• The NCDOT Integrated Mobility Division (IMD) & NCPTA's Innovation & Technology Webinar Series

    Topic Submission 

    Have an idea for a future webinar topic?  Please submit by clicking on the link!​

    Series Playlist


    Multimodal Data/Mobility Technology

    April 2022 (Tentatively) 

    Topics to include Trends in Transit Technology, the rise of microtransit and Mobility as a Service (MAAS).  More to come.

    • Recording​
    • Slideshow
    • Links


    Complete Streets

    March 15, 2022 

    The webinar will provide an overview of NCDOT's current Complete Streets policy (first adopted in 2009) and the new guidelines.

    The session will:

    • Discuss the purpose of the Complete Streets policy
    • Educate decision-makers on how to navigate the policy update
    • Review the best practices of the policy
    • Examine lessons learned since the policy's implementation in 2009.
    • Provide examples at the local level on how to implement the Complete Streets policies.

    The Complete Streets policy directs the Department to incorporate several modes of transportation when building new projects or making improvements to existing infrastructure. The benefits of this approach include:

    • Making it easier for travelers to get where they need to go
    • Encouraging the use of alternative forms of transportation
    • Building more sustainable communities
    • Increasing connectivity between neighborhoods, street, and transit systems
    • Improving safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists

    Speakers will include Joseph Furstenberg (NCDOT) and Hanna Cockburn (City of Greensboro).


    New Census Data and What it Means to Transit Planning

    November 2, 2021 1pm-2pm

    Bob Coats was the featured speaker for the event. Coats is an analyst in the Demographic and Economic Analysis section of the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM). Additionally, he serves as the Governor's Census Liaison and the coordinator of the North Carolina State Data Center network.  He was elected to two terms on the national State Data Center Steering Committee serving from 2010 – 2016, serving as Committee Chair from 2012-2016, and he was reelected in 2019.  Coats also lead the North Carolina Geographic Information Coordinating Council 2020 Census Working Group.  He has worked with data in state government for more than 30 years. Bob is a North Carolina native and a graduate of North Carolina State University.

    Key takeaways will included:

    • What is available from the 2020 Census
    • Demographic changes according to the 2020 Census
    • Changes in the Census process and products
    • Accessing Census data
    • Challenging Census counts
    • Words of caution if using data
    • Upcoming Census operations and products
    2020 Census Redistricting release from August 12, 2021-delimited text files, visualizations, Data Mapper, press kit resources 

    2020 Census Redistricting release on September 16, 2021 

    NC Office of State Budget and Management LINC SystemSummary datasets for state, county, place, township, census tract, and block group

    2020 Census Redistricting 

    NC OneMap 

    Local Government Webinars


    Transit  Technology Showcase

    August 31, 2021 1pm-2pm

    This webinar was a tech showcase that included presentations by TripMaster, Modeshift, and The Routing Company.

    The webinar showcased technology on topics such as client management, Trip Reservations and Scheduling, Fare Payment and Accounting, Mobile Apps and Customer self-serve.


    Autonomous Vehicles/ Connected Autonomous Shuttle Supporting Innovation

    June 22, 2021 1pm-2pm

    This webinar was comprised of three presenters providing national, regional, and local perspectives on autonomous vehicles and technologies to enhance public transportation. 

    ​Elizabeth (Eli) Machek of Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (USDOT) will provide a national perspective on research pertaining to autonomous vehicles as public transportation and provide insight on current and upcoming deployments of such applications. 

    Angie DeVore and Joe Gregory of Valley Metro, a regional transportation agency providing coordinated transit services to the metro Phoenix area, will present on their recent Mobility On Demand Sandbox Autonomous Vehicle Demonstration Pilot that they've partnered with Waymo. 

    Stephanie Sudano with NCDOT's Integrated Mobility Division will present on the CASSI project and it's deployment of an autonomous shuttle at the Wright Brothers National Memorial. 


    Strategic Transit Automation Research (STAR) Plan

    FTA-Funded and Managed Transit Bus Automation Demonstrations & Pilots

    Transit Bus Automation Policy FAQs 

    Transit Bus Automation Market Assessment (2021 update later this year) 

    Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update 

    Assessing Transit Providers’ Internal Business Case for Transit Bus Automation 

    Insurance and Liability for Automated Transit Buses: State of the Practice Review 

    Survey Research for Automated Shuttle Pilots: Issues and Challenges 

    Volpe Center (USDOT)

    Valley Metro Transit System



    Equity in Transportation​: ensuring equal access to opportunities and services for all North Carolinians

    April 27, 2021 2pm-3pm

    This session included presenters Aldea Coleman, Dr. Eleni Bardaka and Calvin Gladney. 

    Calvin Gladney, LEED AP, is President and CEO of Smart Growth America and is a nationally recognized thought leader on the equitable and sustainable revitalization of communities. Prior to being named President and CEO of Smart Growth America in April of 2018, Mr. Gladney was Managing Partner of Mosaic Urban Partners, a real estate development and advisory services firm that advised non-profits, cities, and elected officials on how to sustainably and equitably regenerate their communities. In 2017, Mr. Gladney was also the Urban Land Institute’s Senior Visiting Fellow for Equity.

    Aldea Coleman, Policy Director to the Chief Operating Officer of NCDOT, will present on SEA-Change: An Equity Framework for NCDOT.  The Strategic Equity Agenda (SEA-Change) is a blueprint for action by offices and divisions within NCDOT including Multi-Modal Divisions, the Office of Civil Rights, the Office of HBCU Outreach and Transportation Planning. This document provides a set of forward-looking strategies for increasing equity, building upon previous planning initiatives and successes from each office and division. The presentation will highlight how this living document provides a framework for coordinating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) activities across departments to increase equity within the Transportation field.

