the Engineer may suspend the work in accordance with Article 108-7. All equipment proposed to be used on the work is to be of sufficient size and in such mechanical condition as to meet the requirements of the work and to produce a satisfactory quality of work. Equipment used on any portion of the project shall be such that no injury to the roadway, adjacent property, or other highways will result from its use. The Engineer may order in writing the removal and replacement of any unsatisfactory equipment. When the methods and equipment to be used by the Contractor in accomplishing the construction are not prescribed in the contract, the Contractor is free to use any methods or equipment that he demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Engineer will accomplish the contract work in conformity with the contract. When the contract specifies that the construction be performed by the use of certain methods and equipment, such methods and equipment shall be used unless others are approved by the Engineer. If the Contractor desires to use a method or type of equipment other than those specified in the contract, he may request approval from the Engineer to do so. The request shall be in writing and shall include a full description of the methods and equipment proposed to be used and an explanation of the reasons for desiring to make the change. If approval is given it will be on the condition that the Contractor will be fully responsible for producing construction work in conformity with contract requirements. If, after trial use of the substituted methods or equipment, the Engineer determines that the work produced does not meet contract requirements, the Contractor shall discontinue the use of the substitute method or equipment and shall complete the remaining construction with the specified methods and equipment. The Contractor shall remove the unsatisfactory work and replace it with work of specified quality, or take such other corrective action as the Engineer may direct. No change will be made in basis of payment for the construction items involved or in the completion date as a result of authorizing a change in methods or equipment under these provisions.
SUBLETTING OF CONTRACTThe Contractor shall not sublet, sell, transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of the contract or any portion thereof; or of his right, title, or interest therein; without written consent of the Engineer. In case such consent is given, the sublet work shall be performed by the subcontractor unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer. Failure of the Contractor to comply with the
Standard Specifications will be just cause for the work to be considered unauthorized in accordance with Article 105-12. A firm that has been disqualified due to its failure to maintain satisfactory progress under Article 108-8 will not be approved as a subcontractor until the firm demonstrates the ability to perform the work in a satisfactory manner. When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit a certified copy of the actual subcontract agreement executed between the Contractor and subcontractor before written consent being issued by the Engineer. In case such consent is given, the Contractor will be permitted to sublet a portion thereof, but shall perform with his own organization, work amounting to not less than 40% of the total original contract amount, except: - Any items designated in the contract as specialty items may be performed by subcontract and the cost of any such special items so performed by subcontract will be deducted from the total amount bid before computing the amount of work required to be performed by the Contractor with his own organization, and
- Any other items sublet to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Minority Business (MB) or Women's Business (WB), up to the value of the contract DBE, MB or WB goal, will be deducted from the total amount bid before computing the amount of work required to be performed by the Contractor with his own organization.
In any event, the Contractor shall perform with his own organization work amounting to not less than 35% of the difference between the total amount bid and the value of specialty items that have been sublet.
Extra work performed in accordance with Article 104-7 will not be considered in the computation of work required to be performed by the Contractor.
An assignment by operations of law or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the bankruptcy of the Contractor, shall not vest any right in this contract in the Trustee in bankruptcy, the Contractor's creditors, or the agent of the creditors.
A subcontractor shall not sublet, sell, transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of his contract with a contractor or any portion thereof; or of his right, title, or interest therein; without written consent of the Engineer. When directed by the Engineer, the contractor shall submit a certified copy of the actual subcontract agreement executed between the subcontractor and the second tier subcontractor. In the event of an assignment by operations of law or the bankruptcy of the subcontractor, the contractor shall have the right, power and authority, in its discretion, without violating the contract or releasing the Surety, to terminate the subcontract. An assignment by operations of law or assignment for the benefit of creditors or the bankruptcy of the subcontractor shall not vest any right in this contract in the Trustee in bankruptcy, nor the subcontractor's creditors or agents of the creditors.
Neither the Contractor, nor any subcontractor, shall enter into any written or oral equipment lease or rental agreement, materials purchase agreement or labor agreement that circumvents this article.
If the Contractor or a subcontractor enters into a lease or rental agreement for equipment based upon payment for a unit of work, such agreement will be considered subletting of the contract unless the lease or rental agreement is with a commercial equipment company, manufacturer or commercial leasing agency and such firm has been approved by the Engineer. An equipment lease or rental agreement that is based upon unit prices per unit of time will not be considered subletting of the contract.
The approval of any subcontract will not release the Contractor of his liability under the contract and bonds, nor will the subcontractor or the second tier subcontractor have any claim against the Department by reason of the approval of the subcontract. The State Highway Administrator will review and consider subcontractor claims for additional time or compensation provided such claims are submitted by the Contractor in accordance with Article 107-24 and NCGS § 136-29.
Failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the requirements of this article may be justification for disqualifying the Contractor from further bidding in accordance with Article 102-15.
TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF THE WORKThe Engineer will have the authority to suspend the work wholly or in part by written order for such periods, as he may deem necessary for any of the following reasons: - Conditions considered unfavorable for the suitable prosecution of the work, or
- The Contractor's failure to correct conditions unsafe for workmen or the general public, or
- The Contractor has not carried out orders given to him by the Engineer, or
- The Contractor's failure to perform any provisions of the contract.
No extension of the completion date will be allowed for the above suspensions except as may be provided for in Article 108-10.
FAILURE TO MAINTAIN SATISFACTORY PROGRESSThe Engineer will check the Contractor's progress at the time each partial pay estimate is prepared. The Contractor's progress may be considered as unsatisfactory as follows: - The Contractor's progress is found to be less than that described in either count below:
- The dollar value of the work completed, excluding material payments allowed by Article 109-5, is less than the dollar value of the work that should have been completed, on the basis of the Contractor's approved progress schedule, by more than 15% of the current contract amount.
The dollar value of the work completed will be the total estimate to date shown in the latest partial pay estimate, excluding material payments allowed by
Article 109-5. The current contract amount will be the total amount bid plus accumulated overruns less accumulated underruns shown in the latest partial pay estimate. - The percentage of the work completed is less than the percentage of contract time elapsed on the work by more than 15%. The percentage of work completed will be the dollar value of the work completed as defined above, divided by the current contract amount as defined above.
The percentage of contract time elapsed will be the number of calendar days elapsed as shown in the latest partial pay estimate divided by the total contract time in calendar days.
- The Contractor fails to begin and pursue the work in accordance with Article 108-1 before the expiration of 5% of the original contract time after the date work was scheduled to begin based upon the approved progress schedule.
- The Engineer anticipates the Contractor will not complete the work described in the contract by the intermediate contract time or the contract completion date.
When the Contractor's progress is found to be unsatisfactory as described in
Subarticles 108-8(A), 108-8(B) and 108-8(C) above, the Engineer may make written demand of the Contractor to state in writing the reason for the unsatisfactory progress and produce such supporting data as the Engineer may require or the Contractor may desire to submit. The Engineer will consider the justifications submitted by the Contractor and extensions of the completion date have or may be allowed in accordance with Subarticle 108-10(B).
When the Contractor cannot satisfactorily justify the unsatisfactory progress, the Engineer may invoke one or more of the following sanctions: - Withhold anticipated liquidated damages from amounts currently due or that become due.
- Remove the Contractor and all firms prequalified under the Contractor's Prequalification Number from the Department's Prequalified Bidders List.
When any of the above sanctions have been invoked, they shall remain in effect until rescinded by the Engineer.
Declaration of Default
The Department shall have the right to declare default of the contract for breach by the Contractor of any material term or condition of the contract as determined by the Department. Material breach by the Contractor shall include, but specifically shall not be limited to failure to begin work under the contract within the time specified; failure to provide workmen, equipment, or materials adequate to perform the work in conformity with the contract by the completion date; unsatisfactory performance of the work; refusal or failure to replace defective work; failure to maintain satisfactory work progress; failure to comply with equal employment opportunity contract requirements; insolvency or bankruptcy, or any act of insolvency or bankruptcy; failure to satisfy any final judgment within 10 calendar days after entry thereof; and making an assignment for benefit of creditors. -
In the event of a breach of the contract by the Contractor, the Department shall have the right, power and authority, in its sole discretion, without violating the contract or releasing the Surety: to assume full control of the prosecution of the contract in the place and stead of the Contractor in directing Contractor's agents, employees and subcontractors in the performance of the work and in utilizing all materials, tools, machinery, equipment and structures located on the project; to perform the work or any part thereof with Department personnel and equipment or to use any or all materials and equipment located on the project that are suitable and acceptable; to relet the work upon such terms and conditions as the Department shall deem appropriate; to employ any other methods that it may determine are required for completion of the contract in an acceptable manner; and to withhold any sums due the Contractor under the contract without penalty or interest until the work is completed and accepted by the Department. -
Before invoking any of the sanctions provided for herein, the Department will give the Contractor at least 7 calendar days written notice with a copy to the Surety, that will set forth the breach of contract involved and the sanctions to be imposed. The Department, in its discretion, may grant the Contractor time in excess of 7 calendar days within which to comply with the contract and the time allowed will be set forth in writing. If the Department determines during such period that the Contractor is not proceeding satisfactorily to compliance, it may impose the sanctions after 24 hours notice to the Contractor. If the Department determines that the Contractor is not in compliance at the end of the time allowed, it may immediately impose any of the sanctions set forth herein and will advise the Contractor, in writing, with a copy to the Surety of the sanctions imposed. -
After declaration of default has been made final, the Contractor will be entitled to receive payment for work satisfactorily completed or portions of work satisfactorily completed, less any sums that may be due the Department from the Contractor but in no event shall payment exceed the contract unit or lump sum price for such work. The Department, at its election, may retain the sum due the Contractor, or any portion thereof, without interest or penalty, until the contract work is completed; or it may make payment to the Contractor upon declaration of default for work satisfactorily completed to the date that notice of default is received by the Contractor. The Contractor may be required by the Engineer to carry to a stage of completion satisfactory to the Engineer any work in progress, the value of which, otherwise, would be lost by immediate cessation of work. Payment for such work will be made upon the basis hereinafter set out.
In the event that the Contractor's employees, equipment, or materials are used in prosecution of the work, or any part thereof, after default is declared, payment to the Contractor may be by contract unit or lump sum prices for the work performed, or, if the Engineer determines that such prices do not represent the value of the work performed, payment for the type of work or services performed will be made on a force account basis, as set forth in Article 109-3, less any sums that may be due the Department; but in no event shall payment exceed the contract unit or lump sum price for such work or services. Determination of the method of payment shall be in the sole discretion of the Engineer, and he will advise the Contractor, in writing, of his determination with reference to the specific type of work or service to be performed.
If all costs and expenses incurred by the Department arising out of the breach and imposition of sanctions, together with the total cost to the Department of securing the performance of the work set forth in the contract, exceed the sum that would have been payable under the contract, the Contractor and the Surety shall be liable to the Department for such excess and shall pay such amount to the Department. -
Power of Engineer
The Engineer will exercise the powers and discretion vested in him by the contract in carrying out the terms of this article. He will have full power and authority to carry out any orders, directives, or resolutions issued by the Department in connection with a declaration of default. In the event that the Department fails to specify the sanctions to be imposed, the notice to be given or the method of completing the work, the Engineer may, at his discretion, impose such sanctions, give such notice and select such methods of completing the work, as are authorized by this article; and such actions shall have the same effect and validity as if taken pursuant to an express order, directive or resolution of the Department. -
Obligation of Contractor and Surety
No term or terms of this article and no action taken pursuant hereto by the Department of Transportation, its agents, or employees, will be construed to release or discharge the Contractor or the Surety upon the obligation set forth in the contract bonds, and the Contractor and the Surety shall remain bound thereon unto the Department until the work set forth in the contract has been completed and accepted by the Department and all obligations of the Contractor and the Surety arising under the contract and contract bond have been discharged. -
Provision Not Exclusive
The provisions shall be in addition to and not in place of, any other provisions relating to default, breach of contract and sanctions to be imposed in connection therewith appearing in the contract.
The contract time will be as defined in Section 101. No extensions to the completion date will be authorized except as allowed by this article. No modifications in the date of availability will be made for any reason whatsoever.
Intermediate contract time, as defined in Section 101 will be that as allowed in the contract to complete a part, portion or phase of the total work covered in the contract. Intermediate completion dates and intermediate completion times set forth in the contract may be extended on the same basis as completion dates and as described in this article.
When the liquidated damages stipulated in the contract are to be hourly, extensions, as described in this article, will be considered on an hourly basis. -
Completion Date, Intermediate Completion Date and Intermediate Completion Time Extensions
No extension of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time will be allowed for any reason except as provided for below: - If the total dollar value of the final quantities adjusted as provided below, less the dollar value of quantities represented by supplemental agreements that previously extended the completion date, intermediate completion date or intermediate completion time, exceeds the dollar value of the total amount bid, the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time will be extended by the number of calendar days or hours obtained by multiplying the contract time (days), intermediate contract time (days), or intermediate contract time (hours) as set forth in the contract by that percentage that such reduced final dollar value exceeds the total amount bid. The total dollar value of the final quantities for pro-rata computations shall be adjusted by excluding the following:
- Unit bid price changes caused by price adjustments to asphalt cement,
- Fuel adjustments,
- Unit price reductions under Article 105-3,
- Payment for trainees and
- Unit price changes due to pay factors established by the
Standard Specifications.
- If supplemental agreements covering the performance of extra work include provisions for an extension of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time and the final dollar value of the extra work exceeds the estimated dollar value, the number of days or the number of hours by which the completion date, intermediate completion date or intermediate completion time was extended will be increased by the percentage that the final dollar value exceeds the estimated value.
- If the Contractor's current controlling operation is delayed by circumstances originating from work required under the contract and beyond his control and without his fault or negligence, he may, at any time before payment of the final estimate, make a written request to the Engineer on the Contractor Claim Submittal Form, available through the Construction Unit, for an extension of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time. This request shall include:
- The circumstances resulting in the alleged delay and documentation of said circumstances as may be required by the Engineer,
- The controlling operation alleged to have been delayed,
- The calendar dates or calendar dates and times on which the controlling operation was delayed and
- The number of calendar days or hours by which he is requesting the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time to be extended.
If the Engineer determines that the controlling operation was delayed because of circumstances beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, and that the Contractor has pursued the work in accordance with Article 108-1, he will extend the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time unless otherwise precluded by other provisions of the contract. No extension of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time will be allowed for delays caused by restrictions, limitations or provisions contained in the contract.
Consideration will be given for an extension in the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time involving an intermediate contract time of more than 96 hours if the Contractor's current controlling operation(s) is delayed in excess of 40% of the total contract time (days), as defined in Section 101, excluding the time between December 15 and March 16; the total intermediate contract time (days), as defined in Section 101, excluding the time between December 15 and March 16; or the total intermediate contract time (hours), as defined in Section 101; due to weather or conditions resulting from weather. No other consideration will be given for extensions in the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time due to delays caused by weather.
Where the intermediate contract time is 96 hours or less, no consideration whatsoever will be given for an extension in the intermediate completion time due to weather or conditions resulting from weather.
- If changes in the work from that originally contemplated in the contract are ordered by the Engineer and these changes result in reduction in quantities, elimination of items, additional work or extra work, the Engineer will allow an extension in the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time as he may deem warranted by such changes. Pursuit of the work with adequate forces and equipment and efficiency of the Contractor's operations will be considered by the Engineer in determining an extension in the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time. It is, however, the Contractor's responsibility to show just cause for an extension in the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time due to the aforesaid conditions. If the Contractor elects to file a written claim or requests an extension of contract time, it shall be submitted on the Contractor Claim Submittal Form available through the Construction Unit.
- In the event accumulated authorized extensions in the completion date or intermediate completion date resulting from Subarticles 108-10(B)(1) through
108-10(B)(4) above extend the completion date or intermediate completion date beyond December 15 following expiration of the completion date or intermediate completion date as established in the contract, the completion date will be further extended by the number of calendar days between December 15 of one year and March 16 of the following year. If any portion of such accumulated authorized extensions are for delays that occurred after the original contract time or intermediate contract time (days) expired and during the period between December 15 of one year and March 16 of the following year, this portion of the extension will be deducted from the number of additional calendar days awarded due to extension of the completion date or intermediate completion date beyond December 15.
The Contractor's plea that insufficient contract time (days), intermediate contract time (days), or intermediate contract time (hours) was specified in the contract will not be considered as a valid reason for an extension in the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time.
When all work on the project is totally complete, with the exception of an item or items on which work is precluded by seasonal limitations set forth in the contract, the Engineer may, provided that the Contractor has diligently pursued the work with adequate forces and equipment, waive the assessment of liquidated damages during the period of time from the date all work other than that precluded by seasonal limitations was completed until the date of expiration of the seasonal limitations. The Contractor shall make the request to waive the assessment of liquidated damages in writing before the beginning date of the requested waiver. The non-assessment of liquidated damages during the aforesaid period shall not operate to waive any other liquidated damages that may be assessable, or any other terms of the contract.
