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Roadway Standard Drawings (2024) $35.00 $37.37
Roadway Standard Drawings (2018) $35.00 $37.37
Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures (2024) $35.00 $37.37
Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures (2018) $35.00 $37.37
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​For any questions or comments about this information or the documents below, please contact us at (919) 707-6944.
  • Curb Cuts & Ramps for Handicapped Persons
  • Street & Driveway Access to NC Highways
  • Subdivision Roads - Requirements & Minimum Construction Standards
  • Guide for Resurfacing, Restoration, & Rehabilitation (R-R-R) of Highways and Streets
  • NCDOT Geotechnical Unit Guidelines & Procedures Manual
  • Regulations for The Control of Outdoor Advertising in NC
  • Roadway Lighting Handbook
  • Erosion and Sedimentation Control Guidelines
  • Traditional Neighborhood Development Street Design Guidelines
  • Bridge Policy
  • Manual for Construction Layout
  • NCDOT Policies & Procedures for Major Projects or Specialized Service Contracts
  • Guidelines for Drainage Studies
  • Municipal / Developer Submittals Guidelines
  • Policies and procedures for Accomodatin Utilities on Highway Right of Way
  • Pedestrian Policy Guidelines
  • Pavement Design Procedures
  • Guidelines for Planting within Highway Right of Way
  • Guidelines for Mountain Stream Relocations in NC
  • Guide for Erecting Mailboxes on Highways
  • Guidelines for Placement of Garbage Collection Containers on State Highway System
  • Guardrail Placements
  • Standard Special Provisions
  • Special Provisions
  • Disadvantage Business Enterprises and Minority and Women Business
  • Topography Section
  • C.A.D.D. Symbology for Maps & Plan Sheets
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