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B_Cut Shove Mailing List.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListBrunswick Cut and ShoveLetBrunswick10/12/2017 2:23 PMBrunswick Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:23 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
Cut Shove Mailing List.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListNew Hanover Cut and ShoveLetNew Hanover10/12/2017 2:32 PMNew Hanover Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:32 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D_Cut Shove Mailing List.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListDuplin Cut and ShoveLetDuplin10/12/2017 2:26 PMDuplin Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:25 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0063_Bid Roster.pdf
POCBid RosterBrunswick Cut and ShoveLetBrunswick11/2/2017 3:56 PMBrunswick Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 3:56 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0063_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryBrunswick Cut and ShoveLetBrunswick11/2/2017 3:56 PMBrunswick Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 3:55 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0063_Brunswick Cut  Shove Contract.pdf
POCProposalsBrunswick Cut and ShoveLetBrunswick10/12/2017 11:06 AMBrunswick Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:06 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0063_ITB Cut  Shove.pdf
POCInvitation to BidBrunswick Cut and ShoveLetBrunswick10/12/2017 11:07 AMBrunswick Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:07 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0064_Bid Roster.pdf
POCBid RosterNew Hanover Cut and ShoveLetNew Hanover11/2/2017 3:58 PMNew Hanover Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 3:58 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0064_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryNew Hanover Cut and ShoveLetNew Hanover11/2/2017 3:57 PMNew Hanover Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 3:57 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0064_ITB Cut  Shove.pdf
POCInvitation to BidNew Hanover Cut and ShoveLetNew Hanover10/12/2017 11:10 AMNew Hanover Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:10 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0064_New Hanover Cut  Shove Contract.pdf
POCProposalsNew Hanover Cut and ShoveLetNew Hanover10/12/2017 11:09 AMNew Hanover Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:09 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0065_Bid Roster.pdf
POCBid RosterOnslow Cut and ShoveLetOnslow11/2/2017 4:00 PMOnslow Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 3:59 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0065_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryOnslow Cut and ShoveLetOnslow11/2/2017 3:59 PMOnslow Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 3:58 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0065_ITB Cut  Shove.pdf
POCInvitation to BidOnslow Cut and ShoveLetOnslow10/12/2017 11:11 AMOnslow Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:11 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0065_Onslow Cut Shove Contract.pdf
POCProposalsOnslow Cut and ShoveLetOnslow10/12/2017 11:31 AMOnslow Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:30 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0066_Bid Roster.pdf
POCBid RosterPender Cut and ShoveLetPender11/2/2017 4:01 PMPender Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 4:01 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0066_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryPender Cut and ShoveLetPender11/2/2017 4:01 PMPender Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 4:00 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0066_ITB Cut  Shove.pdf
POCInvitation to BidPender Cut and ShoveLetPender10/12/2017 11:13 AMPender Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:13 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0066_Pender Cut  Shove Contract.pdf
POCProposalsPender Cut and ShoveLetPender10/12/2017 11:13 AMPender Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:12 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0067_Bid Roster.pdf
POCBid RosterDuplin Cut and ShoveLetDuplin11/2/2017 4:02 PMDuplin Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 4:02 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0067_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryDuplin Cut and ShoveLetDuplin11/2/2017 4:02 PMDuplin Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 4:01 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0067_Duplin Cut  Shove Contract.pdf
POCProposalsDuplin Cut and ShoveLetDuplin10/12/2017 11:14 AMDuplin Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:14 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0067_ITB Cut  Shove.pdf
POCInvitation to BidDuplin Cut and ShoveLetDuplin10/12/2017 11:15 AMDuplin Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:15 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0068_Bid Roster.pdf
POCBid RosterSampson Cut and ShoveLetSampson11/2/2017 4:04 PMSampson Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 4:03 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0068_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummarySampson Cut and ShoveLetSampson11/2/2017 4:03 PMSampson Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 4:03 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0068_ITB Cut  Shove.pdf
POCExtended and Re-advertisedSampson Cut and ShoveLetSampson10/12/2017 11:17 AMSampson Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:16 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
D3POC0068_Sampson Cut  Shove Contract.pdf
POCProposalsSampson Cut and ShoveLetSampson10/12/2017 11:16 AMSampson Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 11:15 AMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCEBS FileI-40 Heat Straightening LetPender10/12/2017 2:39 PMI-40 Heat Straightening POCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:38 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00202_Bid Roster.pdf
POCBid RosterI-40 Heat StraighteningLetPender11/2/2017 3:23 PMI-40 Heat StraighteningPOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 3:23 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00202_Bid Summary.pdf
POCBid SummaryI-40 Heat StraighteningLetPender11/2/2017 3:23 PMI-40 Heat StraighteningPOCJonathan W. Mitchell11/2/2017 3:22 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
DC00202_I-40 Heat Straightening - PROPOSAL.pdf
POCProposalsI-40 Heat Straightening LetPender10/12/2017 2:37 PMI-40 Heat Straightening POCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:36 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
POCInvitation to BidI-40 Heat Straightening LetPender10/12/2017 2:37 PMI-40 Heat Straightening POCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:37 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
HeatStraight_PLAN HOLDER List.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListI-40 Heat Straightening LetPender10/12/2017 2:38 PMI-40 Heat Straightening POCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:37 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
O_Cut Shove Mailing List.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListOnslow Cut and ShoveLetOnslow10/12/2017 2:24 PMOnslow Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:23 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
P_Cut Shove Mailing List.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListPender Cut and ShoveLetPender10/12/2017 2:25 PMPender Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:24 PMJonathan W. Mitchell
S_Cut Shove Mailing List.pdf
POCPlan Holder ListSampson Cut and ShoveLetSampson10/12/2017 2:27 PMSampson Cut and ShovePOCJonathan W. Mitchell10/12/2017 2:26 PMJonathan W. Mitchell