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11599060 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterInstallation, Maintenance, and Repair of Signs upon Request in Division 2Beaufort; Carteret; Craven; Greene; Jones; Lenoir; Pamlico; PittLet6/6/2016 3:35 PM11599060 (Division 2)POCSarah F. Lentine6/6/2016 3:32 PMSarah F. Lentine
11599060 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidInstallation, Maintenance, and Repair of Signs upon Request in Division 2Beaufort; Carteret; Craven; Greene; Jones; Lenoir; Pamlico; PittLet5/3/2016 10:18 AM11599060 (Division 2)POCSarah F. Lentine5/3/2016 10:15 AMSarah F. Lentine
11599060 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsBeaufort; Carteret; Craven; Greene; Jones; Lenoir; Pamlico; PittLet5/3/2016 10:18 AM11599060 (Division 2)POCSarah F. Lentine5/3/2016 10:15 AMSarah F. Lentine
11600356 Addendum 1.pdf
SBEAddendumPamlico Dead Animal and Trash Removal  ***Mandatory pre-bid meeting, see proposal/addendum for details***PamlicoLet5/3/2016 8:46 AM11600356 (Pamlico County)SBESarah F. Lentine5/3/2016 8:44 AMSarah F. Lentine
11600356 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterPamlicoLet5/26/2016 2:10 PM11600356 (Pamlico County)SBESarah F. Lentine5/26/2016 10:52 AMSarah F. Lentine
11600356 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBid ResultsPamlico Dead Animal and Trash Removal  ***Mandatory pre-bid meeting, see proposal for details***PamlicoLet5/25/2016 3:18 PM11600356 (Pamlico County)SBESarah F. Lentine5/25/2016 3:08 PMSarah F. Lentine
11600356 Invitation.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidPamlico Dead Animal and Trash Removal  ***Mandatory pre-bid meeting, see proposal for details***PamlicoLet4/26/2016 2:48 PM11600356 (Pamlico County)SBESarah F. Lentine4/26/2016 2:39 PMSarah F. Lentine
11600356 Pre-Bid Meeting Notes.pdf
SBENoticePamlicoLet5/17/2016 8:03 AM11600356 (Pamlico County)SBESarah F. Lentine5/17/2016 8:02 AMSarah F. Lentine
11600356 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsPamlicoLet4/26/2016 2:48 PM11600356 (Pamlico County)Sarah F. Lentine4/26/2016 2:39 PMSarah F. Lentine
11600358 Addendum 1.pdf
SBEAddendumCraven Dead Animal and Trash Removal  ***Mandatory pre-bid meeting, see proposal/addendum for details***CravenLet5/3/2016 8:46 AM11600358 (Craven County)SBESarah F. Lentine5/3/2016 8:44 AMSarah F. Lentine
11600358 Award Letter.pdf
SBEAward LetterCravenLet5/26/2016 2:09 PM11600358 (Craven County)SBESarah F. Lentine5/26/2016 10:52 AMSarah F. Lentine
11600358 Bid Results.pdf
SBEBid ResultsCravenLet5/25/2016 3:18 PM11600358 (Craven County)SBESarah F. Lentine5/25/2016 3:08 PMSarah F. Lentine
11600358 Invitation.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidCraven Dead Animal and Trash Removal  ***Mandatory pre-bid meeting, see proposal for details***CravenLet4/26/2016 2:51 PM11600358 (Craven County)SBESarah F. Lentine4/26/2016 2:38 PMSarah F. Lentine
11600358 Pre-Bid Meeting Notes.pdf
SBENoticeCravenLet5/17/2016 8:04 AM11600358 (Craven County)SBESarah F. Lentine5/17/2016 8:02 AMSarah F. Lentine
11600358 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsCravenLet4/26/2016 2:51 PM11600358 (Craven County)SBESarah F. Lentine4/26/2016 2:38 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00287 Addendum 1.pdf
POCAddendumGUARDRAIL END UNIT UPGRADES ON NC 11 IN LENOIR COUNTY AND PITT COUNTY, AND US 17 IN JONES COUNTYJones; Lenoir; PittLet5/12/2016 9:38 AMDB00287 (W-5601ES, W-5601ET, W-5601EU)POCSarah F. Lentine5/12/2016 9:36 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00287 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterJones; Lenoir; PittLet5/26/2016 2:11 PMDB00287 (W-5601ES, W-5601ET, W-5601EU)POCSarah F. Lentine5/26/2016 9:37 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00287 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsJones; Lenoir; PittLet5/25/2016 3:18 PMDB00287 (W-5601ES, W-5601ET, W-5601EU)POCSarah F. Lentine5/25/2016 3:14 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00287 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryJones; Lenoir; PittLet5/25/2016 3:18 PMDB00287 (W-5601ES, W-5601ET, W-5601EU)POCSarah F. Lentine5/25/2016 3:14 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00287 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidGUARDRAIL END UNIT UPGRADES ON NC 11 IN LENOIR COUNTY AND PITT COUNTY, AND US 17 IN JONES COUNTYJones; Lenoir; PittLet5/10/2016 9:41 AMDB00287 (W-5601ES, W-5601ET, W-5601EU)POCSarah F. Lentine5/10/2016 9:28 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00287 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsJones; Lenoir; PittLet5/10/2016 9:41 AMDB00287 (W-5601ES, W-5601ET, W-5601EU)POCSarah F. Lentine5/10/2016 9:28 AMSarah F. Lentine
POCEBS AddendumJones; Lenoir; PittLet5/12/2016 9:38 AMDB00287 (W-5601ES, W-5601ET, W-5601EU)POCSarah F. Lentine5/12/2016 9:36 AMSarah F. Lentine
POCEBS FileJones; Lenoir; PittLet5/10/2016 9:41 AMDB00287 (W-5601ES, W-5601ET, W-5601EU)POCSarah F. Lentine5/10/2016 9:37 AMSarah F. Lentine
POCDBE FileDBE FILELet5/10/2016 9:41 AMDBE FILESarah F. Lentine5/10/2016 9:37 AMSarah F. Lentine