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Advertisement letter_50042.3.FD1_Leonard Ave.pdf
POCInvitation to BidMunicipal Contract for the Sidewalk Construction along Leonard Avenue from East Main Street to NC 24/27.LetStanly1/26/2016 2:06 PMWBS Element: 50042.3.FD1POCTerry W. Burleson1/26/2016 2:05 PMTerry W. Burleson
Concurrence of award_leonard ave.pdf
POCAward LetterMunicipal Contract for the Sidewalk Construction along Leonard Avenue from East Main Street to NC 24/27.LetStanly3/17/2016 10:03 AMWBS Element: 50042.3.FD1Terry W. Burleson3/17/2016 10:02 AMTerry W. Burleson