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11766422 Addendum 1.pdf
AddendumLabor for Swing Span Bridge Operation Over the Straits – Harkers IslandCarteretLet11/7/2018 9:53 AM11766422Mary V. Moore11/7/2018 9:49 AMMary V. Moore
11766422 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterCarteretLet11/16/2018 9:13 AM11766422SBEWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:41 AMWainwright, Claudia F
11766422 Invitation.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidLabor for Swing Span Bridge Operation Over the Straits – Harkers IslandCarteretLet10/23/2018 9:34 AM11766422SBEMary V. Moore10/10/2018 10:54 AMMary V. Moore
11766422 Revised Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsLabor for Swing Span Bridge Operation Over the Straits – Harkers IslandCarteretLet11/7/2018 9:53 AM11766422SBEMary V. Moore11/7/2018 9:52 AMMary V. Moore
117766422 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBid ResultsCarteretLet11/16/2018 9:13 AM11766422SBEWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:41 AMWainwright, Claudia F
11829344 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterPittLet11/16/2018 9:13 AM11829344POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:40 AMWainwright, Claudia F
11829344 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsPittLet11/16/2018 9:13 AM11829344POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:40 AMWainwright, Claudia F
11829344 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidRepair of Bridge Bent Cap Repair for Bents 3 & 7 at Pitt County Bridge 24PittLet10/22/2018 9:58 AM11829344POCMary V. Moore10/15/2018 8:26 AMMary V. Moore
11829344 Plans.pdf
POCPlansRepair of Bridge Bent Cap Repair for Bents 3 & 7 at Pitt County Bridge 24PittLet10/15/2018 8:29 AM11829344POCMary V. Moore10/15/2018 8:26 AMMary V. Moore
11829344 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsRepair of Bridge Bent Cap Repair for Bents 3 & 7 at Pitt County Bridge 24PittLet10/15/2018 8:29 AM11829344POCMary V. Moore10/15/2018 8:26 AMMary V. Moore
11832939 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterCravenLet11/16/2018 9:13 AM11832939SBEWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:41 AMWainwright, Claudia F
11832939 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBid ResultsCravenLet11/16/2018 9:13 AM11832939SBEWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:41 AMWainwright, Claudia F
11832939 Invitation.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidLabor for Drawbridge Operation Over the Trent RiverCravenLet10/25/2018 8:19 AM11832939SBEMary V. Moore10/25/2018 8:16 AMMary V. Moore
11832939 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsLabor for Drawbridge Operation Over the Trent RiverCravenLet10/25/2018 8:19 AM11832939SBEMary V. Moore10/25/2018 8:16 AMMary V. Moore
As Read Bids.pdf
POCLet11/14/2018 3:47 PMWainwright, Claudia F11/14/2018 3:46 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00456 Add 1.pdf
POCAddendumCulvert Replacement Due to Damage from The Effects of Hurricane Florence on NC 903 in Lenoir CountyLenoirLet11/5/2018 9:59 AMDB00456POCMary V. Moore11/5/2018 9:45 AMMary V. Moore
DB00456 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterLenoirLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00456POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:38 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00456 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsLenoirLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00456POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:38 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00456 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryLenoirLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00456POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:38 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00456 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidCulvert Replacement Due to Damage from The Effects of Hurricane Florence on NC 903 in Lenoir CountyLenoirLet10/23/2018 7:54 AMDB00456POCMary V. Moore10/23/2018 7:53 AMMary V. Moore
DB00456 PLAN.pdf
POCPlansCulvert Replacement Due to Damage from The Effects of Hurricane Florence on NC 903 in Lenoir CountyLenoirLet10/22/2018 1:36 PMDB00456POCMary V. Moore10/22/2018 1:32 PMMary V. Moore
DB00456 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsCulvert Replacement Due to Damage from The Effects of Hurricane Florence on NC 903 in Lenoir CountyLenoirLet10/22/2018 1:36 PMDB00456POCMary V. Moore10/22/2018 1:32 PMMary V. Moore
DB00458 Add 1.pdf
POCAddendumCulvert Replacement Due to Damage from The Effects of Hurricane Florence on SR 1125 (Lake Road) in Carteret CountyCarteretLet11/5/2018 9:56 AMDB00458POCMary V. Moore11/5/2018 9:45 AMMary V. Moore
DB00458 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterCarteretLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00458POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:39 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00458 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsCarteretLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00458POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:39 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00458 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryCarteretLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00458POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:39 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00458 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidCulvert Replacement Due to Damage from The Effects of Hurricane Florence on SR 1125 (Lake Road) in Carteret CountyCarteretLet10/23/2018 7:51 AMDB00458POCMary V. Moore10/23/2018 7:47 AMMary V. Moore
DB00458 PLANS.pdf
POCPlansCulvert Replacement Due to Damage from The Effects of Hurricane Florence on SR 1125 (Lake Road) in Carteret CountyCarteretLet10/23/2018 7:50 AMDB00458POCMary V. Moore10/23/2018 7:46 AMMary V. Moore
DB00458 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsCulvert Replacement Due to Damage from The Effects of Hurricane Florence on SR 1125 (Lake Road) in Carteret CountyCarteretLet10/23/2018 7:50 AMDB00458POCMary V. Moore10/23/2018 7:47 AMMary V. Moore
DB00459 Add 1.pdf
POCAddendumBridge #237 on US 17/NC 55 Approach Repair in Craven CountyCravenLet11/5/2018 9:56 AMDB00459POCMary V. Moore11/5/2018 9:45 AMMary V. Moore
DB00459 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterCravenLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00459POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:39 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00459 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsCravenLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00459POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:39 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00459 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryCravenLet11/16/2018 9:13 AMDB00459POCWainwright, Claudia F11/16/2018 8:39 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00459 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidBridge #237 on US 17/NC 55 Approach Repair in Craven CountyCravenLet10/22/2018 10:13 AMDB00459POCMary V. Moore10/22/2018 10:01 AMMary V. Moore
DB00459 Plans.pdf
POCPlansBridge #237 on US 17/NC 55 Approach Repair in Craven CountyCravenLet10/22/2018 10:13 AMDB00459POCMary V. Moore10/22/2018 10:01 AMMary V. Moore
DB00459 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsBridge #237 on US 17/NC 55 Approach Repair in Craven CountyCravenLet10/22/2018 10:13 AMDB00459POCMary V. Moore10/22/2018 10:01 AMMary V. Moore
POCDBE FileLet10/22/2018 11:08 AMMary V. Moore10/22/2018 11:07 AMMary V. Moore