Subrecipients will initiate and show reasonable progress throughout the period of performance and close their grants in a timely manner per their agreement.
Final Invoicing: The grantee must submit the following within thirty (30) days after the contract end date:
- A claim/invoice and documentation for remaining eligible project expenses; and,
- Copies of reports or documents produced because of the contract; and,
- Other reports required as a condition of the contract.
IMD Initiated Close-out: IMD has the right to unilaterally initiate contract close‐out following an initial written notice if any of the following occur:
- Sixty (60) days have passed since the contract expiration date and/or the grantee has submitted a reimbursement request within this sixty (60) day period that has been designated as the Final Invoice for the contract in EBS (Link);
- The grantee has misused funds or failed to make appropriate use of project property; and/or,
- The grant is inactive.
Record Retention and Access Requirements: Closeout of an award by IMD does not alter the record retention requirements or the access to the site and records requirements.
Audits: Annual audits of the subrecipients will be submitted to IMD for review. Governmental entities must also submit their annual audits to the Local Government Commission. Non-Governmental Agencies need to follow the process posted on the IMD internal website.
Audit Costs: The cost of single‐audits made in accordance with the 2 CFR 200 are allowable. The charges may be considered a direct cost or an allocated indirect cost. If the system is a consolidated urban/rural system, the audit cost should be prorated between programs.
Audit Findings: Each grantee is responsible for prompt follow‐up and corrective action on all audit findings. As part of this responsibility, the grantee should prepare a summary schedule of prior audit findings and a corrective action plan for current year audit findings.
Noncompliance: If a grantee fails to submit the required financial reports or fails to initiate timely corrective actions to resolve audit findings, IMD may take one or more of the following actions, as appropriate in the circumstances:
- Temporarily withhold payments pending correction of the deficiency;
- Disallow all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance;
- Whole or partial suspension or termination of the current award;
- Withhold further awards for the program; and/or,
- Take other actions that may be legally available.