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11530563 Invitation.pdf
SBEInvitation to BidWinterville Drainage Pipe Replacement (This is a quick response contract, see proposal for details)PittLet8/26/2015 9:26 AM11530563 (Pitt County)SBESarah F. Lentine8/26/2015 9:21 AMSarah F. Lentine
11530563 Plans.pdf
SBEPlansPittLet8/26/2015 9:26 AM11530563 (Pitt County)DBESarah F. Lentine8/26/2015 9:21 AMSarah F. Lentine
11530563 Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsPittLet8/26/2015 9:26 AM11530563 (Pitt County)SBESarah F. Lentine8/26/2015 9:21 AMSarah F. Lentine
11530563 Rejection - Carolina Earth Movers.pdf
SBERejection LetterPittLet9/10/2015 8:51 AM11530563 (Pitt County)SBESarah F. Lentine9/10/2015 8:50 AMSarah F. Lentine
11530563 Rejection - Laser Site Work.pdf
SBERejection LetterPittLet9/10/2015 8:51 AM11530563 (Pitt County)SBESarah F. Lentine9/10/2015 8:50 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00246 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterResurfacing and Shoulder Reconstruction on US 13 / US 264 Alt in Pitt CountyPittLet9/9/2015 2:23 PMDB00246 (2016CPT.02.05.10741.3)POCSarah F. Lentine9/9/2015 2:21 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00246 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsPittLet9/9/2015 2:23 PMDB00246 (2016CPT.02.05.10741.3)POCSarah F. Lentine9/9/2015 2:21 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00246 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryPittLet9/9/2015 2:23 PMDB00246 (2016CPT.02.05.10741.3)POCSarah F. Lentine9/9/2015 2:21 PMSarah F. Lentine
DB00246 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidResurfacing and Shoulder Reconstruction on US 13 / US 264 Alt in Pitt CountyPittLet8/26/2015 9:40 AMDB00246 (2016CPT.02.05.10741.3)POCSarah F. Lentine8/26/2015 9:30 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00246 Plans.pdf
POCPlansPittLet8/26/2015 9:40 AMDB00246 (2016CPT.02.05.10741.3)POCSarah F. Lentine8/26/2015 9:30 AMSarah F. Lentine
DB00246 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsPittLet8/26/2015 9:52 AMDB00246 (2016CPT.02.05.10741.3)POCSarah F. Lentine8/26/2015 9:50 AMSarah F. Lentine
POCEBS FilePittLet8/26/2015 9:57 AMDB00246 (2016CPT.02.05.10741.3)POCSarah F. Lentine8/26/2015 9:53 AMSarah F. Lentine
POCDBE FileDBE FILELet8/26/2015 9:52 AMDBE FILESarah F. Lentine8/26/2015 9:50 AMSarah F. Lentine