LIQUIDATED DAMAGESTime is an essential element of the contract. Delay in completing the work will result in damages due to public inconvenience, obstruction to traffic, interference with business and the increasing of engineering, inspection and administrative costs to the Department. It is therefore agreed that in view of the difficulty of making a precise determination of such damages, a sum of money in the amount stipulated in the contract, will be charged against the Contractor for each calendar day, each hour, or portion thereof that the work, or any portion of the work as described in the contract, remains uncompleted after the expiration of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time shown in the contract, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages. Should the Contractor or, in case of default, the Surety fail to complete the work or any portion of the work by any of the applicable completion dates, intermediate completion dates, or intermediate completion times shown in the contract, a deduction of the amount stipulated in the contract as liquidated damages will be made for each and every calendar day, for each and every hour, or portion thereof that the work or any portion of the work remains uncompleted after the expiration of any completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time applicable to the uncompleted work. This amount will be deducted from any money due the Contractor or his Surety under the contract and the Contractor and his Surety will be liable for any liquidated damages in excess of the amount due. In the event that the contract establishes one or more intermediate completion dates or times in addition to the completion date, each of the liquidated damages stipulated will be considered to be cumulative to any other liquidated damages stipulated. In case of default of the contract and the completion of the work by the Department, the Contractor and his Surety will be liable for the liquidated damages under the contract, but no liquidated damages will be chargeable for any delay in the final completion of the work by the Department due to any action, negligence, omission, or delay of the Department. In any suit for the collection of or involving the assessment of liquidated damages, the reasonableness of the amount stipulated in the contract will be presumed. The liquidated damages referred to herein are intended to be and are cumulative and will be in addition to every other remedy now or hereafter enforceable at law, in equity, by statute or under the contract. Permitting the Contractor to continue and finish the work or any part thereof after the expiration of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time shall in no way operate as a waiver on the part of the Department of any of its rights under this contract.
EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME AND APPORTIONMENT OF LIQUIDATED DAMAGESIn accordance with Articles 108-10 and 108-11, when a contract is not completed by the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time, the Contractor shall be entitled to an extension of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time and apportionment and remittance of liquidated damages to the extent that the failure to complete was due to the conditions set forth in Article 108-10. The Contractor, however, shall be entitled to an extension of the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time, or an apportionment and remittance of liquidated damages only to the extent and in the proportion that such delays were caused by the conditions set forth in Article 108-10, and it is understood that any extension granted shall not operate to waive any liquidated damages or any claim which the Department has or may have against the Contractor by reason of failure of the Contractor to complete the said contract by the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time specified therein or as revised by authorized extensions.
TERMINATION OF CONTRACTThe Department may terminate the contract in accordance with the following provisions: - Consideration will be given to termination of the contract if any of the following circumstances exist:
- If it is impossible for the Contractor to obtain critical materials for completion of the contract within a practical time limit, or
- If it is impossible for the Contractor to complete the work in accordance with the contract by reason of unanticipated conditions at the site, including slides and unstable subsoil, without a major change in the design of the project and the Contractor will be unduly delayed in completing the project by reason of such unanticipated conditions and changes in design, or
- If the Contractor is prevented from proceeding with the contract as a direct result of an Executive Order of the President with respect to the prosecution of war or in the interest of national defense, or
- If the Contractor is prevented from proceeding with the work required by the contract as a direct result of a restraining order, or other court order, or by reason of a permit requirement, and the Contractor will be unduly delayed in completing the project by reason of such order or requirement, or
- If the Contractor is prevented from proceeding with the work due to the unavailability of the site.
- The Contractor shall determine when the circumstances in Subarticle 108-13(A) exist and are beyond his control and shall notify the Department in writing of his determination and include adequate documentation of these circumstances along with such notification.
- The Contract will be terminated under this article if:
- Request by Contractor
- The Department concurs in the determination by the Contractor of the circumstances or makes an independent determination that such circumstances herein above indicated exist, and
- The Department determines that such circumstances are beyond the control of the Contractor, and the Contractor was not at fault in creating the circumstances, and
- The Department determines that a termination of the contract is in the best public interest.
- Authority of the Department
The Department determines that a termination of the contract is in the best public interest.
- The Contractor will be notified in writing by the State Highway Administrator of the action of the Department.
- After a contract is terminated in accordance with this termination provision, the following provisions shall be applicable:
- When the contract is terminated before completion of all items of work in the contract, payment will be made for the actual number of acceptably completed items of work or acceptably completed portions thereof at the contract unit or lump sum prices. When the contract is terminated before completion of all items of work in the contract and items of work are partially completed or not begun, payment will be made in accordance with Article 104-6.
- Payment for costs incurred in organization of the work will be based on verified actual costs and will be included in the adjusted contract lump sum price for Mobilization in accordance with Subarticle 108-13(E)(1). The Contractor shall demonstrate through submission of appropriate documentation that these costs were included in the bid item of Mobilization. After reviewing the submitted cost records and the submitted documentation, the Engineer will make such adjustments as he deems warranted.
- Upon request from the Contractor, materials meeting the requirements of the contract that were to have been incorporated into the work or were to remain the property of the Department but are not used in the work will be paid in accordance with Article 109-6.
- No claim for loss of anticipated profits will be considered and no payment will be made for loss of anticipated profits.
- Termination of a contract shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for any completed portion of the work nor shall it relieve his Surety, of its obligation for and concerning any just claims arising out of the work performed.
TERMINATION OF CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITYAfter the project has been completed and accepted, as provided for in Article 105-17, the Contractor's responsibility will cease except as provided in Article 107-20 and as set forth in his contract bonds. The Contractor shall remain responsible for any amounts determined to be owed the Department in the processing of the final estimate and such amounts shall be paid by the Contractor upon notification by the Department before processing of the final estimate.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 109 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT | SM-01-109 |
109-1 MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIESAll work completed under the contract will be measured by the Engineer according to United States standard measures unless otherwise stated in the contract. The method of measurement and computations used in the determination of quantities of material furnished and of work performed under the contract will be those methods generally recognized as conforming to accepted engineering practice. The terms "gauge" and "thickness," when used in connection with the measurement of plates, sheets and steel wire, shall be applied as follows:
Item |
Test Method | Uncoated Steel Sheets and Light Plates | United States Standard Gauge | Galvanized Sheets | AASHTO M 218 or M 167 | Aluminum Sheets | AASHTO M 196 or M 197 | Steel Wire | AASHTO M 32 |
The term "ton" will mean short ton (mass) consisting of 2,000 lb. Trucks used to haul material being paid by weight will be either weighed empty before each loading or weighed empty daily. When trucks are weighed empty daily, each truck shall be weighed before hauling its first load of the day and shall bear a legible identification mark. Where aggregates that are to be paid by weight have been stockpiled after being produced, measurement for purposes of payment will be made after the aggregates have been loaded on trucks for direct delivery to the project. When a complete structure or structural unit, as may be indicated by the unit, lump sum or each, is specified as the unit of measurement, the unit will be construed to include all necessary fittings and accessories. When standard manufactured items are specified, and these items are identified by gauge, unit weight, section dimensions or other dimensions, such identification will be considered to be nominal weights or dimensions. Unless more stringently controlled by tolerances in cited specifications, manufacturing tolerances established by the industries involved will be accepted.
109-2 SCOPE OF PAYMENTThe Contractor shall receive and accept payment provided for in the contract as full payment for furnishing all materials and performing all work under the contract in a complete and acceptable manner and for all risk, loss, damage, or expense of whatever character arising out of the nature of the work or the prosecution thereof, subject to the requirements of Article 107-20. Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of the various items that are completed and accepted in accordance with the terms of the contract. If the Measurement and Payment clause in the specifications relating to any unit price or lump sum price in the bid schedule requires that the said unit price or lump sum price cover and be considered compensation for certain work or material essential to the item, this same work or material will not be measured or paid under any other pay item that may appear elsewhere in the contract.
109-3 FORCE ACCOUNT WORKAll force account work shall be performed as directed by the Engineer including the numbers and types of equipment, the numbers and classifications of labor and foremen and material requirements. All work to be paid on a force account basis shall be paid in the following manner:
For all authorized labor and foremen in direct charge of the specific operations, the Contractor will receive the rate of base (actual) wages (or scale) actually being paid by the contractor for each hour that the labor and foremen are actually engaged in the specific force account work.
In addition to reimbursement for each hour that the labor and foremen are actually engaged in the specific force account work, the Contractor may receive compensation for travel time to and from the project if and only if the labor and foremen needed are outside a 75 mile radius as included in Subarticle 109-3(B). The base location will be established and approved by the Engineer before performing the specific force account work. If the approved labor and foremen travel to another project upon completion of the specific force account work, payment for travel time may not exceed the travel time that would have been required to return to the point of origin in accordance with
Subarticle 109-3(B). When travel time is approved by the Engineer, it shall be included in the total hours approved and worked for that specific week. The Engineer will approve the mode of travel.
Before beginning the specific force account work, the Contractor will submit in writing for the Engineer's approval a list of all wage rates applicable to the work. Approval will not be granted where these wage rates are not actually representative of wages being paid elsewhere on the project for comparable classes of labor performing similar work.
Payment for overtime will be allowed when approved by the Engineer before performing the specific force account work. Overtime for labor and foremen will be paid based on the company's policy for overtime payment. Verification of such payment will be tracked by submission of weekly payrolls as required on federal projects and as requested on all other projects. Failure to submit payrolls as required or requested shall act as a bar to the Contractor for payment of overtime for labor and foremen. If the labor or foremen is employed partly on specific force account work and partly on other work, the amount of overtime to be reimbursed will be prorated based upon the number of hours worked on the specific force account work during the payroll period.
An additive amount equal to the Contractor's actual labor burden rate, up to a maximum of 60%, will be paid to the Contractor for all base (actual) wages paid to labor and foremen for the specific force account work. No additive will be provided for overtime payments. The labor burden rates will include costs associated with the employee's actual base wages benefits, including Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), unemployment contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes and company fringe benefits. Company fringe benefits are the actual costs paid to, or on behalf of, workers by reason of health and welfare benefits, pension fund benefits, or other benefits, when such amounts are required by prevailing wage laws generally applicable to the classes of labor employed on the work. The Contractor's actual labor burden rates will be submitted to and approved by the Engineer before beginning the work. When the Contractor cannot verify actual labor burden rates, an amount equal to 35% of the total base (actual) wage paid labor and foremen will be added to the total base wages paid to the Contractor. These percentage additives will be full compensation for overhead, benefits, contingencies and all other costs associated with labor for the specific force account work.
Subsistence and Travel Allowances
The Contractor may receive payment for actual costs paid to, or on behalf of, labor and foremen by reason of subsistence and travel allowances under certain circumstances. When the Contractor is required to mobilize a crew for specific operations, the Engineer may approve reimbursement of subsistence, including meals and overnight lodging, if the specific force account work is determined to be outside of the scope of the original contract and the distance from the Contractor's base location to the project is more than 75 miles. Should the Contractor use forces currently working at the location of the specific force account work, the Engineer may approve the payment of subsistence, including meals and overnight lodging, if the work is determined to be outside of the scope of the original contract, the forces currently working at the location has routinely stayed overnight during the life of the project, and the distance from the Contractor's base location to the project is more than 75 miles. The Engineer will approve the mode of travel.
Payment will be made to the Contractor for subsistence, including meals and overnight lodging, paid in accordance with the Contractor's usual policy for authorized labor and foremen in direct charge of the specific operations. Subsistence will be limited to the lesser of actual amount paid or the current maximum in-state rate for State employees. Verification of such costs paid to, or on behalf of, labor and foremen will be submitted to the Engineer. If the labor or foremen are partly employed on specific force account work and partly on other work, the amount of subsistence to be reimbursed will be prorated based upon the number of hours worked on the specific force account work during the payroll period.
For materials authorized and accepted by the Engineer and used, the Contractor will receive the actual cost of such materials, including sales tax and transportation charges paid by him (exclusive of equipment rentals as hereinafter set forth), to which costs 15% will be added. The Contractor will furnish records to the Engineer to verify the quantities of materials used in the specific force account work, prices of the materials, sales tax and costs of transportation for the materials.
If materials used in the specific force account work are not specifically purchased for such work but are taken from the Contractor's stock, the Contractor will furnish an affidavit certifying that such materials were taken from his stock, the quantity was actually used in the specific force account work and the price and transportation cost claimed represent the actual cost to the Contractor.
For all equipment authorized by the Engineer to be used on the specific force account work the Contractor will receive rental payment.
Hourly rental rates paid for equipment in use that is Contractor owned or rented from another Contractor will not exceed 1/176 of the monthly rate listed in the
Rental Rate Blue Book for Construction Equipment that is current at the time the specific force account work is performed.
In determining the hourly rate, the regional adjustment factor and the rate adjustment factor for equipment age, as set forth in the
Blue Book, will both be applied to the basic rate. An additive payment equal to 100% of the
Blue Book estimated operating cost per hour will be paid for all hours that equipment is in use. This additive payment will be full compensation for fuel, lubricants, repairs, servicing (greasing, fueling and oiling), small tools and other incidentals.
If rental rates for the equipment actually being used in the work are not listed in the
Blue Book, the Contractor will receive the prevailing rental rates being paid for such equipment in the area where the project is located. An additive payment equal to 15% of the prevailing rental rate will be paid for all hours equipment is in use. This additive payment will be full compensation for fuel, lubricants, repairs, servicing (greasing, fueling and oiling), small tools and other incidentals.
Hourly rental rates for equipment held in ready as directed by the Engineer will be 50% of the rate paid for equipment in use. An additive payment will not be made for equipment held in ready. When equipment is in use less than 40 hours for any given week and is held in ready as directed by the Engineer, payment for held in ready time will be allowed for up to 40 hours, less hours in use. When payment is made for equipment held in ready as directed by the Engineer, the payment for held in ready time will be allowed for up to 8 hours in a day less hours in use.
Hourly rental rates for idle equipment that is held in ready in accordance with Article 104-4 will be paid at 50% of the rate paid for equipment in use. Hourly rental rates for idle equipment held in ready in accordance with Article 104-4 that is rented from a commercial rental agency will be paid in accordance with the invoice rate for the equipment. An additive payment will not be made for idle equipment. When equipment is in use less than 40 hours for any given week and is held in ready as idle equipment in accordance with Article 104-4, payment for idle equipment time will be allowed for up to 40 hours, less hours in use. When payment is made for idle equipment held in ready in accordance with Article 104-4, the payment for idle equipment time held in ready will be allowed for up to 8 hours in a day less hours in use.
In the event the Contractor does not possess or have readily available such equipment necessary for the performance of the work and such equipment is rented from a commercial rental agency, the Contractor will receive payment based on the approved invoice rate for the equipment.
An additive payment equal to 15% of the calculated hourly invoice rate will be paid for all hours equipment is in use. This additive payment will be full compensation for fuel, lubricants, repairs, servicing (greasing, fueling and oiling), small tools and other incidentals. The commercial rental agency cannot be the Contractor or an affiliate of the Contractor.
No compensation will be made for the use of equipment not authorized by the Engineer.
The Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual transportation costs for equipment that the Contractor is directed to furnish. Such payment will be limited to transportation costs from the nearest source of available equipment. If equipment is not returned to the point of origin, but is transported to another location, transportation costs will not exceed the cost of return to the point of origin. Rental for such equipment will not be paid when the equipment is being transported. The Contractor will furnish records to the Engineer to verify the actual transportation costs for equipment.
The Contractor will provide to the Engineer, for approval, a listing of all equipment and attachments to be used in the prosecution of the work. The list will include the manufacturer's name, type, model, serial number and year of manufacture. The list will include the invoice rate for equipment rented from a commercial rental agency. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to verify the age of the equipment in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Where such verification is not available, the rate adjustment factor used will be for the oldest equipment listed in the
Blue Book.
The above prices and payments will be full compensation for fuel, lubricants, cutting edges, all repairs and all other operating and maintenance costs other than operator's wages.
Owner-Operated Equipment
For all owner-operated equipment authorized by the Engineer to be used on the specific force account work, the Contractor will receive rental payment equal to the existing contract rates with no additive as provided in Subarticles 109-3(A), 109-3(B), 109-3(D) and 109-3(H). When existing contract rates have not been established, the Contractor will submit the proposed rates for the owner-operated equipment with sufficient documentation as deemed necessary by the Engineer for approval.
For fully maintained and operated trucks used for the specific force account work, the Contractor will receive rental payment equal to the existing contract rates with no additive as provided in Subarticles 109-3(A), 109-3(B), 109-3(D) and 109-3(H). When existing contract rates have not been established, the prevailing industry rates for fully maintained and operated trucks will be used for the specific force account work with approval of the Engineer.
For the purposes of force account work, owner-operated equipment, including fully maintained and operated trucks, will be considered subcontractors. No additional additives other than those allowed under Subarticle 109-3(G) will be allowed.
No additional allowance will be made for general superintendence, the use of manually powered tools or other costs for which no specific allowance is herein provided.
