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Ad - Final (12-14-17).pdf
POCInvitation to BidMunicipal Contract for the Construction of a Roundabout at the Intersection of Beam Rd and Shopton Road in Mecklenburg CountyLetMecklenburg12/22/2017 10:09 AMWBS Element: 45506.3.3Terry W. Burleson12/15/2017 7:58 AMTerry W. Burleson
Addendum  1_12-21-17.pdf
POCAddendumMunicipal Contract for the Construction of a Roundabout at the Intersection of Beam Rd and Shopton Road in Mecklenburg CountyLetMecklenburg12/22/2017 10:09 AMWBS Element: 45506.3.3Terry W. Burleson12/22/2017 10:08 AMTerry W. Burleson
Addendum  2 (1-16-18).pdf
POCAddendumMunicipal Contract for the Construction of a Roundabout at the Intersection of Beam Rd and Shopton Road in Mecklenburg CountyLetMecklenburg1/17/2018 7:44 AMWBS Element: 45506.3.3Terry W. Burleson1/17/2018 7:42 AMTerry W. Burleson
Addendum  3 (1-19-18).pdf
POCAddendumMunicipal Contract for the Construction of a Roundabout at the Intersection of Beam Rd and Shopton Road in Mecklenburg CountyLetMecklenburg1/19/2018 3:12 PMWBS Element: 45506.3.3Terry W. Burleson1/19/2018 3:12 PMTerry W. Burleson
Award Concurrence C-5533.pdf
POCAward LetterMunicipal Contract for the Construction of a Roundabout at the Intersection of Beam Rd and Shopton Road in Mecklenburg CountyLetMecklenburg2/15/2018 1:09 PMWBS Element: 45506.3.3Terry W. Burleson2/15/2018 1:08 PMTerry W. Burleson