• Plan Information


    What is it? A comprehensive bicycle or pedestrian network plan allows a municipality to set a vision for bicycle or pedestrian transportation in their community, plan for a bicycle or pedestrian network, and identify priority bicycle or pedestrian projects. Creation of a bicycle or pedestrian network plan is likely to be the first step to implementation of bicycle and pedestrian projects and supports a more bicycle-friendly walk-friendly environment.

    How is it helpful? Having a plan for a bicycle or pedestrian network and identified projects allows the municipality to better communicate and coordinate their active transportation needs with regional planning organizations and NCDOT during transportation planning and project development. A bicycle or pedestrian planning process also helps with review of existing land use policies to encourage consideration of potential changes to realign local development standards with desired walk-friendly and bicycle-friendly outcomes.

    Who is it for? This type of plan is a good option for municipalities that do not have an existing bicycle or pedestrian plan, or their previous plan is at least five years old, and they would like to update it.

  • When to Choose This Type of Plan

    A​ local government would pursue a bicycle or pedestrian network plan rather than a multimodal network plan when no fixed route or deviated fixed route transit service is present.  A full bicycle or pedestrian network plan allows a municipality to go through more detailed steps in data gathering and stakeholder public engagement as compared to a project acceleration study, so that a larger list of potential projects is considered more fully.  A municipality may also select this plan when their existing bicycle or pedestrian plan is more than five years old, and the municipality would like to refresh its priority project list, account for local growth or changes, and explore new programs and policies to promote bicycling and walking.
  • Project Deliverables

    ​​> List of short-term and long-term bicycle and pedestrian improvements and implementation plan
    • ​​​​​​​​​​Improvements could include point projects such as pedestrian crossing improvements and addressing intersection safety for bicyclists
    • Linear project recommendations could include sidewalk improvements, shared-use path improvements, and on-road bicycle improvements​​​​​​​​
    > Bicycle or pedestrian network map

    > Cutsheets for priority projects, with additional detail and planning level cost estimates for top 4-6 projects​

  • Eligibility Table


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