For administrative costs of the Contractor in connection with approved subcontract work, at any level, and the use of owner-operated equipment, at any level, the Contractor will receive an additive amount in accordance with Table 109-1. The total cost of such subcontracted work will include applicable labor and additive, bond and insurance, materials and equipment costs incurred by the subcontractor; overhead and profit computed in accordance with Subarticles 109-3(A) through 109-3(D), 109-3(F),
109-3(H) and 109-3(I); and costs for owner-operated equipment, including fully maintained and operated trucks in accordance Subarticle 109-3(E). No additional additives will be allowed.
Total Cost of Subcontract Work |
Rate Schedule | $0 - $10,000 | 10% | Above $10,000 | $1,000 + 5% Above $10,000 |
Overhead And Profit
An additive payment equal to 10% of the specific force account total will be paid to the Contractor. This specific force account total is exclusive of the portion of the work included with Subarticles 109-3(C), 109-3(E) and 109-3(G). This payment will be full compensation for all costs including but not limited to home office and field overhead, burdens and profit associated with the specific force account work.
An additive payment equal to 10% of the specific force account total for approved subcontract work will be paid to the subcontractor for overhead and profit. This specific force account total for subcontract work is exclusive of the portion of the work included with Subarticles 109-3(C) and 109-3(E). This payment will be full compensation for all costs including but not limited to home office and field overhead, burdens and profit associated with the specific force account subcontracted work. No additional additives will be allowed.
Bond And Insurance
For property damage and liability insurance premiums and bond premiums on the specific force account work the Contractor will receive the actual cost. The Contractor will furnish satisfactory evidence to the Engineer of the rate or rates paid for such insurance and bond.
An annualized composite percentage may be used to determine the cost for bond and insurance. Insurance costs will be limited to the direct costs associated with the specific force account work. The Contractor will furnish satisfactory evidence to the Engineer of the annualized composite percentage for the bond and insurance.
The Engineer will maintain the payment records of work performed on a force account basis. The Contractor will compare records of work with the Engineer at the end of each day on which such work is in progress.
Any contention the Contractor may have for an extension in the completion date, intermediate completion date, or intermediate completion time, due to performance of specific force account work will be considered as provided in Article 108-10.
Partial payments will be based upon progress estimates prepared by the Engineer at least once each month on the date established by the Engineer. Partial payments may be made twice each month if in the judgment of the Engineer the amount of work performed is sufficient to warrant such payment. No partial payment will be made when the total value of work performed since the last partial payment, excluding mobilization, amounts to less than $10,000. Partial payments will be approximate only and will be subject to correction in the final estimate and payment.
Where lump sum items are included in the contract and the applicable section of the Specifications require that fixed percentages of the total amount bid included in partial pay estimates, the Engineer will determine amounts due on partial pay estimate in accordance with the applicable sections of the Specifications. -
Prompt Payments
Contractors at all levels, prime, subcontractor, or second tier subcontractor, shall within 7 calendar days of receipt of monies, resulting from the satisfactory completion of work performed, pay subcontractors, second tier subcontractors, or material suppliers. This seven-day period begins upon knowledgeable receipt by the contracting firm obligated to make a subsequent periodic or final payment. This prompt payment requirement will be met if each firm mails the payment to the next level firm by evidence of postmark within the seven-day period. For the purposes of this section, the satisfactory completion of work performed shall exist when a subcontractor, second tier subcontractor or material supplier completes tasks called for in the subcontract and are in conformance with the terms of the Contract as required by the Department. This specification for prompt payment shall be incorporated into each subcontract or second tier subcontract issued for work performed on the project or for services provided.
The Contractor shall not withhold any payments to a subcontractor, second tier subcontractor or material supplier for any claim or action arising outside the current contract with the Department. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the Contractor may withhold up to 3% retainage if any subcontractor does not obtain a payment and performance bond for their portion of the work. Additionally, this retainage may be increased to a maximum of 10% where the Contractor and any subcontractor have supplied to the Engineer a satisfactorily executed mutual agreement for an increased amount. If any retainage is held on subcontractors, all retainage shall be released within seven calendar days of satisfactory completion of all work. For release of retainage, satisfactory completion is defined as completion of all physical elements and corresponding documentation as defined in the subcontract, as well as agreement between the parties as to the final quantities for all work performed in the subcontract. The Department will provide internal controls to expedite the determination and processing of the final quantities for the satisfactorily completed subcontract portions of the project.
Failure of any entity to make prompt payment as defined herein may result in the Department: - Withholding money from the Contractor due for work performed by that entity in the next partial payment until the necessary assurances are made consistent with this specification; or
- Removing an approved Contractor from the prequalified bidders' list or the removal of other entities from the approved subcontractors' list.
Unbalanced Bids
Any excess monies included in an unbalanced bid price that the Department determines to be in excess of a reasonable unit or lump sum bid price for the work, shall be retained by the Department until the last partial payment estimate, at which time these funds will be paid to the Contractor. These retained funds will not be eligible for deposit in any trust account established pursuant to this contract nor for interest for such delay in the payment for the retained portion of the bid price. Partial payment for work performed on an unbalanced bid item shall be at the reasonable unit or lump sum price determined in accordance with this subarticle.
For purposes of this subarticle, a reasonable unit or lump sum price will be deemed to be the average of the Engineer's Estimate and the individual balanced bid prices received from the other bidders for the item in question.
Material Delivered on the Project
When so authorized by the Engineer, partial payments will be made up to 95% of the delivered cost of materials on hand that are to be incorporated in the work, provided that such materials have been delivered on or in close proximity to the project and stored in an acceptable manner. Material payments will be allowed when 95% of the accumulated costs of unpaid invoices are equal to or greater than $10,000, materials have been inspected and approved by the Engineer, and the documents listed in Subarticle 109-5(C) have been furnished to the Engineer. -
Material Stored at Fabricator's Facilities or Contractor's Facilities
When so authorized by the Engineer, partial payments will be made up to 95% of the invoiced cost, exclusive of delivery cost, for bulky materials requiring fabrication at an off site location that are durable in nature and represent a significant portion of the project cost, if it has been determined by the Engineer, that the material cannot be reasonably stockpiled in the vicinity of the work. Material payments will be allowed when the materials have been inspected and approved by the Engineer and the documents listed in Subarticle 109-5(C) have been furnished to the Engineer. -
Required Documents
- Written consent of surety to make such partial payments,
- Bill of Sale from the Contractor to the Department, and
- Copy of invoice from material supplier verifying the cost of the material.
General Requirements
The partial payments will be made on the conditional basis that the material meets the requirements of the contract and will be incorporated into the project. The Contractor shall reimburse the Department for all partial payments for material paid, but not incorporated into the project.
Partial payments for materials on hand will not constitute acceptance, and any faulty material will be rejected even though previous payment may have been made for same in the estimates.
Partial payment will not be made for fuel, supplies, form lumber, falsework, or used materials.
Partial payments will not be made on seed or any living or perishable plant materials except that when such materials have been planted or otherwise incorporated in the work, payment may be made, not as materials, but as work done as part of a contract item for which a contract unit or lump sum price has been established.
Partial payments will not exceed 95% of the contract unit or lump sum prices for the work.
109-6 PAYMENT FOR LEFTOVER MATERIALSPayment will be made to the Contractor for materials meeting the requirements of the contract that were to have been permanently incorporated into the work or were to remain the property of the Department but due to revisions or elimination of items of work by the Engineer, due to discrepancies in the contract or due to termination of the contract are not used in the work. The Contractor, upon request, will be reimbursed for the verified actual cost of such material delivered to a site designated by the Engineer, including any handling charges less any discount, but in no event shall payment exceed that which would have been made at the contract unit or lump sum price for the completed work. The Contractor shall furnish invoices and cost records to the Engineer to verify the actual cost of materials, handling charges, discounts that were taken and transportation charges. No percentage additive will be added to the verified cost of such material. No payment will be made for loss of anticipated profits and no other payment will be made for leftover materials except as listed above.
109-7 COMPENSATION PAID AT CONTRACT PRICESExcept as provided for by this article, payment for work performed will be made at the contract unit price or the contract lump sum price. Payment shall be made at the adjusted contract unit price, as applicable, when a price adjustment or pay factor is provided for by the contract or as determined by the Engineer in accordance with Article 105-3. In addition to the compensation made at the unit or lump sum price, adjustment in compensation will be made in accordance with Article 109-8. The Contractor shall not be paid for any work performed for which there is not a contract price, nor shall the Contractor receive additional compensation over and above the contract price for work performed or for extra work performed, except for work performed pursuant to an executed supplemental agreement or work performed in accordance with Section 104.
109-8 FUEL PRICE ADJUSTMENTSFuel price adjustments will be made to the payments due the Contractor for contract items specified in the contract, or for extra work item specified in the supplemental agreement, when the average terminal price has fluctuated from the Base Index Price contained in the contract. The average terminal price is the average of the Freight on Board (F.O.B.) price for diesel fuel at the terminals in Charlotte, Wilmington and Selma, North Carolina. When the average terminal price fluctuates upward or downward from the Base Index Price, an amount will be added to or deducted from the monies due the Contractor as follows. The current quantity for the specified contract items for which partial payment is made will be multiplied by the respective Diesel Fuel Usage Factor contained in the contract to determine the theoretical diesel fuel usage for each specified contract item. The sum of the theoretical diesel fuel usage for all specified contract items will be multiplied by the algebraic difference between the average F.O.B. price for diesel fuel at the above specified terminals and the Base Index Price contained in the contract to determine the fuel price adjustment to be made on the partial payment estimate. The following formula will be used to calculate the appropriate payment or credit on the estimate: |
S | = (A – B)(
∑QF) | | Where: |
| | | |
S | = | Fuel Price Adjustment for Partial Payment | |
B | = | Base Index Price | |
A | = | Average Terminal Price | |
Q | = | Partial Payment Quantity for Contract Item | |
F | = | Fuel Factor for Contract Item |
The average terminal price in effect on the first day of the month in which the partial payment period ends will be used to make payment adjustments for fuel whether or not more than one price fluctuation has occurred within a single partial payment period. The Engineer's estimate of quantities for contract items measured by cross sections shall be used on the various partial payment estimates to determine fuel price adjustments. When the Engineer determines after payment for all or a portion of such contract item that is subject to a fuel price adjustment that the total quantity of work paid to date will be adjusted to reflect more accurate quantity determinations, the Engineer will make a pro rata increase or decrease in the fuel price adjustment proportionate to the adjustment in the total quantity of work paid. The prorated fuel price adjustment for the contract item will be determined by multiplying the cumulative fuel price adjustment made for that contract item for the previous estimate period by the adjusted quantity for that contract item and divided by the total quantity of work paid for the previous estimates for the contract item. Payment for the prorated fuel price adjustment will be made accordingly on the partial payment estimate that includes the adjustment in the quantity of work paid.
109-9 FINAL PAYMENTUpon completion of the final estimate assembly, the Engineer will notify the Contractor giving the final quantities and the apparent liquidated damages, if any are assessed. After the Contractor reviews the final quantities and submits the documents listed in Article 109-10, the entire sum found to be due after deducting all previous payments and all amounts to be retained or deducted under the requirements of the contract will be paid to the Contractor.
109-10 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE PROCESSING OF THE FINAL ESTIMATEBefore the processing of the final estimate, the following documents shall have been submitted to and accepted by the Engineer. - Statement of Consent of Surety on the contract bonds for payment of money due the Contractor.
- Affidavit of the Contractor that all obligations and debts arising out of the construction have been satisfied or affidavit that shall include a list of obligations not satisfied.
- Written notice that the Contractor has no request for any extension in the completion date or any adjustment in compensation from that shown in the final estimate or in lieu thereof written notice presenting all request for adjustment of the final estimate setting forth full justification for such requests.
- Any other documents that are required by the contract such as reports, statements and other information necessary for compliance with applicable labor regulations of the FHWA.
Submission of false information in the documents required by this section shall be a basis for disqualifying the Contractor from further bidding in accordance with Article 102-15. If the Contractor fails to submit the required documentation within the timeframe specified by the Department, the Department may consider the Contractor to be nonresponsive and may process the final estimate.
109-11 INTEREST ON FINAL PAYMENTShould final payment on a project not be made within 120 calendar days after the project final acceptance date, interest, at the average rate earned by the State Treasurer on the investment within the State's Short Term Investment Fund during the month preceding the date interest becomes payable, will be paid to the Contractor on the final payment for the period beginning on the 121st day after final acceptance and extending to the date the final estimate is paid, provided that the documents required by Article 109-10 have been submitted within 30 days of the mailing of the notification outlined in Article 109-9. In the event the Contractor fails to submit the required documents within the stipulated 30 days, and the final estimate is not paid until 120 calendar days following final acceptance of the project, the number of days on which interest accrues will be reduced by the number of days in excess of 30 that the Contractor requires to submit the documents.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 150 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC | SM-01-150 |
CONSIDERATION OF BIDSThe Contractor will be required to maintain traffic within the limits of the project, including all existing roadways that cross or intersect the project, unless otherwise provided in the contract or approved by the Engineer. Traffic shall be maintained from the time the Contractor begins work on the project site until acceptance of the project, including any periods during which the Contractor's operations are suspended, unless otherwise provided for in the contract or approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall conduct his work in a safe manner that will create a minimum amount of inconvenience to traffic. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining in a safe, passable and convenient condition, such part or parts of existing roads as are being used by him to maintain traffic within the limits of the project from the time the Contractor begins work on the project until acceptance of the project. As an exception to the above, the Department will be responsible for the removal of ice and snow from all portions of the project open to traffic. Whenever it is necessary to use traffic control devices as shown in the contract, as determined by the Engineer, or to conform to this section, the work of furnishing, erecting, operating, maintaining, covering, relocating and removing traffic control devices shall be in accordance with Division 11 and
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 200 CLEARING AND GRUBBING | SM-02-200 |
200-1 DESCRIPTIONPerform the work of clearing and grubbing in all wooded areas between the construction limits. Perform the work of clearing and grubbing in all non-wooded areas between the construction limits and the limits of the project right of way or in easements shown on the project plans where seeding and mulching, sprigging, sodding or other work as indicated. "Clearing" is defined as the cutting, removal and satisfactory disposal of all wooded vegetation and debris. "Grubbing" is defined as the complete removal and satisfactory disposal of all grassy vegetative matter, root mat, ball and root, topsoil material high in organic content and surface debris.
200-2 MATERIALSRefer to Division
200-3 CONSTRUCTION METHODSPerform the following as part of the work of clearing and grubbing: - Remove and dispose of crops, weeds and other annual growth;
- Remove and dispose of surface debris such as fences, steps, walls, chimneys, column footings, other footings, foundation slabs, basements, other foundation components, signs, junked vehicles and other rubble and debris;
- Fill holes and depressions that exist or are created;
- Cut off and plug at the right-of-way or construction limits any private water or sewer line intercepted during the construction of the project;
- Cut off and remove from the right-of-way or construction area any septic tank or portion thereof encountered within the right-of-way or construction area during the construction of the project; and
- Remove materials in wetland areas to a depth of one foot below existing ground to be measured in accordance with Section 225.
Perform clearing and grubbing operations sufficiently before grading operations to prevent any debris from interfering with the excavation or embankment operations.
In environmentally sensitive areas shown on the original plans or permit drawings, perform grubbing operations no more than 7 calendar days before beginning continuous grading operations.
Perform all work under this section to minimize soil erosion and in accordance with
Article 107-12. Coordinate the work with other operations such that no more than 17 acres of exposed, erodible surface area will be accumulated at any one time by the clearing and grubbing operation until erosion control measures are provided. Install temporary or permanent erosion control measures as soon as clearing and grubbing or land disturbing activities begin. Perform such erosion control work, temporary or permanent, as needed to minimize erosion resulting from clearing and grubbing operations.
The Contractor may request an increase in the accumulated acres exposed by clearing and grubbing. If approved, establish and maintain such erosion control measures as needed.
Failure on the part of the Contractor to perform the required erosion control measures will be just cause for the Engineer to direct the suspension of clearing and grubbing operations in accordance with
Article 108-7. The suspension will be in effect until such time as the Contractor has satisfactorily performed the required erosion control work. If the Contractor fails to perform the directed work within a reasonable length of time, the Engineer may have the work performed in accordance with
Article 105-16.
200-4 CLEARINGPerform clearing within the limits established by the clearing method required by the plans and as directed. The Engineer will designate all areas of growth or individual trees that shall be preserved due to their desirability for landscape or erosion control purposes. When the trees to be preserved are located within the construction limits, they will be shown in the plans or designated by the Engineer. Trim or cut branches of trees that overhang the roadbed, utility easements or obstruct sight distances and that are less than 16 ft above the elevation of the finished grade so as to not endanger the health of the tree. In embankment areas where the depth of the embankment measured under the roadbed exceeds 6 ft in height, cut sound trees at a height of not more than 6" above natural ground. When trees are to be cut outside the construction limits and the Engineer has designated that the area is not to be grubbed, cut the trees reasonably close to the natural ground surface. Cut trees to approximately 6" above low water level in swamp areas. At a bridge site, clear the entire width of the right of way beginning at a station 3 ft back of the beginning extremity of the structure and ending at a station 3 ft beyond the ending extremity of the structure. Prevent limb, bark or root injuries to trees, shrubs or other types of vegetation that are to remain growing and prevent damage to adjacent property. Repair scarred areas in accordance with generally accepted horticultural practice. Where plants are damaged by any construction operations to such an extent as to destroy their value for shade or other landscape purposes, cut and dispose of them.
