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Asphalt Contractors.pdf
POCLetting ListLetDuplin; Onslow; Pender5/27/2021 3:51 PMPOCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 3:50 PMMary P Kimmel
DC00306 Award Letter.doc.pdf
Award LetterLet8/9/2021 8:12 AMJonathan W. Mitchell8/9/2021 8:12 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00306_Duplin Resurfacing Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsDUPLIN RESURFACING_NC 50LetDuplin5/27/2021 3:08 PMDUPLIN RESURFACING_NC 50POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 3:07 PMMary P Kimmel
DC00306_Duplin Resurfacing_Plans.pdf
POCPlansDUPLIN RESURFACING_NC 50LetDuplin5/27/2021 1:48 PMDUPLIN RESURFACING_NC 50POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 1:47 PMMary P Kimmel
POCInvitation to BidDUPLIN RESURFACING_NC 50LetDuplin5/27/2021 1:49 PMDUPLIN RESURFACING_NC 50POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 1:48 PMMary P Kimmel
DC00307 Award Letter Onslow Pender Resurfacing.doc.pdf
Award LetterLet8/9/2021 8:12 AMJonathan W. Mitchell8/9/2021 8:12 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to BidONSLOW & PENDER RESURFACING_US 17LetOnslow; Pender5/27/2021 3:48 PMONSLOW & PENDER RESURFACING_US 17POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 3:47 PMMary P Kimmel
DC00307_Onslow & Pender Resurfacing Plans.pdf
POCProposalsONSLOW & PENDER RESURFACING_US 17LetOnslow; Pender5/27/2021 3:47 PMONSLOW & PENDER RESURFACING_US 17POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 3:46 PMMary P Kimmel
DC00307_Onslow & Pender Resurfacing Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsONSLOW & PENDER RESURFACING_US 17LetOnslow; Pender5/27/2021 3:45 PMONSLOW & PENDER RESURFACING_US 17POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 3:44 PMMary P Kimmel
DC00308 Award Letter.doc.pdf
Award LetterLet8/9/2021 8:13 AMJonathan W. Mitchell8/9/2021 8:12 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCAddendumONSLOW RESURFACING_US 17LetOnslow6/10/2021 9:41 AMONSLOW RESURFACING_US 17POCJonathan W. Mitchell6/10/2021 9:41 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to BidONSLOW RESURFACING_US 17LetOnslow5/27/2021 3:55 PMONSLOW RESURFACING_US 17POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 3:54 PMMary P Kimmel
DC00308_Onslow Resurfacing_Plans.pdf
POCPlansONSLOW RESURFACING_US 17LetOnslow5/27/2021 3:54 PMONSLOW RESURFACING_US 17POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 3:53 PMMary P Kimmel
DC00308_Onslow Resurfacing_Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsONSLOW RESURFACING_US 17LetOnslow5/27/2021 3:53 PMONSLOW RESURFACING_US 17POCMary P Kimmel5/27/2021 3:52 PMMary P Kimmel
L210617C_BID ROSTER.pdf
Bid RosterLet6/17/2021 2:45 PMJonathan W. Mitchell6/17/2021 2:45 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Bid SummaryLet6/17/2021 2:46 PMJonathan W. Mitchell6/17/2021 2:46 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Bid Tab SheetLet6/21/2021 12:47 PMJonathan W. Mitchell6/21/2021 12:47 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
L210617C_ITEM C.pdf
Item CLet7/2/2021 10:16 AMJonathan W. Mitchell7/2/2021 10:14 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
Plan Holder ListLet6/16/2021 9:57 AMJonathan W. Mitchell6/16/2021 9:57 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
Plan Holder ListLet6/16/2021 9:58 AMJonathan W. Mitchell6/16/2021 9:58 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
Plan Holder ListLet6/16/2021 9:58 AMJonathan W. Mitchell6/16/2021 9:58 AMJonathan W. Mitchell