• • How do I acces the Project Bids software?

  • • How do I access project files from NC Dept of Transportation's website?

    1. Navigate to NC Dept of Transportation's website Connect NCDOT
    2. Click on Bidding & Letting
    3. Locate the bidding location for the Let
    4. Click on appropriate Let
    5. Locate the EBSX file
    6. Click on the file or right click on the file to get all of the options available to download. Download the file, Save Target or Save Link depending on what options are available in your browser. Please note: the location you choose to save the file will be the same location you will navigate to later within the Project Bids software for opening.
    7. Open the EBSX File with the Project Bids software. 
    Please remember to submit your bid electronically through Bid Express.

  • • How do I apply an addendum to my project file?

    Addendum files are available on the Bidding & Letting website Connect NCDOT under the appropriate letting location and letting date and through the Bid Express website.

    To apply the addendum fil​e;

    1. Open Project Bids
    2. Open the appropriate ebsx project file via menu selections of File & Open or by clicking on the folder icon
    3. To apply addendum, choose Options File on the menu bar and Load Amendment. This will bring up a window for selecting the addendum file – browse and select the appropriate file and select open (the filename will match the ebsx file name for the same project except the file extension will be a number such as .001x instead of .ebsx) See Example: 15Jan005.ebsx (regular ebsx file) 15Jan005.001x (addendum file)

      A window will be opened detailing the addendum changes with the option to print. After clicking the Close button, the changes will be applied to your existing file. At this point you can continue with normal operations.

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