200-5 GRUBBINGPerform grubbing on all areas cleared, with the following exceptions: - In embankment areas, when the depth of embankment measured under the roadbed exceeds 6 ft in height, cut off sound stumps not more than 6" above the existing ground level and do not grub. Remove unsound or decayed stumps to a depth of approximately 2 ft below the natural ground surface.
- When authorized, leave stumps outside of construction limits in place. Cut such stumps off reasonably close to the natural ground surface.
- Cut off stumps in swamp areas to approximately 6" above low water level and do not grub.
- Do not grub in areas where waste or unsuitable material is to be deposited unless such areas are to become a part of a future roadway.
- Grub all areas where piles are to be driven regardless of fill height.
- Fill all holes and other depressions within the areas between the construction limits and the limits of clearing and grubbing. Bring all areas to a uniform contour where later mowing operations will take place.
200-6 DISPOSITION OF TIMBER, STUMPS AND DEBRISThe property owner will have no right to use or reserve for their use any timber on the project. All timber cut during the clearing operations shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project or shall be satisfactorily disposed of as provided hereinafter. Do not cut any trees and vegetation beyond the clearing limits established. Do not cut any trees and vegetation that is to be preserved for landscape or erosion control purposes as shown in the plans and permit drawings. Remove from the project and properly dispose of all vegetation, roots, stumps, tree laps, limbs and timber remaining on the project by a satisfactory method. When vegetation is disposed of by burning, burn so as to prevent injury to property within or outside of the right of way. Comply with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances and regulations when burning. Secure all necessary burning permits. Perform all burning under the constant care of a competent watchman. Do not allow smoldering or dense smoke to occur during burning. Before trees or vegetation are disposed of in locations off the right of way and out of sight of the project, furnish the Engineer with verification that the site is permitted. If required, file an approved reclamation plan and furnish a written release from the property owner, or his authorized agent, granting the servitude of his lands. If it is not burned, dispose of all debris including vegetation in accordance with Section 802.
200-7 SELECT TREE REMOVALWhen the contract includes the item of
Select Tree Removal and the work of clearing and grubbing has been completed to the original clearing limits, the Engineer may elect to have select trees removed from the project. Trees removed in this manner shall have an average cross section diameter of at least 4 inches at a point 2 feet above the ground level. Completely remove the select trees including the root ball and properly backfill unless otherwise directed.
Clearing and Grubbing will be paid on a lump-sum basis and no measurement will be made of any clearing and grubbing performed within the limits originally staked and within the right of way or easements shown on the original plans.
Supplementary Clearing and Grubbing that is directed by the Engineer and is performed on areas outside the limits originally staked or beyond the limits of the right of way or easements or within environmentally sensitive areas shown on the original plans will be measured and paid at the contract unit price per acre. All measurement of clearing and grubbing will be made horizontally. Once the root mat is removed, material that consists predominately of soils will be measured and paid in accordance with Section 225. Materials used to fill depressions in accordance with Subarticle 200-5(F) will be measured and paid in accordance with Sections 225 or
230, depending on the source of the material. When the Contractor is required to furnish borrow sources, material sources or waste areas, or when the Engineer permits the Contractor to obtain borrow or deposit waste on any area within the right of way instead of borrow and waste areas which were to have been furnished by the Contractor, no measurement of clearing and grubbing will be made for such areas. When an increase in accumulated acres exposed by clearing and grubbing is requested by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, no payment will be made for the temporary seeding and mulching required by the increase in accumulated exposed acres.
Select Tree Removal will be measured and paid as the actual number of select trees satisfactorily removed from the project. Work performed in cleaning up non-wooded areas between the construction limits and the limits of the project right of way or easements shown in the plans; work performed in the dressing up of areas between the construction limits and the clearing limits; and the removal of weeds, vines, plant stalks, loose rock and small scattered trees will be incidental to the work of clearing and grubbing. Where plants are damaged by construction operations, the work to cut and dispose of them will be incidental to the work of clearing and grubbing. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item | |
Pay Unit | Clearing and Grubbing | | Lump Sum | Supplementary Clearing and Grubbing | | Acre | Select Tree Removal | | Each |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 205 SEALING ABANDONED WELLS | SM-02-205 |
205-1 DESCRIPTIONSeal abandoned wells at locations shown in the contract or as directed. Perform all work in accordance with NCDENR requirements.
205-2 CONSTRUCTION METHODSUse a well contractor certified by the State of North Carolina to perform abandonment. Seal each well before clearing and grubbing the well site. Check the well from land surface to the entire depth of the well before it is sealed to ensure freedom from obstructions that may interfere with sealing operations. Before sealing, place chlorine in the well in sufficient quantities to produce a chlorine residual of at least 100 milligrams per liter in the well. All casing and screen materials may be salvaged except casing that is cemented in place. In the case of gravel-packed wells in which the casing and screens have not been removed, perforate the casing opposite the gravel pack at intervals not exceeding 10 ft. Completely fill bored wells with cement grout or dry clay compacted in place. Completely fill wells constructed in unconsolidated formations with cement grout by introducing it through a pipe extending to the bottom and raising it as the well is filled. Fill wells constructed in consolidated rock formations or that penetrate zones of consolidated rock to at least 5 ft below the top of the consolidated rock with sand, gravel or grout opposite the zones of consolidated rock. Fill the remainder of the well with cement grout. Complete a certified well abandonment record (Form GW-30) and submit to the Engineer.
Sealing Abandoned Wells will be measured and paid in units of each for the actual number of wells acceptably sealed. Work includes, but is not limited to, chlorinating the well before sealing; perforating the well casing; filling the well with cement grout, dry clay, sand or gravel; and furnishing all necessary records. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item | |
Pay Unit | Sealing Abandoned Wells | | Each | | | |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 210 DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES | SM-02-210 |
DESCRIPTIONDemolish, remove and dispose of all buildings, building components and appurtenances indicated in the contract.
CONSTRUCTION METHODSDo not remove any building or portion of a building intact for any use or purpose. All material resulting from the demolition work becomes the property of the Contractor. Dispose of or use all materials resulting from the demolition work, except materials that are the property of utility companies providing service to the building. Provide all permits and dispose of all contaminated material encountered in connection with the work. Before demolishing any building, comply with the notification requirements of 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M that applies to asbestos. Notify the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit and the appropriate county agency when enforcement of the Federal regulation is performed by the county (Buncombe, Forsyth and Mecklenburg only). Submit a copy of the notification to the Engineer before the building demolition. The Department will perform asbestos assessments and abatement for building items identified in the contract. Copies of this report may be obtained through the Division Right-of-Way Agent. When directed to perform removal and disposal of asbestos, do so in accordance with 40 CFR Part 61, NCGS §§ 130A-444 to -452 and 10A NCAC 41C .0601 to .0611. Comply with all Federal, State and local regulations when performing building demolition, asbestos removal and disposal, UST removal and contaminated material disposal. Any fines resulting from violations of any regulation are the sole responsibility of the Contractor and the Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department against any assessment of such fines. Known USTs will be removed by the Department before the opening of the bids. Comply with the notification requirements of the 40 CFR Part 280.71(a) before removal of any UST. Give notification to the appropriate regional office of NCDENR, Division of Waste Management, UST Section. Submit a copy of the notification to the Engineer before the removal of the UST. Permanently close UST systems by removal and disposal of the UST in compliance with the regulations set forth in 40 CFR Part 280.71 and 15A NCAC 2N and any applicable local regulations. Assess UST sites at closure for the presence of contamination as required in 15A NCAC 2N .0803 and as directed by the appropriate Regional Office of the Division of Waste Management. Remove and dispose of UST systems and contents in a safe manner in conformance the "Removal and Disposal of Used Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks,"
American Petroleum Institute Bulletin 1604, Chapters 3 through 6. As an exception to these requirements, the filling of the tank with water as a means of expelling vapors from the tank as described in Section of
American Petroleum Institute Bulletin 1604 will not be allowed. Disposition of any contaminated material associated with UST will be in accordance with
Article 107-25. Demolish and clear from the right of way all buildings, including sheds, outbuildings or other obstructions indicated in the contract. All shelters, porches, roofed areas and other appurtenances that are attached to the building are considered a part of the building. Remove steps, chimneys, column footings, other footings, foundation slabs, basements or other foundation components. Do not disturb any fencing, outbuilding or other obstruction that are entirely clear of the right of way unless otherwise indicated in the plans or in the contract. Conform to all applicable safety codes pertaining to the work, secure all permits that may be required and pay all fees in connection therewith.
UTILITIESMake all necessary arrangements with utility companies for the disconnecting of all services and the removal of and recovery by them of all meters, telephones and any other utility facilities or equipment owned by them. Arrange for and actually effect the disconnecting and closing of water and sewer connections to buildings, including but not limited to any work that shall be done in addition to that normally done by the utility company, in conformity with all applicable codes and regulations of the local Boards of Health. Pay for all costs incurred in connection with the above work. All refunds or deposits that may become due as a result of the disconnection of service and the returning of equipment or facilities to any utility company become the property of the Department.
DISPOSALUnless otherwise indicated in the contract, all materials recovered during demolition become the property of the Contractor to remove from the project. Disposal by burning is permitted, subject to all other applicable sections of these
Standard Specifications and all State and local ordinances. Dispose of materials and debris in accordance with Section 802.
AND PAYMENTThere will be no direct payment for demolishing the buildings and appurtenances listed in the contract. Payment for this work will be included in the contract lump sum price for
Clearing and Grubbing in accordance with Article 200-8. Where underground storage tanks are indicated, there will be no direct payment for the closure or assessment, as payment at the contract lump sum price for
Clearing and Grubbing will be full compensation for all costs of such closure or assessment. As an exception to the above, when the description of the work covered by a particular building demolition item does not contain information concerning the presence of asbestos material or underground storage tanks and the asbestos material or underground storage tanks are discovered after the opening of bids for the project, the Engineer may have the work performed by others or the cost of removal and disposal of such asbestos material or underground storage tanks will be paid in accordance with
Article 104-7.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 215 REMOVAL OF EXISTING BUILDINGS | SM-02-215 |
DESCRIPTIONRemove and dispose of all buildings, building components and appurtenances indicated in the contract.
CONSTRUCTION METHODSBuildings may be removed intact, removed in sections or demolished. Dispose of resulting material and debris. All materials resulting from the removal of buildings, except such materials as may be the property of utility companies providing service to the building, become the property of the Contractor to dispose of or use or sell by him as his own property. Provide all permits and dispose of all contaminated material encountered in connection with the work. Before removal of any building, comply with the notification requirements of 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M, that applies to asbestos. Give notification to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health Epidemiology Branch and/or the appropriate county agency when the county performs enforcement of the Federal Regulation. Submit a copy of the notification to the Engineer before the building removal. Perform removal and disposal of asbestos in accordance with 40 CFR. Comply with all Federal, State and local regulations when performing building removal; asbestos removal and disposal; and UST removal and contaminated material disposal. Any fines resulting from violations of any regulation are the sole responsibility of the Contractor and the Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department against any assessment of such fines. The Department will perform asbestos assessments and abatement for building items identified in the contract. Copies of this report may be obtained through the
Division Right-of-Way Agent. When a building has had or will have asbestos removed and the Contractor elects to remove the building such that it becomes a public area, the Contractor is responsible for any additional costs incurred including final air monitoring. Before removal of any UST, comply with the notification requirements of 40 CFR Part 280.71(a). Give notification to the appropriate regional office of NCDENR, Division of Waste Management, UST Section. Submit a copy of the notification to the Engineer before the removal of the UST. Permanently close UST systems by removal and disposal in compliance with the regulations set forth in 40 CFR Part 280.71 and 15A NCAC 2N and any applicable local regulations. Assess UST sites at closure for the presence of contamination as required in 15A NCAC 2N .0803 and as directed by the appropriate Regional Office of the Division of Waste Management. Remove and dispose of UST systems and contents in a safe manner in conformance with
American Petroleum Institute Bulletin 1604, Removal and Disposal of Used Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks, Chapters 3 through 6. As an exception to these requirements, the filling of the tank with water as a means of expelling vapors from the tank as described in Section of
American Petroleum Institute Bulletin 1604, will not be allowed. Disposition of any contaminated material associated with UST will be made in accordance with
Article 107-26. Completely clear from the right of way all buildings, including sheds, outbuildings or other obstructions as indicated in the contract. Remove all shelters, porches, roofed areas and other appurtenances that are attached to the building. Remove steps, chimneys, column footings, other footings, foundation slabs, basements or other foundation components shall be removed. Do not disturb any fencing, outbuildings or other obstruction, that is entirely clear of the right of way unless otherwise indicated in the plans or in the contract. Conform to all applicable safety codes pertaining to the work and secure all permits that may be required and pay all fees in connection therewith.
UTILITIESMake all necessary arrangements with utility companies for the disconnecting of service and the removal of and recovery by them of all meters, telephones or any other utility facilities or equipment owned by them. Arrange for and effect the disconnecting and closing of water and sewer connections to the buildings, including but not limited to any work that shall be done in addition to that normally done by the utility company, in conformity with all applicable codes and regulations of the local Boards of Health. Pay for all costs incurred in connection with the above work. All refunds or deposits that may become due as a result of the disconnection of service and the returning of equipment or facilities to any utility company becomes the property of the Department.
DISPOSALUnless otherwise indicated in the contract, all materials recovered during demolition become the property of the Contractor to remove from the project. Disposal by burning is permitted, subject to applicable sections of the
Standard Specifications, State and local ordinances. Dispose of materials and debris in accordance with Section 802.
AND PAYMENTThere will be no direct payment for removing the buildings listed in the contract. Payment for this work will be included in the contract lump sum price for
Clearing and Grubbing. Where underground storage tanks are indicated in the contract, there will be no direct payment for the assessment or closure. Payment for this work will be included in the contract lump sum price for
Clearing and Grubbing. As an exception to the above, when the description of the work covered by a particular building removal item does not contain information concerning the presence of asbestos material or UST and the asbestos material or UST are discovered after the opening of bids, the Engineer may have the work performed by others or the cost of removal and disposal of such asbestos material or UST will be paid in accordance with
Article 104-7
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 220 BLASTING | SM-02-220 |
DESCRIPTIONUse blasting as needed to excavate, break up or remove rock, construct stable rock cut slopes and for other approved reasons. This section applies to all types of blasting including production, controlled, cushion, trim, trench and secondary blasting except blasting adjacent to highway structures. See Article
410-9 for blasting adjacent to highway structures. Provide blasting plans, blast monitoring and post-blast reports as necessary or required. Perform blasting in accordance with the contract, accepted submittals and as directed. Use a prequalified Blasting Contractor for blasting.
MATERIALSRefer to Division
Item | |
Section | Coarse Aggregate | |
1005 |
Use coarse aggregate (standard size No. 67 or 78M) for stemming.
CONSTRUCTION METHODSNotify the Engineer and all occupants and owners of residences, businesses and utilities near where blasting will occur of the intention to use explosives. Inform the Engineer, occupants and owners of blasting at least 48 hours before each blast. When blasting in the vicinity of an open travelway, provide traffic control in accordance with the contract and Section
1101. Control blasting to avoid endangering lives or damaging property. The Contractor is responsible for any injuries and damages due to blasting in accordance with
Article 107-11 except for damage to wells and springs, unless the Contractor did not use reasonable care to prevent such damage. Exercise the utmost care when blasting near sensitive environmental or populated areas, urban or sensitive communities or historical structures. Comply with all the latest applicable Federal, State and local codes, laws and regulations, as well as professional society standards for the storage, transportation and use of explosives. Keep a copy of all regulations on site and in case of conflict, the more stringent applies. The Blaster-in-Charge has authority over the handling, use and security of explosives and is responsible for designing, planning, coordinating, supervising and monitoring blasting. Assign a Blaster-in-Charge to the project that has at least 5 years of experience with blasting similar to that anticipated for the project. Use a Blaster-in-Charge approved as a Blaster-in-Charge (key person) for the Blasting Contractor. The Blaster-in-Charge or designated Assistant Blaster-in-Charge shall be on site during blasting. When blasts will be within 1,000 ft of a utility, house, residence, building, business or any other structure, a blasting plan and blast monitoring that meet Subarticles 220-3(B)
and 220-3(C) are required. Otherwise, provide a blasting plan and monitor blasts as needed. -
Vibration and Air Overpressure Limits
Define "peak particle velocity" (PPV) as the maximum ground vibration velocity measured in any direction. Design blasts so the PPV at any utility or structure does not exceed the "Alternative Blasting Level Criteria" from Appendix B of the
U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 8507. Design blasts so the maximum air-overpressure at any structure does not exceed 133 dB (linear).
