collapse Title : 00 - INTRODUCTION ‎(3)
collapse Title : 001 - Communication ‎(1)
collapse Title : 002 - Required Documents, Plans, Policies and Reporting  ‎(2)
collapse Title : 003 - Postings ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0100 - Funding Applications ‎(4)
collapse Title : 0200 - Project Administration ‎(5)
collapse Title : 0300 - Finance ‎(3)
collapse Title : 0400 - Vehicles ‎(9)
collapse Title : 0500 - Transit Services ‎(3)
collapse Title : 0600 - Safety and Security ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0700 - Training ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0800 - Coordination, Regionalization, and Connectivity ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0900 - Reserved for Future Revisions ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1000 - Technology ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1100 - Planning ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1200 - Civil Rights ‎(5)
collapse Title : 1300 - Compliance ‎(7)
collapse Title : 1400 - Oversight ‎(3)
collapse Title : 1500 - Other ‎(1)
collapse Title : 2000 - Director Guidance ‎(1)
collapse Title : 2100 - Management Practices ‎(2)
collapse Title : 3000 - Doing Business ‎(4)
1 - 60Next
  • 0100 - Funding Applications

  • 104 - IMD Review of Applications

  • The Integrated Mobility Division (IMD) will use technical expertise to complete a review of any applications it receives and prepare a Program public of Projects that makes effective use of the appropriated program funds, which also meets the approval of the NCDOT Board of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

    Required Documentation: Each application has a unique checklist of certifications and documentation to be submitted with the application. Applicants will be allowed to submit any omitted documents or correct an error on a document during the application review process. A failure to submit proper, complete documentation could result in forfeiture of grant award or delayed reimbursement.
    Categories of Approval: All projects must be certified as having met all the Federal and state statutory and administrative requirements to be considered a Category A project. A Category A project will be unconditional upon grant award.
    Project Selection: An IMD staff member will: (1) evaluate the project’s eligibility for funding, (2) determine if the applicant has the capacity to perform the project, and (3) decide whether the project budget accurately predicts expenses within allowable limits. Their recommendation will determine if an application receives further funding consideration.
    Notification of Selection: Applicants can open EBS to see the status of their application in the funding process. Recommended projects will be included in the Program of Projects submitted to the NCDOT Board of Transportation for approval. Minutes of these meetings will be published on the NCDOT website.
    FTA and BOT Approval: After IMD completes their review of all the applications, a Program of Projects is prepared and submitted to the NCDOT Board of Transportation for approval of the state funding amount and to the FTA for the Federal amount. A grant agreement will not be executed until there is approval for both the state and Federal funding of a project and a state budget has been approved.

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