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Bid Results as read_DJ00224.pdf
POCBid ResultsIntersection Improvements on NC 49 at Stough Rd (SR 1309) in Cabarrus CountyLetCabarrus2/15/2017 2:27 PMWBS Element: 50138.3.102POCTerry W. Burleson2/15/2017 2:25 PMTerry W. Burleson
Bid Results as read_DJ00225.pdf
POCBid ResultsAsphalt Surface Treatment of Various Secondary Roads in Union County.LetUnion2/15/2017 2:27 PMWBS Element: 2017CPT.10.15.20902.1POCTerry W. Burleson2/15/2017 2:25 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCProposalsIntersection Improvements on NC 49 at Stough Rd (SR 1309) in Cabarrus CountyLetCabarrus1/17/2017 3:20 PMWBS Element: 50138.3.102POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:19 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCProposalsAsphalt Surface Treatment of Various Secondary Roads in Union County.LetUnion1/17/2017 3:25 PMWBS Element: 2017CPT.10.15.20902.1POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:24 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCDBE FileDBE FileLet1/17/2017 3:23 PMDBE FileTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:23 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCEBS FileIntersection Improvements on NC 49 at Stough Rd (SR 1309) in Cabarrus CountyLetCabarrus1/17/2017 3:21 PMWBS Element: 50138.3.102POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:20 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCAward LetterIntersection Improvements on NC 49 at Stough Rd (SR 1309) in Cabarrus CountyLetCabarrus2/20/2017 11:56 AMWBS Element: 50138.3.102POCTerry W. Burleson2/20/2017 11:50 AMTerry W. Burleson
POCBid Tab SheetIntersection Improvements on NC 49 at Stough Rd (SR 1309) in Cabarrus CountyLetCabarrus2/20/2017 11:56 AMWBS Element: 50138.3.102POCTerry W. Burleson2/20/2017 11:50 AMTerry W. Burleson
POCEBS FileAsphalt Surface Treatment of Various Secondary Roads in Union County.LetUnion1/17/2017 3:26 PMWBS Element: 2017CPT.10.15.20902.1POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:25 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCAward LetterAsphalt Surface Treatment of Various Secondary Roads in Union County.LetUnion2/20/2017 11:54 AMWBS Element: 2017CPT.10.15.20902.1POCTerry W. Burleson2/20/2017 11:51 AMTerry W. Burleson
POCBid Tab SheetAsphalt Surface Treatment of Various Secondary Roads in Union County.LetUnion2/20/2017 11:54 AMWBS Element: 2017CPT.10.15.20902.1POCTerry W. Burleson2/20/2017 11:51 AMTerry W. Burleson
POCInvitation to BidIntersection Improvements on NC 49 at Stough Rd (SR 1309) in Cabarrus CountyLetCabarrus1/17/2017 3:40 PMWBS Element: 50138.3.102POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:40 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCInvitation to BidAsphalt Surface Treatment of Various Secondary Roads in Union County.LetUnion1/17/2017 3:26 PMWBS Element: 2017CPT.10.15.20902.1POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:26 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCPlansIntersection Improvements on NC 49 at Stough Rd (SR 1309) in Cabarrus CountyLetCabarrus1/17/2017 3:22 PMWBS Element: 50138.3.102POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:22 PMTerry W. Burleson
plan holders list - AST.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListAsphalt Surface Treatment of Various Secondary Roads in Union County.LetUnion1/17/2017 3:32 PMWBS Element: 2017CPT.10.15.20902.1POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:31 PMTerry W. Burleson
plan holders list -General Construction.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListIntersection Improvements on NC 49 at Stough Rd (SR 1309) in Cabarrus CountyLetCabarrus1/17/2017 3:24 PMWBS Element: 50138.3.102POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:24 PMTerry W. Burleson
POCPlansAsphalt Surface Treatment of Various Secondary Roads in Union County.LetUnion1/17/2017 3:27 PMWBS Element: 2017CPT.10.15.20902.1POCTerry W. Burleson1/17/2017 3:26 PMTerry W. Burleson