If the PPV or air overpressure limits are exceeded at any utility or structure in any direction from blasts, the Engineer may suspend blasting until the post-blast report is reviewed and a new or revised blasting plan is accepted. -
Blasting Plan
When required, submit the proposed blasting plan signed by the Blaster-in-Charge for all blasting for acceptance. Acceptance of this plan does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility and liability for blasting in accordance with the contract.
Submit 2 copies and a PDF copy of the blasting plan at least 30 days before starting blasting. Do not deliver explosives to the project site or begin blasting until a blasting plan is accepted. Submit one copy to the Resident Engineer and the other copy and PDF copy to the appropriate Geotechnical Engineering Unit regional office. Provide detailed project specific information in the blasting plan that includes the following: - Work procedures and safety precautions for storage, transportation, handling and detonation of explosives;
- Explosive products and devices for dry and wet blast holes including explosives, primers and detonators with MSDS;
- Drilling equipment including methods for maintaining blast hole alignment;
- Typical plan, profile and sectional views for blasting showing blasting limits, blast hole diameters, depths, inclinations and spacing, burden, subdrill depths and minimum and maximum charge per delay;
- Initiation and delay methods and delay times;
- Equipment and procedures for blast monitoring with calibration certificates dated within one year of submittal date; and
- Post-blast report format.
If alternate blasting procedures are proposed or necessary, a revised blasting plan submittal may be required. If blasting deviates from the accepted submittal without prior approval, the Engineer may suspend blasting until a revised plan is accepted.
Blast Monitoring
If necessary or required, monitor blasts using seismographs capable of measuring air overpressure and vibration in the vertical, longitudinal and transverse directions. At a minimum, monitor vibration and air-overpressure at the closest utility or structure to each blast and the closest utility or structure in the direction of each blast in accordance with the accepted blasting plan. Include the following in post-blast reports for each blast monitoring location: - Type, identification and specific location of seismograph,
- Distance and direction from blast,
- PPV in each direction and peak vector sum, and
- Maximum air overpressure level.
Blasting Requirements
Before beginning drilling, a pre-blast meeting may be required to discuss the blasting and if applicable, blast monitoring. Schedule this meeting after any blast plans have been accepted. The Resident or District Engineer, Roadway Construction Engineer, Geotechnical Operations Engineer, Contractor and Blaster-in-Charge will attend this pre-blast meeting.
Drill and blast in accordance with the contract and if applicable, the accepted blast plan. Use explosives in accordance with all applicable government regulations, professional society standards and manufacturer guidelines and recommendations. Do not allow ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO) to leach into bodies of water.
Before blasting for excavations, remove all overburden material along top of excavations for at least 30 ft beyond blasting or rock limits, whichever is less. Inspect any free faces to ensure adequate burden. Drill blast holes within 3" of plan location and maintain hole alignment when drilling.
Cover blast holes after drilling to prevent unwanted backfill and identify and mark each blast hole with hole number and depth. Blast holes shall be free of obstructions the entire depth. Load blast holes without dislodging material or caving in hole walls. Stem blast holes 5" or larger in diameter with No. 67 stone and blast holes smaller than 5" in diameter with No. 78M stone. Do not stem blast holes with drill cuttings.
Contain flyrock within construction limits. Use matting when blast monitoring or traffic control is required. Soil cover may be used instead of matting, if approved. If flyrock occurs outside the construction limits, the Engineer may suspend blasting until the post-blast report is reviewed and a new or revised blasting plan is accepted. When traffic control is required for blasting, have equipment standing by to remove material that interferes with traffic flow. Check for misfires immediately after each blast before signaling all clear.
Remove all loose, hanging and potentially dangerous material from rock cut slopes by scaling. The Contractor is responsible for the stability of rock cuts. If rock cuts are damaged during blasting, stabilize cuts to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Resume drilling only after scaling is complete. Adjust blast hole alignments to account for any drift occurring in preceding drilling or lifts.
Define "secondary blasting" as blasting to reduce the size of naturally occurring boulders or those resulting from initial blasting. Use an approved method for secondary blasting consisting of small explosive charges in small diameter blast holes. Define "mudcapping" as placing unconfined explosive charges in contact with rock without blast holes and covering charges with mud. Do not use mudcapping for blasting. -
Post-Blast Report
Submit 2 copies and a PDF copy of a post-blast report within 3 days of each blast or before the next blast, whichever is sooner. Provide post-blast reports signed by the Blaster-in-Charge that include the following: - Material data information about explosive products and devices including explosives, primers and detonators;
- Scaled blast drawings with cross sections showing blasting limits, blast hole diameters, depths, inclinations and spacing, burden, subdrill depth, free face location and any joints, bedding planes, weathered zones, voids or other significant rock structure information;
- Loading pattern diagram with location and amount of each type of explosive including primers and detonators;
- Locations and depths of stemming, column heights and maximum charge per delay for each type of loading;
- Delay and initiation diagram showing delay pattern, sequence and times;
- Results and effectiveness of the blast and any proposed changes to subsequent blasting;
- If applicable, blast monitoring results; and
- Blast damage report when necessary.
Blast Damage Report
If damage occurs from blasting, notify the Engineer immediately and submit a blast damage report with the post-blast report that includes the following: - Property owner's and injured person's, if any, names, addresses and telephone numbers;
- Details and description of property damage and injury, if any, with photographs or video; and
- Any associated tort claims, complaint letters and other applicable information.
AND PAYMENTNo direct payment will be made for blasting including blasting plans, blast monitoring, post-blast reports, scaling and stabilizing rock cuts. No direct payment will be made for blasting for roadway excavation. Blasting for roadway excavation will be incidental to the contract unit price for
Unclassified Excavation in accordance with Article
225-7 or the lump sum price for
Grading in accordance with Article 226-3. No direct payment will be made for blasting for any pipe, utility or foundation excavation. Blasting for these items will be incidental to the compensation for the excavation. Where no direct payment is made for excavation, blasting will be incidental to the work and no separate payment for will be made for blasting.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 225 ROADWAY EXCAVATION | SM-02-225 |
DESCRIPTIONExcavate, place and compact or satisfactorily dispose of all materials encountered within the limits of the work necessary for the construction of the roadway that are not to be removed under another contract item. Perform all excavation in conformity with the lines, grades and cross sections shown in the plans or established by the Engineer. Use care not to cause instability or displacement of the underlying or adjacent materials during construction. The Engineer reserves the right to effect the removal from the grading operation of any equipment that is causing instability or displacement of underlying or adjacent materials to the detriment of the section being constructed. Construct false sumps in accordance with the details in the plans and at the locations shown in the plans or at other locations as directed. Define "Unclassified Excavation" as all material excavated under this section, regardless of its nature or composition, except for undercut excavation and material directed to be removed beyond the limits of the original slope stakes. Define "Undercut Excavation" as the excavation, placement and compaction and/or satisfactory disposal of materials removed from a location below the finished graded roadway cross section, except for the following: - Rock in the bottom of roadway cuts that has been excavated one foot or less below the roadbed and ditches, or
- In cut areas, excavation removed below the outside slopes of roadway ditches.
EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTSInstall erosion control measures as required by the plans before any kind of land-disturbing activity. Unless otherwise required by the plans, conduct operations so that final slopes are completely graded in a continuous operation and permanently seeded and mulched in accordance with
Article 107-12. Should the Contractor fail to comply with the requirements specified above within the time frames established by the Sedimentation and Pollution Control Act, the Contractor shall perform temporary seeding and mulching on any exposed areas at his own expense. When the Contractor fails or neglects to coordinate grading with the permanent seeding and mulching operation, the Engineer may suspend the Contractor's grading operation in accordance with
Article 108-7 until the work is coordinated in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Failure to perform the directed work may result in the Engineer having the work performed in accordance with
Article 105-16.
UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATIONUse all suitable material removed from the excavation as far as practicable in the formation of embankments, subgrades, shoulders and places indicated in the plans or directed. The wasting of suitable material removed as part of unclassified excavation before the completion of embankments is permitted where the Contractor executes a supplemental agreement documenting that he agrees to the following: - Provide and incorporate into the project any material required to complete the project up to the volume wasted. Bear all additional costs for providing and incorporating this material into the work, including engineering costs, and
- Provide suitable replacement material either wasted from the project or approved borrow material, at the Contractor's option, and
- Present no claim for any time arising from the wasting of excess unclassified excavation or for having to replace material wasted from the project that the Department may require to complete the work, and
- Waive rights to request additional compensation with regard to wasting unclassified excavation under the compensation requirements of Section 104 as a result of wasting suitable unclassified excavation and providing replacement material required to complete the work except when unclassified excavation is a major contract item, as defined in
Section 101, and when unclassified excavation underruns by more than 25%.
Where the work required to complete the project is so phased by the plans to preclude using suitable unclassified excavation, the Contractor will be permitted to waste suitable unclassified excavation without having to execute the above required supplemental agreement.
Furnish disposal areas for the unsuitable material except where the Engineer permits or directs the use of such material in the widening or flattening of fill slopes. The Engineer will designate materials that are unsuitable.
Where suitable materials containing excessive moisture are encountered above grade in cuts, construct above grade ditch drains before the excavation of the cut material when such measures are necessary to provide proper drainage.
Upon execution of a supplemental agreement containing conditions listed below, the Contractor may waste suitable unclassified excavation and replace it with approved borrow material.
- Replace with approved borrow material all suitable unclassified excavation that was wasted.
- Bear all additional costs associated with the wasting of the unsuitable unclassified excavation and the replacing of it with borrow material, including any additional engineering costs to the Department.
- The execution of a supplemental agreement allowing the Contractor to waste suitable unclassified excavation and replace it with approved borrow material bars the Contractor from any claim for any time extensions related to the wasting and replacement operation described in the agreement.
- The Contractor specifically waives his rights to request additional compensation with regard to wasting unclassified excavation under the compensation requirements of Section 104 as result of substituting suitable borrow material and wasting suitable unclassified excavation.
Where the contract includes earth shoulder construction, stockpile suitable surplus material for use in the shoulders. To the extent possible, salvage topsoil from within the limits of the slope stake lines and store in stockpiles. Before the topsoil is removed, clear the areas of all weeds, brush, stumps, stones and other debris. Remove the topsoil from only such areas and to only such depths as required by the contract or as directed. Exercise care to avoid mixing subsoil or other unsuitable material with the topsoil. Stockpile an adequate quantity of material to construct the proposed shoulder before wasting any suitable surplus material. Locate the stockpiles along the project at approved locations. Neatly dress each stockpile, when completed. Perform temporary or permanent seeding on the stockpiles where directed or when necessary to prevent erosion. Remove and dispose of any surplus material remaining in the stockpile after the shoulders are completed as provided below for waste matter.
Dispose of waste material in accordance with Section 802.
Uniformly round the intersection of slopes with natural ground surfaces, including the beginning and ending of cut slopes, as shown in the plans. Concurrent with the excavation of cuts, construct intercepting berm ditches or earth berms along and on top of the cut slopes at locations shown in the plans or as designated. Finish all slopes to reasonably uniform surfaces acceptable for seeding and mulching operations. Leave no rock or boulders in place that protrude more than one foot within the typical section cut slope lines.
Clean all rock cuts of loose and overhanging material. Remove all protruding roots and other objectionable vegetation from the slopes.
Where a cut has been finished and the slopes dressed in accordance with the plans and slope stakes, the Contractor will not be required to flatten or widen the slopes of a completed cut unless otherwise directed before beginning the work. When rock is unexpectedly encountered, transition any widening or flattening already begun to leave the cut with a pleasing appearance.
If required, investigate the top 12" of the subgrade in cut sections to determine the necessity for rock undercut.
Unless otherwise directed, excavate rock in the bottom of roadway cuts to a depth of one foot below the roadbed and ditches. Lower ditches if necessary so that water will drain from the rock surface to the ditches. Upon completion of the rock excavation below the level of the roadbed and ditches, backfill the areas where such rock has been removed with suitable material, compact, and shape to the required grade and cross section.
Before any work beginning on the structure, excavate all rock under and adjacent to structure sites as directed.
Bring all cuts to the grade and cross section shown in the plans before final inspection and acceptance.
Remove and dispose of slides and overbreaks that occur before final acceptance of the project. Where slides and overbreaks occur due to negligence or carelessness on the part of the Contractor, the removal and disposal of said slides and overbreaks will be at no cost to the Department.
Shape old roadways to produce an acceptable appearance in accordance with Section 808.
Conduct earthwork operations in a manner that will not disturb staking, utility poles or guy wires required to remain in their original location.
Cut off and plug all private utility lines, remove existing shoulder drain and subdrain pipe and remove all underground tanks intercepted within the typical section or in conflict with construction.
Where it is necessary to remove existing sidewalks or driveways, furnish a neat edge along the pavement retained by sawing a neat line approximately 2" deep with a concrete saw before breaking the adjacent pavement away.
When excavation operations encounter graves, temporarily discontinue operations in the vicinity of the graves and do not resume until directed.
When excavation operations encounter contaminated soils, temporarily discontinue operations in the vicinity of the contamination and do not resume until directed.
When excavation operations encounter artifacts of historical or archeological significance, temporarily discontinue operations in the vicinity of the artifacts and do not resume until directed. Disposition of the artifacts shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Division of Archives and History.
UNDERCUT EXCAVATIONWhen the Engineer determines that the natural soil materials in areas where fills are to be placed are undesirable in their location or condition, the Engineer may require the Contractor to remove the undesirable material and backfill with approved, properly compacted material. When the Engineer determines that the finished graded roadway cross section contains materials that are undesirable in their location or condition, the Engineer may require the Contractor to remove the materials and backfill with approved, properly compacted material to the finished graded section. Where undercutting is required adjacent to or beneath the location of the proposed drainage structure, perform undercut and backfill a sufficient distance adjacent to the installation to prevent future operations from disturbing the completed drainage structure. Use equipment in undercutting and backfilling operations of such weight, size and capability to efficiently remove and replace the material within the limits established. Use equipment of a size and weight that will not displace the underlying or adjacent material. All material removed in the work of undercut excavation will be classified by the Engineer as either suitable for other use without excessive manipulation and used elsewhere in the work or unsuitable for further use and disposed of by the Contractor. Conduct undercut operations so that the Engineer can take the necessary measurements before any backfill is placed. Place backfill in undercut areas in a continuous operation concurrent with the undercutting operation. Do not place backfill material in water unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer.
TOLERANCESA tolerance of ± 0.10 ft from the established grade will be permitted in the roadbed after it has been graded to a uniform surface.
MAINTENANCEMaintain all work covered by this section during construction until final acceptance. Provide the drainage of surface runoff along and throughout the length of the cut, construct temporary ditches and use any other methods necessary to control excessive soil erosion during construction and until final acceptance of the project.
Excavation will be measured and paid in cubic yards of materials, measured in their original position and computed by the average end area method, acceptably excavated in accordance with the contract. The Engineer may elect to use Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM) for determining the earthwork quantities or other technology that has been proven accurate. Original cross sections for the determination of excavation quantities will be taken before any grading begins. Final cross sections will be taken after the excavation has been completed. Final plan cross sections can be used for the final cross sections where, in the opinion of the Engineer, the work has been constructed in reasonably close conformity to the plan typical section. Original and final cross sections will be taken by either ground or aerial survey methods, as determined by the Engineer. All materials excavated from a location below the graded roadway cross section are classified as
Undercut Excavation and will be measured separately except for the following: - Rock in the bottom of roadway cuts excavated 1 ft or less below the roadbed and ditches;
- In cut areas, undercut excavation is limited to excavation removed below the roadbed sub-grade, removed below the inside slopes of roadway ditches and removed below the bottom of flat bottom roadway ditches; or
- Root mat other than grass, removed as a part of clearing and grubbing.
When the contract does not include
Drainage Ditch Excavation, measurement will be made in accordance with Article 240-4 and payment for this class of excavation will be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard for
Unclassified Excavation.
Measurement of materials excavated from overbreaks or slides will be made except where the overbreaks or slides were due to the negligence or carelessness of the Contractor.
No measurement will be made of any materials excavated outside of authorized excavation limits established by the Engineer or any materials excavated before slope stakes were set.
Article 104-5 will not apply for any underruns in the quantity of
Unclassified Excavation resulting from the permitted use of such material as select granular material.
Berm Ditch Construction will be measured and paid in accordance with Article 240-4.
Materials excavated from stockpiles and used to construct earth shoulders will be paid as
Shoulder Borrow in accordance with Article 560-4. No payment will be made for the removal and disposal of any surplus material remaining in the stockpile after the shoulders have been completed.
Payment for material that the Engineer directs to be removed beyond the limits of the original slope stakes will be made in accordance with
Article 104-3.
