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As Read Bids.pdf
POCLet9/13/2017 2:36 PMWainwright, Claudia F9/13/2017 2:35 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00337 Award Letter.pdf
POCAward LetterMilling, Fine Milling, Pavement Interlayer, Strengthening, Resurfacing, and Shoulder Reconstruction on NC 102 in Pitt CountyPittLet9/14/2017 3:28 PM2017CPT.02.21.10741.5POCWainwright, Claudia F9/14/2017 3:23 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00337 Bid Results.pdf
POCBid ResultsPittLet9/14/2017 3:28 PM2017CPT.02.21.10741.5POCWainwright, Claudia F9/14/2017 3:23 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00337 Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryPittLet9/14/2017 3:28 PM2017CPT.02.21.10741.5POCWainwright, Claudia F9/14/2017 3:23 PMWainwright, Claudia F
DB00337 Invitation.pdf
POCInvitation to BidMilling, Fine Milling, Pavement Interlayer, Strengthening, Resurfacing, and Shoulder Reconstruction on NC 102 in Pitt CountyPittLet8/16/2017 8:14 AM2017CPT.02.21.10741.5POCMary V. Moore8/16/2017 8:03 AMMary V. Moore
DB00337 Plans.pdf
POCPlansMilling, Fine Milling, Pavement Interlayer, Strengthening, Resurfacing, and Shoulder Reconstruction on NC 102 in Pitt CountyPittLet8/16/2017 8:14 AM2017CPT.02.21.10741.5POCMary V. Moore8/16/2017 7:47 AMMary V. Moore
DB00337 Proposal.pdf
POCProposalsMilling, Fine Milling, Pavement Interlayer, Strengthening, Resurfacing, and Shoulder Reconstruction on NC 102 in Pitt CountyPittLet8/16/2017 8:14 AM2017CPT.02.21.10741.5POCMary V. Moore8/16/2017 8:13 AMMary V. Moore
POCEBS FileMilling, Fine Milling, Pavement Interlayer, Strengthening, Resurfacing, and Shoulder Reconstruction on NC 102 in Pitt CountyPittLet8/16/2017 8:14 AM2017CPT.02.21.10741.5POCMary V. Moore8/16/2017 7:48 AMMary V. Moore
POCDBE FileDBE FileLet8/16/2017 8:17 AMDBE FileMary V. Moore8/16/2017 8:16 AMMary V. Moore