• Welcome to the RPO Resources Connect site! As part of the North Carolina Department of Transportation's commitment outlined in the GIS Unit’s RPO Action Plan (Summer 2017), this page provides in-depth information about GIS Data Discovery, GIS Data (catalog), metadata, and GIS Training. The GIS Unit’s efforts are designed to assist RPO’s with their transportation planning efforts. If you have questions or comments regarding the information on this page, please email GISHelpdesk@ncdot.gov and include “RPO Resources Page” in your subject line (i.e. RPO Resources Page-Broken training link).

  • SPOT On!ine for RPO Users is here

    SPOT On!ine is NCDOT’s official application for project prioritization. It is now available year-round for planning partners to utilize for preliminary project analysis and testing. If you need a SPOT account, please email spot@ncdot.gov and include “New SPOT Account” in your subject line. Please include your name, your planning organization’s name, and your current contact information in the body of the email.

    You can find the
    SPOT On!ine User’s Manual here.

ArcGIS 10.1 Essential Workflows 1 (Course Description)
Editing in ArcGIS 10.1 (Course Description)
Introduction to ArcGIS 10 (Course Exercise)
Introduction to ArcGIS 10.1 (Course Description)
Introduction to Spatial Data Viewer 1.0 (Course Description)
SDV v1.0 Training (Course Presentation)
What is GIS (Course Presentation)
What's New in ArcGIS 10 (Course Presentation)
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