If needed, investigative work within the top 12" of the subgrade to determine the necessity for rock undercut will be paid in accordance with
Article 104-7.
Payment includes, but is not limited to, excavation, blasting, hauling anywhere along the project both within and across balance points shown in the plans, removal of undesirable material, removal of sidewalk, driveways, curb and gutter, endwalls, traffic islands and drainage structures, disposal of materials, formation and compaction of embankments, subgrades and shoulders, the cutting off, plugging and removal of private utility lines and underground tanks, any backfilling required, removing any existing shoulder drain or subdrain pipe and maintaining the work.
Payment for false sumps will be classified as
Unclassified Excavation, Borrow Excavation or included in Grading-Lump Sum. Payment as
Unclassified Excavation or
Borrow Excavation will be at the contract unit price per cubic yard.
Excavation done in the shaping of old roadways in accordance with Section 808 is paid as
Unclassified Excavation.
Where slides and overbreaks occur due to negligence or carelessness on the part of the Contractor, the removal and disposal of said slides and overbreaks will be incidental to the work of this section.
Payment will be made under:
Pay Item |
Pay Unit | Unclassified Excavation | Cubic Yard | Undercut Excavation | Cubic Yard |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 226 COMPREHENSIVE GRADING | SM-02-226 |
DESCRIPTIONThe work covered by this section consists of all elements of work covered by Sections 200,
500 and
560, except that the requirements of the above-referenced sections pertaining to measurement and payment will not apply unless specific reference is made to such.
CONSTRUCTION METHODSPerform the work in accordance with Sections 200, 225, 230,
235, 250, 500 and 560.
AND PAYMENTSeeding and mulching of all borrow sources will be measured and paid at the contract unit prices for such items established in the contract. Payment for material that the Engineer directs the Contractor to obtain from borrow sources to backfill pipe culverts, box culverts, drainage structures or structure bents will be made in accordance with
Article 104-7. Payment for material that the Engineer directs to be removed beyond the limits of the original slope stakes will be made in accordance with
Article 104-3.
Grading will be paid at the contract lump sum price. Partial payments will be equal to the percentage of such item that is complete as estimated by the Engineer. No separate payment will be made for clearing and grubbing, shoulder and fill slope material or draining borrow sources as such work will be incidental to the work covered by this section. Clearing and grubbing work that is directed to be performed on areas outside the limits originally staked or beyond the limits of the right of way or easements shown on the original plans will be measured and paid at the contract unit price per acre for
Supplementary Clearing and Grubbing. All measurements will be made horizontally. Where the contract does not include this item, a unit price per acre will be established by supplemental agreement.
Undercut Excavation will be measured and paid at the contract unit price per cubic yard. No separate payment will be made for materials used in backfilling the undercut areas, shoulders and slope areas as payment at the contract unit price per cubic yard for
Undercut Excavation will be full compensation for furnishing such material. Where the contract does not include a pay item for
Undercut Excavation, payment for such excavation will be made in accordance with
Article 104-7. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item |
Pay Unit | Grading | Lump Sum | Supplementary Clearing and Grubbing | Acre | Undercut Excavation | Cubic Yard |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 230 BORROW EXCAVATION | SM-02-230 |
DESCRIPTIONExcavate approved material from borrow sources. Haul and use such material as required in the plans or as directed. Do not use borrow excavation until all available suitable unclassified excavation has been incorporated into the embankments, subgrades and shoulders except by execution of a supplemental agreement documenting the conditions prescribed below. - All suitable unclassified excavation wasted as a result of the early use of borrow material will be deducted from the total volume of borrow excavation paid under the contract.
- Reimburse the Department for all additional costs, including additional engineering cost, associated with the wasting of suitable unclassified excavation.
- Any claim for contract time extensions related to the early use of borrow is waived should the Contractor use borrow material before all suitable unclassified excavation being incorporated into the project pursuant to a supplemental agreement.
- The Contractor specifically waives rights to request additional compensation with regard to the early use of borrow under the compensation requirements of Section 104 except when unclassified excavation is a major contract item, as defined in Section 101, and that unclassified excavation overruns by more than 25%.
Where the work required to complete the project is so phased by the plans to preclude using suitable unclassified excavation, the Contractor will be permitted to construct the required embankments, subgrades or shoulders so controlled by the phasing from approved borrow materials without having to execute the above required supplemental agreement.
COORDINATION WITH SEEDING OPERATIONSCoordinate the work in this section with the construction of embankments in accordance with Article 225-2.
MATERIALSRefer to Division
Item | |
Section | Borrow Material | |
1018 | Shoulder and Slope Material | |
1019 |
Thoroughly clear and grub and clean the surface of the borrow area of all unsuitable material before beginning the excavation and, where applicable, before cross sections are taken. Dispose of material resulting from clearing and grubbing in accordance with Article 200-6. Remove and dispose of overburden in accordance with Section 802.
Do not accumulate exposed, erodible slope area in each borrow operation in excess of 1 acre at any one time without beginning permanent seeding and mulching of the borrow source or installing other erosion control measures as may be approved.
Remove and stockpile topsoil at locations that will not interfere with the borrow operations and that meet the approval of the Engineer. Install temporary erosion control measures as needed to prevent the erosion of the stockpile material. Once all borrow has been removed from the source or portion thereof, uniformly spread the stockpiled topsoil over the area and permanently seed and mulch the area.
Where payment is made by cross section, notify the Engineer sufficiently before beginning excavation of the borrow material so that the area may be staked and cross sectioned. Excavate the material to the lines and slopes as staked in an orderly manner to facilitate measurement at any time.
Where payment is to be made by truck measurement, furnish trucks with bodies suitable for accurate measurement. Load trucks uniformly and to prevent spillage.
When necessary to haul borrow material over existing roads or streets, comply with
Article 105-15. Use all necessary precautions to prevent damage to the existing structures or pavement. Conduct hauling operations so as to not interfere with the normal flow of traffic and keep the traffic lanes free from spillage at all times.
Furnish borrow sources except where otherwise indicated in the contract. -
Contractor Furnished Sources
Before the approval of any borrow sources developed for use on any project, obtain certification from the State Historic Preservation Officer of the State Department of Cultural Resources certifying that the removal of the borrow material from the borrow sources will have no effect on any known district, site building, structure or object, architectural and/or archaeological that is included or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Furnish a copy of this certification to the Engineer before performing any work on the proposed borrow source.
Borrow sources will not be allowed in any area under the Corps of Engineers regulatory jurisdiction until the Contractor has obtained a permit for such borrow sources from the Corps District Engineer having jurisdiction and has furnished a copy of this permit to the Engineer. Requests for additional contract time, additional compensation or for work stoppage due to permit violations will not be considered.
The approval of borrow sources furnished by the Contractor is subject to the following conditions: - Proof of Rights
Provide written proof of the right to take the material and any rights of access that may be necessary, for locating and developing the source and any clearing and grubbing and drainage ditches necessary. The proof shall include an agreement with the owner that the borrow source be dressed, shaped, seeded, mulched and drained as required by these Specifications after all borrow has been removed. - Sampling and Testing
Sampling and testing of contractor furnished borrow material will be in accordance with procedures set forth in the
Borrow Pit Sampling Manual in effect on the date of advertisement for the project. Copies of this document are available from the Materials and Tests Unit. The criteria for acceptance of the proposed contractor furnished borrow material is shown in Section 1018. - Reclamation Plan
Except where borrow is to be obtained from a commercial source, jointly submit with the property owner a borrow source development, use and reclamation plan to the Engineer for his approval before engaging in any land disturbing activity on the proposed source other than material sampling that may be necessary. The Department's borrow and waste site reclamation procedures for contracted projects is available on the website and shall be used for all borrow and waste sites on this project. Address the following in the plan: - Topography
Detail the existing topography and locations of the proposed access and egress haul roads. Detail the proposed final topography of the waste or disposal area showing any proposed drainage systems. Excavate the source according to the plan and dress and shape it in a continuous manner to contours that are comparable to and blend in with the adjacent topography. Grade the source to drain such that no water will collect or stand. Provide a functioning drainage system for the source. If drainage is not practical and the source is to serve as a pond, the minimum depth shall be a least 4 ft as determined from the water table at the time the reclamation plan is executed. The slope of the soil below the water shall be between 5:1 and 2:1. The slope of the sides above the water line shall be 2:1 or flatter. - Erosion Control
Detail the temporary and permanent erosion control measures, along with design calculations, that are intended during use of the site and as part of the reclamation. Unless considered impractical due to special circumstances, provide in the plan for the use of staged permanent seeding and mulching and appropriate fertilizer topdressing continually during site use and the immediate total reclamation of the site when the site is no longer needed. Define the seed mixture proposed for establishing temporary and permanent vegetation. Establish permanent stand of vegetation before acceptance of the project.
- Buffer Zones
Allocate sufficient area between the nearest property line and the tie-in of the slope to natural ground to allow for the operation of excavation, hauling and seeding equipment and for the installation of any and all erosion control devices required. Leave additional undisturbed area between the source and any water course or body to prevent siltation of the water course or body and the movement of the shore line either into the water course or body or into the waste areas. Determine if the adjoining property owners or other government agencies require any additional buffer zones and comply with those requirements. Suggested minimum distances are 10 ft from property lines and 50 ft from water bodies or water courses. Where it is necessary to drain the borrow source, perform work in accordance with Section 240. - Evaluation for Potential Wetlands and Endangered Species
Hire an experienced environmental consultant from the approved list to perform an assessment of the borrow site for potential conflicts with wetlands, Areas of Environmental Concern designated by the Coastal Area Management Act and federally protected species. This evaluation will not be required for permitted commercial sites.
Delineate the boundaries of any wetlands, jurisdictional surface waters and streams encountered. Follow the standard practice for documenting the wetland delineation including completion of the Army Corps of Engineers' Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form. Document information including data regarding soil, vegetation and hydrology. Maintain a minimum 25 ft buffer adjacent to all sides of the wetland boundary and a minimum 50 ft buffer adjacent to any stream. Depict the limits of the delineated wetland and surrounding buffer on the Reclamation Plan. Do not remove borrow material in any area under the Corps of Engineers' or any other environmental agencies' regulatory jurisdiction unless and until the Department permit has been modified to allow such disposal activity in the jurisdictional area.
Perform a site assessment for federally listed threatened or endangered species to include habitats that may support these species. Provide a detailed technical report on the assessment findings. If federally listed threatened or endangered species or habitat that may support such species exist on the proposed borrow site, notify the Engineer before continued pursuit of such site. - Approval
Obtain written approval from the Engineer before excavating any material within the proposed borrow source area.
Submit a revised or additional reclamation plan if the non-permitted waste or disposal area is expanded by more than one acre or is significantly changed from the previously approved submittal.
If the Contractor proposes a borrow source, the environmental assessment shall include wetland and stream delineation extending 400 ft beyond the proposed borrow source limits. - If wetlands or streams are present within 400 ft of the borrow source, submit a hydrologic analysis (Skaggs Method) or equivalent to determine if lateral effects will permanently impact or cause degradation to wetlands or streams. Perform analysis with an environmental or hydraulics engineer with expertise in this discipline and include:
- Hydric soil type,
- Average profile depth to restrictive soil layer,
- Effective hydraulic conductivity or permeability,
- Average drainable porosity or available water capacity and
- Required buffer width, including safety factor.
- If wetlands or streams are present within 400 ft and the Contractor does not propose to excavate below the seasonal high water table or the water level in the adjacent stream, no documentation will be required.
- If wetlands or streams are not present within 400 ft, no additional documentation will be required.
During Department review of the proposed borrow area, the hydrologic analysis will be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for evaluation. Obtain copy of
Skaggs Method for Determining Lateral Effects of a Borrow Pit on Adjacent Wetlands from the Department's website.
During construction and until final acceptance, use any methods approved by the Engineer that are necessary to maintain the work covered by this section so that the work will not contribute to excessive soil erosion.
BorrowExcavation will be measured and paid in cubic yards. Borrow excavation will be measured in place in its original position except that truck measurement will be made where called for in the contract. If the quantity of borrow excavation used is excessive as evidenced by the presence of surplus suitable material from the roadway excavation, the measured quantity of borrow excavation will be reduced by the quantity of such surplus suitable material. -
In-Place Measurement
Borrow Excavation to be paid will be the actual number of cubic yards of approved material, measured in its original position by cross sectioning and computed by the average end area method, that has been excavated from the borrow source and incorporated into the completed and accepted work. No measurement will be made of any overburden, unsuitable material removed from the source or any material excavated before cross sections are taken. -
Truck Measurement
Borrow Excavation to be paid will be the actual number of cubic yards of approved material, measured in trucks excavated from the borrow source and incorporated into the completed and accepted work. Each truck will be measured and shall have a legible identification mark indicating its capacity. Load each truck to at least its measured capacity at the time it arrives at the point of delivery. The recorded capacity will be adjusted by making a 25% deduction to allow for shrinkage and the adjusted capacity will be the quantity to be paid.
Topsoil that is stockpiled and placed back on the source as part of the reclamation effort will be measured in the stockpile by cross sectioning and computed by the average end area method and paid per cubic yard for
Borrow Excavation. No in-place measurement will be made of the topsoil.
Seeding, mulching and establishment of temporary erosion control for all borrow sources will be paid at the contract unit prices for the items established in the contract as payment for
Seeding And Mulching in Section
Payment includes, but is not limited to, furnishing the source of the borrow; providing and implementing a development, use and reclamation plan, evaluation of potential wetlands and endangered species, building, maintaining and obliterating haul roads, clearing and grubbing or draining the borrow source; removing, stockpiling and replacing topsoil, removing and disposing of overburden and other unsuitable material, excavation, hauling, formation of roadway embankments, subgrades and shoulders, restoration of the source and haul roads to an acceptable condition, obtaining permits and certifications and maintaining the work.
Payment will be made under:
Pay Item | |
Pay Unit | Borrow Excavation | | Cubic Yard |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 235 EMBANKMENTS | SM-02-235 |
DESCRIPTIONPlace suitable material excavated under Sections
230 and
240 in embankments, backfills and earth berms, to conform with the lines, grades and typical cross sections shown in the plans. Fill and compact holes, pits and other depressions when unsuitable material has been removed. Work includes preparation, formation, compaction and maintenance of the embankment area as well as the formation of benches in the existing ground with rises less than 60".
MATERIALSRefer to Division
10. Use soil consisting of loose, friable, sandy material free of subsoil admixtures, refuse, stumps, rocks, roots, root mats or other unsatisfactory material. Do not use material that meets AASHTO M 145 for soil classification A-2-5 and A-5 with a PI of less than 8 within 12" of the subgrade. Wet, dry or frozen material may be suitable when dried, wetted or thawed, respectively. Aerate and dry material containing moisture content in excess of what is required to achieve embankment stability and specified density. Waste suitable material only with written authorization.
CONSTRUCTION METHODS Coordinate work with excavation operations in accordance with
Articles 107-12 and
225-2. -
Preparation for Embankment
Finish clearing and grubbing within an area before starting embankment in accordance with Section
200. Remove and waste organic or other unsuitable material unless otherwise directed.
Plow mowed sod and leave in place where the height of embankment to be constructed is greater than 6 ft measured under the roadbed. Plow or scarify and break up cleavage planes of all underlying road surfaces. Remove or break up existing pavement in accordance with Section
Bench existing slopes steeper than 4:1 measured at right angles to the roadway. Provide rises of at least 12" and no more than 60" as embankment is brought up in layers. Provide sufficient width for the operation of placing and compaction equipment. Begin bench cut at the intersection of the original ground and the vertical side of the previous cut. Construct benches greater than 60" in height only when shown in the plans. Such benches will be paid in accordance with the contract. -
Embankment Formation
Uniformly spread material in successive, approximately horizontal layers of not more than 10" depth, loose measurement, for the full width of the cross section. Compact each layer in accordance with Subarticle 235-3(C).
Shape embankment surface to properly drain at all times.
Route construction equipment uniformly over the full width of the embankment and prevent deep rutting.
May construct the first layer of embankments across saturated or unstable material, that does not support the weight of hauling equipment, by successively dumping a uniformly distributed layer of a thickness not greater than necessary to support hauling equipment while placing subsequent layers.
When placing material in swamp or in water, keep unsuitable surge material in a fluid state or remove to prevent trapping in or under embankment.
When shown in the plans or allowed by the contract, form a satisfactory base by end or side dumping in valleys, ravines and at the foot of slopes on side hills.
Where embankments are being constructed principally of rock or broken pavement, place in uniform layers with a maximum depth of 36". Place rock or broken pavement so larger pieces are evenly distributed and are no larger than 36" in any dimension. Fill all voids. Place rock or broken pavement lifts at least 2 ft below finished subgrade or finished grade whichever is lower.
Do not place rock or broken pavement greater than 2" in diameter within 12" of the subgrade or finished grade whichever is lower. Do not place rock or broken pavement in areas where foundations are to be placed.
Place select material where indicated in the contract. Construct the top 6" of shoulder and fill slopes with material that meets Article 1019-2. Construct stabilized embankment when required by the contract.
