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17BP3R76_Combined Plans.pdf
POCPlansDUPLIN BRIDGE 325LetDuplin4/24/2019 1:07 PMDUPLIN BRIDGE 325POCJonathan W. Mitchell4/24/2019 1:07 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
2019 Curb Ramp Detail PDF Completed 2.pdf
POCLetting Support Files2019 ADA CURB RAMPSLetBrunswick; Duplin; New Hanover; Onslow; Pender; Sampson4/25/2019 7:51 AM2019 ADA CURB RAMPSJonathan W. Mitchell4/25/2019 7:50 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCLetting ListDUPLIN BRIDGE 325LetDuplin4/24/2019 1:05 PMDUPLIN BRIDGE 325POCJonathan W. Mitchell4/24/2019 1:05 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Culvert Mailing List.pdf
POCLetting ListHOOVER RD. PIPES RE-LETLetPender4/25/2019 1:32 PMHOOVER RD. PIPES RE-LETPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/25/2019 1:31 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Curb Ramp Contractors.pdf
POCLetting List2019 ADA CURB RAMPSLetBrunswick; Duplin; New Hanover; Onslow; Pender; Sampson4/25/2019 7:50 AM2019 ADA CURB RAMPSJonathan W. Mitchell4/25/2019 7:50 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00223_Addendum 1.pdf
POCAddendumDUPLIN BRIDGE 325LetDuplin4/29/2019 1:12 PMDUPLIN BRIDGE 325POCJonathan W. Mitchell4/29/2019 1:12 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Bid SummaryLet5/16/2019 2:35 PMJonathan W. Mitchell5/16/2019 2:35 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00223_Duplin 325_Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsDUPLIN BRIDGE 325LetDuplin4/24/2019 1:26 PMDUPLIN BRIDGE 325POCJonathan W. Mitchell4/24/2019 1:26 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to BidDUPLIN BRIDGE 325LetDuplin4/24/2019 1:06 PMDUPLIN BRIDGE 325POCJonathan W. Mitchell4/24/2019 1:05 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00254 R-5783C and R-5783D_Proposal.pdf
POCProposals2019 ADA CURB RAMPSLetBrunswick; Duplin; New Hanover; Onslow; Pender; Sampson4/25/2019 7:49 AM2019 ADA CURB RAMPSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/25/2019 7:47 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
Bid SummaryLet5/16/2019 2:35 PMJonathan W. Mitchell5/16/2019 2:35 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to Bid2019 ADA CURB RAMPSLetBrunswick; Duplin; New Hanover; Onslow; Pender; Sampson4/25/2019 7:49 AM2019 ADA CURB RAMPSJonathan W. Mitchell4/25/2019 7:49 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
Bid SummaryLet5/16/2019 2:36 PMJonathan W. Mitchell5/16/2019 2:36 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to BidHOOVER RD. PIPES RE-LETLetPender4/25/2019 1:15 PMHOOVER RD. PIPES RE-LETPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/25/2019 1:15 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCProposalsHOOVER RD. PIPES RE-LETLetPender4/25/2019 1:23 PMHOOVER RD. PIPES RE-LETPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/25/2019 1:22 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Hoover rd_PLANS.pdf
POCPlansHOOVER RD. PIPES RE-LETLetPender4/25/2019 1:16 PMHOOVER RD. PIPES RE-LETPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/25/2019 1:16 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
L190516C_Bid Tabs.pdf
Let5/20/2019 7:28 AMJonathan W. Mitchell5/20/2019 7:28 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
L190516C_ITEM C.pdf
Item CLet6/7/2019 10:06 AMJonathan W. Mitchell6/7/2019 10:06 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
Bid RosterLet5/16/2019 2:35 PMJonathan W. Mitchell5/16/2019 2:34 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCLetting Support FilesDUPLIN BRIDGE 325LetDuplin4/24/2019 1:06 PMDUPLIN BRIDGE 325POCJonathan W. Mitchell4/24/2019 1:06 PMJonathan W. Mitchell