Materials and Tests Unit Training Schools

For Materials and Tests 2025 Schools (includes Field, Lab, Coatings, Welding, QCQA - all training provided by the Materials and Tests Unit), click the button below.
Summary of Certification Courses 2024.pdfSummary of Certification Courses 2024
Grades - BP RECERT  - Clemmons - 1-31-25.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - BP - Clemmons - 1-28-25.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades-Borrow Pit Tech-January 21, 2025- Raleigh.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit -Hickory - 1-21-25.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit -RECERT -  Raleigh 1-24-2025.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades-Raleigh(WSP) Borrow Pit-October 29, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit - Burlington - October 15, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grade- Borrow Pit Sampling Tech-Castle Hayne-October 8 ,2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades-RECERT Borrow Pit- Castle Hayne-October 11, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit Sampling - Wilson - September 10, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit Recert - Clemmons - August 23, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit - Clemmons - August 20, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit Recert - Kinston - August 9, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit - Kinston - August 6, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit - Asheville - August 6, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades -Borrow Pit Recert - Concord - 7-17-2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit - Concord - 7-16-2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades-Borrow Pit Tech-RECERT Raleigh July 12, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades-Borrow Pit Tech-July 9, 2024-Raleigh.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades-Borrow Pit Tech-RECERT Fayetteville- March 8, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades-Borrow Pit Tech- Fayetteville -March 5, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit Sampling Recert -  Asheville - 06-07-2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit - Asheville -  06-04-2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit ReCerts - Fayetteville - 5-17-24.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit - Fayetteville - 5 -14- 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit Recerts - Clemmons - 5-17-24.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit - Clemmons - 5-14-24.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades - Borrow Pit Recert - Greenville - May 3, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades -  Borrow Pit - Greenville - April 30, 2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
Grades-Recert Borrow Pit Sampling Tech-Wallace-April 26,  2024.pdf
Borrow Pit Sampling School
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