    Dr. Eleni Bardaka is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at North Carolina State University.  Dr. Bardaka will discuss changes in transit access in the Triangle Region over time.  


    Smart Growth America Resources:

    Smart Growth America

    The Congestion CON

    Dangerous by Design

    Undoing the Damage of Urban Freeways

    Smart Growth America's Equity Summit

    ​NCDOT Equity in Transportation Resources:

    NCDOT Office of Civil Rights Disparity Study

    Transportation Research Assessment of NC HBCUs & MSIs

    NCDOT Minorities in Transportation Technology Initiative Demographic & Industry Baseline Report

    Defining North Carolina's Transportation Disadvantaged

    Economic Impacts of Transit Investments, Social Challenges, and Strategies for Sustaining High Ridership

    Assessing Measures of Transportation Disadvantage for Public Transportation Project Prioritization

    Enhancing the Strategic Prioritization Process with Socioeconomic Geospatial Analysis

    Economic Performance Measurements

    Poverty Suburbanization and Changes in Access to Transit over Time​


    Iconic Multimodal Stations at Any Scale and How They Can Spur Economic Development Around Them
    February ​23​, 2021  10am-11am

    This session included presentations on creating an Iconic Multimodal Station.  We were joined by NCDOT Chief Deputy Secretary David Howard who discussed the Gateway Station in Charlotte including the P3 aspects, partners, funding, affordable housing, and how it will spur private development around it.  

    We were also joined by Monica Wauck Smith who will discuss the successes the City of Milwaukee has recently experienced with their recent TOD Pilot.  The City of Milwaukee received $750,000 as part of FTA’s Transit Oriented Development Pilot Program to support the revitalization of underserved neighborhoods adjacent to downtown and to facilitate multimodal connectivity and accessibility in conjunction with two proposed streetcar extensions. The Milwaukee Streetcar, named the Hop, began operations in November of 2018 with an initial route through Downtown Milwaukee. 

    The city anticipates strong development interest with the extensions and will develop strategies to minimize displacement of current residents. Final outcomes will include revised zoning code text, development plans and policies for key sites, streetscape and pedestrian/bicycle access plans, affordable housing development strategies, and TOD financing strategies. The resulting plan, Moving Milwaukee Forward, offers a new neighborhood framework for attracting investment, enhancing connectivity and reinforcing neighborhood identity through the future expansion of the Milwaukee Streetcar system, extending investment from Downtown into these neighborhood. 

    Leveraging New Rail Access and Transit Oriented Development to Spur Economic Growth
    January 26, 2021  10am-11am

    This session included presentations on "Expanding Rail in North Carolina—the S-Line Opportunity" with Marston Raue who is working with NCDOT’s Rail Division and agency leadership to advance long-range passenger and freight rail initiatives for the Southeast Corridor, Terry Shook of Shook Kelley, Inc. who will present on "Using Rail to Create Place and Economic Value" and finally, Nick Ruiz, Rail Planning Project Manager for Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation who will present on "TOD Visioning around the Richmond Staples Mill Station".  

    Non-Motorized Policies and Programs
    December 15, 2020

    On 12/15/2020, we were joined by Scott Goldstein, Deputy Director for Transportation with Smart Growth America and Policy Director for Transportation for America ( a program of Smart Growth America).  Scott discussed the anticipated multimodal priorities of the Biden Administration and the national perspective on complete streets policy trends.  

    We were also joined by Lauren Blackburn and Kara Peach from the consulting firm VHB who provided study outcomes and recommendations from an FHWA project to support integrating multimodal projects into transportation plans while looking at how North Carolina compares to the states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia.

    Additionally, Srinivas Pulugurtha and Suzanne Leland who are members of a research team from UNC-Charlotte, discussed results from a recent study to evaluate bicycle and pedestrian policies and practices among municipal, county and regional governments across North Carolina, as well as an evaluation of how NCDOT compares to a dozen other state DOTs.
    The Bicycle and Pedestrian Explosion in Covid  
    November 12, 2020

    In the spring of 2020 with the initial impacts of COVID being felt across North Carolina (NC), increases in bicycling, e-bicycling, walking and running was commonly observed in communities throughout NC.  By reaching out to industry and research professionals and using available data collection resources, we are able to acquire a deeper understanding of the current landscape of this form of mobility in the state.

    In this session, you will hear from representatives of Strava Metro on bicycling in NC and a demonstration on their accessible online data acquired through its mobile app, NC State’s Institute for Transportation Research and Education on bicycling and pedestrian travel in NC comparing spring/summer 2019 to 2020 at multiple locations across the state, and eBike Central on the evolving e-bike industry and the role e-bikes can play in promoting active transportation​.
    The City of Wilson Microtransit Project with Via
    October 21, 2020 ​

    On September 1, 2020, the City of Wilson and Via launched RIDE – a new microtransit service replacing the City’s fixed-route bus and on-demand transit system. On August 27, 2020, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) awarded an Accelerating Innovative Mobility (AIM) grant to the City of Wilson which will allow for expansion of the mictrotransit service area and operating hours. In this session, you will hear from representatives of the City of Wilson and their partner Via about how this project was developed and how it has performed in its first month and a half.
    Transit Electrification Webinar
    August 20, 2020

 Lunch & Learn Series

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