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2017 PTD Connecting for Success Training Conference10/10/2017 12:19 PMGeneral 
Using the Training Toolkit Website - Webinar May 4, 20155/4/2015 3:28 PMHelp 
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expand Category : 1-FTA ‎(3)
expand Category : ADA ‎(15)
expand Category : Bloodborne Pathogens ‎(9)
expand Category : Customer Service ‎(7)
expand Category : Defensive Driving ‎(11)
expand Category : Drug and Alcohol ‎(9)
expand Category : Emergency Procedures ‎(13)
expand Category : Other ‎(11)
expand Category : Ridecheck & Operator Evaluation ‎(4)
expand Category : Title VI ‎(1)

Training Course Key:
Cost: $0 = No cost $0**** = additional cost for trainer $ = under $100 $$ = above $100  
Format: W = Web Based W** = available on request C = Classroom D = DVD S = Self Teach
Training Level: CC = Core Course CC* = Core Course If 5 hour classroom training also taken RT = Refresher Training
*** Indicates Courses with Travel Required (!) NCDOT is not responsible for the accuracy of third party website links.  

 Training ToolBox

Use the Tabs below to view Training Dates and Documentation
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< February 2025 >
 Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat 
Accident Report.doc
4/20/2015 11:31 AM
4/20/2015 11:42 AM
Draft Final NCDOT Training Course Catalog.pdf
1/30/2015 1:18 PM
Driver Evaluation new.doc
7/21/2016 10:07 AM
Driver Evaluation.doc
4/20/2015 11:33 AM
Employee Training Log II.xls
4/20/2015 11:34 AM
5/1/2015 4:26 PM
FTA 49CFR 37.173 ADA Training Requirement.docx
7/26/2016 10:49 AM
4/29/2015 11:07 AM
NCACC Brief -  Safe Passing Procedures.pdf
4/27/2015 5:20 PM
NCACC Brief - Cell phone use.pdf
4/27/2015 5:15 PM
NCACC Brief - Driving Safety 101.pdf
4/27/2015 5:17 PM
NCACC Brief - How to Handle an Irate Caller.pdf
4/27/2015 5:17 PM
NCACC Brief - Transportation 1 Clients in Wheelchairs.pdf
4/27/2015 5:21 PM
NCACC Brief - Transportation 2 Transporting Clients.pdf
4/27/2015 5:22 PM
NCACC Brief - Transportation 3 Driver Fitnes Pgm.pdf
4/27/2015 5:22 PM
NCDOT ADA Training Standards.docx
5/4/2015 9:31 AM
NCDOT Bloodborne Pathogen Training Standards.docx
5/4/2015 9:30 AM
NCDOT Defensive Driving Training Standards.docx
5/4/2015 9:30 AM
NCDOT Drug and Alcohol Training Standards.docx
5/4/2015 9:33 AM
NCDOT Emergency Procedures Training Standard.docx
5/4/2015 9:32 AM
NCDOT Safety and Security Officer Training 61316.pdf
7/6/2016 9:48 AM
NCDOT Toolkit Webinar 5615.pdf
5/4/2015 3:25 PM
NCDOT Vehicle Maintenance Master Record.xls
4/20/2015 11:36 AM
4/20/2015 11:37 AM
4/20/2015 11:37 AM
4/20/2015 11:28 AM
3/18/2016 11:13 AM
Witness Cards.doc
7/21/2016 10:12 AM
Transit Security Training Tools
A link to FTA's Transit Security Training Tools including training videos and documents.
Modified: 9/28/2017 2:29 PM
Improving Safety-Related Rules Compliance in the Public Transportation Industry (TCRP Report 149) - Webinar
The critical importance of safety to the public transportation industry makes compliance with safety-related rules a key concern. Despite the industry’s solid safety record, one major accident stemming from rule noncompliance can call into question the safety of the entire industry. While APTA’s adoption of a voluntary standard for rule compliance in 2004 is an important step, more remains to be done.

This webinar provided an overview of TCRP Report 149: Improving Safety-Related Rules Compliance in the Public Transportation Industry. The report was developed as a resource for improving safety-related rule compliance in the public transportation industry. Transit agencies should view the practices as ideas for consideration when looking for ways to improve an existing rules compliance program or when designing a program for a new operation.

Presenters for this webinar were:

Judith Gertler, Consultant, formerly Senior Engineering Manager, QinetiQ North America
Amanda DiFiore Principal Human Factors Engineer, QinetiQ North America

Target Audience

This report will be of interest to public transit professionals who play a role in a transit agency’s rules compliance program, including the safety director, rules program officials, training director, or supervisors involved in daily oversight of transit operations and maintenance.

90 minutes



Modified: 4/29/2015 9:35 AM
FTA's Emergency Preparedness Guide
Modified: 4/29/2015 9:36 AM
FTA Bus Safety Web site
Originally the Bus Safety web site, this site allows users to register and gain access to safety information, resources and peer documents to develop and maintain safety plans.
Modified: 7/6/2016 10:06 AM
FTA Safety Management Systems (SMS) Framework
Follow the link to FTA's guidance on developing, implementing and maintaining Safety Management Systems (SMS) required by MAP-21 and FAST Act.
Modified: 7/6/2016 10:09 AM
FTA Bus Safety Program & SMS for small agencies Webinar
This webinar provides participants with an understanding of Safety Management Systems (SMS) and the impact of this change in culture on all transit employees and riders.
Modified: 3/18/2016 11:30 AM
Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual (3rd Edition), Webinar 1: Overview
Overview: This webinar (the first in a series of six) provided an overview of the contents of the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual (TCQSM) and how the material can be applied to a variety of transit and transportation planning, operations, and design applications. The webinar covered:

The manual’s purpose, audience, and potential applications
Key concepts used throughout the manual, including transit capacity, speed, reliability, and quality of service concepts
Contents of each chapter, with a particular focus on Chapters 2 and 3 (mode, service, and operations concepts), which will not be covered by other webinars in the series.
This webinar helped participants identify which portions of the manual and its companion material (e.g., computational spreadsheets) are most relevant to their work. Other webinars in the series covered individual capacity and quality of service chapters in depth.

The presenter for this webinar was:

Paul Ryus, Principal Engineer, Kittelson & Associates

Audience: This webinar is targeted at a wide variety of practitioners involved in transit and transportation planning, including transit planners, transportation planners, traffic engineers, transit operations personnel, design engineers, management personnel, and university students.

59 min



Modified: 4/29/2015 9:35 AM
Accident Report
Modified: 4/29/2015 9:36 AM
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