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As Read Bids.pdf
POCLet3/8/2017 2:49 PMPOCWainwright, Claudia F3/8/2017 2:48 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00302 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterRESURFACING AND SHOULDER RECONSTRUCTION ON 3 MAPS IN PAMLICO COUNTYPamlicoLet3/10/2017 2:47 PM2017CPT.02.09.20691.1POCWainwright, Claudia F3/10/2017 2:42 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00302 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsPamlicoLet3/10/2017 2:47 PM2017CPT.02.09.20691.1POCWainwright, Claudia F3/10/2017 2:42 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00302 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryPamlicoLet3/10/2017 2:47 PM2017CPT.02.09.20691.1POCWainwright, Claudia F3/10/2017 2:42 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00302 invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidRESURFACING AND SHOULDER RECONSTRUCTION ON 3 MAPS IN PAMLICO COUNTYPamlicoLet2/15/2017 2:24 PM2017CPT.02.09.20691.1POCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 2:18 PMRich G. Godley
DB00302 Plans.pdf
POCPlansPamlicoLet2/15/2017 2:24 PM2017CPT.02.09.20691.1POCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 2:18 PMRich G. Godley
DB00302 PROPOSAL.pdf
POCProposalsPamlicoLet2/15/2017 2:24 PM2017CPT.02.09.20691.1POCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 2:18 PMRich G. Godley
POCEBS FilePamlicoLet2/15/2017 2:24 PM2017CPT.02.09.20691.1POCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 2:18 PMRich G. Godley
DB00305 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterPAVEMENT REPAIR, RESURFACING AND SHUOLDER RECONSTRUCTION ON 3 MAPS IN JONES COUNTYJonesLet3/10/2017 2:53 PM2017CPT.02.06.20521.1POCWainwright, Claudia F3/10/2017 2:50 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00305 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsJonesLet3/10/2017 2:53 PM2017CPT.02.06.20521.1POCWainwright, Claudia F3/10/2017 2:50 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00305 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryJonesLet3/10/2017 2:53 PM2017CPT.02.06.20521.1POCWainwright, Claudia F3/10/2017 2:50 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00305 PLANS.pdf
POCPlansJonesLet2/15/2017 2:16 PM2017CPT.02.06.20521.1POCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 2:10 PMRich G. Godley
DB00305 PROPOSAL.pdf
POCProposalsJonesLet2/15/2017 2:16 PM2017CPT.02.06.20521.1POCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 2:11 PMRich G. Godley
POCEBS FileJonesLet2/15/2017 2:16 PM2017CPT.02.06.20521.1POCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 2:11 PMRich G. Godley
DB00310 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterRESURFACING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SHOULDER RECONSTRUCTION ON 6 MAPS IN GREENE AND PITT COUNTYGreene; PittLet3/20/2017 8:43 AM2017CPT.02.15.10401.1, ETCPOCWainwright, Claudia F3/20/2017 8:40 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00310 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsGreene; PittLet3/20/2017 8:51 AM2017CPT.02.15.10401.1, ETCPOCWainwright, Claudia F3/20/2017 8:47 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00310 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryGreene; PittLet3/20/2017 8:51 AM2017CPT.02.15.10401.1, ETCPOCWainwright, Claudia F3/20/2017 8:47 AMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00310 invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidRESURFACING, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SHOULDER RECONSTRUCTION ON 6 MAPS IN GREENE AND PITT COUNTYGreene; PittLet2/15/2017 2:08 PM2017CPT.02.15.10401.1, ETCPOCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 1:58 PMRich G. Godley
DB00310 PLANS.pdf
POCPlansGreene; PittLet2/15/2017 2:08 PM2017CPT.02.15.10401.1, ETCPOCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 1:59 PMRich G. Godley
DB00310 PROPOSAL.pdf
POCProposalsGreene; PittLet2/15/2017 2:08 PM2017CPT.02.15.10401.1, ETCPOCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 1:59 PMRich G. Godley
POCEBS FileGreene; PittLet2/15/2017 2:08 PM2017CPT.02.15.10401.1, ETCPOCRich G. Godley2/15/2017 1:59 PMRich G. Godley
POCDBE FileDBE FILELet2/15/2017 2:09 PMDBE FILERich G. Godley2/15/2017 1:59 PMRich G. Godley