Install pipe culverts as specified in Section
300. Construct subsurface drains adjacent to structures as required by Article
414-8 for box culverts, except for that portion of the drain located below the elevation of the original ground. Do not disturb existing utilities within the project construction limits until released by the Engineer.
Do not place rock or broken pavement in embankment areas where piles or drilled shaft foundations are to be constructed or where underground utilities exist. This requirement shall include, but not be limited to, piles and foundations for structures, metal signal poles, overhead sign structures and high mount lighting. -
Embankment Compaction
Compact each layer for its full width to a density equal to at least 95% of that obtained by compacting a sample of the material in accordance AASHTO T 99 as modified by the Department. Copies of these modified procedures are available upon request from the Department's Materials and Tests Unit.
Uniformly bond all layers to preceding layers. Compact all surfaces on embankment slopes, principally constructed of soil, that are flatter than 1.5:1 using tracked equipment or other approved methods.
Increase or decrease moisture content of the material before compacting to produce the maximum density that will provide a stable grade. Exempt portions of rock embankments, that cannot be tested by approved methods, from density requirements. -
Maintain all embankments made under the contract until final acceptance. Construct and maintain adequate drainage of surface runoff to prevent soil erosion. Replace damaged or displaced embankment.
Bring all embankments to the grade and cross section shown in the plans before final inspection and acceptance.
TOLERANCESFinish subgrade surface within ± 0.10 ft from the established grade after it has been graded to a uniform surface.
AND PAYMENTPayment will not be made for embankment construction. Payment at the contract unit prices for the various items covered by Sections 225, 226, 230 and
240 will be full compensation for all work covered by this section. Repairs to embankments caused by Contractor carelessness or negligence will be incidental to the work of Sections
225, 226, 230 and
240. Repairs to embankments as a result of natural causes will be at the contract unit price for the excavated material required to make the necessary repairs.
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 240 DITCH EXCAVATION | SM-02-240 |
DESCRIPTIONExcavate and satisfactorily dispose of all materials excavated in the construction of ditches except silt ditches. -
Drainage Ditches
Define "drainage ditches" as inlet and outlet ditches for pipe culverts and structures, changes in channels of streams, ditches draining borrow and material sources and parallel or lateral ditches when such ditches are separated from the roadway slope by an area of natural ground or berm.
Unless otherwise classified in the plans, parallel or lateral ditches constructed as an integral part of the graded roadbed, having a continuous slope from the outer limit of the shoulder to the bottom of the ditch, will be considered to be within the roadway grading limits and will be part of the work covered by Section 225. -
Berm Ditches
Define "berm ditches" as ditches constructed by either excavation or the construction of earth berms along the top of cut slopes. The location of berm ditches will be as shown in the plans or as directed.
GENERALExcavate to the lines, grades, typical sections and details shown in the plans or established. Coordinate all work covered by this section with the grading, construction of drainage structures, excavation of borrow and material sources and other work along the project and maintain in a satisfactory condition so that adequate drainage is provided at all times. Maintain the ditches until the final acceptance of the project. Trim flush with the sides of the ditch any roots that protrude into the ditch. Complete inlet and outlet ditches for pipelines before the pipe is installed unless otherwise permitted.
DISPOSAL OF MATERIALSUse all excavated materials in the construction of roadway embankments except where otherwise directed. Deposit materials that are excess to the needs of the project alongside the ditch and spread to form a low, flat, inconspicuous spoil bank of sufficient regular contour to permit seeding and mowing, provided no drainage into the ditch is blocked.
Drainage Ditch Excavation will be measured and paid in cubic yards, measured in the original position by the average end area method of all materials excavated within the limits established by the plans or directed. Work includes, but is not limited to, excavation, shaping of the ditches, disposal of all materials, construction of earth berms and the maintenance of the work in an acceptable condition until final acceptance. No measurement and payment will be made where excavation has been performed beyond the above limits; made solely for the convenience of the Contractor; for temporary drainage of the project; or for any excavation to provide drainage of borrow or material sources furnished by the Contractor. Where the contract does not include a pay item for
Drainage Ditch Excavation, all work of drainage ditch excavation will be treated as
Unclassified Excavation and will be paid in accordance with Section
Berm Ditch Construction will be measured and paid in linear feet, measured along the flow line of the ditch within the pay limits shown in the plans, completed and accepted. Work includes, but is not limited to, excavation, shaping of the ditches, disposal of all materials, construction of earth berms and the maintenance of the work in an acceptable condition until final acceptance. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item | |
Pay Unit | Drainage Ditch Excavation | | Cubic Yard | Berm Ditch Construction | | Linear Foot |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 250 REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT | SM-02-250 |
DESCRIPTIONBreak up, remove and satisfactorily dispose of the Portland cement concrete or asphalt components of an existing roadway pavement structure, including paved shoulders, within the limits shown in the plans or as directed. This work includes the removal of any temporary roadway pavement structure placed during construction to serve as a detour.
AND DISPOSALBreak up and remove the pavement for its entire depth. Where concrete or asphalt pavement is to be removed, provide a neat edge along the pavement being retained by sawing the pavement approximately 2" deep before breaking the adjacent pavement away. Properly dispose of all materials resulting from the pavement removal as provided herein. When existing pavement is located where embankment is to be constructed and the depth of the embankment is greater than 1 ft exclusive of base and pavement, do not remove existing pavement, but break up the existing pavement into pieces with the longest dimension no larger than 3 ft. Fill all voids. All voids must be filled when building an embankment out of rock or broken pavement. Use all materials in the construction of embankments, unless otherwise directed. Stockpile materials that the Department desires to use, as indicated in the plans at approved locations. Where the Contractor requests permission to use salvageable material in other parts of the work and such material has been intended for use in the construction of embankments, the Engineer may permit such use provided the Contractor furnishes at no cost to the Department an adequate quantity of material for embankment construction to replace the material used in all other parts of the work. Dispose of all materials that cannot be used in the work in accordance with Section 802.
Removal of Existing Asphalt Pavement will be measured and paid in square yards of existing asphalt pavement actually removed and disposed of properly. Removal of existing asphalt pavement will be measured by actual surface measurement of the asphalt pavement before its removal.
Removal of Existing Concrete Pavement will be measured and paid in square yards of existing concrete pavement actually removed and disposed of properly. Removal of existing concrete pavement will be measured by actual surface measurement of the concrete pavement before its removal.
Breaking of Existing Concrete Pavement will be measured and paid in square yards of existing concrete pavement actually broken up and left in place. The quantity will be determined by actual surface measurement of the pavement before breaking it up.
Breaking of Existing Asphalt Pavement will be measured and paid in square yards of existing asphalt pavement actually broken up and left in place. The quantity will be determined by actual surface measurement of the pavement before breaking it up. Where the pavement removed or broken up is a combination of layers of both asphalt and concrete pavement, payment will be made at the contract unit price per square yard for
Removal of Existing Concrete Pavement or
Breaking of
Existing Concrete Pavement. Where the pavement removed is a combination of layers of both asphalt and concrete pavement and an item is not established for concrete pavement removal, the cost of removing the combination of layers of asphalt and concrete will be made in accordance with
Article 104-7. Payment includes, but is not limited to, breaking up, removing and disposing of existing concrete or asphalt pavement, including paved shoulders and removing any temporary roadway pavement structure placed during construction to serve as a detour. This work does not include pavement removal for pipe installation; removing and disposing of sidewalks, driveways, curb and gutter; traffic islands and parking areas; or any other incidental paved structures that are not part of a roadway pavement structure. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item | |
Pay Unit | Removal of Existing Asphalt Pavement | | Square Yard | Removal of Existing Concrete Pavement | | Square Yard | Breaking of Existing Concrete Pavement | | Square Yard | Breaking of Existing Asphalt Pavement | | Square Yard |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 260 PROOF ROLLING | SM-02-260 |
DESCRIPTIONFurnish and operate at the direction of the Engineer, heavy pneumatic tired compaction equipment for compacting the roadbed and testing the roadbed for stability and uniformity of compaction.
EQUIPMENTProvide equipment with the following features: - Four rubber tired wheels mounted on a rigid steel frame,
- Wheels evenly spaced in one line across the width of the roller and arranged so that all wheels will carry approximately equal loads when operated over an uneven surface,
- Maximum center to center spacing between adjacent wheels is 32",
- Load capacity from 48 to 50 tons unless otherwise permitted in writing,
- Cover or construct the loaded roller to not trap water that will add weight to the ballast,
- Other equipment of equal or better effectiveness may be substituted with written permission, and
- Tire pressures shall be between 68 and 72 psi unless otherwise permitted in writing. Inflate tires with air only; use no liquid.
Provide ballasts consisting of bulk sand, bulk stone, bags of sand, stone or other materials of known unit weight such that the total weight of the ballast used can be readily determined at all times. Provide a sufficient amount of ballast to load the equipment to a maximum gross weight of 50 tons.
Use rubber tired or other types of tractive equipment for operation of this equipment on the roadbed. The entire assembly including motivating equipment shall be capable of executing a 180° turn on a 27 ft wide area.
CONSTRUCTION METHODSAfter the roadbed has been completed within 0.5 ft of final grade, compact and test the roadbed with one coverage, unless otherwise directed, with a heavy pneumatic tired roller in accordance with Article 260-2. Coverage is considered that stage in the rolling procedure when the entire width of the area being proof rolled has been in contact with the pneumatic tires of the roller. Operate the roller systematically so the number of coverages over all areas to be proof rolled can be readily determined and recorded. Operate the equipment at a speed between 225 ft/min and 300 ft/min. Perform proof rolling only in the presence of the Engineer. Proof roll areas again following the completion of the necessary corrections. Protect all structural facilities on the project, such as, but not limited to, bridges, box culverts, pipe culverts and utilities, from damage by the proof rolling equipment. Protection may include unloading and reloading of the roller, detouring, protective earth pads or other suitable measure to avoid damage.
Proof Rolling will be measured and paid as the actual number of hours, measured to the nearest 0.1 hour, during which the heavy pneumatic tired roller has been engaged in proof rolling in the presence of the Engineer, exclusive of hours of proof rolling performed following corrective action made necessary by the negligence of the Contractor or by weather. Corrective work necessary, as determined by proof rolling, and not due to negligence of the Contractor or to weather, will be paid at the applicable contract unit prices or as extra work, whichever may apply. Proof rolling after corrective work will be at no cost to the Department if the corrections are necessary due to the negligence of the Contractor or weather. Payment includes furnishing all labor, equipment, fuel and ballast for loading, loading and unloading ballast as directed and increasing and decreasing tire pressure as directed. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item | |
Pay Unit | Proof Rolling | | Hour |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 265 SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL | SM-02-265 |
DESCRIPTIONFurnish and place select granular material in accordance with the contract and as directed.
MATERIALSRefer to Division
Item |
Section | Select Material, Class II | |
1016 | Select Material, Class III | |
1016 |
CONSTRUCTION METHODSUse only Class III select material for embankments in water. Place select granular material up to 3 ft above geotextile for soil stabilization and the water level.
AND PAYMENTSelect granular material will be paid as
Select Granular Material unless the material is obtained from the same source as the borrow material and the contract includes a pay item for
Borrow Excavation. When this occurs,
Select Granular Material will be paid at the lower bid price per cubic yard for either
Borrow Excavation or
Select Granular Material.
Select Granular Material will be measured and paid in cubic yards. When undercut excavation is in accordance with Section 226 and the Engineer requires undercut to be backfilled with select granular material, the second sentence of the sixth paragraph of Article 226-3 will not apply, as payment for the backfill will be made as described in this article.
Select Granular Material will be measured by in place measurement in accordance with Article 230-5 or by weighing material in trucks in accordance with
Article 106-7 as determined by the Engineer. When select granular material is weighed in trucks, a unit weight of 135 lb/cf will be used to convert the weight of select granular material to cubic yards. At the Engineer's discretion, truck measurement in accordance with Article 230-5 may be used instead of weighing material in trucks. The contract unit prices for
Select Granular Material and
Borrow Excavation as described above will be full compensation for providing, transporting, handling, placing, compacting and maintaining select granular material. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item |
Pay Unit | Select Granular Material | | Cubic Yard |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 270 GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION | SM-02-270 |
DESCRIPTIONFurnish and place geotextile for soil stabilization in accordance with the contract and as directed.
MATERIALSRefer to Division
Item | |
Section | Geotextile for Soil Stabilization, Type 4 | |
1056 |
CONSTRUCTION METHODSGrubbing may not be required in areas where geotextile for soil stabilization will be used. Minimize the use of heavy equipment in these areas to limit rutting. Cut trees flush with the ground surface and place geotextiles on relatively undisturbed ground as directed. Do not leave geotextiles exposed for more than 7 days before covering geotextiles with backfill material except geotextiles for erosion control devices. Place geotextiles on surfaces free of obstructions, debris and soft pockets. Install geotextiles with the long dimension parallel to the roadway centerline. Overlap adjacent geotextiles at least 18" unless otherwise directed to sew seams together. Overlap geotextiles in the direction that material will be placed to prevent lifting the edge of the top geotextile. Place geotextiles in slight tension free of kinks, folds, wrinkles or creases. Use wire staples or anchor pins, as needed, to hold geotextiles in place until covered. Provide backfill material in accordance with the contract. Do not operate equipment on geotextiles until covered with material as directed. Do not use vibratory compaction equipment on initial lifts of backfill.
Geotextile for Soil Stabilization will be measured and paid in square yards. Geotextiles will be measured along the ground surface as the square yards of exposed geotextiles before placing backfill material. No measurement will be made for overlapping geotextiles or sewing seams. The contract unit price for
Geotextile for Soil Stabilization will be full compensation for providing, transporting and placing geotextiles, wire staples and anchor pins and sewing geotextiles. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item | |
Pay Unit | Geotextile for Soil Stabilization | | Square Yard |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 275 ROCK PLATING | SM-02-275 |
DESCRIPTIONConstruct rock plating in accordance with the contract. Rock plating is required to stabilize slopes at locations shown in the plans and as directed.
MATERIALSRefer to Division
Item | |
Section | Geotextile for Rock Plating, Type 2 | |
1056 | Plain Rip Rap | |
1042 | Select Material, Class IV | |
1016 | Subsurface Drainage Materials | |
1044 |
Use Class IV select material (standard size No. ABC) over rip rap and Class 1, 2 or B rip rap unless required otherwise in the plans. Provide Type 2 geotextiles for filtration geotextiles. Provide subdrain coarse aggregate (standard size No. 78M) and PVC subdrain pipes, fittings and outlet pipes for subsurface drainage materials.
CONSTRUCTION METHODSConstruct embankments in accordance with the contract. Compact fill slopes to the satisfaction of the Engineer with tracked equipment or other approved methods. Undercut as necessary to install rock plating on cut slope faces or embed rock plating below the ground line. Do not leave filtration geotextiles exposed for more than 7 days before covering with rip rap or ABC. Unroll geotextiles down slopes, i.e., perpendicular to the roadway centerline. Bury filtration geotextiles at top of slopes and embed geotextiles at toe of slopes as shown in the plans. Filtration geotextiles should be continuous down slopes. If geotextile roll length is too short, overlap ends of geotextile rolls at least 5 ft with the upper geotextile over the lower as shown in the plans. Filtration geotextiles may be discontinuous down slopes in the direction perpendicular to the roadway centerline only once per roll width. Overlap adjacent filtration geotextiles along slopes at least 18" as shown in the plans. Place geotextiles in slight tension free of kinks, folds, wrinkles or creases. Use wire staples or anchor pins as needed to hold filtration geotextiles in place until covered. Do not displace or damage filtration geotextiles while placing rip rap. When shown in the plans, install 6" diameter perforated subdrain pipes and No. 78M stone at toe of slopes in accordance with
815-3. Place rip rap such that the smaller stones are uniformly distributed throughout rip rap. Install rip rap with mechanical methods and if necessary, by hand to form a well graded, dense, neat layer of rip rap. When shown in the plans, place filtration geotextiles and 18" of ABC over rip rap at top of slopes. Compact ABC to 92% of AASHTO T 180 as modified by the Department or to the highest density that can be reasonably obtained.
Rock Plating will be measured and paid in square yards. Rock plating will be measured along the slope faces of rock plated slopes as the square yards of exposed rip rap and if applicable, ABC. No measurement will be made for portions of rock plating embedded below the ground line. The contract unit price for
Rock Plating will be full compensation for providing, transporting and placing filtration geotextiles, wire staples, anchor pins, rip rap and ABC. The contract unit price for
Rock Plating will be full compensation for undercut excavation to install rock plating on cut slope faces and embed rock plating below the ground line.
