Subrecipients will find ways of valuing and appreciating all the employees that are instrumental to a project’s implementation and success. Transit employees will be prepared to provide the safest, most efficient transit services possible with customer service that goes beyond expectations.
Staff Training: Management and operational staff should be given opportunities to participate in training and cross training that supports the grantee’s technical capacity to administer the project, in addition to the Integrated Mobility Division (IMD) required driver training.
Department of Labor: Transit providers applying for Federal funding must administer their transit program under the terms and conditions set forth for 49 USC Section 5333(b) Special warranty. Subrecipients must:
- Annually affirm that they are adhering to the terms and conditions in Section 5333(b),
- Annually provide a list of the other transit providers and the union representation of these providers operating in their service area,
- Post the 5333(b) Warranty at the work site.
Work Site Postings: The following documents are required to be posted in a public location that employees routinely access:
- Equal Employment Opportunity statement;
- 5333(b) Warranty;
- Title VI statement;
- Minimum wage information;
- Labor Complaint information; and,
- Drug Free Workplace Statement.
Required Policies or Documents:- Personnel Policies (include training policy);
- Labor Complaint Process;
- Job Descriptions;
- Subrecipient policies regarding verification of: background checks, driving records; and,
- Federal exclusions
that enable the transit provider
to comply with the Medicaid
requirements or that include terms that are stricter than those required
by FTA or IMD