expand Q : How do I obtain a driveway permit? ‎(1)
expand Q : How long will it take to get my driveway permit reviewed and approved? ‎(1)
expand Q : Is there a charge for obtaining a driveway permit? ‎(1)
expand Q : What does the driveway permit cover? ‎(1)
expand Q : What is a driveway permit? ‎(1)
expand Q : Who needs to obtain a driveway permit? ‎(1)
expand Q : Why is a driveway permit required?  ‎(1)
expand Q : With which government agency (ies) should I contact/coordinate my access request? ‎(1)
expand Q : Although I fill out encroachment request information on the submittal page, do I still need to attach an encroachment agreement upon submittal? ‎(1)
expand Q : Can facility and utility owners access the Encroachment Submissions site? ‎(1)
expand Q : Can I sign (or obtain authorized electronic signatures) for my documents electronically prior to submitting them to NCDOT? ‎(1)
expand Q : Can multiple parties be copied on approval documentation? ‎(1)
expand Q : Can notifications to perform work under an established blanket encroachment agreement be submitted electronically? ‎(1)
expand Q : Can requests to establish new blanket encroachments be submitted electronically via the Permits Portal site? ‎(1)
expand Q : How do I access the Encroachment Submissions site? ‎(1)
expand Q : Is electronic submittal mandatory? ‎(1)
expand Q : Is the online encroachment system (aka NCDOT Permits Portal) limited to utility encroachments? What about driveway permit requests? ‎(1)
expand Q : The encroachment request I’m preparing to submit is the only one I will ever submit. Do I have to obtain a Business NCID and use the Encroachment Submissions site? ‎(1)
expand Q : What do I do if I have problems with my Business NCID? ‎(1)
expand Q : What document formats are accepted? ‎(1)
expand Q : What is the NCDOT’s Encroachment Submissions site’s purpose? ‎(1)
expand Q : Where can I get help documentation for the Encroachment Submissions site? ‎(1)
expand Q : Can multiple parties be copied on approval documentation? How will municipal notification be handled? ‎(1)
expand Q : Can notifications to perform work under an established blanket encroachment agreement be submitted electronically? ‎(1)
expand Q : Can requests to establish new blanket encroachments be submitted electronically via the Encroachment Submissions site? ‎(1)
expand Q : Does the Encroachment Submissions site handle inspection and bonding matters? ‎(1)
expand Q : Does the Encroachment Submissions site have document editing capabilities? ‎(1)
expand Q : How do I access the application? ‎(1)
expand Q : How do notifications work? Am I automatically notified of a submittal? Is the Central Utilities Office automatically notified when an encroachment requires their attention? ‎(1)
expand Q : Is electronic submittal mandatory? ‎(1)
expand Q : Is the online encroachment system limited to utility encroachments? What about driveway permit requests? ‎(1)
expand Q : Is there a need for me to print and/or scan any documents? ‎(1)
expand Q : Where can I get help documentation for the Encroachment Submissions site? ‎(1)
expand Q : Will District Office service/shared emails be utilized in this application? ‎(1)
expand Q : Will requests for new installations within NCDOT STIP projects be handled by this system? ‎(1)
expand Q : How do I get access to the Permits site? ‎(1)
expand Q : I am entering my username and password to log in but it doesn't  work? ‎(1)
expand Q : I am getting an error message and need help? ‎(1)
expand Q : I am having trouble logging in even after using NCID\? ‎(1)
expand Q : I am still having issues, can I set up a Teams call with IT Support? ‎(1)
expand Q : I am still having trouble logging in after several attempts? ‎(1)
expand Q : I completed my Business NCID registration, why can't I still log in? What do I do next? ‎(1)
expand Q : What username do I use to log in to the Permits site? ‎(1)
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