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D3POC0073_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSLetDuplin; Sampson4/5/2018 2:50 PMDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/5/2018 2:49 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to BidDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSLetDuplin; Sampson3/7/2018 3:11 PMDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:11 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCProposalsDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSLetDuplin; Sampson3/7/2018 3:12 PMDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:12 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0074_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSLetOnslow; Pender4/5/2018 2:50 PMONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/5/2018 2:50 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to BidONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSLetOnslow; Pender3/7/2018 3:15 PMONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:15 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCProposalsONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSLetOnslow; Pender3/7/2018 3:16 PMONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:16 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0075_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSLetBrunswick; New Hanover4/5/2018 2:51 PMBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/5/2018 2:51 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to BidBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSLetBrunswick; New Hanover3/7/2018 3:35 PMBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:33 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCProposalsBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSLetBrunswick; New Hanover3/7/2018 3:35 PMBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:35 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00217  ITB.pdf
POCInvitation to BidDuplin Asphalt LetDuplin3/6/2018 1:31 PMDuplin Asphalt POCJonathan W. Mitchell3/6/2018 1:31 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00217_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryDuplin AsphaltLetDuplin4/5/2018 2:48 PMDuplin AsphaltPOCJonathan W. Mitchell4/5/2018 2:48 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00217_Bid Tabulations Report.pdf
Bid Tab SheetLet4/5/2018 4:02 PMJonathan W. Mitchell4/5/2018 4:02 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00217_Item C.pdf
Let5/2/2018 11:08 AMJonathan W. Mitchell5/2/2018 11:08 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
Joint     Contractors.pdf
POCLetting ListONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSLetOnslow; Pender3/7/2018 4:03 PMONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 4:02 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Joint   Contractors.pdf
POCLetting ListBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSLetBrunswick; New Hanover3/7/2018 3:55 PMBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:54 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Joint Contractors.pdf
POCLetting ListDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSLetDuplin; Sampson3/7/2018 3:56 PMDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:55 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
L180405C_Letting Roster.pdf
Bid RosterLet4/5/2018 2:47 PMJonathan W. Mitchell4/5/2018 2:47 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Mailing List (002).pdf
POCLetting ListDuplin Asphalt LetDuplin3/6/2018 1:32 PMDuplin Asphalt POCJonathan W. Mitchell3/6/2018 1:31 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
MCDC NC 24_20180306.pdf
POCLetting Support FilesDuplin Asphalt LetDuplin3/6/2018 1:33 PMDuplin Asphalt POCJonathan W. Mitchell3/6/2018 1:32 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
NC 241 MCDC completed 03022018.pdf
POCLetting Support FilesDuplin Asphalt LetDuplin3/6/2018 4:11 PMDuplin Asphalt POCJonathan W. Mitchell3/6/2018 4:11 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
NC 241 permits and memo.pdf
POCLetting Support FilesDuplin Asphalt LetDuplin3/6/2018 4:16 PMDuplin Asphalt POCJonathan W. Mitchell3/6/2018 4:15 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
NC-241 Contract.pdf
POCProposalsDuplin Asphalt LetDuplin3/6/2018 1:35 PMDuplin Asphalt POCJonathan W. Mitchell3/6/2018 1:34 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
NewHanoverBruns List.pdf
POCLetting ListBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSLetBrunswick; New Hanover3/7/2018 3:37 PMBRUNSWICK NEW HANOVER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:37 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
PenderOnslow List.pdf
POCLetting ListONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSLetOnslow; Pender3/7/2018 3:30 PMONSLOW PENDER BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:29 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Pull Out Final.pdf
POCPlansDuplin Asphalt LetDuplin3/6/2018 1:36 PMDuplin Asphalt POCJonathan W. Mitchell3/6/2018 1:35 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
SampsonDuplin List.pdf
POCLetting ListDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSLetDuplin; Sampson3/7/2018 3:14 PMDUPLIN SAMPSON BRIDGE JOINTSPOCJonathan W. Mitchell3/7/2018 3:13 PMJonathan W. Mitchell