• Doing Business with NCTA

    The North Carolina Turnpike Authority is responsible for managing its own procurement of goods and commodities – including information and technology services – and the acquisition of all equipment, materials, supplies, printing, and services, through outright purchase, rental, lease, lease purchase, or installment purchase.  

    It is NCTA's policy to administer its procurement program in a manner that ensures and encourages free and open competition and is based on sound procurement procedures and management.  

    NCTA Procurement Roadmap

    NCTA Projects Breakdown ​

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  • Current Procurements

    Digital Transformation & Modernization ​​​
    The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) has released a Request for Proposals to provide Digital Transformation & Modernization. NCTA is interested in soliciting Proposals from qualified Proposers to provide an event-driven microservices-based “integration layer”, referred to as the Tolling Integration Service and Data System of Record (TISDSR), to manage data exchange between NCTA’s back-office applications, channels, Business-to-Business partners, and a new data system of record, all deployed in a cloud environment.​​​
    More Information: Digital RFP

    ​​​​ E-ZPass Next Generation ETC Equipment and Services ​​​

    On behalf of the E-ZPass Group, the North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) has released a Request for Proposals for E-ZPass Next Generation ETC Equipment and Services. In accordance with the Next Generation ETC Equipment and Services Request for Proposals (RFP) Solicitation No. 2021-IAGNG-0001, NCTA and the E-ZPass Group ann​ounce the open Annual Enrollment as described in RFP Part I, Section 2.22. For more information about Annual Enrollment period, interested parties should contact NCTA at svc_iag_ezpass@ncdot.gov.
    More information: E-ZPass Next Generation ETC Equipment and Services​

  • Past Procurements

    ​​​Bond Counsel ​​​
    The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from eligible law firms interested in providing Bond Counsel Services.

    Investment Banking Services 

    The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from investment banking firms interested in providing underwriting services to the NCTA. 

    Transponder Management & Fulfillment 

    ​The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) issued a Request for Proposals to provide Transponder Management and Fulfillment. NCTA was interested in soliciting Proposals from qualified Proposers t​​o provide a Transponder Management and Fulfillment service, inclusive of transponder packaging and shipment, retailer management, and transponder order management. 

    Statewide Roadside Toll Collection System 
    The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) issued a Request for Proposals 
    to provide a Roadside Toll Collection System (RTCS), inclusive of Express Lanes 
    Types and All Electronic Tolling Lane Types, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) 
    and a Roadside System (RSS)with dynamic pricing capabilities for the Statewide Roadside 
    Toll Collection Systems projects (“Projects”). 

    NCTA issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) from qualified proposers to provide an innovative efficient customer service operations and facility management for the NC Quick Pass and NC Ferry Customer Service Operations. 

  • Bidding & Letting

    NCTA advertises all requests for private engineering or consulting services in the North Carolina Purchase Directory and posts the advertisements on Connect NCDOT.

    Firms responding to an NCTA request for qualifications (RFQ) or requests for proposals (RRP) must be pre-qualified to perform the work and be listed on the NCDOT Register of Qualified Firms.
    NCTA does not maintain an independent register of qualified private engineering or consulting firms, but relies on the register compiled and maintained by NCDOT.
  • Contact Information

    For General Inquiries: 
    ​Call (919) 707-2700

    Mailing Address:
    North Carolina Turnpike Authority
    1578 Mail Service Center
    Raleigh, NC 27699-1578

    Physical Delivery Address:
    North Carolina Turnpike Authority
    Transportation Building
    1 South Wilmington Street
    Raleigh, NC 27601

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