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11393485 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterOn Call Tiered Paving in Greene CountyGreeneLet7/10/2014 8:50 AM11393485 Greene CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 8:41 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393485 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsGreeneLet7/10/2014 8:50 AM11393485 Greene CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 8:13 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393485 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryOn Call Tiered Paving in Greene CountyGreeneLet7/10/2014 7:09 AM11393485 Greene CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 7:05 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393485 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidOn Call Tiered Paving in Greene CountyGreeneLet6/18/2014 9:00 AM11393485 Greene CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine6/18/2014 8:53 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393485 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsGreeneLet6/18/2014 9:00 AM11393485 Greene CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine6/18/2014 8:53 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393486 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterOn Call Tiered Paving in Lenoir CountyLenoirLet7/10/2014 8:58 AM11393486 Lenoir CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 8:41 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393486 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsLenoirLet7/10/2014 8:58 AM11393486 Lenoir CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 8:14 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393486 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryOn Call Tiered Paving in Lenoir CountyLenoirLet7/10/2014 7:09 AM11393486 Lenoir CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 7:05 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393486 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidOn Call Tiered Paving in Lenoir CountyLenoirLet6/18/2014 9:00 AM11393486 Lenoir CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine6/18/2014 8:53 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393486 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsLenoirLet6/18/2014 9:00 AM11393486 Lenoir CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine6/18/2014 8:53 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393487 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterOn Call Tiered Paving in Jones CountyJonesLet7/10/2014 8:59 AM11393487 Jones CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 8:41 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393487 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsJonesLet7/10/2014 9:00 AM11393487 Jones CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 8:13 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393487 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryOn Call Tiered Paving in Jones CountyJonesLet7/10/2014 7:09 AM11393487 Jones CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 7:05 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393487 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidOn Call Tiered Paving in Jones CountyJonesLet6/18/2014 9:00 AM11393487 Jones CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine6/18/2014 8:53 AMSarah F. Lentine
11393487 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsJonesLet6/18/2014 9:00 AM11393487 Jones CountyPOCSarah F. Lentine6/18/2014 8:53 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00182 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterReplacement of Bridge #142 over Cross SwampPittLet7/10/2014 7:12 AMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 7:05 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00182 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsPittLet7/10/2014 7:12 AMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 7:05 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00182 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryPittLet7/10/2014 7:12 AMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine7/10/2014 7:05 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00182 Geotech.pdf
POCPlansReplacement of Bridge #142 over Cross SwampPittLet6/10/2014 3:54 PMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine6/10/2014 3:38 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00182 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidReplacement of Bridge #142 over Cross SwampPittLet6/10/2014 3:53 PMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine6/10/2014 3:45 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00182 Permits.pdf
POCPermitPittLet6/10/2014 3:53 PMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine6/10/2014 3:39 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00182 Plans.pdf
POCPlansPittLet6/10/2014 3:53 PMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine6/10/2014 3:39 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00182 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsPittLet6/10/2014 3:53 PMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine6/10/2014 3:40 PMSarah F. Lentine
POCEBS FilePittLet6/10/2014 3:53 PMDB00182 (BD-5102S / 17BP.2.R.64)POCSarah F. Lentine6/10/2014 3:39 PMSarah F. Lentine
POCDBE FileDBE FileLet6/10/2014 3:54 PMDBESarah F. Lentine6/10/2014 3:39 PMSarah F. Lentine