Subsurface Drainage will be measured and paid in accordance with Section
815. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item |
Pay Unit | Rock Plating | | Square Yard |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 300 PIPE INSTALLATION | SM-03-300 |
GENERALExcavate, undercut, provide material, condition foundation, lay pipe, joint and couple pipe sections and furnish and place all backfill material as necessary to install the various types of pipe culverts and fittings required to complete the project. Install pipe in accordance with the details in the plans. Do not waste excavation unless permitted. Use suitable excavated material as backfill; or in the formation of embankments, subgrades and shoulders; or as otherwise directed. Furnish disposal areas for the unsuitable material. The Engineer will identify excavated materials that are unsuitable. Where traffic is to be maintained, install pipe in sections so half the roadway width is available to traffic.
MATERIALSRefer to Division
Provide foundation conditioning material in accordance with Article 1016-3 for Class V or VI select material as shown in the contract. Provide bedding material in accordance with Article
1016-3 for Class II (Type 1 only) or Class III select material as shown in contract. Provide backfill material in accordance with Article
1016-3 for Class II (Type 1 for flexible pipe) or Class III select material as shown in the contract. Provide filtration geotextile in accordance with Section
1056 for any type of geotextile. Provide foundation conditioning geotextile in accordance with Article
1056-2 for Type 2 geotextile. Do not use corrugated steel pipe in counties listed in Article
UNLOADING AND HANDLINGUnload and handle pipe with reasonable care. Do not roll or drag metal pipe or plates over gravel or rock during handling. Take necessary precautions to ensure the method used in lifting or placing the pipe does not induce stress fatigue in the pipe. Use a lifting device that uniformly distributes the weight of the pipe along its axis or circumference. Repair minor damage to pipe when permitted. Remove pipe from the project that is severely damaged or is rejected as being unfit for use. Undamaged portions of a joint or section may be used where partial lengths are required.
PREPARATION OF PIPE FOUNDATIONPrepare the pipe foundation in accordance with the applicable method as shown in the contract documents, true to line and grade and uniformly firm. Where material is found to be of poor supporting value or of rock and when the Engineer cannot make adjustment in the location of the pipe, undercut existing foundation material within the limits established in the plans. Backfill the undercut with foundation conditioning material. Encapsulate the foundation conditioning material with foundation conditioning geotextile before placing bedding material. Overlap all transverse and longitudinal joints in the geotextile at least 18". Maintain the pipe foundation in a dry condition.
INVERT ELEVATIONSThe proposed pipe culvert invert elevations shown on the Drainage Summary Sheets are based upon information available when the plans were prepared. If proposed invert elevations are adjusted during construction based upon actual conditions encountered, no claim for an extension of time for any reason resulting from this information will be allowed. When a pipe culvert is to be installed in a trench and the average actual elevation of the pipe between drainage structures deviates from the average proposed elevation shown on the Drainage Summary Sheets by more than one foot, a pay adjustment will be made as follows: Pay Adjustment (per linear foot) =
+1 (0.15xCUP)] | Where: |
APE = Average Plan Elev. =
(Plan Inlet Elv.+ Plan Outlet Elv.)
2 |
AAE = Average Actual Elev. =
Actual Inlet Elev. + Actual Outlet Elv.)
2 |
When the actual location of a pipe culvert is changed from the location shown in the plans, the Engineer will make a pay adjustment deemed warranted based upon the relation of the pipe culvert as shown in the plans to the finished roadway and the relation of the pipe culvert as constructed to the finished roadway. The top elevation column on the drainage summary sheet indicates the flow elevation at the top of structures intended to collect surface water. The top elevation column on drainage structures not intended to collect surface water indicates the elevation at the top of the cover.
300-6 LAYING PIPEThe Department reserves the right to perform forensic testing on any installed pipe.
Rigid PipeConcrete and welded steel pipe will be considered rigid pipe. Lay pipe on prepared foundation, bell or groove end upgrade with the spigot or tongue fully inserted. Check each joint for alignment and grade as the work proceeds. Use flexible plastic joint material except when material of another type is specified in the contract documents. Joint material of another type may be used when permitted. Repair lift holes in concrete pipe, if present. Thoroughly clean and soak the lift hole and completely fill the void with an approved non-shrink grout. Submit alternate details for repairing lift holes to the Engineer for review and approval. For all pipes 42" in diameter and larger, wrap filtration geotextile around all pipe joints. Extend geotextile at least 12" beyond each side of the joint. Secure geotextile against the outside of the pipe by methods approved by the Engineer.
Flexible PipeCorrugated steel, corrugated aluminum, corrugated HDPE and PVC pipe will be considered flexible pipe. Place flexible pipe carefully on the prepared foundation starting at the downstream end with the inside circumferential laps pointing downstream and with the longitudinal laps at the side or quarter points. Handle coated corrugated steel pipe with special care to avoid damage to coatings. Join pipe sections with coupling band, fully bolted and properly sealed. Provide coupling bands for annular and helical corrugated metal pipe with circumferential and longitudinal strength sufficient to preserve the alignment, prevent separation of the sections and prevent backfill infiltration. Match-mark all pipe 60" or larger in diameter at the plant for proper installation on the project. At locations indicated in the plans, join corrugated steel pipe sections together with rod and lug coupling bands, fully bolted. Use sleeve gaskets in conjunction with rod and lug couplings and seal the joints properly. Provide coupling bands with circumferential and longitudinal strength sufficient to preserve the alignment, prevent separation of the sections and prevent infiltration of backfill material.
300-7 BACKFILLINGLoosely place bedding material, in a uniform layer, a depth equal to the inside diameter of the pipe divided by 6 or 6", whichever is greater. Leave bedding material directly beneath the pipe uncompacted and allow pipe seating and backfill to accomplish compaction. Excavate recesses to receive the bells where bells and spigot type pipe is used. Place fill around the pipe in accordance with the applicable method shown in the plans in layers not to exceed 6" loose unless otherwise permitted. Compact to the density required by Subarticle
235-3(C). Approval of the backfill material is required before its use. Use select material as shown in the contract documents. Take care during backfill and compaction operations to maintain alignment and prevent damage to the joints. Keep backfill free from stones, frozen lumps, chunks of highly plastic clay or other objectionable material. Grade and maintain all pipe backfill areas in such a condition that erosion or saturation will not damage the pipe foundation or backfill. Excavatable flowable fill may be used for backfill when approved by the Engineer. When using excavatable flowable fill, ensure that the pipe is not displaced and does not float during backfill. Submit methods for supporting the pipe and material placement to the Engineer for review and approval. Do not operate heavy equipment over any pipe until it has been properly backfilled with at least 3 ft of cover. Place, maintain and finally remove the required cover that is above the proposed finished grade. Remove and replace pipe that becomes misaligned, shows excessive settlement or has been otherwise damaged by the Contractor's operations.
300-8 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCEBefore final acceptance, the Engineer will perform random video camera and or mandrel inspections to ensure proper jointing and that deformations do not exceed allowable limits. Replace pipes having cracks greater than 0.1" or deflections greater than 7.5%. Repair or replace pipes with cracks greater than 0.01", exhibiting displacement across a crack, exhibiting bulges, creases, tears, spalls or delamination. Maintain all pipe installations in a condition such that they will function continuously from the time the pipe is installed until the project is accepted.
300-9 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENTNo measurement will be made of any work covered by this section except as listed below. Removal and disposal of existing pavement and unsuitable material above the pipe invert are a part of the excavation for the new pipe culvert installation. Repair of the pavement will be made in accordance with Section 654. Placing, maintaining and removing the required cover is incidental to the work of this section. Removing and replacing pipe that becomes misaligned, shows excessive settlement or has been otherwise damaged by the Contractor's operations is incidental to the work of this section.
Using Local Material
Undercut Excavation is all excavation removed by undercutting below the bottom of the trench as staked.
Undercut Excavation will be measured as the actual number of cubic yards of undercut excavation, measured in its original position and computed by the average end area method, that has been removed as called for in the contract and will be paid at double the contract unit price for
Unclassified Excavation in accordance with
Article 225-7. Local material used for conditioning the foundation will be measured and paid in accordance with
Article 225-7 for
Unclassified Excavation or in accordance with
Article 230-5 for
Borrow Excavation depending on the source of the material. Local material used to replace pipe undercut excavation will be measured and paid in accordance with
Article 225-7 or
Article 230-5.
Using Other Than Local MaterialNo measurement and payment will be made for
Undercut Excavation. The material used to replace pipe undercut excavation will be classified as foundation conditioning material.
Foundation Conditioning Material, Minor Structures will be measured and paid as the actual number of tons of this material weighed in trucks on certified platform scales or other certified weighing devices. No direct payment will be paid for
Undercut Excavation. Payment at the contract unit price for
Foundation Conditioning Material, Minor Structures will be full compensation for all work of pipe undercut excavation.
Foundation Conditioning Geotextile
Foundation Conditioning Geotextile will be measured and paid in square yards. The measurement will be based on the theoretical calculation using length of pipe installed and two times the standard trench width. No separate measurement will be made for overlapping geotextile or the vertical geotextile dimensions required to encapsulate the foundation conditioning material.
Bedding and Backfill with Select MaterialNo measurement will be made for select bedding and backfill material required in the contract documents. The select bedding and backfill material will be included in the cost of the installed pipe. Where unclassified excavation or borrow material meets the requirements for select bedding and backfill and is approved for use by the Engineer, no deductions will be made to these pay items to account for use in the pipe installation. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item |
Pay Unit | Foundation Conditioning Material, Minor Structures | | Ton | Foundation Conditioning Geotextile | | Square Yard |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 305 DRAINAGE PIPE | SM-03-305 |
DESCRIPTIONWhere shown in the plans, the Contractor may use reinforced concrete pipe, aluminum alloy pipe, aluminized corrugated steel pipe, HDPE pipe or PVC pipe in accordance with the following requirements.
MATERIALSRefer to Division
Item |
Section | Aluminized Corrugated Steel Pipe | |
1032-3(A)(7) | Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Pipe | |
1032-2(A) | Corrugated HDPE Pipe | |
1032-7 | Elbows | |
1032 | PVC Pipe | |
1032-8 | Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Class II or III | |
1032-6(B) |
Corrugated steel pipe will not be permitted in counties listed in
Article 310-2. Only pipe with smooth inside walls will be allowed for storm drain systems. Define "storm drain systems" as pipe under curb and gutter, expressway gutter and shoulder berm gutter that connects drainage structures and is not open ended.
CONSTRUCTION METHODSInstall pipe culverts in accordance with Section
300. Where allowed by the plans, use any of the several alternate pipes shown herein, but only one type of pipe and elbow will be permitted between drainage structures or for the entire length of a cross line pipe.
__" Drainage Pipe will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of pipe that has been incorporated into the completed and accepted work. Measurement of pipe will be made by counting the number of joints used and multiplying by the length of the joint to obtain the number of linear feet of pipe installed and accepted. Measurements of partial joints will be made along the longest length of the partial joint to the nearest 0.1 ft. Select bedding and backfill material will be included in the cost of the installed pipe.
__" Drainage Pipe Elbow will be measured and paid in units of each. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item |
Pay Unit | __" Drainage Pipe | | Linear Foot | __" Drainage Pipe Elbows | | Each |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 310 PIPE CULVERTS | SM-03-310 |
310-1 DESCRIPTIONFurnish and install drainage pipe at locations and size called for in the contract documents. The work includes construction of joints and connections to other pipes, endwalls and drainage structures.
310-2 MATERIALSRefer to Division
Item |
Section | Concrete Pipe Tees and Elbows | |
1032-6(D) | Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Pipe Culvert | |
1032-2(A) | Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Pipe Tees and Elbows | |
1032-2(B) | Corrugated Steel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch | |
1032-3(A) | Corrugated Steel Eccentric Reducers | |
1032-3(D) | Corrugated Steel Pipe Tees and Elbows | |
1032-3(C) | HDPE Smooth Lined Corrugated Plastic Pipe | |
1032-7 | Precast Concrete Pipe End Sections | |
1032-6(C) | Prefabricated Corrugated Steel Pipe End Sections | |
1032-3(B) | PVC Pipe | |
1032-8 | Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert | |
1032-6(B) |
Use suppliers of metal pipe culverts, fittings and all other accessories covered by this section that meet the Department's Brand Certification program requirements for metal pipe culverts and are listed on the Materials and Tests Unit's pre-approved list for suppliers of metal pipe culvert. The pre-approved list is available on the Department's website. Do not use plain galvanized or aluminized corrugated steel pipe in the following counties: Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Jones, Martin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Tyrell and Washington.
310-3 PIPE INSTALLATIONInstall pipe, pipe tees and elbows according to
Section 300.
310-4 SIDE DRAIN PIPEDefine "side drain pipe" as storm drain pipe running parallel to the roadway to include pipe in medians, outside ditches, driveways and under shoulder berm gutter along outside shoulders greater than 4 ft wide. Where shown in the plans, side drain pipe may be Class II reinforced concrete pipe, aluminized corrugated steel pipe, corrugated aluminum alloy pipe, HDPE pipe or PVC pipe. Use of corrugated steel pipe is restricted in the counties listed in
Article 310-2. Install side drain pipe in accordance to
Section 300. Cover for side drain pipe shall be at least one foot.
310-5 PIPE END SECTIONSChoose which material to use for the required end sections. Both corrugated steel and concrete pipe end sections will work on concrete pipe, corrugated steel pipe and HDPE smooth lined corrugated plastic pipe.
Pipe will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of pipe that has been incorporated into the completed and accepted work. Measurement of pipe will be made by counting the number of joints used and multiplying by the length of the joint to obtain the number of linear feet of pipe installed and accepted. Measurements of partial joints will be made along the longest length of the partial joint to the nearest 0.1 ft. Select bedding and backfill material will be included in the cost of the installed pipe.
Pipe End Sections, Tees, Elbows and Eccentric Reducers will be measured and paid as the actual number of each of these items incorporated into the completed and accepted work. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item |
Pay Unit | __" R.C. Pipe Culverts, Class ____ | | Linear Foot | __" x __" x __" R.C. Pipe Tees, Class ____ | | Each | __" R.C. Pipe Elbows, Class ____ | | Each | __" C.A.A. Pipe Culvert, __" Thick | | Linear Foot | __" x __" x__" C.A.A. Pipe Tees, __" Thick | | Each | __" C.A.A. Pipe Elbows, __" Thick | | Each | __" C.S. Pipe Culverts, __" Thick | | Linear Foot | __" x __" C.S. Pipe Arch Culverts, __" Thick | | Linear Foot | __" x __" x__" C.S. Pipe Tees, __" Thick | | Each | __" C.S. Pipe Elbows, __" Thick | | Each | __" x __" C.S. Eccentric Reducers, __" Thick | | Each | __" HDPE Pipe Culverts | | Linear Foot | __" PVC Pipe Culverts | | Linear Foot | __" Side Drain Pipe | | Linear Foot | __" Side Drain Pipe Elbows | | Each | __" Pipe End Section | | Each |
| | | | | 2012 Standard Specifications | | SECTION 330 WELDED STEEL PIPE | SM-03-330 |
330-1 DESCRIPTIONThis work shall consist of furnishing and installing welded steel pipe by trenchless methods as shown in the contract and as directed.
330-2 MATERIALSRefer to Division
Item |
Section | Welded Steel Pipe | |
1032-5 |
Use suppliers of metal pipe culverts, fittings and all other accessories covered by this section that meet the Department's Brand Certification program requirements for metal pipe culverts and are listed on the Materials and Tests Unit's pre-approved list for suppliers of metal pipe culvert. The pre-approved list is available on the Department's website.
330-3 PIPE INSTALLATIONInstall the pipe by trenchless construction, true to line and grade and so settlement does not occur. Fill all voids around the pipe. Replace installations that become damaged or have to be abandoned. Conduct a pre-construction meeting in the presence of the Engineer at least 48 hours before the beginning of the pipe installation. The meeting shall consist of, but not be limited to:
(A) Reviewing all installation methods to install the pipe true to the line and grade given,
(B) Methods to insure there is no settlement of the pipe or of the completed roadway section, and
(C) Methods for filling any potential voids around the pipe.
__" Welded Steel Pipe, __" Thick, Grade B in Soil will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of pipe measured along the flow line to the nearest foot, which has been installed in soil.
__" Welded Steel Pipe, __" Thick, Grade B Not in Soil will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of pipe measured along the flow line to the nearest foot which has been installed in non-soil, as observed and confirmed by the Engineer. Non-soil is defined as all material other than soil. The Contractor shall request and obtain the Engineer's observation and confirmation of the limits of the installation not in soil before and during the installation of the pipe or portion of the pipe not in soil. Failure of the Contractor to request and obtain the Engineer's observation and confirmation of the limits of the pipe not in soil before and during the installation will result in the payment at the unit price for
__" Welded Steel Pipe, __" Thick, Grade B in Soil. Such payment will include, but is not limited to, furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials and incidentals, miscellaneous grading or excavation necessary to complete the work. Installations that become damaged or are abandoned will be replaced at no cost to the Department. Payment will be made under:
Pay Item |
Pay Unit | __" Welded Steel Pipe, __" Thick, Grade B in Soil | | Linear Foot | __" Welded Steel Pipe, __" Thick, Grade B Not in Soil | | Linear Foot | | | |
| | |