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D3POC0132 Brunswick LAM Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsBRUNSWICK LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetBrunswick4/20/2022 10:07 AMBRUNSWICK LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 10:06 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0132 Brunswick Mowing Location Map.pdf
SBELetting Support FilesBRUNSWICK LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetBrunswick4/20/2022 9:27 AMBRUNSWICK LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:26 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0132 SECOND Award  PLCL.doc.pdf
Award LetterLet6/28/2022 8:43 AMJonathan W. Mitchell6/28/2022 8:43 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
SBEInvitation to BidBRUNSWICK LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetBrunswick4/20/2022 9:30 AMBRUNSWICK LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:29 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0133 Award.doc.pdf
Award LetterLet5/17/2022 3:45 PMJonathan W. Mitchell5/17/2022 3:45 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0133 Onslow Mowing Location Map.pdf
SBELetting Support FilesONSLOW LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetOnslow4/20/2022 9:39 AMONSLOW LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:38 AMMary P Kimmel
SBEInvitation to BidONSLOW LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetOnslow4/20/2022 9:40 AMONSLOW LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:39 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0133_Onslow LAM Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsONSLOW LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetOnslow4/20/2022 9:37 AMONSLOW LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:36 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0134 Pender Mowing Location Map.pdf
SBELetting Support FilesPENDER LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetPender4/20/2022 9:43 AMPENDER LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:42 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0134 SECOND Award  PLCL.doc.pdf
Award LetterLet6/28/2022 8:44 AMJonathan W. Mitchell6/28/2022 8:44 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
Rejection LetterLet5/13/2022 8:15 AMJonathan W. Mitchell5/13/2022 8:15 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
SBEInvitation to BidPENDER LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetPender4/20/2022 9:44 AMPENDER LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:44 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0134_Pender LAM Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsPENDER LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetPender4/20/2022 9:41 AMPENDER LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:41 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0135 Award.doc.pdf
Award LetterLet5/17/2022 3:46 PMJonathan W. Mitchell5/17/2022 3:46 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0135 Duplin LAM Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsDUPLIN LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetDuplin4/20/2022 9:47 AMDUPLIN LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:46 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0135 Duplin Mowing Location Map.pdf
SBELetting Support FilesDUPLIN LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetDuplin4/20/2022 9:49 AMDUPLIN LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:48 AMMary P Kimmel
SBEInvitation to BidDUPLIN LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetDuplin4/20/2022 9:50 AMDUPLIN LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:49 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0136 Award.doc.pdf
Award LetterLet5/17/2022 3:46 PMJonathan W. Mitchell5/17/2022 3:46 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0136 Sampson LAM Proposal.pdf
SBEProposalsSAMPSON LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetSampson4/20/2022 9:52 AMSAMPSON LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:51 AMMary P Kimmel
D3POC0136 Sampson Mowing Location Map.pdf
SBELetting Support FilesSAMPSON LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetSampson4/20/2022 9:53 AMSAMPSON LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:52 AMMary P Kimmel
SBEInvitation to BidSAMPSON LONG-ARM MOWING SBELetSampson4/20/2022 9:54 AMSAMPSON LONG-ARM MOWING SBESBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:53 AMMary P Kimmel
L220512C_Bid Summary.pdf
SBEBid SummaryLetBrunswick; Duplin; New Hanover; Onslow; Pender; Sampson5/12/2022 3:34 PMSBEMary P Kimmel5/12/2022 3:33 PMMary P Kimmel
L220512C_Bid TABS.pdf
Bid Tab SheetLet5/17/2022 3:44 PMJonathan W. Mitchell5/17/2022 3:44 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
LAM Bid Roster.pdf
SBEBid RosterLetBrunswick; Duplin; New Hanover; Onslow; Pender; Sampson5/12/2022 3:04 PMSBEMary P Kimmel5/12/2022 3:02 PMMary P Kimmel
SBE_Mowing Mailing List.pdf
SBELetting ListLetBrunswick; Duplin; New Hanover; Onslow; Pender; Sampson4/20/2022 9:35 AMSBEMary P Kimmel4/20/2022 9:34 AMMary P Kimmel